Altered Fate

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Jeanne opened her eyes as the sunlight trickled into the tent. She looked down and saw that Y/n's arm was still around her.

She turned around and saw his calm expression as he slept. She couldn't understand why it brought a smile to her face.

Instinctively, she brought him closer to herself.

The door of the tent was then opened and Edmond poked his head in.

Edmond: "Yo, Master. Time to get up."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Y/n's eyes opened slowly as he sat up. His sleeping bag slid down, revealing his scarred body.

Jeanne's eyes widened upon seeing them.

Jeanne: "W-What manner of monster did this to you?"

Y/n: "It's a long story, Jeanne. I'll tell ya in the future."

Jeanne: "I-I see."

Y/n stepped out of the tent with his chest to the sun. Gudako crawled out of her tent and saw his scarred yet muscular form and...well...

Gudako: "H-Holy...six pack..."

Suddenly, a torrent of blood shot out of Gudako's nose and she fell backwards from the force of the nosebleed.

Y/n looked over and saw her giggling to herself.

Artoria just sighed.

Artoria: "oh, good. It's Diarmuid's mole all over again."

Anastasia kneeled down and poked her master a few times before Gudao got out of his tent.

He took one look at Gudako, then at Y/n.

Gudao: "I don't even need to ask, do I?"

Chulainn: "Nope."

Y/n: "All right. Head count. Dantès!"

Edmond: "Yo."

Y/n: "Kama."

Kama poked her head out of the bushes.

Kama: "Busy."

Gudao: "She's in the booshes."

Y/n: "...did you just make a Twomad reference?"

Gudao: "...Maybe."

Y/n: "...Okay then. Kiara!"

Kiara: "Minute!~"

Edmond: "Yup, she's masturbating."

Y/n: "Why am I not surprised? Irisviel!"

Irisviel: "I'm here!"

Y/n: "Anastasia!"

Anastasia: "Da."

Y/n: "Bunyan."

Bunyan poked her head out from Gudako's tent.

Bunyan: "Here."

Chulainn: "I'm here too."

Artoria: "Before you call my name. I'm here too."

Astolfo: "I'm here too!"

Mash: "I'm also here."

Y/n: "good. We're all here."

Kama and Kiara walked over and stood next to their master before everyone started packing their things up and they got moving to the next town along.

Roman: "Hold up. I'm getting a massive signal here, far too powerful to be a servant."

Y/n: "Is it large, scaly and has wings?"

Roman: "How should I know!?"

Y/n: "Because I just saw the outline of a fucking dragon."

Jeanne: "A Dragon!?"

Y/n: "Yup. Big one too."

Gudako: "Can we handle a dragon?"

Y/n: "Our best chance to beat it would be with servants that can take dragons. Preferably Saint Martha, Siegfried or Saint George."

Gudao: "How do you know this stuff!?"

Y/n: "I spend a lot of time reading about mythology and history."

Kama: "He has a point though. Anti-Dragon servants would be our best bet."

Y/n nodded as the group moved into the ruined town. Jeanne bore a sad expression as she saw the scorched bodies all around her.

The servants tore through zombies effortlessly as well as they walked further into the town.

Jeanne: "This is...this is too much."

Y/n: "Meh."

Roman then started panicking over comms.

Roman: "That dragon's turning around!"

Y/n: "...Imma kill it."

Roman: "HOW THOUGH!?!?"

Y/n just smirked.

Y/n: "...Balmung."

Roman: "You're insane."

Y/n: "Oi!...that may be true, but still."

Irisviel: "Y/n, let's just take cover for now."

Y/n: "You lot can go hide, I wanna talk to this bitch face to face."

Y/n smirked as he saw the massive dragon land in front of him.

A group of servants dropped down from its back.

Y/n narrowed his eyes at the woman with cruel long fingernails.

Y/n: "...I know you."

???1: "Oh? You do, do you?"

Y/n: "Elizabeth Bathory. Better known as Carmilla."

Carmilla: "Heh. Impressive."

???2: "You're a rather perceptive one, Young mage."

Y/n: "Holy Cross, sinful body, draconic aura. Hello, Saint Martha."

Martha: "Sinful!?"

Y/n: "bitch, have you seen what is attached to your chest?"

Martha: "...I cannot refute that."

Y/n: "Now then. Tall, dark and stupid there must be some sorta rich cunt."

Carmilla: "You're certainly foul mouthed."

Y/n: "Carmilla, suck a fat one."

???3: "I suggest you keep your mouth shut, boy."

Y/n: "Okay. Wow. The smell of blood on your breath. Yeah, you're Dracula. Vlad III. Whatever."

Vlad: "Hmph, you know quite a bit about us."

Y/n: "Archer...I got nothin'."

???4: "heh. Her name's Atalanta. I am Chevalier d'Eon."

Atalanta: "Saber!"

d'Eon: "What, I see no problem with it."

Y/n: "Heh. You even fight amongst yourselves, how cute."

He took one look at the ring leader of the group and his smirk hit a new level of cruel.

Y/n: "Ohoho~ hello, Jalter."

Jeanne: "Jalter? You know this woman?"

Y/n: "She's an alter form of you. One hellbent on revenge."

Jalter laughed before reaching for her sword.

Jalter: "I'm impressed, young mage."

