Knight of Wolves

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Y/n had spent only a few hours as an Honorary knight of the round table, but he was here in Artoria's confidence already. He had just arrived in the throne room after receiving a summons from the king.

Y/n: "You requested to see me, my king?"

Artoria: "Indeed. Your armour is ready."

Artoria motioned to her left and Y/n saw the armour. The helm was forged in the shape of a wolf's head similarly to Artoria's Lion helmet. A large wolf's pelt was draped over the shoulders of the armour like a kind of cape. Y/n walked over and tried the armour on for himself. Surprisingly, it fit him perfectly and was comfortable to move around in. He was about to thank Artoria for the armour when the door was abruptly kicked open.

???: "FATHER!!"

Artoria: "Here we go..."

Artoria sighed as Saber Mordred walked in with a scowl.

Mordred: "Father! The hell is this!?"

Lancer Mordred walked in after her Saber counterpart.

Lordred: "My apologies, my king. I did try and stop her."

Artoria: "It is fine, Lancer. Saber, I am disappointed. I thought you would know better than to barge in while your king is in the middle of a meeting."


Artoria: "*sigh* I apologise, Y/n. We shall continue this audience later. For now, I must ask you to relocate to Agravain's fortress to the north."

Y/n: "It will be done."

Y/n bowed slightly and made to walk out of the room before he leaned into Lancer Mordred's ear.

Y/n: "Make sure your saber counterpart stays on a leash. If she gets out while Chaldea's here it could spell trouble."

Lordred: "I know. Where's Shinbei?"

Y/n: "I had him go run an errand for me."

Lordred nodded in understanding before Y/n headed out. However he didn't notice Artoria's cold green eyes fixed solidly on him.

Artoria: "What is it you're planning?"

Y/n and a small detachment of knights made their way out of the holy city and they walked through the crowd so they could get moving to the fortress. Agravain was supposed to be waiting for them upon their arrival, so Y/n would get to meet another of Morgan's children.

As he walked through the sea of people, each begging and pleading with him to be granted entry to the holy city, he spotted a familiar staff in the crowd.

Y/n: "Da Vinci's here? Hm..."

Y/n then turned to his escort and spoke firmly.

Y/n: "Get moving to the fortress. Delay for nothing. I'll be right behind you, there's something I must attend to."

The knights nodded and marched away from the crowd as Y/n pushed his way through the crowd. He saw Da Vinci clearly and confirmed that she was here with the others from Chaldea.

He then placed his hand on Da Vinci's shoulder, causing her to freeze.

She spun around and almost gasped when she saw the blue tinted steel armour.

Da Vinci: "C- Can I help you?"

Y/n: "You can drop the nerves, Da Vinci."

Da Vinci did a double take and let out a sigh of relief.

Da Vinci: "How are you?"

Y/n: "Well enough. Shinbei should be arriving soon and I need to get moving so I can't stay for long."

Da Vinci: "You got into the knights?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm working with Artoria. Don't worry though, Shinbei'll act as an intermediary for information."

Da Vinci: "Right. You get going and we'll set up communications later, alright?"

Y/n nodded before walking away back towards where his knights had gone. Da Vinci then caught up with the others. Sakura, Ophelia and Gudako were reviewing what they knew while Astolfo and Gudao were talking to the servant they had met out in the desert, Lucian.

Da Vinci: "Okay, update. Y/n's fine."

Gudako: "Wait, you know where he is!?"

Da Vinci: "Sure do. He's currently on his way to a fortress to the north of the city. Apparently that'll be his base of operations."

???: "Indeed it shall, Chaldeans."

Everyone jumped as Morgan walked towards them. Lucian's eyes widened in horror as he recognised the witch.

Lucian: "M- Morgan..."

Morgan: "Oh, Hello little Bedivere. Been keeping well?"

Bedivere: "Gh!"

Lucian, now known to be Bedivere of the round table, flinched as Morgan addressed him as she would anyone else. As far as she was concerned, Bedivere wasn't even remotely a threat to her. The only ones that were were Artoria and Merlin.

Da Vinci: "So you're Morgan Le Fay, huh?"

Morgan: "Indeed. You mentioned that Y/n is going to the northern fortress, yes? Fufufu, good. I shall meet him there."

Gudao: "I think the fuck NOT!!"

Gudao lunged at Morgan, only for the witch to slam her staff into his face and send him sprawling to the ground.

Ophelia: "Who else saw that coming?"

Sakura: "M- Morgan. What did you do with Y/n?"

