Lioness God of War

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Gudao and Sakura were in awe as the apparent divine spirit gazed down at them. Her gaze was calculating, cold and intimidating. Making the two masters feel as though they were nothing compared to her.

Sekhmet: "I have introduced myself. Pharaohs, I ask you do the same. It is only polite after all."

The tanned man in golden armour nodded and slammed his staff into the ground.

???: "Hear me! I am Ozymandias! The sun king of Egypt!"

The sun king laughed heartily until a woman next to him yanked his ear.

???2: "You shouldn't lord yourself over them, Ramses! *sigh* I apologise, I am Nefertari."

Sakura almost fainted, Nefertari was Ozymandias' wife, the queen of Egypt and one of the most well known women in all of Egypt aside from Pharaoh Cleopatra.

Speaking of which, a second woman stepped forward, her attire looked far more modern than the others in the throne room, however her makeup was a dead giveaway as to her identity.

???: "I am Cleopatra. The last queen of Egypt."

Cleopatra then nudged Nitocris, who was nervous, but introduced herself anyway.

Nitocris: "We have met before, but I shall say this now. I am Nitocris, the owner of the mirror of darkness and reincarnation of Horus himself."

The last of the servants stepped forward and flashed a grin.

???: "I am Iskandar. Though I'm not of Egyptian descent, I am technically counted as a pharaoh by these guys."

Gudao did a double-take as he envisioned Alexander next to this hulking behemoth of a man that was apparently the king of conquerors.

Sekhmet: "Now. it is your turn."

Gudao: "R- Right. I'm Gudao Fujimaru. One of the five masters of Chaldea."

Astolfo: "I'm Astolfo! Rider servant! Nice to meet you all!"

Ozymandias looked almost offended as Astolfo introduced himself so casually. However Nefertari and Cleopatra both laughed at his infectious energy.

Sakura: "I- I'm Sakura Matou. Another of the five masters from Chaldea."

Medusa: "I am her servant. Medusa. As it happens, I am also a rider."

Sekhmet: "Very good. Now we all know each other by name. Now then, why have you come here, Chaldeans?"

Sakura: "We wish to fix this singularity! However to do so we must defeat the lion king in Camelot."

Sekhmet: "I know of this, yes. However what makes you think I wish this singularity be fixed?"

Gudao: "Because if it's not fixed then human history will burn by 2019."

Sekhmet raised a single eyebrow before standing from her throne.

Sekhmet: "And you think that two out of five of you can accomplish this task?"

Sakura: "Lady Sekhmet. All five of us are in this singularity. We're all trying to bring the lion king down."

Sekhmet: "Really now? The way I see it, you lot are merely trespassing on my territory. Why should I not kill you both here and now?"

Sakura and Gudao knew what would happen if Sekhmet even remotely attempted it, however it was Medusa that voiced their thoughts.

Medusa: "I mean no disrespect to any of you. But the only thing you would gain from killing my master and Gudao is a fast pass to a very painful obliteration."

Ozymandias: "You truly believe that we are intimidated by that?"

Nefertari: "I suggest we hear them out."

Cleopatra: "Same. I don't know why. But I got the same feeling just then. If we hurt them, we're fifty kinds of fucked."

Sekhmet: "Hm. Where are these other three masters right now?"

Gudao: "Two of us should be arriving in the villages to the north of Camelot and the fifth and most powerful of us has infiltrated the lion king's knights and is working to bring them down from within. At least... that's what we've been told."

Sekhmet: "... And you have come to us."

Sekhmet sat back down on her throne before resting her head on her hand.

Sekhmet: "Ramses. Iskandar."

Ozymandias: "Lady Sekhmet."

Iskandar: "Hm?"

Sekhmet: "Form a contract with the boy. As much as I hate to admit it. They have a point. The lion king must be erased. Working with them is to our advantage."

Iskandar: "Alright then. Looks like you're gonna be my master goin' forward!"

Gudao breathed a sigh of relief. Ozymandias was clearly unamused, however he formed the contract with Gudao anyway.

Ozymandias: "This shall only be temporary. Do not forget that."

Gudao nodded before Sekhmet turned to the female servants.

Sekhmet: "Nefertari, Nitocris, Cleopatra. Form your contracts with the girl."

