Magus Killer

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Y/n had decided to bring both Saber and Irisviel back to the villa with him. The two were skeptical as they crossed the bounded field however Y/n ensured they would be safe.

Lartoria and Mordred immediately made their way to the dining room where Serenity was waiting with the others who went to check on Caster's lair.

Y/n: "Yo. Sorry I took so long."

Ophelia immediately jumped up and ran into a hug. She trembled and her breath was shaky. Clearly she scouted far enough in that she could see into caster's lair.

Ophelia: "Wh- What is that caster?"

Gilles: "That caster is the other form of myself. A time I am ashamed to call part of my life."

Y/n: "You saw inside, huh?"

Ophelia slowly nodded as Y/n sat her down. Lartoria offered her thighs for Ophelia to lay her head on to help calm down while Y/n set about making some tea for everyone.

Y/n: "Roman, you hear us?"

Roman: "Loud and clear. You guys gonna stop calling me a simp?"


Roman: "Saw that coming. What is it?"

Y/n: "I know the war's roster now if you want to hear it."

Roman: "Definitely. Let's see what we're dealing with."

Y/n: "All but one of the members of this fourth grail war are the same. The difference being that the Gilgamesh of this war is female."

Roman: "So... Femgil?"

Y/n: "Femgil, yes."

Roman: "Any other differences?"

Serenity: "Yes. There are two extra spirit origins. One of which is another assassin."

Roman: "So an unknown assassin. What about the other one?"

Serenity: "I... I can't describe it. It felt similar to miss Chiyo in a way... At least, I think so anyway."

Mordred: "A foreigner, ya think?"

Serenity: "I think so. I'd need to get visual confirmation before anything else."

Y/n's left eye then started to glow golden as Ahura-Mazda spoke.

Ahura-Mazda: "Add Avenger to the list as well, Dr. Roman."

Roman: "Avenger?"

Ahura-Mazda: "Indeed. Angra Mainiuu to be precise."

Everyone's eyes widened. Ahura-Mazda had warned them of Angra Mainiuu's presence during one of his lectures. As it turned out, the Zoroastrian god rather enjoyed being a teacher and would lead lectures for the heroic spirits and masters of Chaldea across various topics. 

Irisviel: "C- Can we backtrack a minute? Just what exactly is a foreigner? Do you mean an actual foreigner or is it another class?"

Saber: "Foreigners are extremely rare and unfathomably powerful servants. If there is one here, then we will most likely have to fight it with everything we have."

Y/n: "I have that covered, don't worry too much."

Irisviel: "I- I see..."

Roman: "I think the foreigner will be a problem going forward. For now try and focus your efforts on locating it."

Y/n: "Got it. What about the other assassin?"

Roman: "We can deal with that problem as it comes to us. Likely that assassin is a counter-guardian."

Y/n: "So they should be on our side?"

Zhuge: "That's if they don't see us as a threat as well. We're not from this singularity, so they may perceive us as a problem to be dealt with."

Saberlot: "Uh, master?"

Ophelia: "Y- Yes? Is something the matter, Lancelot?"

Saberlot: "Was the sun always blue?"

Both Y/n and Ophelia immediately rushed to Saberlot's side and took a look outside. Sure enough, the sun that was rising over the horizon was not the same burning ball of hydrogen that they knew. Instead, it was a ball of blue flame that crested the horizon.

Y/n: "Irisviel... Has that always been there?"

Irisviel looked on in horror as the blue sun rose.

Ophelia: "I- I think we can take that as a no."

Irisviel then sensed something. The overseer of the war was putting out a call to all masters.

Irisviel: "... the overseer just reported it as a major threat. All masters are to enter a ceasefire until we can figure out what's behind this."

Y/n: "That makes things easier for us then. This won't be assassin. Foreigner's a hundred percent behind this."

Serenity: "Shall I go and scout, master?"

Y/n: "Yeah. Report back as soon as you see or sense it nearby."

Ophelia: "Should we go to the church and see what the other masters are thinking?"

Saber: "Irisviel and I shall go."

Ophelia: "Please, I insist that you allow me to accompany you."

Irisviel hesitated, but ultimately nodded and she got up to leave. Ophelia then turned to her servants.

Ophelia: "Gilles, Lancelot. You two come with us."

Gilles: "Certainly."

Saberlot: "Of course, master."

The two sabers entered astral form and followed Irisviel and Ophelia as they left to go to the church. 

Upon their arrival, they were met by Iskandar, who grinned as they approached.

Iskandar: "Ah! Saber's master! And another new face!"

Ophelia: "Greetings, Rider. I am Ophelia Phamrsolone."

Iskandar: "I don't suppose you're caster's master, hm?"

Ophelia: "Absolutely not! I have nothing to do with that monster!"

Iskandar was taken aback as Ophelia raised her voice. She reigned herself back in quickly however.

Ophelia: "M- My apologies, Rider."

Iskandar: "You have the look of someone who has seen something horrific. And you say you have no affiliation with caster. Am I to assume you're with that young man from earlier?"

Irisviel: "She is his partner. The two came here together to investigate something awry with the war."

Iskandar: "Well that sun should be awry enough for you, no?"

Ophelia: "It's certainly one of our concerns. There are another two that need addressed though."

