The Five Gods of Egypt

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Ophelia and Gudako had both passed out on their crocodiles as they were carried downriver. the Hassan's kept a watchful eye on them as they made their way down the mountain.

Zhuge: "... I assume you can still hear us? Since these are your crocodiles."

The rough voice of one of the gods of Egypt echoed from one of the crocodiles.

???: "Indeed. Is there something you wish to ask?"

Zhuge: "There is. From what Anubis has told us and from what we gathered from information obtained by Tanaka Shinbei, Sekhmet is a Berserker and Anubis is a Caster. I have made a few hypotheses based on the information we have about the other three, I'd like your input."

???: "Hoh? Very well, let's hear it."

Zhuge: "I'll be blunt. You are the Saber Divine Spirit, Sobek. Correct?"

The god was silent before a boisterous laughter boomed around the area.

Sobek: "Indeed! I am impressed you managed to figure that out!"

Zhuge: "Thank you, however I have assumed Ruler and Ancient God's identities as well."

Sobek: "Oh really? Do tell."

Zhuge: "Ruler is Hathor. The goddess of love. Another of the eyes of Ra."

Sobek chuckled to himself.

Sobek: "And Ancient God?"

Zhuge: "Sekhmet knows that Y/n is a magician. Therefore it only makes sense that Ancient God is none other than the goddess of magic herself, Isis."

Sobek roared in laughter again.

Sobek: "Isis I understand just fine. Hathor though? What drew you to that conclusion?"

Zhuge: "Sekhmet mentioned her sister would get angry if any harm came to the villagers. That drew me to Hathor since Bastet wouldn't care unless it was a cat being harmed. Hathor however is a goddess of women, fertility and love. Using that logic, it was clear that Hathor was the goddess that was summoned as a ruler."

Sobek: "You impress me, Caster. You managed to get those all correct. However you may know the gods personally when you arrive. We are waiting within the palace."

Zhuge: "I thank you for your time, lord Sobek."

Sobek: "Heh, I look forward to your arrival. That magician should be not too far behind, yes?"

Zhuge: "He may be a while. He has to report to the lion king to keep up his appearances."

Sobek: "Ah, such is the peril of being a double agent."

Sobek laughed before his telepathic link ended with the crocodile he was speaking through. The rest of the journey downriver was peaceful before they finally arrived in Egypt. Mash and Bedivere gently woke the sleeping masters, who looked around in awe at the city of the sun king.

Gudako rushed over to a stall where a man was selling some jewellery before a chuckle emanated from behind her. She spun as she saw the merchant kneeling and found Anubis looking down at her.

Anubis: "I see you have made it safely, masters from Chaldea."

Gudako: "A- Anubis!"

Anubis smiled as Ophelia walked over.

Ophelia: "Lord Anubis. I assume you came to bring us to the palace?"

Anubis: "How presumptuous of you. However you are correct. Sekhmet sent me to bring you before her and the others."

Zhuge: "I guess Sobek told you of my theory?"

Anubis: "Yes, he did. I have not seen him so amused by something like that in a very long time."

Anubis lead the servants and two masters to the palace. On the way however, he decided to start a conversation.

Anubis: "As I understand it, you recently lost Arash Kamangir to Rhongomyniad's light, yes?"

Zenobia: "Indeed. He used his noble phantasm and destroyed himself to save us."

Anubis: "Good. The mark a hero like that makes is how he chooses to let his role come to an end. Arash Kamangir made a good mark."

Ophelia: "Indeed he did, lord Anubis."

Anubis: "There is no need to refer to me as lord. You are a master, one of the last five capable of committing such a feat as stopping the incineration of humanity. You should refer to me just as Anubis. Had your servant not been here, I would have also accepted Caster."

Ophelia was surprised, Anubis was far more laid back than she anticipated, even within Egypt's borders, he was relaxed and was more concerned about the singularity than how he apppeared to his people.

The masters and servants crossed the threshold into the palace where they found Gudao and Sakura waiting for them. Gudao was dressed in Egyptian garbs, his upper body was exposed and he had developed somewhat of a tan since coming to Egypt.

Sakura was dressed in a deep lilac coloured silk dress, likely crafted by some of the Pharaoh's personal weavers. She was also adorned in golden jewellery, courtesy of Nefertari.

Ozymandias looked at the two new masters from Chaldea before speaking his mind.

