Bonny and Read

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The group left the labyrinth behind as they stepped onto the white sandy beach. Euryale and Stheno both took comfort in the heat of the sand.

Asterios was slightly more conservative about the sand. Being cooped up in a stone labyrinth all his life meant that he never really got to experience much of the outside world.

Ophelia: "Asterios, you look a bit confused."

Asterios: "First time... Touching sand."

Drake: "Heh, you'll experience a lot out here, pal. Let's get this ship movin' boys!"

Y/n chuckled as Drake's crew got flustered as she yelled over to them. Achilles then placed his hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Achilles: "Anyone else sense that?"

Euryale: "Don't tell me it's that creep again!?"

Odysseus: "No. It's two sources of energy..."

Malter: "One's a loli, the other one has back problems."

Y/n: "What is this? The tit singularity?"

Malter/Drake: "Don't act like you don't enjoy it."

Gudako: "All things considered, this place would be nice to bring everyone for a vacation."

Edmond: "I have to agree... except for the fact that I burn easy."

Gudao: "Makes sense, you're one of the palest mother fuckers I've seen."

Gilgamesh: "The sun beating down upon the beaches and with women and wine to keep us going. For once you mongrels have piqued my interest with an idea."

Drake: "Welp. Mash, how far out are our guests?"

Mash: "Hard to tell at this point. Doctor?"

Roman: "They're closing in on you fast. It's just the two of them from what I see, but it's weird. It's like I'm looking at one signature."

Y/n: "Talk about it later. I've got visual."

The others looked up and saw two figures approaching from the south of the island.

Gilgamesh opened the gate of Babylon behind him while Y/n summoned a familiar red spear while the others got ready to fight.

Y/n focused his sight until he saw that the two servants had their weapons on their backs, despite that, nobody let their guard down.

Y/n kept the spear ready before he walked towards the two when he was close enough, he kept the spear at the ready before talking.

Y/n: "The hell are you two?"

???1: "Name's Anne. Archer half."

???2: "Mary. Rider."

Y/n: "Wait, Archer half?"

Malter walked forward and the rotating teeth of her shield slowed.

Malter: "They're both two halves of the one servant. Anne Bonny and Mary Read. One servant with two classes depending on which one you're dealing with."

Anne & Mary: "Yup."

Malter: "Just a heads up. Anne's the horny one. Mary's the one that wants headpats."

Mary: "... Have we met before?"

Malter: "In another time, yes."

Odysseus: "It's good knowing that we have someone who knows each servant well."

Malter: "Well... I know you less, Odysseus. I knew about your legend, but you never showed up until... later."

Odysseus: "Yes. As you said, this is due to the butterfly effect. Each timeline has its own branches, like a tree. Every action creates these new branches while the universe prunes the ones it deems not necessary."

Malter: "My time wasn't proper human history after all. It's kinda sad, but now I won't have to endure seeing Y/n getting dragged off again."

Y/n: "Wait... Did I ever talk about Sakura?"

Malter: "Who?"

Y/n: "Sakura Matou."

Malter shook her head in response.

Malter: "You didn't know anyone called Sakura. The members of the fifth grail war were: yourself, Shinji Matou, Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, Kiritsugu Emiya, Kirei Kotomine and Illyasviel von Einzbern."

Y/n: "... The fuck kinda roster is that?"

Malter: "As I said. Your servants were Medb, Sherlock and Nitocris."

Y/n: "How did that go?"

Malter: "When we summoned Medb back, we didn't see you for three whole days on account of how unbelievably horny that woman is."

Gudako: "Who were the other servants?"

Malter: "Shinji's servant was Medusa Lily. Shirou's was Artoria Alter. Illya had Heracles. Rin had Emiya Alter, Edgemiya as you called him."

Emiya: "Oh god, I have an alter?"

Setanta: "Same, dude. S A M E."

Y/n: "What about the priest and the other Emiya?"

Malter: "Kiritsugu had caster. Hans Christian Andersen. Kirei had lancer."

Setanta: "Me?"

Malter: "No, not this time. He had Fionn Mac Cumhail. (Finn MacCool.)"

Y/n: "Kinda random roster, huh?"

Malter: "Oh, it got real weird about halfway through. Your pal Kiara showed up and started causing chaos with Kama."

Y/n: "... Oh really?"

Over comms, Y/n could practically FEEL how embarrassed Kama and Kiara were, more so Kama.

