The Howl of Time

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Y/n kept a stoic gaze at the witch before him. Her pale skin seemed oddly out of place against the sandstone of the house they were in.

Y/n: "Why are you here, Morgan? And where the hell even are we for that matter?"

Morgan: "Heh, and I thought you'd be more friendly considering you were able to bring her to your side."

Morgan motioned to Lancer Mordred as her smirk grew more sinister.

Y/n: "Explain, shit stain."

Morgan: "Rude, but very well. You see. That Mordred is from a time in which the battle of Camlann never happened. She was raised by the me of that timeline, but her version of King Arthur took her under her wing and eventually made her king."

Y/n: "Got it, that's why she has Rhongomyniad. But you never answered my questions."

Morgan: "I suppose context is needed here. This is what you people refer to as a singularity. One formed by a grail planted here by Solomon-"

Y/n: "Goetia."

Morgan: "Shut up and let me-"

Y/n: "Now Imma do this to annoy you."

Morgan: "You're succeeding the-"

Y/n: "Good, that makes this much more entertaining."

Y/n moved his head to the side as a spell was shot at him.

Y/n: "Anyway, go on."

Morgan: "This singularity is in Israel. Jerusalem to be exact, during the crusades."

Y/n: "I get it, so I'll need to Deus Vult some bitches."

Morgan: "If only it were that simple. Instead, the crusaders were defeated and in the place of the holy city of Jerusalem... Is the new Holy City."

Morgan motioned to the nearby window and Y/n looked out as his eyes widened in shock and awe.

Morgan: "... Say hello to Camelot."

What Y/n saw was a massive city of pure white walls. It looked like in engulfed the entirety of where Jerusalem once was, in the centre of the city was a castle which had spires that reached towards the sky and were very nearly touching the clouds.

Y/n: "Camelot?"

Morgan: "Indeed. The knights of the round table are its main force, they are of course headed by King Arthur herself."

Y/n: "Artoria... What the hell have you gotten yourself into?"

Morgan: "Now then. As for what I want you for, that's simple."

Y/n turned to the witch as she smirked.

Morgan: "You're going to be my inside man. We'll tear Camelot apart from within."

Y/n: "And how in the hell am I going to do that?"

Morgan: "Percival and Mordred are your ticket in. Your assassin is a bonus."

Y/n: "Great, I go from being a general to being cannon fodder."

Morgan: "Believe me, Artoria will see value in your power. You'll likely be her personal confidant after a few days, maybe a few weeks."

Y/n: "And how in the hell are we going to bring down Camelot with just us?"

Morgan: "That, my little magician, is where my allies come in."

Y/n: "Morgan, I tower over you. Call me little again and I'll make sure I pound you hard enough that Mordred's gonna feel it."

Morgan laughed before unrolling a map of the immediate area.

Morgan: "As you can see, this place is split with three factions. Egypt to the West; Camelot to the East; and the villages to the north, watched over by the Hassan-i-Sabbah."

Y/n: "Serenity... Tell me more about Egypt. What're we dealing with from them?"

Morgan: "Pharaoh Ozymandias and Pharaoh Nitocris are our main problems over there. However they have two allies. Pharaoh Cleopatra being one of them. The other is a Rider class who I am yet to meet."

Y/n: "Three Pharaohs... That's a lot of power in one place. What about the villages? Which Hassans are there?"

Morgan: "The western village is overseen by hundred faces. Cursed Arm watches over the east village, below the temple of the angel of death."

Y/n: "Azrael... Got it. What about knights? Who's over there?"

Morgan: "Mordred's saber self is over there. Gawain, Tristan, Agravain, Lancelot and Artoria herself are your primary concerns. There are others though. Gareth recently fled from the city and Bedivere is wandering around the city some-... Oh, I see..."

Y/n tilted his head as Morgan began to laugh.

Morgan: "Bedivere was sent here by the man that made Mordred's conception possible."

Y/n: "Dick Wizard."

Morgan: "Schmeat Seer, yes. There is also another wandering around, not a servant though."

 Y/n understood and Morgan nodded before leaving the room so she could focus on sensing other threats as they appeared.

Back in Chaldea however, there was a major panic. Y/n's servants rushed around looking for their master as the other four masters tried to calm them down.

Roman and Da Vinci were working double time to try and find Y/n's location when Kama walked into the command room. Romani had decided to keep his white hair and tanned skin, but he did rather like the style he had it in while he was human, so he kept it.

Kama: "Yo, Simp. Got a minute?"

Roman: "Hm? What's up, Kama?"

Kama: "Just had a good idea from Zhuge and Chen. They're suggesting Y/n may have been pulled into the singularity that we're looking for."

Roman: "Hm... I didn't want to do this on account of how dangerous it could be. but could you go and get Malter for me?"

Kama: "Sure. Gimme a minute."

Kama turned and floated out of the command room as Haruna walked in.

Haruna: "Have we found him yet?"

Roman: "Not yet. I've asked Kama to go find Malter so she can tell us where the next singularity is and subsequently where Zhuge and Chen theorise Y/n to be."

Da Vinci: "It's risky. But it's the best chance we have."

Haruna nodded as the doors opened again and Malter walked in.

Malter: "Kama said you wanted to talk. I'm guessing you wanna know where the next singularity is?"

Roman: "We're getting desperate, but yes."

Malter: "Easy. It's in Israel during the crusades. Jerusalem specifically."

Roman nodded and punched the coordinates into the console. Sure enough, Sheba detected the singularity. There was a sigh of relief as Y/n's master signal started blinking, indicating that he was indeed there.

