Mother Goddess

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Everyone was in awe as Y/n had just used some manner of eldritch fuckery to erase the Queen Anne's Revenge from existence.

All fighting onboard the ship ceased in favour of staring at Y/n with a mixture of awe and terror.

Haruna saw the class registry next to Y/n's name change again and her eyes shot wide open.

Haruna: "H- He's... A FOREIGNER CLASS!?!?"

Roman: "What!?"

Da Vinci: "Oh my, this is definitely something to read up on."

Gudako: "Foreigner? The hell kinda class is that?"

Gilgamesh: "They are an existence with a connection to something outside our world. Extra-dimensional beings are usually tied to them. Instead of Berserker where they are consumed by madness, Foreigner embraces that madness and envelops it, becoming an entirely more dangerous existence."

Gudao: "I want one!"

Gilgamesh: "State your name, Foreigner! I know you have Y/n hostage in there!"

Y/n sighed before the wind kicked up around Gilgamesh. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun with a sword drawn and found himself face-to-face with the goddess with a thousand young.

Chiyo: "Hello."

Ophelia: "Where did-?"

Chiyo: "I'm just projecting myself. My real self's in that boy's mindscape. It's rather spacious, y'know."

Edmond: "So you're a foreign god?"

Chiyo: "Yes. My name in this form is Chiyo. My true name however, is Shub-Niggurath. I am the goat goddess with a thousand young. Most know me as the one who spawned the one that spawned Cthulhu. I'm his grandmother in a sense."

Gilgamesh: "Tch, not just any parasite, but a genuine descendant of the prime parasite himself."

Chiyo: "Hey, Azathoth ain't too bad when ya get to know him. The crippling insanity's the only bad part about knowing him. He's genuinely a good guy... for a formless tenticular eldritch horror spawn as Y/n would put it."

The others were hesitant about getting anywhere near Chiyo, until Hektor tried to make a break for it.

Chiyo: "Ng ahagl ahornah ymg' ah bug, mgepog shuggoth?"

Hektor's eyes widened as he was caught in a net of black webs.

Chiyo: "Pay close attention now, Y/n. Big sis Chiyo's gonna give a demonstration of what you'll be able to do soon~."

Chiyo turned her attention back to the struggling trojan hero before clenching her fist and tightening the webs around him.

Hektor: "Damn... It..."

Achilles: "Wait."

Chiyo: "Hm?"

Achilles: "Hektor can lead us to the one in charge here, can't he?"

Odysseus: "I can do so just as easily and with far greater accuracy."

Chiyo: "I can look into people's memories, that includes servants."

Everyone: "That's because you're an alien."

Drake: "... We'll need all the help we can get. If this chick's willin' to help us out. I say we let 'er. Besides, she's part of Y/n over there, so I see no reason for distrust."

Ahura Mazda then spoke up in his serene tone.

Ahura Mazda: "Indeed. The fact that miss Chiyo didn't simply take over Y/n's body entirely, like she could have done so easily, should be proof that we can trust her."

Chiyo: "Well, I'm only here until I can find a way to summon myself as a separate servant. However the fact that Y/n has a link to me means that he can access crazy foreigner shit now too."

Gilgamesh: "Infecting my garden wasn't enough for you, parasite!? I swear if Enkidu was here..."

Chiyo: "Oh, I know that story. Especially the part where you two fucked for four days to form a pact of brotherhood. If Enkidu isn't the ultimate bisexual, I don't know what is."


Chiyo: "That didn't stop them from making a dick bigger than Darius' and going to town on you with it."

Gilgamesh went silent as the others burst out laughing. Gil then went to strike the foreign god, only to find himself in a VERY dangerous situation. Chiyo had reached out and grabbed something precious, causing Gil to freeze in his tracks. His voice also went several decibels higher.

Gilgamesh: "Y- You wouldn't."

Chiyo smirked as she tightened her grip, causing Gilgamesh to let out a small squeal of pain.

Chiyo: "I can make this sooooo much worse you know~."

Gil: "... Please no."

Y/n: "Chiyo. That's enough of that, let go of the kings crown jewels."

Chiyo shrugged before letting go and walking back over to Y/n.

Chiyo: "So that's two people that can dom Gilgamesh. One of which did. Anyway, I'm getting kinda bored. Oh wait, I was gonna find Jason, right? Gimme a sec."

Chiyo then walked over to Hektor and two webs stuck themselves to his temples. Chiyo then closed her eyes before extracting the memories she needed. She then smirked before turning to Achilles.

Chiyo: "He's all yours."

Achilles nodded before walking up with his spear brandished.

Achilles: "See ya in hell, Hektor."