Morgan: "I recruited him. He's working with me to bring the holy city down so I can be done with this detestable singularity. I'm going to need more contacts though. Which is where you guys come in."

Bedivere: "What are you scheming, Le Fay?"

Morgan: "I need the four of you to go to different areas. I'm sure you've seen for yourself how sideways this singularity is. But to make it clear. I need two of you in Egypt and another two in the villages to the north. Only by combining the might of both the Hassan-I-Sabbah and the Pharaohs of Egypt do we stand a snowball's chance in hell against Artoria as she is now."

Mash: "And why should we trust you?"

Morgan took a glance at the shield in Mash's hands and a chuckle escaped her lips.

Morgan: "Ah, I see. So you're the one who he uses as a host..."

Da Vinci: "It may be to our disadvantage, but with the lack of options available to us, I have to say we should go with what Morgan suggested."

Gudao: "Tch. In that case, I'll go to Egypt."

Sakura: "I'll accompany you. I am the stronger mage after all, so it makes sense, no?"

Da Vinci: "I'm afraid Sakura has you there, Gudao."

Gudao: "No problem. It just means I need to work extra hard to keep up."

Ophelia: "Then Gudako and I shall meet with the Hassan-I-Sabbah."

Gudao: "Morgan, you know what kind of servants Egypt has? We already met one when we arrived."

Morgan: "Ah yes, as I understand it the one you met was the Pharaoh, Nitocris. Horus' Reincarnation and the owner of the mirror of the underworld."

Gudao gulped out of nervousness while Morgan laughed.

Morgan: "The sun king, Ozymandias and the last Pharaoh, Cleopatra will also be awaiting you. A rider servant who I have yet to meet shall also be there. Though I have seen a shift in the sands as of late, something big has landed within Egypt. Be prepared, both of you."

Gudao and Sakura both nodded as the rest of the plans were laid out.

For the next few hours, it was more walking through rough terrain, not delaying for a moments rest until the group of knights and their leader reached the old fortress. They were let in once their identities were verified and Y/n walked to where Agravain's office was.

Upon opening the door, he found not just Agravain, but the woman standing across from him

Y/n: "Morgan."

Morgan: "Hm? Ah, Y/n, you've arrived just in time. I was just saying hello to my son, you see."

Agravain: "So. You are the one that mother saw fit to trust with this mission."

Y/n: "What? Jealous, Aggy?"

Agravain: "Call me that again and there will be consequences."

Morgan: "Calm down, boys. Agravain, I will be making this fortress my base of operations. As per Artoria's instructions, you and Y/n are to be the two knights in charge of this place. However, you take orders from me, not the Lion King."

Y/n (muttering): "Naaaants ingonyaaaaaama bagithi baba..."

Morgan: "Be silent, Y/n. Anyway, Agravain, your job is more on the administrative side of things here. As for you, Y/n, your job is mostly to do with prisoner treatment and defence. Oh, also, if you do a good job, I'll invite you to my chambers every so often. Good boys deserve rewards after all."

With that said, Morgan walked out of the office to her chambers.

Agravain: "Damn woman..."

Y/n: "Well you can choose your friends, just not your family, eh?"

Agravain: "I suppose you're right there. For now though, you should go and check on the prisoners."

Y/n: "On it. Call me if you need anything."

Agravain grunted in affirmation as Y/n walked down to the dungeon. He wandered along and peered into each of the cells. In one of them was a rather W I D E man with a sack of what seemed to be rice.

Y/n: "Got enough rice there, bud?"

???: "Hm? Oh, you must be the new guard, huh?"

Y/n: "Indeed. I am Y/n. Knight of Wolves."

???: "Tawara Touta. Pleasure to meet you."

Y/n: "Archer by chance?"

Tawara chuckled sheepishly, unlike other heroic spirits, he wasn't one to boast about his deeds when he was alive, even though taking down a giant centipede with a bow and arrow is one hell of an achievement.

However Y/n stayed and engaged in a rather pleasant chat with the warrior. Touta was a very respectable and well-disciplined man who liked nothing more than making sure people were well-fed. Also fishing. He really liked fishing.

Before they got carried away however, Y/n went to attend to the other prisoner in the dungeon. However when he saw her, an all-encompassing fury clouded his vision for a moment.

There, chained to the wall with ragged breathing, was Hassan of Serenity. Y/n's Assassin from Fuyuki.

Y/n: "Serenity!?"

The assassin looked up at her former master with eyes that did not recognise him, even as he removed his helmet. 

Serenity: "Here to interrogate me again? I will not say a damn thing so don't bother trying."