The three nodded and formed their respective contracts. Caster Nitocris. Assassin Cleopatra and Ruler Nefertari. The three were now Sakura's servants.

Sekhmet: "You mentioned that the strongest among your group is now a knight, yes?"

Iskandar: "Must be that knight of wolves I heard about. Some knights I took down earlier spoke of him. Apparently the lion king holds him in high esteem."

Sekhmet: "I see. Now then. Gudao, Sakura. You two will be exhausted from your trip here. As such I suggest you both go to the baths. Ramses, show Gudao the way to the male baths. Iskandar, you go with them. I can smell you from here."

Iskandar laughed as the three walked away, when they were out of earshot, Sekhmet noticed that Astolfo was still present.

Sekhmet: "Hm... I see what's happening. Gudao has no idea that you're a man, yes?"

Astolfo: "It's been a running gag since we started this whole saving human history business."

Sekhmet laughed to herself and motioned for a few of the palaces servants to escort him elsewhere.

Sekhmet: "I believe now is the time for him to learn."

Astolfo merely smirked as he followed the servant girls into another room. Sekhmet then turned her gaze back to Sakura.

Sekhmet: "Come. Let us retreat to the baths."

Sekhmet stood and the other servants followed suit. Sakura and Medusa did the same as they entered a lavish sandstone room that lead out to a terrace with a beautiful view of the sun king's city.

Below the women's baths were the men's. Iskandar and Ozymandias had brought drinks with them. Iskandar happily let Gudao drink with him while Ozymandias was more on the reserved side.

Sekhmet smiled hearing their laughter before turning to Sakura.

Sekhmet: "So. These other three masters. What are they like?"

Sakura: "Well. Gudako's Gudao's sister. In terms of how powerful they are as mages, they're about equal. Though Gudako has a bit of an obsession with attractive men."

Cleopatra: "I don't blame her. If I didn't have my Julius then I'd be itching for some of whatever some of the men in the throne have got going."

Nitocris: "It's not something I usually speak of, but I have no real standards myself. If I were to find a suitor then I'd merely want him to love me. That's all."

Nefertari: "In that sense I got lucky with Ramses. He once accidentally stepped on my toes and he wouldn't come out of his chambers for a week and a half because he felt so bad."

Sakura giggled, she wasn't expecting Ozymandias to be that type of person.

Sekhmet: "Hm. What about the other two?"

Sakura: "Ophelia's an amazing magus. She's incredibly knowledgeable and her control over her mystic eye has gotten to an amazing degree lately."

Sekhmet: "A mystic eye!? That's a power to be reckoned with. And she's not the strongest?"

Sakura: "No. That's Y/n. He's the resident magician."

As soon as that word was spoken, all four women were stunned into silence. A master with a mystic eye was one thing, but a full on magician was another monster entirely.

Sekhmet: "A magician? I see, that is... extremely unexpected."

Cleopatra: "What kind of magic does he wield?"

Sakura: "Um... Denial of Nothingness..."

Nitocris: "The ability to create a perfect copy of whatever the wielder can imagine from mana itself all the way up to noble phantasms or holy grails."

Nefertari: "That's amazing!"

Sakura: "He also started learning how to control Kaleidoscope."

Sekhmet: "The operation of parallel dimensions."

Sakura: "But he also has Heaven's Feel and Magic Blue in his arsenal."

Cleopatra: "F- Four of the five lost magics!? Just how insanely powerful is this guy!?"

Sekhmet: "I get the feeling that's not all."

Sakura: "It's not. Y/n... when he was younger his body was fused with the remnants of a divine core belonging to the primordial Mesopotamian god, Abzu. Since coming to Chaldea, he's made contact with Ahura-Mazda from Zoroaster, Shub-Niggurath from beyond our galaxy, Cailleach from the Celtic pantheon and most recently Bailong, the Chinese white dragon king of the western sea."

Sekhmet: "So many powerful beings... and they've all chosen to use this young man as a host, yes?"

Sakura: "Well... Shub, or Chiyo as we call her, recently split from him but left a portion of her power behind for him to use. Chiyo now walks around Chaldea as a member of the team."

The two groups continued to speak until it was time to rest. Sekhmet returned to her throne as the Servants went to their chambers and the masters were escorted to their rooms by servants. However Sekhmet laughed as Astolfo walked past her in a dancer's outfit while he was on his way to his master's room.

