The Queen that Loved All

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The group had moved on to the nearby forest of Jura where they planned their next moves.

Y/n: "Obviously Jalter's the problem with this Era. I'm willin' to bet that Gilles had a hand in it as well."

Jeanne: "More than likely, yes."

Kama: "It's possible that we'll have to take out Jalter and the servants under her command."

Y/n: "Not possible, inevitable."

The group all agreed that they'd have to go after the servants that Jalter had under her command.

Next thing the guys knew, they were all gathered in a huddle of their own. Gudao had gone to bed to preserve his mana, but Y/n stayed up with the male servants.

Chulainn: "I'm not one for cruel queens, but that Carmilla woman...she'd get it."

Y/n: "Fucking agreed."

Astolfo: "You seem to have taken to Chevalier d'Eon rather quickly as well, Y/n."

Y/n: "She's a'ight. She'd definitely get it, but I'm more focused on Martha."

Mozart: "Saint Martha? Why her?"

Y/n: "Let's just say...I got an urgin' for a virgin."

Dantès and Chulainn immediately started rolling around with laughter. Astolfo was in stitches as he laughed.

Y/n: "fuck this, I need booze."

Y/n then held his hand out and a golden glow erupted from his palm as a familiar shape came into view.

Everyone's eyes widened as a holy grail appeared in Y/n's hand.

Edmond: "Excuse me!? How the fuck!?"

Y/n: "Denial of Nothingness."

Edmond: "...fair enough."

Y/n: "I require booze, Grail."

Within a few seconds, the grail had filled up with alcohol and every time Y/n finished it, the grail would just refill.

Edmond: "Wait, couldn't you use that power to revive Il-"

Y/n: "Don't...finish that sentence. Don't get me wrong, if I held no value for human lives, I would have done it. But the problem is that I cared about her. So no. I wouldn't do that."

Dantès looked down in shame.

Chulainn: "Don't feel so down, Dantès. It's a valid question."

Y/n: "He's right. But it's still not something I'm entirely over."

Edmond nodded in understanding before having a drink from the grail.

After an equivalent of twelve bottles of uruk wine level booze, Y/n passed out.

The next morning, he woke up with a bitch of a hangover.

The group packed their things and headed out towards the town of Lyon.

As they ventured further into the woods, Marie struck up a conversation.

Marie: "So, all three of you are new masters, yes?"

Gudako: "Yup!"

Gudao: "That's right."

Y/n: "I've been a master before."

Mozart: "Oh? Do tell."

Y/n: "In the fifth holy grail war. I was chosen as a master by the grail."

Marie: "Amazing! Who won the war?"

Y/n: "Nobody."

Mozart: "Huh? How did nobody win?"

Edmond: "the Grail was corrupted. So we destroyed that bitch."

Y/n: "Yeah."

Mozart: "I see! So you must have been Y/n's servant, Edmond?"

Edmond: "I was one of Y/n's servants. Funny thing is, both Jeanne and Jalter were Y/n's servants as well."

Marie: "Really!?"

Jeanne: "We were both servants of yours?"

Y/n: "Yup. You were the kind one, Jalter was the horny one. Kinda like Medusa now that I think about it."

The group had stopped after spotting something, but Y/n kept walking having not noticed everyone. He then found his head between two soft mounds.

Y/n: "...huh. They're softer than I thought they'd be."

Y/n lazily avoided an attack from the pole-arm that the person was using. He looked up and saw that it was saint Martha.

Martha: "I should beat you senseless for that act alone."

Y/n: "Martha. I'm hungover to hell. Please keep it down."

Edmond: "If anything, he's more dangerous when he's hungover."

Martha: "what's that supposed to mean?"

Edmond: "he's got nothin' to lose when he's like this."

Y/n: "Imma just summon Ea and get this shit over with."

Jeanne then stepped in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Jeanne: "Y/n. You must try to get over this hangover. I don't exactly want to see the forest erased from the face of the earth."

Y/n: "...*sigh* fine. Martha, you're under madness enhancement, right?"

Martha: "How did you-?"

Y/n: "Cool. Lemme just..."

A flash of red then appeared on Y/n's chest and he lifted his shirt, revealing another three command seals added to the nine he already had. Three for each of his servants.

