Counter Attack

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This was exactly the opposite of what both deities thought they'd find themselves facing.

Floating before them was a being known as an outer-god. A creature from beyond our universe that clearly had some sort of attraction to Y/n.

???: "Ah, ahagl ah shugg r'luhhor geb nng?"

Abzu: "Any idea what it just said?"

Ahura Mazda: "Unfortunately I do not speak outer-god."

???: "Vulgtmnah cahf's mg vulgtmnah.  Og vulgtmnah, Y' ahor ymg' goka ya yaah."

Abzu: "We do not speak your tongue, outer-god."

???: "Y' ah shub-niggurath."

Abzu: "I just told-"

Ahura Mazda: "Wait. I think it just told us it's name."

Abzu: "Oh?"

Ahura Mazda: "You just said your name was Shub-Niggurath, yes?"

Shub-Niggurath: "Y' mgepah."

Abzu: "Perhaps we should find a suitable form for it."

Ahura Mazda: "Don't worry about that, I have just the thing. You remember when we were skimming through some of Gudao's manga a few weeks back?"

Abzu: "Yes, I do."

Ahura Mazda: "As it happens, there was a manga in there that had a humanised version of this very outer god."

Shub-Niggurath: "Ahornah Y' mgr'luh fahf ye'bthnk?"

Ahura Mazda then called to Y/n while he helped to put the wyvern scales on the ship.

Ahura Mazda: "Y/n, do you remember that manga that Gudao had in which there was a version of an outer god that had a human form?"

Y/n: "Oh yeah, I know the one, Ane Nare Mono. What about it?"

Edmond: "That Ahura Mazda?"

Y/n: "Yup."

Ahura Mazda: "I need you to envision the outer god in question within your mindscape, the manga version, not the eldritch horror spawn."

Y/n nodded before trying to envision the heroine of that manga, within his mindscape the image came through clearly, gaining the attention of the outer god.

Shub-Niggurath: "fahf ye'bthnk ahor ah.  Mgah'ehye ya ehye y'nah."

With a sudden burst of light, the eldritch horror spawn had vanished and in its place was, well...

Shub-Niggurath: "Ah, Yes. This form shall do nicely. What did you say this character's name was? Chiyo?"

Abzu: "You can speak in human tongue?"

Chiyo: "Yes. It would appear so. I think I'll adopt the name Chiyo. Much better to understand than my true name. Kuhuhuhu~"

Suddenly, Y/n got a shiver down his spine.

Y/n: "... A'ight. I'm hearing a new voice. The fuck did you idiots do?"

Ahura Mazda: "The reason we asked for the image of that character was... well..."

Chiyo: "Because I'm here now!"

Y/n: "So you're telling me that I have some sort of eldritch tenticular horror spawn in my head."

Chiyo: "I'm not that horrifying... Right?"

Abzu: "Not gonna comment."

Ahura Mazda: "Well this bumps your class total up to three. Ruler, Avenger and Foreigner."

Chiyo: "I'm unlikely to die any time soon, so I can take my time... training you."

Y/n shuddered at her tone of voice before he was snapped out of his conversation by Asterios.

Asterios: "We ready... to go."

Y/n: "Right. Let's get this thing movin' then, yeah?"

Asterios nodded before he and Darius gave a mighty heave and pushed the ship back into the waves. The berserkers then climbed back aboard the Golden Hind before the crew set sail once again.

Drake: "I am SO gonna shoot a hole through that creep's stomach!"

Y/n: "Get in line. I think Anne & Mary want to beat him senseless."

Anne: "He'd enjoy that, so no thanks."

That response got a chuckle out of Gilgamesh as he stood at the bow of the ship with his signature smirk.

Gilgamesh: "Should that mongrel have survived the attacks from both Ea and Enki, I will be both surprised and far more than ready to kill him myself."

Drake: "Well I called dibs!"

Mash and Malter both laughed nervously as the ships resident heroic spirits laughed, drank and argued.

Malter: "Heh. If Lancelot was here he'd cause all sorts of chaos."

Mash: "That's why I suggested leaving him behind. Keeping him restrained to a ship is bound to be a health risk for everyone involved."

Malter: "True..."

Mash: "Mind if I ask more about your world?"

Malter: "I suppose not. Go ahead."

Mash: "Well... Did you ever find out who the heroic spirit within us is?"

Malter: "Yes. Though he's no longer with me. I'm using my own power. Had to ever since the grand order ended."

Mash: "I see. Did... Did we meet any other demi-servants?"

Malter: "Nah. We never once met a demi-servant that wasn't us. Pseudo-Servants, yes."

Mash: "R- Right..."

Gudako: "Mash! You okay?"

Mash: "O- Oh, yes. Malter was just telling me about her world."

Gudako: "Really? Am I with Edmond in that world?"

Malter: "No, Edmond consigned himself to being single. Until Master summoned Haydèe as a servant, then things changed."

Mash: "I didn't think Haydèe was a servant."

Malter: "Our timeline was confusing. We ended up having to deal with Sut-Typhon after the grand order."

Gudako: "Sut-Typhon? I feel like I've heard that name before."

Malter: "Its other name is Yog-Sothoth. An outer god. It manifested through the first foreigner class servant we ever encountered."

Gudako: "Foreigner? How many classes are there that we haven't met!?"

Malter: "Saver, Foreigner, Voyager, Watcher, Gunner, Faker, Ancient God, Ancient Giant, Beast. Shit like that."

Mash: "D- Do those really exist?"

