Age of Discovery

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???: "Well well! What do we have here then, huh?"

Y/n: "Just by looking, I can tell ya that you've got back problems out the ass, bitch."

The woman in front of him laughed as he spoke, causing her... *ahem* A S S E T S to jiggle like they had a fucking mind of their own.

Y/n: "I don't even think Artorias were as big as those, fucking christ."

Abzu: "Speaking as someone who laid with Tiamat. Those are still impressive."

Y/n: "How big are Tiamat's anyway?"

Abzu: "Ohoho, you'll learn soon enough."

???: "So, the fuck are you lot doin' here?"

Ophelia: "We're here from the Chaldea security organisation."

???: "Ha? Chaldea? The fuckin' nerds with their telescopes!? Yeah, no. Boys, get rid of 'em!"

A few of the pirates reached for their weapons before Y/n raised one hand.

A golden light erupted from behind him as the gate of babylon opened.

Gilgamesh smirked as Drake saw the sword that emerged from the gate.

Y/n: "How 'bout this. You and I will have a duel. The winner gets to command the loser to do whatever."

???: "Heh, fair enough then. Should probably introduce myself first though. Name's Francis Drake."

Y/n: "... Fuck me sideways."

Drake: "Heh, if I win then I might."

Y/n suddenly felt a shiver as Drake licked her lips.

Y/n: "Horny woman."

Drake: "C'mon, ya think this lot can satisfy me? Nah! Not even close!"

Edmond: "Speaking as a former sea captain. Fucking yike."

Gudako: "I almost forgot you were a sea captain before you got that rage boner for everything and everyone."

Edmond: "Not everything and everyone. I do have another version of myself though. One from later in my life."

Gilgamesh: "As do I."

Edmond: "On three we say the class. One, two, three!"

Both: "Caster."

Y/n sighed before raising his sword as Drake drew hers. The two circled each other momentarily before Drake went in for a lunge. She managed to tear some of Y/n's shirt, but that was about it. Meanwhile, Y/n himself ducked under another swing and thrust his sword upwards, just barely catching the front of Drake's jacket.

She stepped back, slightly impressed by the young magician and decided to do as a pirate does and cheat.

She charged in for another lunge, but drew her pistol and aimed directly at Y/n's head.

Y/n merely smirked before revealing that his eyes were glowing blue as the world around him turned cold. He then stepped off to one side and the world grew warmer again. Drake's eyes widened as she hit the ground with a thud.

She them rolled over and found Y/n pointing the end of the blade at her throat.

Y/n: "Looks like this is my win, Drake."

Francis smirked before laying her head back.

Drake: "Alright, I concede."

Y/n smirked back at her and helped her to her feet.

Drake: "Alright then. Since I lost I gotta do whatever you guys say, right? So what's it gonna be? Ya gonna boil me alive? Have your way with me? What's it gonna be."

Gudako: "N-Nothing like that, miss Drake."

Y/n: "I might take her up on that second option though."

Abzu: "Down, boy."

Ophelia: "To make a long story short we're here to correct a singularity. In order to do that we need to find the thing responsible for creating it, a holy grail."

Drake: "Huh. Well I don't think I have anythin' like that... Wait. No, I think I do. Is it anything like my booze goblet?"


Haruna: "FUCK!"

The others chuckled as Y/n cackled victoriously. Drake then brought them to the cave where she and her boys had hidden their loot.

She then brought out an ornate cup that Y/n recognised instantly.

Y/n: "That's a grail alright."

Ophelia: "This makes things easy then."

Zhuge: "No, that's the grail of this time period. The one that caused the singularity's much stronger."

Drake: "So this ain't what you're lookin' for?"

Edmond: "No. To put it simply, the one we're looking for is far stronger. To the point where it can cause distortions in this very world."

Drake: "Now that ya mention it. The seas HAVE been gettin' pretty restless out there. Like somethin's stirred 'em up."

Gilgamesh: "It is essentially their job to un-fuck this world."

Drake: "And what about you, glitter balls? What's your job."

Gilgamesh: "Tch, as king it is my duty to oversee my subjects."

Malter: "*cough* Artoria simp! *cough*"

The four masters struggled to contain their amusement as Gilgamesh glared at Malter.

Regular Mash then grew pale as Gil turned to her next.

Gilgamesh: "Do not become that. She's a bad influence."

Edmond: "Shielder hangs out with a gacha addict and a man with very questionable tastes. She's fine."

Ophelia: "That reminds me, Malter. What was I like in your time?"

Malter: "You wouldn't stop sucking Wodime off when we met you. Like, you kept kissing his ass to the point that I think I turned around and asked if you wanted something to wash down the load you verbally sucked outta Wodime."

The other three burst out laughing as Ophelia turned beet red.

Edmond: "Mash, do me a favour. Do not."

Mash: "I... I don't think I will, don't worry Dantès."

Edmond: "Good."

Drake: "Gettin' back on topic. You guys are basically lookin' for treasure, yeah?"

Y/n: "In essence, yes."

Drake then smirked before holding her hand out.

Drake: "If it's loot yer after, count me the fuck in!"

Y/n returned the smirk before shaking her hand, she then pulled him closer and whispered in his ear

Drake: "You. Me. Captains quarters tonight. Be there."

Y/n: "Prepare to not walk in the morning, bitch."

Drake laughed before everyone settled down for some food. Y/n laughed as he tried to keep Gudako from going insane after Edmond took his shirt off.

(Just a side note. If DW ever implements story replay for F/GO. I'm doing Okeanos with all summer servants. None of you can stop me.)

That night, it was decided that they'd set sail in the morning due to how fucked up Drake got. But everyone slept in the ship. (Apart from Y/n and Drake because you guys already know what's going on in the captains quarters.)

At the front of the ship, Caenis was leaning over the railing and watching the waves as she reminisced about her life.

She thought back to a particular ship. One that she knew very well, with people she remembered fondly.

A large, muscular man, the descendant of Zeus himself. A young woman who's skill with a bow was considered legendary. A blonde man who's very being radiated arrogance. Finally, a young witch who fell in love with that blonde buffoon.

Caenis: "*sigh* Fuck, I miss Greece."

???: "Reminiscing about a past life, Caenis? I didn't think you the type."

Caenis turned and found Gilgamesh walking over.

Caenis: "Heh. You're one to talk. You're constantly going on about your past life as a king."

Gilgamesh: "I still am king, Caenis. All this world is my garden and I shall treat it as such."

Caenis: "Fuck, you remind me of Poseidon. Fuckin' hate that prick."

Gilgamesh: "The gods are a burden upon humanity. While I occasionally carry out their will it is to better myself or to better humanity... By bettering myself of course."

Caenis: "Saw that one comin' a mile off. Any ideas where we're goin' next?"

Gilgamesh: "No clue. However the shielder pointed out that we're currently in a maze of islands at the moment. Might be a good idea to go hunting at some point. It's been far too long since I last hunted. The last time was with Enkidu while I was still alive."

Caenis: "Damn, there was someone other than Y/n that actually tolerated you?"

Gilgamesh: "Silence, whelp. Now then, I will go and make sure that the very sexually confusing member of our group doesn't spoil the fun."

Caenis: "The trap?"

Gilgamesh: "Call him what you will. Gudao Fujimaru's days are numbered with him around."

Caenis laughed as Gilgamesh headed below deck. She turned and looked up to the sky and smirked as she saw a specific chain of stars.

Caenis: "Orion, huh? Wonder what he's up to."



???2: "CRAZY!?!?"


End of Chapter.

Next Time: Chaos Labyrinth.

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