Y/n felt a stinging in his chest as she spoke with venom lacing her voice.

Y/n: "... I'll be back in a moment, Serenity. Just sit tight for a while longer."

Serenity looked up at the knight in confusion as he walked back upstairs. Y/n stormed through the fortress until he threw Agravain's door open and landed a solid strike to the knight's face.

Y/n: "Why is Serenity down there, Agravain!?"

Agravain: "Hmph, you know that bitch?"

Y/n: "Insult my servant in front of me again and I'll make sure that not even Morgan will be able to fix what I do to you!"

Agravain: "... Your servant? She is independently manifested, how could you be her-... Wait. You're with that lot from Chaldea that mother mentioned."

Y/n: "Good going, Sherlock, you figured out the obvious."

Agravain: "I see. Very well, you may assume responsibility for her. You may even learn of her village's location."

Y/n: "That's not something I'm aiming for. I'm here to fix this singularity, Agravain. Even if that means fighting Artoria to do so."

Agravain was disinterested, as such, Y/n excused himself. As he walked out of the room, Agravain let out a breath. That punch was more painful than he was expecting from a human. However there was a lingering sense of fear in the air. Almost as if he wasn't dealing with a human at all. As if he were staring down one of the seven.

Y/n walked back down to the dungeon and he entered Serenity's cell.

Serenity: "Try what you will. You will die to my poison."

Y/n didn't care as he tore her chains out of the wall and released her from her shackles.

Y/n: "There. You should be able to move around easier now."

Serenity: "What? Are you going to execute me now?"

Y/n: "Far from it, Serenity."

Y/n closed his eyes as his command seals reacted. Serenity's eyes widened as she felt the contract being made.

Serenity: "Y- You're a master!?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I'm not here to assist the Lion King, my job here is to fix this shithole. If I need to become a knight to do that, then I can keep Artoria distracted from dealing with the others in Chaldea while they scurry around."

Serenity: "So... You're on our side?"

Y/n: "Sure am! I'll need you to stay here for a bit for appearance's sake though. I hope that's not too much of an issue for you."

Serenity was silent for a moment before looking up at her new master.

Serenity: "Very well, master. All I ask is that you do not lay your hands upon me, lest you perish from my poison."

Y/n: "I have poison resistance at EX, I'll be fine. Besides, it's not the first time I've had you as my servant."

Serenity's eyes widened as he spoke.

Serenity: "I was... your servant before?"

Y/n: "Yup. You were my assassin servant. Also, we tested the poison resistance thing extensively. Especially since you had a habit of cuddling in when I was asleep."

Serenity's face started to heat up and a slight blush appeared around her cheeks as Y/n chuckled.

Meanwhile, Sakura and Gudao finally arrived in the city of the sun king with their servants, Astolfo and Medusa. The four were lead to the palace by guards when they requested an audience with the Pharaohs.

Upon their arrival, they were met by five individuals. One of which gave off a far more powerful aura than the others.

Gudao: "Okay, I can already see the ones Y/n's calling dibs on."

Sakura laughed as the two kneeled in respect before the three Pharaohs and the other servants.

Sakura: "Greetings, Pharaohs of Egypt, and... My apologies but, you seem familiar to me, sir."

Sakura referred to the hulking red-haired man who was standing near the throne.

???: "I do? Huh, can't say I recall that."

Gudao: "A- Anyway, We'll get right to the point. Sakura and I are from Chaldea."

The woman who sat upon the throne in the centre of the room raised an eyebrow.

???2: "You have come to correct this error in time, yes?"

Gudao: "Y- Yeah, that's right."

Sakura and Gudao felt an immense pressure from the woman who sat upon the throne. It was then that the smaller woman that Sakura and Gudao recognised as Nitocris spoke up.

Nitocris: "You are here to demand our assistance in your endeavours!? I think not after the disrespect you showed in trying to kidnap me!"

Sakura: "L- Lady Nitocris, that was a misunderstanding! We saw you being dragged away by a servant with a skull mask! We meant no disrespect to you!"

Nitocris was slightly taken aback by Sakura's honesty until the man beside her spoke.

???3: "Pharaoh Nitocris, you really must learn to read a situation better, rather than jumping to conclusions."

Nitocris: "M- My apologies, Pharaoh Ozymandias."

Gudao: "W- Wait, if that's the sun king... Who's on the throne?"

???: "Ah, I suppose it is a tad rude not to give one's name. Very well, Chaldea...

... I am Sekhmet. The goddess of war."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Lioness God of War.

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