Achilles brought his spear down and cleaved straight through the trojan hero. In his final moments, Hektor smiled.

Hektor: "Heh, well, maybe next time I'll kill you, Achilles."

Achilles: "I look forward to kicking your ass again then."

Hektor chuckled before vanishing. Eric Bloodaxe also vanished having had his back snapped over Darius' knee.

Drake looked across the horizon with a determined look in her eye.

Drake: "So, it's the argonauts next, huh?"

Caenis: "Yeah. Herc and Jason from what Hektor said. But I'm pretty sure if Jason's there, Medea won't be far away."

Y/n: "I thought Medea hated Jason for his betrayal."

Caenis: "Not if it's the younger Medea. She loved Jason unconditionally."

Chiyo walked over to Y/n while the others were talking, the only one with his eyes on her was Edmond.

Chiyo then held Y/n's face in her hand.

Chiyo: "You have a long road ahead of you, Y/n. You'll need to be ready for some tough fights."

Y/n nodded before Chiyo held her forehead against his and vanished back into his mindscape.

Y/n then stood up and headed to the bow of the ship.

Y/n: "... Caenis! C'mere!"

Caenis walked over to her master and leaned her arm over his shoulder.

Caenis: "What's up?"

Y/n: "Gimme a basic description of the Argo."

Caenis: "Not much to say in all honesty. There's a statue of the goddess Hera at the front since she guided us through the journey to Colchis."

Y/n: "Was Jason blonde?"

Caenis: "... Yes."

Y/n: "And did Medea wear a kinda light lavender dress?"

Caenis: "... The Argo's right in front of us, isn't it?"

Y/n: "Yup, I see Herc."

Caenis: "... Fuck."

Y/n: "Wait... Oh, I just got an idea. A VERY DUMB ONE AT THAT, HEHEHEHEHEH."

Abzu had a smirk as he could also guess what Y/n was thinking.

Drake then walked up to the bow of the ship while Asterios covered both Stheno and Euryale.

Asterios: "Stay... Behind. Me... Keep safe."

Stheno: "Well aren't you well natured, for a berserker that is."

Asterios: "Me fight... Heracles... If need to."

Euryale: "What kind of idiot would do that!?"

Asterios: "This... Idiot."

Y/n: "... Asterios, you're a fucking bro and nobody can say otherwise."

Asterios just grinned as Jason stood at the bow of the Argo. He then started to shout something, but due to the sound of the waves nobody heard him.

Y/n: "Nobody say anything. This'll be funny."

A few minutes passed and they could see Jason getting increasingly angry, even jumping around and flailing his arms like an idiot.

Astolfo: "... Even I'm not as dumb as he is."

Caenis: "Believe me, he won't figure it out unless Medea tells him. Wait a minute... Where's Achilles? And for that fact, where did Medea go?"

Y/n grinned and held his arms out as Medea was dropped into them, courtesy of Achilles.

The group could then see Jason turn around then turn back to the Hind. He then did it again and again until he pieced it together and the flailing recommenced.

Jason then turned to Heracles and pointed at the ship.

Drake: "... That ain't good."

Y/n: "No. No it is not. We should go."

Drake agreed and they tried to flee as fast as the ship would go. Heracles was hot on their trail, however Y/n and Gilgamesh intercepted.

Gilgamesh: "Gate of Babylon!"

Y/n: "Age of Babylon!"

The chains of heaven and the weapons from Gilgamesh's armoury pelted the berserker, slowing him down a great deal.

Meanwhile on a nearby island, two individuals were watching the whole thing go down.

???: "Well, isn't this quite the sight?"

???2: "They're coming this way. We should be ready for them."

The two individuals nodded to each other before heading deeper into the forest on the island.

Elsewhere however, a single pink petalled flower floated gently down a river.

More followed it one by one, leading back to one individual.

???: "Hopefully they reach them in time. I wanna have a chat with that bunch after all, don't you?"

The individual next to her was half submerged in the river in front of them. A relaxing feeling for her. She always did enjoy relaxing in a river.

The two smiled at each other before they were joined by a third individual. This one was slightly different. His own crimson hair contrasted against the light blue river.

???3: "I don't care much for waiting. Besides, you really don't expect us to try and deal with fucking Greeks, do ya?"

???: "Hey, I asked you two to come here since your entire country is full of servants that are just. Fucking. Broken."

The servant in the river laughed at his impatience.

???2: "Be calm. They'll arrive here soon. They have one more Argonaut to pick up then we can bring them to us."


The two women laughed while the more fiery servant fumed. Things were about to get... interesting, to say the very least.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Huntress and the Giant Slayer.

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