Ozymandias: "And so two more come to Egypt. I assume the fifth will also be resent soon?"

???: "You are correct. He is currently coming this way. I sense Percival and Lancelot with him."

Ozymandias turned and saw a rather beautiful woman walking out from the shadows.

Ozymandias: "L- Lady Hathor."

Hathor: "Let me look at these new arrivals."

Hathor walked down from the elevated platform that the Pharaoh stood upon and stood directly in front of the masters.

She immediately saw that the two were tired, likely from their fight against Tristan and Y/n. She also saw that Mash had sustained a few minor injuries from her fight against Y/n.

Hathor: "By Ra, what happened to you?"

Ophelia: "Tristan of the round table. He attacked the village. The other master was with him."

Hathor: "He turned his back on you!?"

There was a mounting anger in Hathor's voice before Mash cut in.

Mash: "Y/n is currently a double agent. He had no choice, but if he wanted us dead, we wouldn't be standing here."

Hathor's gaze softened and her voice became calm again.

Hathor: "I see. So he must also be hurt, not physically, but from having to do such a thing... Very well! Remind me to embrace him when he arrives!"

The others laughed lightly before Sekhmet arrived.

Sekhmet: "Ah, I see you arrived semi-safely."

The goddess of war did not take her seat upon the throne as the masters expected, instead she stood at the side of it. Another few people walked in after her. Among them were Iskandar, Nefertari, Cleopatra and Nitocris.

However two individuals walked into view and both masters felt the immense pressure from the one dressed in white bearing down upon them as she sat on the throne.

Zhuge: "I assume you are Sobek then?"

Sobek: "Indeed, Caster! I am the lord of the Nile, Sobek!"

Ophelia took note of the two Khopesh swords that were sheathed at his hips. This was the Saber divine spirit, leaving the last one as the Ancient God.

Zhuge: "My apologies, master. But I had a discussion about the identities of the gods with Lord Sobek. I am sorry for not saying anything."

Ophelia: "Don't worry about it, Zhuge."

???: "So we are merely awaiting one more?"

Sekhmet: "Yes."

???: "Very well. Hathor, where is he?"

Hathor knelt before the goddess as she spoke.

Hathor: "He and the four knights he is with will be arriving in the city soon."

???: "He is ahead of schedule then..."

The goddess closed her eyes for a second...

Then shit got dumb.


Hathor: "I- It seems they met up with another two knights. Based on what I can sense, their names are Mordred and Gareth."

???: "WHY DIDN'T YOU INFORM ME OF THIS EARLIER!? Oh, this is so embarrassing! I had only practiced to address three people, not five!"

Anubis: "Apologies for her, she isn't good with dealing with things when they are unplanned."

Ophelia: "Still, her power is something to be feared."

Anubis: "Indeed. This is Lady Isis. The goddess of magic."

Gudako: "The very one that Y/n didn't want to run into."

Isis continued having a miniature crisis to herself when the sound of clanking armour could be heard from outside.

Isis quickly composed herself and sat back down in her seat before the five knights walked in.

Y/n walked at the front while Lancelot, Mordred and Percival walked behind him with a smaller knight who was clearly a Lancer.

Y/n: "So, you must be... Ah fuck, you're Isis, ain't ya?"

Isis: *ahem* "Indeed, I am."

Sobek: "You just missed her having an episode! Haha!"

Before Sobek's laughter could continue, Isis held one hand up and small orbs of light began to orbit Sobek. Those orbs of light soon fired immensely powerful blasts of energy.

Isis: "Moving past Sobek's idiocy. You must be the magician I have heard so much about."

Y/n: "My name is Y/n von Einzbern, Lady Isis."

Isis: "This is going far smoother than it should have."

Hathor: "So you are the one who was forced to fight your allies."

Y/n looked at Hathor's unreadable expression with a mixture of worry and intrigue. However both notions were dispelled as she suddenly hugged him.

Isis: "Hathor! Cease this nonsense!"

Hathor: "NO! This is my job and by Ra I'm gonna do it!"

Isis: "Don't you dare bring your father into this!"

Hathor: "You can't tell me what to do!"

Isis: "By Nun's tits, I will launch you as a projectile right at Camelot!"

Y/n and the knights were all incredibly perplexed as Hathor and Isis bickered like a rebellious teen would with her mother.

Lordred: "Well, this is something."

Ozymandias: "They'll be at this for a while. State your business."