Martha then fell to her knees as the madness enhancement was lifted.

Edmond: "did you literally just use denial of nothingness to make command seals for her?"

Y/n: "Hey. I've got the ability to do it, so Imma fuckin' do it."

Martha was beyond bamboozled as Y/n continued to walk forward. She was especially surprised when Kama started pushing her along with the group.

Y/n failed to notice Marie gazing at him with awe as he walked. He then started singing a fucking classic song.

Y/n: "She keeps her Moet et Chandon, In her pretty cabinet. Let them eat cake, she says
Just like Marie Antoinette."

Marie: "Is that a song about moi?"

Y/n: "Eh? Oh, didn't see ya there. Nah, just a song that I like listening to."

Marie: "What's it called?"

Y/n: "Killer Queen."


Y/n: "Eyy!"

Edmond and Y/n started laughing. A few of the others also joined in on the laughter.

Marie also giggled, she was surprised that her name would be mentioned in a song. She then decided to try to keep the conversation going.

Marie: "So, what was it like? In the fifth grail war?"

Y/n: "I was basically the embodiment of Chaotic Neutral. There was a kinda confusing situation where one of the masters also turned out to be a servant as well. But the grail war itself was meh."

Marie: "I see."

Y/n: "How 'bout you? The queen that loved her people, even in the end."

Marie smiled solemnly.

Marie: "Yes. Even when my people executed me, I loved them all the same."

Y/n: "heh. You're doing better than I would've."

Marie: "Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Y/n: "I woulda mercilessly slaughtered them all right there and then. It'd only take a single snap of my fingers and I could impale each of them on one of the chains of heaven. Or even better..."

Y/n smirked as a black flame flickered in his hand.

Marie: "So, you are a crusader of vengeance?"

Y/n: "If I was to be brought back as a servant, yeah. I'd probably end up as an avenger."

Marie: "That is a rather sad existence though, non?"

Edmond: "Ey! Avenger servant right here, ya know!"

Marie: "Oh, my apologies, Monsieur Dantès."

Marie went quiet for a while until the group came to a rest in a small clearing so they could get their bearings right.

Y/n and Astolfo went to go clear the forest of werewolves, because those were a thing that were in fifteenth century France.

Astolfo: "Hey, Y/n. How come you don't wanna tell Master Gudao that I'm a guy?"

Y/n: "It's more fun this way."

Astolfo: "Fun? How?"

Y/n: "Gudao's straight, right?"

Astolfo: "Yeah, he has a picture of Anastasia in his pocket that he looks at before he goes to bed."

Y/n: "Oh, that poor idiot."

Astolfo: "What about you? You got someone special?"

Y/n: "Several people. One of them's Mordred Pendragon. Another's Jeanne."

Astolfo: "Oh, I see."

Astolfo had a cheeky grin on his face as he slashed his way through the werewolves in front of him.

Astolfo: "So, who were your servants anyway?"

Y/n: "Mordred, Two Artorias, Two Jeannes, Hassan of Serenity, Dantès, Leonidas, Gilgamesh, Gorgon, Ishtar and Ereshkigal as well as Frankenstein."

Astolfo: "Fran was one of your servants!?"

Y/n: "Yeah, you know her?"

Astolfo: "Yeah! Fran's an old pal of mine from another grail war!"

Y/n laughed as he and Astolfo got rid of more werewolves.

Meanwhile in Orleans, Jalter scowled at losing Martha.

Jalter: "She's definitely still alive, but she's working with those three masters."

The door opened and Gilles walked into the room.

Gilles: "My dear, Jeanne. Assassin is already awaiting them in Lyon."

Jalter: "Good. He can take them down...I hope."

Gilles: "You seem troubled. Did something happen?"

Jalter: "Is it possible for a master to use a noble phantasm?"

Gilles: "What? No, that's impossible."

Jalter: "Then explain to me how one of those Masters was able to use Excalibur!"

Gilles: "What!?"

Jalter: "Yeah. One of those masters was able to summon Excalibur and use its power."

Gilles scratched at his head as his eyes rolled around in his head independent of one another.

Gilles: "...Denial of Nothingness."

Jalter: "Eh?"

