Chaos Labyrinth

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Gudao: "They still going?"

Gudako: "I dunno, you tell me."

Both leaned their ears against the door of the captains quarters and heard Drake on the verge of screaming.

Gudao: "Yup, they're still goin'."

Stheno saw the two and walked over.

Stheno: "Oh my. What might you two be doing here?"

Gudako: "Oh, Stheno. W-We were just..."

Drake: "Listenin' in on me getting railed."

Both Fujimaru siblings jumped in unison as Drake stood between them.

Drake: "Lemme guess. You weren't expectin' us to go literally all night?"

Gudao: "Well, normally you'd be exhausted by this point. At least, that's how it is for normal people."

Drake: "Not even close! Haha!"

Y/n: "You forget that we're the farthest from normal that a person physically can be."

Drake: "Anyway! What's the plan? How we gonna find this grail?"

Stheno: "I suggest we figure out which servants have been summoned to this era."

Gudao: "Good shout. We can start by checking nearby isla-"

Pirate1: "GHOST SHIP!!"


The group rushed to the port side of the ship and sure enough there was another, more dilapidated looking ship making its way towards them.

Y/n: "Alright then. Let's kick some ass!"

Gilgamesh: "Heh. Stand back, Mongrels. The king will show you but a fraction of his power."

Gilgamesh smirked as the gate of babylon opened behind him and fired multiple large weapons at the ship. A few of the ghosts screamed at him, causing him to grow irritated.


Another volley of weapons was fired at the ship and again, the ghosts screamed.

Caenis: "Tch, loud bastards, aren't they?"

Gilgamesh: "Insolent fools!"

Y/n then sensed something approaching at unbelievable speeds.


Everyone ducked as a green blur shot overhead. A figure dropped down from above and landed with a loud thud.

Y/n looked in awe as he saw the man in sleek futuristic armour. The green blur then turned around and Decimated everything on the ghost ship before it skidded to a halt on the deck of Drake's ship, revealing a chariot with a green haired young man.

???1: "Whew! That was fun!"

???2: "Speak for yourself. It seems we've found the mages that the caster spoke of."

Y/n: "Caster? Is Merlin causing more fuckery!?"

Y/n: "Excuse me. You mentioned a caster? Was it a man in a white cloak with kinda blueish lavender hair?"

???1: "Same description, different set of genitals."

Everyone: "... Huh?"

Y/n: "... There's two dong deliverers?"

???2: "It would seem that way, yes."

Caenis: "You two. You're Greek, ain't ya?"

???1: "Yeah, I'm guessing you're Greek too?"

Stheno: "As am I."

???2: "A group of four Greek servants. State your names and we shall state ours."

Caenis: "Caenis, lancer class divine spirit."

Y/n: "She acts all high and mighty, but she's a sub!"

The green haired servant burst into laughter as Caenis' eye twitched in annoyance.

Caenis: "We'll see about that later, master."

Y/n: "Bet."

???1: "Welp, that's one so I'll return the favour. Name's Achilles. Rider servant."

Stheno: "I am Stheno. Assassin servant, the eldest of the gorgon sisters."

???2: "Stheno, huh? Medusa's oldest sister. Very well. I am also a Rider. My true name is Odysseus."

Y/n: "Fucking christ. You two are some of the biggest names in Greek myth!"

Achilles: "Heh, glad to hear I'm remembered as a hero."

Y/n: "The amazons would beg to differ."

Achilles: "I never understood those chicks."

Y/n: "You disgraced their leader by calling her beautiful."


Odysseus: "While you may not have. Penthesilea certainly did. Beauty is discarded by amazons in favour of strength. Such is their code of honour."

Achilles: "Fuck literally all of you."

Gudao: "The fuck did we do!?"

Ophelia: "Calm yourself, Gudao. Achilles, Odysseus. Why did you seek us out?"

Odysseus: "As I said, a caster mentioned you in passing. Of course it piqued Achilles' interest, I merely tagged along."

Y/n: "Then, d'you know what kind of servants we'll be dealing with?"

Achilles: "We saw a couple of ships towards the north-east. One of 'em had some pirates on it and I could definitely sense servants."

Odysseus: "The other had nothing but servants on it. One of which we knew just by looking."

Achilles: "Yup. Heracles."

Caenis: "HERC'S HERE!?"

Y/n: "Shit. If Herc's here and he's working against us then that'll provide some difficulty."

Roman: "No shit. Heracles is basically invincible."

Haruna: "Y/n, d'you remember how Illya kept him in line?"

Y/n: "I'm not entirely sure myself."

Caenis: "Eh, nothin' to worry about. You've got two divine spirits right here after all as well as two of Greece's most well known heroes!"

Malter: "We also have the king of heroes here. But, you aren't the only Greeks here."

Caenis: "Huh?"

Edmond: "There are more?"

Malter: "See that island over there?"

Everyone turned to the starboard side of the ship and saw the island Malter was pointing to.

Drake: "What about it?"

Malter: "Two more Greek spirits over there."

Y/n: "Alright then, let's get a move on!"

Setanta: "Agreed. The faster we get those two then the faster we can find the grail."

Zhuge: "Indeed. Malter, I realise that you're here to prevent the future from coming to light, but what are we facing?"

Malter: "Y'know how the butterfly effect's a thing that can happen?"

Ophelia: "Yes. In essence you know what CAN happen since you've experience a version of it."

Malter: "Yup. Odysseus and Achilles weren't here in my version of things. If it's the same here we'll be dealing with an archer and a berserker."

Stheno: "An archer, eh? Fufu, I might know who it is then."