Roman: "We found him!"

Haruna: "Cool. I'm going on the mission as well this time."

Roman: "Wait, WHAT!?"

Da Vinci: "That's a bit extreme, Haruna!"

Haruna: "My brother's out there with probably no idea what's happening. I'm going... and none of you are gonna stop me."

Roman: "..."

Malter: "He's safe. I can see Percival, Lancer Mordred and Shinbei's signals."

Roman: "Yeah. So sit back down, Haruna. I get that you want to help, but you're not a master. You being here is already enough."

Haruna stayed quiet, Roman was right, she wasn't a master and she only barely qualified as a mage.

Da Vinci: "Still. I think it'd be best if I tagged along with the others. Sakura is still inexperienced with this sort of thing after all."

Roman: "True... Alright then, you'll go with them. For now, let's get everyone ready with their servants."

With that, the four masters chose their servants and made the rayshift with Da Vinci to Israel.

As they arrived in the dunes near Egypt, Y/n arrived at the looming gates of Camelot. His servants had woken up and he explained what was happening to them. They were hesitant, but they knew that when dealing with Morgan, there was only one option.

Y/n however, knew that Chaldea would be coming, so he'd try and meet up with the others at some point. For now though, Camelot was where he needed to get into.

Within the walls of the city, upon the white throne, the king stirred.

She stood from the throne and walked out. There was something outside the city walls that she felt she had to address. She walked until she reached a balcony overlooking the small plaza just within the gates.

With a wave of her arm, the gates were opened slightly, allowing Y/n and his servants entry. The knight, Gawain, stood ready as he saw Percival among the group that entered.

No words were spoken as Gawain readied himself to cut the knights down. However he was stopped when the king spoke. Y/n looked up at her and recognised the eyes of his former Lancer servant.

Artoria: "Percival. Mordred. One of you I thought had been disposed of. The other is one I do not recognise."

Percival: "My king. The Percival you disposed of is not the same as I. It is our master's will that we have come."

Lordred: "He's tellin' the truth."

Artoria raised an eyebrow at Mordred's form, however she did not comment. She turned her cold gaze to Shinbei and Y/n.

Artoria: "And what of you?"

Shinbei: "My master is my priority, King Arthur. Any who would harm him shall be dealt with."

Artoria closed her eyes for a second in thought before Gawain spoke.

Gawain: "My king. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion. I say we should kill them here and no-"

Artoria: "No."

Gawain was stunned by how bluntly his King responded.

Artoria: "Bring them in. I shall speak with them in the throne room."

Gawain nodded hesitantly and motioned for the group to follow him. They did so and found themselves within Artoria's throne room.

Artoria then waved the guards and Gawain away.

Artoria: "These servants call you their master. Tell me, what is your name?"

Y/n: "Y/n von Einzbern."

Artoria: "I see. Mordred. How did you come to wield the lance?"

Mordred: "I inherited it from the King Arthur of my timeline when I was made king."

Artoria: "Hm... Very well then. Mordred. As another person who wields Rhongomyniad, I shall grant you the right to remain within the city during the night. Unlike your saber counterpart."

Y/n internally fumed. Mordred was forced to sleep outside of the city during the night!? Unacceptable.

However, he kept himself calm and composed as the king turned her attention to Percival.

Artoria: "Percival. You shall be under Lancelot's supervision."

Percival: "Very good, my king."

Next was Shinbei.

Artoria: "Tanaka Shinbei. You may remain at your master's side."

Finally, Artoria's gaze fell on Y/n.

Artoria: "And then there is you. Tell me, are you any skilled with a sword or spear?"

Y/n: "I am."

Artoria raised an eyebrow and stood from her throne before summoning Rhongomyniad and walking towards him. She went for a thrusting attack, which Y/n parried with his knee. He then grabbed the lance and yanked it towards him, pulling Artoria closer. She was unfazed and went to fire a blast of holy light at him. However as she charged up for it, she realised what was in Y/n's hand. As such, she pushed herself off to one side before she could get hit by it.

Y/n let go of the lance as he twirled the sword, Gram, around in his hands.

Artoria: "I see. You certainly know how to fight. However that does not prove your skill with a blade."

Y/n: "And you're clearly skilled with that lance, but it's clear you're a sword fighter. Either that or you're good at handjobs."

Artoria: "Those two don't even relate."

Y/n: "Not with that attitude!"

Artoria went for another strike, Y/n could tell she was easily on the level of a divine spirit like this, however he was strong enough to handle her. As such, he used Gram and parried the spear away. Artoria delivered a barrage of attacks with the lance, all of them were parried or avoided.

Eventually Artoria waved her hand.

Artoria: "Enough. Your skill is genuine I see. Very well, I shall have you become one of my knights. I sense a great amount of power within you as well."

Artoria walked over and placed her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Artoria: "You are cunning, treating battle as though you are hunting your prey. As such I hereby anoint you, Y/n von Einzbern, as the knight of wolves. I shall request your armour be made to fit that title."

Y/n nodded before kneeling before Artoria.

The king felt a smirk crawl onto her face before she motioned for Y/n to stand.

Meanwhile, as Chaldea made their way through the sands of Egypt, two servants were summoned. One in Egypt and another in the mountain village to the east.

The one in the village was clothed oddly with golden chains draped over their body. As for the one in Egypt, their very presence brought the Pharaohs to their knees. Then they spoke.

???: "A Ka Dua No Ra."


Grand Order: Underway

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