Malter: "Apparently. The only ones we ever met were Foreigner, Beast and Saver. Oh! Wait, we did deal with an Ancient God and an Ancient Giant."

Gudako: "Servants are so confusing..."

Malter: "Welcome to the throne of heroes, how can I help you?"

The three laughed before one of the pirates up in the crows nest called down.

Pirate: "Enemy ship! Dead ahead!"

Drake snarled as she got on the helm. Soon enough the Queen Anne's Revenge came into view.

Ahura Mazda: "Well then. Time to get to work, eh?"

Y/n: "Got something in mind?"

Ahura Mazda: "As a matter of fact, yes."

With that said, Y/n jumped onto the mast of the ship before making his way up to one of the support beams for the sails.

Y/n: "Does this thing have a chant?"

Ahura Mazda: "By all means, feel free to make one up. I usually don't bother with it though."

Y/n: "Alright then. Since I can't think of anything: AVESTA!!"

As soon as it was shouted, a brilliant light filled everyone's view. When it died down, familiar laughter echoed around the ship.

Edmond: "Kuhahahahaha!"

Gilgamesh: "Fuhahahahahaha!"

The two then walked to the front of the ship as flames sparked up around the avenger and the gate of babylon shone more brilliantly than ever.

Edmond: "I walk a path beyond love and hate!"

Without warning, Edmond had vanished in a burst of flame before three of him suddenly appeared on the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Blackbeard: "Eh!?"


Suddenly more of him appeared around the ship and they blasted it with flame before Edmond rocketed back to the Hind.

Mash: "Ah! Dantès' power output's been increased by an unbelievable amount!"

Ahura Mazda: "You may thank me for that, Shielder."

Everyone looked up as Y/n descended with gold eyes rather than the usual green. The god of Zoroastrianism casually speaking through him in a tone that seemed to relax everyone present.

Haruna: "Y/n's pseudo spirit-origin's changed! He's registered as a Ruler!"

Ahura Mazda: "Indeed. As I explained earlier, he and I form a Ruler demi-divine spirit. He and Abzu form an Avenger."

Y/n: "Either way. Teach still ain't dead."

Ahura Mazda: "*sigh* While I would like to refrain from killing anything, I suppose there is no alternative."

Speaking of Blackbeard, he appeared at the port side of his ship and started yelling at them.

Blackbeard: "What the hell was that!? HACKS!! I CALL HACKS!!"

Y/n: "Gil?"

Gilgamesh: "With pleasure."

Gilgamesh then bombarded the Queen Anne's Revenge with the gate of Babylon. As he did so however, another two servants leaped onto the Hind.

Malter: "Hektor and Bloodaxe are on board!"

Achilles: "I got Hektor!"

Achilles charged forward and clashed with the lancer while Odysseus took on Erik Bloodaxe.

Hektor: "Achilles. Been a while, huh?"

Achilles: "Last I saw you you were tied to the back of my chariot after Troy fell."

Hektor: "Heh, this time'll be different!"

The two clashed and sparks flew as their spears struck one another.

Odysseus managed to deliver several devastating blows to Bloodaxe's head. However the berserker wasn't one to go down easily.


Artemis then hailed arrows on the enemy ship before Y/n leapt into the air and his eyes flashed green.

Y/n: "Nga ùri, nga zu, nga wussuru kalu... Ni qamu kalu!"

With a familiar flash of flame, the arrow formed and aimed at the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Blackbeard: "... Oh poop."


Gilgamesh laughed uproariously as the gigantic arrow was launched and struck true to the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge.

Hektor: "Well ain't that a pretty bonfire?"

Achilles: "Eyes on your opponent, old timer!"

Hektor only barely managed to avoid a strike from Achilles' spear.

Hektor: "I see... Even after being summoned as a heroic spirit, you still act like a brat."

Achilles: "Maybe. But you forgot somethin'."

Hektor: "Oh?"

Achilles: "CAENIS!!"

Hektor's eyes widened as the haft of a spear was slammed into his side before the tip of that spear slashed his Achilles' heel and sent him sprawling to the ground.

Hektor: "Damn... Not too shabby. I'm surprised that there's another Argonaut here."

Caenis: "You're workin' with Herc, ain't ya?"

Hektor: "Heh. Less so with Heracles. Jason's the one who sent me."

Caenis: "JASON!?"

Caenis grabbed Hektor by the collar and lifted him eye level with her.

Caenis: "That fucker better not be plannin' anything!"

Hektor: "Meh, how should I know? I'm just an old man."

As he said that, Bloodaxe had his back broken over the knee of Darius.


Gudao: "Good work, Darius!"

Odysseus: "Thank you for the assistance, Darius."

Darius grunted in response to the greek before a cannon shot rang out. Everyone's eyes widened as the smoke cleared.

Hektor: "Well... That's new."

Y/n's eyes were now glowing a furious blue while a sinister laughter echoed in the air. He had also caught the cannonball with his left hand.

Y/n: "Ah'legeth... Llll fhtagn syha'h ph'nglui shogg."

The sea below the Queen Anne's Revenge then darkened until it was almost completely black.

He then clenched his hand into a fist and crushed the cannonball as the enemy ship collapsed in on itself.

Blackbeard: "What the hell!? What the fuck!? What the shit!? I CALL HAAAAAAACKS!!!"

With that, the Queen Anne's Revenge vanished. All that remained was some gold dust that dissipated in the air.

One collective thought echoed among the minds of those who witnessed it.

"What the hell just happened?"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Mother Goddess

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