Y/n: "Imma go ahead and guess that your little caster buddy is the Child Murderer."

Jeanne: "Child Murderer!?"

Y/n: "What was his name again? Ah yes. Gilles De Rais."


Gilles: "Why do I feel like I'm being made fun of?"

Back to the bullshittery.

Jalter: "Heh, you really are a smart one. But enough of that. Carmilla, Vlad. Destroy those two please."

Carmilla: "With pleasure."

Vlad: "As you command, Master."

Y/n: "Heh. Irisviel, mind lendin' a hand?"

Irisviel walked out with Chulainn and Anastasia.

Irisviel: "of course."

Vlad: "More servants. How troubling."

Y/n: "I'll handle Vlad personally."

Mash ran over and slammed her shield down next to Y/n.

Mash: "I can't allow you to do that!"

Y/n: "Calm thy tits, Mash. I'll be fine."

Y/n chuckled as he cracked his neck in preparation for the fight ahead.

Vlad: "A human can never defeat a servant. You're wasting your life fighting me."

Y/n: "Heh. Somebody told me that once before. Then I beat Gilgamesh in a one on one fight."

Vlad's eyes widened in shock as Y/n suddenly appeared in front of him.

Y/n: "I've trained since the fifth grail war! I can handle multiple time glitches in quick succession now!"

He laughed as he avoided a direct attack from Vlad.

Y/n: "I can also do this!"

Y/n held a hand out and Vlad was encased inside of a bubble that slowed down time inside of it.

Y/n: "suck it! Time Dilation, bitch!"

Carmilla: "Vlad!"

Carmilla ran towards Y/n to try and land a finishing blow against him, but she found herself in his vice-like grip instead.

Carmilla: "W-What are you? Monster."

Y/n: "Oh? Monster, eh? That's an understatement."

Carmilla's eyes widened as he brought her face closer to his.

Y/n: "I'm more akin to an Extinction Event than a monster."

Carmilla felt fear like no other as she looked into the cold abyss of Y/n's eyes.

Y/n: "Jeanne. Should I nuke the place? Or should I do this the clean way?"

Jeanne: "Clean if possible."

Y/n smirked before throwing Carmilla to the floor.

The other berserk servants watched in awe as Y/n held out one hand.

Y/n: "You get one chance to beg for your life. Then I summon a new toy that an old friend of mine told me about."

Carmilla didn't even think twice. She got onto her hands and knees and knelt before Y/n.

Carmilla: "Please. I'm begging you, lord. Spare me. Kill the others for all I care, but spare my life and I shall forever be in your debt."

Y/n: " would rat out your own allies?"

Carmilla: "If it guarantees my safety then I'll gladly do anything!"

Kiara: "No getting any funny Ideas, Y/n~"

Y/n: "Says the horny nun!"

Y/n looked down at Carmilla's grovelling form before his cruel smirk returned. Vlad was on high alert as the time dilation wore off.

Y/n: "You get ten seconds to run. The same goes for all of you!"

Carmilla rushed to her feet before running to her allies. Jalter's eyes widened when she saw that Y/n had a fucking minigun in his hands.


Jalter: "We're getting the fuck outta here!"

Jalter and her allies jumped onto the back of the dragon. But Carmilla and Vlad were knocked off of it.


Y/n pushed the button to fire, when someone spoke up.

???: "WAIT!!"


Kama: "It was a midget with a weird hat."

Y/n looked over and saw the person that Kama was talking about walking over to them with someone in tow.

Y/n: "Identify or die!"

???1: "No need to be so aggressive! My name is Marie Antoinette, it's lovely to meet you!"

Y/n: "A'ight. Whomst the fuck are you then?"

???2: "I am Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart."

Y/n: "...bullshit."

Mozart: "It is not. I assure you."

Y/n: "...*sigh* dammit, minigun boner's dead now."

Carmilla: "You were getting off on that!?"

Y/n: "I can think of several people that are just as pissed about being blueballed as I am!"

Kiara: "I feel personally attacked!"

Y/n: "Shut it, hornball!"

Kiara just giggled as Y/n turned back to Marie.

Y/n: "So. The fuck's with the blueballing?"

Marie: "I simply see it a waste to destroy such a beautiful individual."


Mozart: "Now now, no need to get violent."

Y/n: "Fuck it. No more chances. You die."

Y/n stepped back before summoning a certain sword to his hands.

Y/n: "fuck it, this'll do!"

Both Vlad and Carmilla immediately turned to run, but it was too late. Their fate was sealed.


Y/n unleashed the anti-fortress noble phantasm and struck down both Vlad and Carmilla. They both vanished immediately.

Y/n: "That bitch Jalter's just gonna summon them back, I know it."

Marie: "We could have talked things out with them."


Y/n laughed as he unsummoned the excalibur.

He then thought back to a conversation he had had with Serenity one night.


Y/n: "So, he had a sword that literally killed everything?"

Serenity: "Yes. That sword was named after an angel. It brought death with it wherever that man went. He would always say something like: Hearken. The evening bell tolls thy name. Or something like that."

—End of Flashback—

Y/n: "...The evening bell tolls thy name, eh?"

Y/n looked at his hand with a idea.

Y/n: "Possibly might help with the zombie problem these guys have."

He thought to himself as a single name came to his mind.

Y/n: "...Azrael."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Queen that Loved All.

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