Y/n: "I have several things I'd like to discuss. Most pressingly of all is helping Gareth get properly healed up."

Upon the mention of someone being hurt, Hathor's head snapped in Gareth's direction.

Gareth: "Uhh... I need an adult?"

Hathor: "Don't worry, I am an adult."

Isis: "Well that's a load of bullshit based on your attitude."

Y/n: "Gareth, show them your injury."

Gareth was hesitant, but she nodded and lifted her hand where the injury was. Both Isis' and Hathor's eyes widened in horror as they saw the horrendous stab wound that Gareth had suffered.

Lancelot: "Bringing her here was a last resort. It seems that Gawain's blade did more damage than we thought."

Sakura: "Wait, Sir Gawain did that? Isn't Gareth Gawain's sister?"

As soon as those words were spoken, Hathor's spirit origin erupted in a mountain of fury.

Ahura-Mazda then spoke out in surprise.

Ahura-Mazda: "She changed her spirit origin! She's become an Avenger!"

Y/n: "She can do that!?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Apparently!"

Hathor: "Someone would DARE to harm their own sibling so grievously!?"

Y/n: "... Nobody mention my dad. At all."

Gudako: "Good plan."

Sakura: "As long as you don't mention the Matou's."

Y/n: "Say less."

Isis: "Hathor. Calm yourself."

Hathor turned and her glare fixed solidly on Isis. However, the goddess of magic was able to calm her with a look. Her spirit origin returned to that of a Ruler and she sighed.

Hathor: "Forgive me for losing my composure in such an unsightly manner."

Y/n: "Trust me, when it's time to siege Camelot, I'm gonna personally give Gawain an ass whooping he's never gonna forget."

Hathor: "Good. Bad children must be punished. Now then. Gareth, come here. Let me help you."

Isis: "Hathor."

Hathor: "This is not negotiable, Isis. I will do as I must."

Isis: "I was going to say, if you require any mana, then I'm sure Sakura wouldn't mind."

Sakura: "Y- Yes, if you need anything then please tell me."

Hathor: "That's sweet of you. But I will be fine."

Isis: "Now then, Magician. I assume another topic of discussion is the trials that Sekhmet has set you up to?"

Y/n: "That's correct."

Isis: "Heh. Fine. I shall issue your trials. You may spend this day resting while Hathor tends to the knight. Tomorrow however you and Hathor shall go to the buried Atlas Institute and learn what you can from Tri-Hermes. Upon your return, I shall have you battle against Sobek and Anubis with any one ally of your choosing. Finally, Sekhmet and I shall face you and you alone in combat."

Y/n: "I look forward to it, Isis."

Isis: "Such bravado, surely you cannot be that confident in your abilities."

Y/n: "I know you're the goddess of magic, but I think I know how to handle the two of you."

Sekhmet: "HA! I like him more and more with every word! Hey, if he loses, I want him as my mate, that cool with you?"

Isis: "I have no objections so long as you keep it down."

Sekhmet: "HA! First night's gonna be a loud one!"

The goddess of war laughed to herself before the others were lead to their chambers for the night by servants. the other gods dispersed except for Isis. Y/n remained behind as well.

Isis: "I see you still have something you wish to discuss. Very well."

Y/n: "You know as well as I do that Egypt is in immediate danger with Rhongomyniad in Artoria's hands. So why not just join with us?"

Isis: "... Truth be told, if Sekhmet hadn't gone ahead and issued that challenge to you, I would have joined with you and we would be fighting the knights of Camelot right now. However Sekhmet was summoned here, so I cannot interfere with her challenge."

???: "Then why not mess with her slightly?"

Isis raised an eyebrow as Arcueid walked in.

Isis: "A true ancestor. No, you are the white princess of the true ancestors."

Arcueid: "Mhm! Name's Arcueid."

Isis: "A pleasure. Now what do you mean by mess with her?"

Arcueid: "Y/n, you host three gods within your body, right?"

Isis stood up from her throne with a start as those words were spoken.

Isis: "Excuse me? I demand you repeat what you just said."

Y/n: "She's telling the truth, Isis. I currently host Ahura-Mazda, Cailleach and Bailong. My own pseudo-spirit origin is born of Abzu and I have power left over from Shub-Niggurath that I can utilise."

Isis: "I see. What do you have in mind, Arcueid?"

Arcueid: "What's the saying?

Why not drop the sun on her?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Elementary, My Dear.

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