Gilles: "We...have made a critical error. If that mage is in fact a magician and he can use Denial of Nothingness, then he can create virtually anything he desires. From Magical Circuits, to even a holy grail."

Jalter: "Bullshit. He can just make one like it's nothing!?"

Gilles: "Yes."

Jalter: "Shit. Berserker!"


Jalter: "I need you to track down that group of mages! Destroy them completely!"


Jalter: "I'll come over there and break yours if you don't move your fucking ass!"

???: "CUUUUNT!!"

A door slammed shut nearby and Jalter sighed in annoyance.

Jalter: "I regret summoning that psycho."

Gilles: "Well, we can't be picky with our servants."

Jalter groaned in annoyance as Gilles walked out of the room.

Back with the main group, Y/n and Astolfo had finished slaughtering werewolves nearby and had rejoined the main group.

Martha thought it a better Idea to remain close by her new masters side.

Of course, that lead to Y/n laying his head in her lap for a while. Something Kiara found mildly infuriating.

Once the group was on the move again, Mozart decided to strike up a conversation with Edmond.

Mozart: "Is Y/n always so aggressively minded?"

Edmond: "Y/n's a complicated situation. You'd be better to ask Haruna about him. But in the time I've known him, yeah, he's always ready for a fight."

Mozart: "I see."

Edmond: "At the same time, as much as he loves destruction and pissing people off, he also cares about those in his care. Though Marie's got to work to get him to care about her."

Mozart: "Is he still upset about that?"

Edmond: "She blueballed him from tearing them apart with a minigun. who wouldn't be pissed?"

Mozart: "I-I see."

Finally, the group came to the edge of the forest. Gudao was about to walk forward when Y/n pulled him back, just as a large object crashed into the ground in front of them.

Y/n: "It's a servant."

Martha: "Berserker."

Kiara: "I thought we killed berserker."

Martha: "Not this one. This one's arguably more dangerous, and definitely more batshit insane."


Y/n: "...holy shit this guy's awesome."

???: "HEY!!...I appreciate that. BUT YOU'RE STILL A CUNT!!"

Artoria: "Oh goody, It's Lancelot."

Y/n: "Oi, that's Lancelot? Dafuq?"

Artoria: "Watch out for the fifty cal."

Y/n: "Wha-"

Y/n narrowly avoided an attack that Lancelot had thrown his way.

Artoria: "His noble phantasm allows him to turn whatever he touches into a noble phantasm."

Y/n: "Ooh~ that sounds fun."

Martha: "I'm surprised you don't just use your power to make him your servant."

Y/n: "Now where'd be the fun in that?"

Edmond: "Want me to take him out?"

Y/n: "Nah. Kama. Get that ass up here."

Kama smirked as she walked over to her master.


Kama: "...Okay. I already want him dead."

Y/n: "Good. Kill him."

Kama: "With. Fucking. Pleasure."


Kama: "I am seriously gonna enjoy this."

Kama cracked her knuckles before suddenly appearing in front of Lancelot.

Kama: "This burning of affection is out of love...Samsara Kama."

Suddenly, a gargantuan beam of energy was fired at Lancelot.

Lancelot: ""

At the moment of impact, Lancelot resumed his incessant yelling. It only continued as the beam turned around and struck him multiple times more.


Kama then appeared in front of her master with a small smirk.

Kama: "heh. That shut you up."

Lancelot: "Stupid...CUUUUNT!!"

Kama's eye twitched and she advanced to deliver the final blow to Lancelot.

Kama: "I'm going to enjoy this far more than I should."

Kama then summoned a bow to her hands.

She then pointed it directly at Lancelot.

Kama: "Eat this, asshole."

Lancelot: "FU-"

Kama loosed the arrow and Lancelot disappeared.

Kama: "Y/n. When do we stop for the night?"

Y/n: "When the sun goes down, why?"

Kama: "I'd suggest getting ready for a VERY long night."

Y/n: "Oh good, another female servant that wants my dick."

Kiara: "Can I join?"

Kama: "No. This is private time."

Kiara: "You're no fun."

Kama: "Wait until we get back to Chaldea or something."

Kiara: "Aww~"

Y/n chuckled as the group walked towards the town of Lyon in the distance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Assassin of the Opera.

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