Sekhmet waited as the palace was quiet until a loud scream came from Gudao's room.

Sekhmet: "Welp. Congrats, boy. Your V-card's gone now. Just not in the way you hoped."

Sekhmet laughed to herself as she sipped from her goblet.

The days ahead were going to be fun. That much was made all too clear for her. She then turned to a dark corner of the palace.

Sekhmet: "I assume you're here to check on those two?"

Sekhmet's smirk widened as Shinbei walked out of the shadows.

Shinbei: "By my masters orders. I will be leaving to report back to him now."

Sekhmet: "You may go. But before that, answer a question of mine if you would."

Shinbei: "If it is something I can answer then I shall."

Sekhmet: "Your master. It's the magician, yes?"

Shinbei: "Indeed."

Sekhmet: "Good. Then give him a message from me."

Shinbei turned so he could hear the goddess properly.

Sekhmet: "Should he find himself in need of Egypt's aid. He must contract with me. Only then will I lend him my aid."

Shinbei: "I assume that contract will be forged in the fire of battle."

Sekhmet: "Such a perceptive assassin. Run along now, your master will be getting impatient."

Shinbei nodded and bowed quickly before vanishing back into the shadows of the night.

Sekhmet: "Now all that's left is the angel of death and of course... her."

A few hours later, Shinbei found his master within his chambers within the fortress. Hassan of Serenity was asleep on his chest.

Shinbei: "Master. I have come to report that Sakura and Gudao have both made it to Egypt and have been accepted into their ranks. However it seems that Morgan's information regarding the ruler of Egypt was false. Ozymandias is no longer the ruler of Egypt. The war goddess, Sekhmet, is."

Y/n: "Sekhmet, huh? That's one of Egypt's heaviest hitters. One of Ra's daughters."

Shinbei: "I have a message from Sekhmet as well."

Y/n: "Oh?"

Shinbei: "She says that if you wish to gain assistance from Egypt, you will have to forge a contract with her through battle."

Bailong: "Ah, yes. Let's just fight a goddess of war. That will surely end well."

Y/n: "I agree, Bailong. Fighting Sekhmet is going to be difficult since she specialises in battle more than anything else. Not to mention, Egyptian gods are kinda broken as it is. Indians and Egyptians are both kinda on their own levels of game breaking."

Ahura-Mazda: "Knowing you though, you're more than ready to take on a goddess of war."

Y/n: "I can handle Inanna, I can handle Sekhmet... right?"

Cailleach: "I suppose we should be glad he's no bein' put up against somecunt like Sobek or, masel forbid, Isis."

Y/n: "Yeah, the goddess of magic would be a pain in the ass on every level imaginable."

Shinbei: "Master, shall I head out to check on Da Vinci and the other girls?"

Y/n: "Yes. Make sure they get to the Hassan's village as soon as they can."

Shinbei: "It will be done."

With that, Shinbei was gone. Y/n leaned against the wall of his chambers and closed his eyes for the night.

Meanwhile, back in Camelot. Artoria had called for a meeting of the knights.

Artoria: "My loyal knights. I have received news from the border of the desert that some of our knights that were stationed there have been... ripped apart for lack of better word."

Lordred: "Do we know who the culprit is?"

Artoria: "At current, we do not."

Gawain: "Lancelot is still on his mission in the desert. Perhaps he will have something to report upon his return."

???: "It is so sad that our knights must be slaughtered so... barbarically."

Mordred: "Whoever it was, I'm gonna kick their ass!"

Lordred: "Saber, you should remain calm. Save your enthusiasm for the battlefield."

Saber Mordred just scoffed at her older self before Artoria leaned forward in her throne.

Artoria: "That woman who was living in the city has since left. She was heading north when last I checked. Besides, she is not a killer by her very nature."

Percival: "I read previous reports from other knights. Apparently the killer is incredibly fast and is not a servant."

Artoria: "Indeed. Which is what concerns me the most."

Gawain: "Could it be Gareth? She was able to escape after all."

Percival: "I have to disagree. These men weren't killed by a lance. Based on the reports it was more like...

they were torn apart by claws of some nature."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Old Men of The Mountain.

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