Roman: "Keep giving them that deadpan look and we might have an... Issue in Kiara's underwear."

Y/n then burst out laughing uncontrollably with the others. Even Gilgamesh got a chuckle in.

Anne and Mary both showed no hostile intent, as such they were put in binds and brought aboard the ship.

Y/n noticed immediately as they set sail that Mary had gone several shades paler than previously. She was looking around desperately as if in a panic.

Y/n: "... I'm untying them."

Ophelia: "Are you sure it's wise?"

Zhuge: "The smaller one is having a panic attack. It would be cruel to keep her tied up."

While Anne desperately tried to console her friend, Y/n walked over with a knife he had summoned. He knelt down next to Mary and cut the ropes that kept her bound.

Mary's first reaction was to throw herself into an embrace.

Y/n: "I take it she's got bad memories of being tied up?"

Anne: "Prison wasn't kind to either of us. Mary died of sickness while bound in ropes."

Y/n: "I see... I'm sorry to hear that."

Y/n softly petted Mary's head as she trembled in his arms.

Y/n: "You don't seem too bothered by it."

Anne: "I managed to get outta prison. Mary wasn't so fortunate... But! I had my son."

Malter: "PFF- WHAT!?"

Anne: "You didn't know?"

Gudao: "So Anne's a Milf... Huh."

Ophelia: "This... Certainly comes as news to me as well."

Anne: "The reason Mary was so sick in prison was because she was pregnant as well."

Y/n: "... My mind is no longer closed off. It is an endless plain ravaged by daemons... And chicken."

Anne burst out laughing as Y/n produced a cooked chicken wing from nowhere.

Y/n: "In all seriousness though. You two are seriously tough for being female pirates."

Mash: "Yes, especially since you were part of Calico Jack's crew."

Anne: "He was the one that got me knocked up by the way!"

Everyone: "EH!?"

Mary then slowly got out of Y/n's embrace and stumbled to her feet.

Y/n: "Take it easy, Mary."

Mary: "I-I'm fine... don't worry about it."


Y/n jumped to his feet and caught sight of the flag as Anne tried to stand herself up.

Anne: "Shit, it's Teach."

Roman: "Teach?"

Mary: "You guys'd know him as Blackbeard."

Y/n: "Blackbeard, eh? I'm fully expecting to be disappointed."

Anne & Mary: "Good. Because he's disgusting."

Y/n: "How bad?"

Mary: "Lolicon. Foot fetish. Armpit fetish. Never showers. Masochistic. The bad side of the otaku community."

Y/n: "... Y'know. I was expecting disappointment. But I wasn't even remotely prepared for how much I want to kill this guy."

Anne: "Others on the ship are Hektor and Eric Bloodaxe."

Achilles: "Hektor!?"

Odysseus: "This shall prove entertaining."

The masters held on tight as a cannon shot hit the side of the golden hind. A man that everyone assumed was Teach stood laughing on the bow of his ship.



Drake fell silent as her hat covered her eyes.

Y/n: "... Everyone. Hide."

Everyone physically hid behind cannons and barrels before Drake lifted her head.

Drake: "... Everything."

Pirate2: "Boss?"

Drake: "Unload. Fucking. Everything. I WANT THIS BASTARD AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN!!"

Euryale: "Call her what you will. She's rather determined."

Stheno: "Could you imagine that kind of insult being directed at us, dear sister?"

Euryale: "Oh, I would castrate a thousand men for even as much as the insinuation."

Teach: "Ooh! Two Euryales!? Gyehehehehehe!"

Y/n: "... Kill it. Kill it with fire. Kill it in a hail of bullets. Kill it in the most painful manner possible."

Y/n didn't even hesitate as he and Gilgamesh stood up and nodded to each other.

Gilgamesh formed the sword of rupture in his hands while Y/n reached out and summoned two blades to his hands.

Gilgamesh: "Judgement is upon you!"

Y/n: "Behold! The inferno of destruction that fills the heavens! Come forth, the surge of Utnapishtim!"

Gilgamesh: "Behold!"


Y/n slammed the two blades together to form a bow. Gilgamesh smirked as he pointed Ea towards the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Gilgamesh: "ENUMA ELISH!!"

Y/n: "ENKI!!"

One second, the two were stood with their weapons pointed at Blackbeard. The next, the sea itself turned against their enemy. Finally, everything went quiet as the energy released was too much for even the other servants to handle.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Goddess of the Hunt.

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