Astolfo: "The berserker too?"

Stheno: "Nope. The only Greek berserker that comes to mind is Heracles."

Achilles: "Penth's also a berserker."

Malter: "I'm surprised you guys haven't said who I thought you would."

Y/n: "Whomsteth?"

Malter: "Not a hero from Greece, a monster."


Malter: "... I'm ignoring that."

After twenty minutes, the ship dropped the anchor and Drake, Y/n, Achilles and Odysseus stepped onto the island with Gudao, Gudako, Ophelia and their servants.

Gilgamesh took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a minute.

Mash: "Umm... King Gilgamesh? Are you okay?"

Gilgamesh: "I am fine. Merely nostalgic. This beach reminds me of when Enkidu and I would go on adventures together. One time, they and I sat on the beach overlooking the Persian sea with my advisor at the time."

Y/n: "Oh? You had someone else in your one person friend group?"

Gilgamesh: "Yes. I'm sure if you concentrate on the mana within that arm of yours then you'll see those memories."

Edmond: "Not to burst your bubble, but..."

Emiya: "There's a large opening there."

Stheno: "The labyrinth? Ah, I know who our berserker is now."

Achilles: "Same, stay close to me."

Everyone nodded as the group headed inside of the labyrinth. The Greeks made the front of the formation while the two avengers hung back.

Mash: "Uh, Alter?"

Malter: "Sup?"

Mash: "How did we win?"

Malter: "Nope. I'm not telling you that. While I can reveal a lot, the methods of our victory are something that I won't spoil. My past and your future are different. The Member Manipulator certainly wasn't involved this early in the game."

All the guys got a chuckle out of Malter's new nickname for Merlin.

Y/n: "That reminds me, Malter. If I was a Matou in the other timeline, who were my servants?"

Malter: "In the fifth grail war? You had three servants. One of which was the caster class Pharaoh, Nitocris. The other two were the rider class queen of Connacht, Medb and the ruler class opium addicted detective, Sherlock Holmes."


Malter: "Yup. He's a real weirdo once ya get down to it. But he means well, besides, I used to hide his opium from him and watch him tear up the cafeteria. I'd then get my ass pounded by Y/n."

Mash immediately blushed up a storm as Malter giggled.

Malter: "Not like that, perv! Though it did happen on occasion."

Y/n: "How many times!?"

Malter: "Forty seven since the first time!"

Y/n: "When was that!?"

Malter: "Singularity six!"

Y/n: "FUCK!!"

Gudako: "So, what were we like in your time?"

Malter: "I'll answer that later. Y/n! On your left!"

Y/n jumped back as something slammed into the wall at blinding speed.

It was a massive man with long, shaggy white hair and a large beard. On his face was a metal mask in the shape of a bull and horns grew out from atop his head.

Y/n: "Fuckin' minotaur!"

Odysseus: "Damn it all!"

Achilles: "Yo! Big guy! Come fight us!"

Minotaur: "LEAVE!!"

Y/n then spotted another figure standing nearby the minotaur. A woman, but she looked familiar.

Y/n: "STHENO!!"

Stheno: "What!?"


The other woman perked up and spoke.

???: "Asterios, that's enough!"

The minotaur stopped his carnage and walked back to the woman. Stheno's smile warmed as she saw the other woman.

Stheno: "Dear sister. It's been so long."

???: "S-Stheno?"

Mash: "Who is that?"

Malter: "The middle child of the gorgon sisters. Euryale."

Euryale stepped forward and embraced her sister while the minotaur stood back.

Y/n: "Okay. So big guy was protecting Euryale, huh?"

Asterios: "You... not with... Bad people?"

Drake: "Bad people? What kind?"

Odysseus: "Do one these bad people happen to look like they should be kept a thousand planets away from anyone who even remotely looks like a loli?"

Asterios nodded his head in confirmation as the two riders turned to each other and nodded.

Achilles: "Those guys aren't anywhere near here for now. They're a couple of islands over."

Euryale: "And we should believe you because...?"

Stheno: "Achilles speaks the truth, sister."

Euryale's eyes widened as the name was dropped. Asterios gripped his weapons tightly.

Euryale: "T-The hero Achilles? Then the rest of you are-"

Caenis: "Divine spirit, lancer class, name's Caenis."

Odysseus: "I am Odysseus."

Euryale had to keep her composure in the presence of two of Greece's most well documented heroes.

Euryale: "I-I see. It is as your friend said. I am Euryale, Archer class servant. This is Asterios, berserker class."

Y/n: "Name's Y/n von Einzbern. That's Ophelia Phamrsolone and Gudao and Gudako Fujimaru."

Euryale nodded and shook Y/n's outstretched hand. Earlier however, on a ship nearby, a man was frantically gazing through a telescope.


???2: "Wow, somehow you're even more pathetic than before."

???: "Huhuhuhuhu! Your insults are so scathing, it's so good!"

???3: "You're several levels of creepy, pal."

???: "Any more sass and I'll show ya how creepy I can really be, heheheheheh."

The creep was silenced by a boot to the face as the taller woman took out her own telescope and noted the group of masters and servants going into the labyrinth. She then caught sight of Y/n talking with Gilgamesh.

???3: "The king of heroes!? Oh, no. We are NOT dealing with that!"

???2: "Problem, Anne?"

???3: "A big one. As in Anti-World noble phantasm big."

???2: "A-Anti-World!?"

???3: "Uh-huh. Our best option might be to book it."

???2: "... I got a better idea."

The taller pirate then turned to the loli next to her as she explained her plan.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Bonnie and Read.

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