Iskandar nodded before he opened the door of the church and walked in with the two women.

At the altar was an old man who raised an eyebrow as he saw Ophelia walking with Irisviel.

Irisviel: "Father Kotomine."

Risei Kotomine, Kirei's father and the "neutral overseer" of the fourth heaven's feel turned his concerned gaze to Ophelia before speaking.

Risei: "Irisviel von Einzbern. Who might this woman with you be?"

Ophelia: "Ophelia Phamrsolone. A master sent here on behalf of the Chaldea Security Organisation."

Risei raised his eyebrow once again as Ophelia spoke.

Risei: "There is no such thing as Chaldea."

Ophelia: "Shall I prove it to you?"

Risei: "If you can."

Ophelia nodded before turning to her left.

Ophelia: "You two can come out now."

All masters, aside from Irisviel, and the overseer watched with wide eyes as both Gilles and Saberlot manifested at Ophelia's side.

Ophelia: "As you can see. I have two servants. While Irisviel is the master of this war's saber. These two sabers are my servants."

Gilles: "It is as she said. We also have no qualms about revealing our true names."

Archer manifested atop a pew nearby Tokiomi Tohsaka with a smirk.

Archer: "Hoh? And how do you have such confidence?"

Saberlot: "Because we already know the names of all seven servants participating in this war, Gilgamesh."

Archer raised an eyebrow with a smirk as Saberlot spoke bluntly.

Archer: "You truly are a bold mongrel."

Saberlot: "To be fair, I slept with King Arthur's wife so blurting your true name out in front of a war's roster is nothing."

Gilles: "L- Lancelot, perhaps there is a thing as being too honest."

Saberlot: "You think?"

Ophelia was trying to suppress the laughter that threatened to be unleashed due to her servant's bluntness.

Ophelia: "Lancelot, I dare say you're about as subtle as a brick to the face."

Saberlot chuckled before Risei coughed to gain everyone's attention.

Risei: "That alone is not enough to convince me of this claim that you come from an organisation that does not exist."

Ophelia: "Yet. An organisation that does not exist yet."

Tokiomi: "Yet? You claim to be from the future!?"

Kayneth: "Unfortunately, I can back up their claim. The other master from Chaldea, was able to prove it with some kind of holographic communication device."

Ophelia: "My partner is currently looking into the matter of the blue sun as well as an extra assassin, thought to be a counter-guardian at present."

Kirei leaned against one of the walls near the altar as he spoke.

Kirei: "Then you know what caused the sun to turn blue?"

Ophelia: "It's a hunch. But we believe a foreigner servant may be involved."

Iskandar: "Foreigner!? Now that is exciting!"

Tokiomi: "Tch, it's merely a made up class. This woman is delusional-"

Archer: "Oh shut up, Tokiomi. Foreigners are real servants. The worst kind of parasite, one from beyond human comprehension. Normally summoned as heroic spirits with the influences of outer gods."

Lancer: "So we're up against one of those."

Ophelia nodded before turning to the overseer.

Ophelia: "There are two other things I wish to address here, overseer."

Risei: "Speak."

Ophelia: "The first of which is the matter of the corrupted grail."

Tokiomi: "Corrupted grail?"

Kayneth: "What do you mean corrupted?"

Ophelia: "During the third grail war, the Einzberns summoned Avenger instead of berserker. I imagine you all know this, yes?"

Tokiomi: "I had heard rumours but always dismissed them as just that."

Ophelia: "That's where you messed up. Avenger was defeated early in that war due to how weak he was. However he corrupted the grail in his defeat. If anyone were to use it, Angra Mainiuu would be unleashed."

Irisviel: "So... what happens then?"

???: "You die. Simple as that."

Everyone turned to the entrance as a hooded figure walked in. Ophelia recognised him however.

Ophelia: "The magus killer, Kiritsugu Emiya. Surprised to see you here."

Kiritsugu: "Just Emiya. That's all you need to know."

Kirei raised an eyebrow as Emiya walked into the church.

Ophelia: "You're a servant. Based on the tan skin and white hair I think Roman's assumption that you're a counter guardian was spot on."

Kiritsugu: "You're a sharp one, magus."

Ophelia: "Just call me Ophelia."

Kiritsugu: "Don't care. I was sent here to do my job. Getting rid of any threats and shutting this singularity down."

Ophelia: "Well Chaldea can certainly help in that department."

Kiritsugu: "As far as I'm concerned, you count as a threat."

Ophelia: "Even if we have the same goal?"

Kiritsugu raised a gun to Ophelia's head, however the mage didn't so much as blink as he held the barrel against her head.

Ophelia: "You can't do it. The counter force is screaming at you that killing me is potentially the worst idea possible. Especially since Y/n's here."

Kiritsugu kept a calm expression. However Ophelia was dead on. The counter force was practically screaming its non-existent lungs out telling him not to fire. He knew it as well. Killing her was a death sentence.

As such, he lowered his weapon.

Kiritsugu: "You got lucky."

Ophelia: "I'm well aware of that."

Kiritsugu then pulled out a smoke and put it in his mouth.

Kiritsugu: "You seem to have a handle on the situation. So what are we dealing with?"

Ophelia: "Foreigner from the looks of things. Now we know where the other assassin is, Foreigner and Caster remain the priority targets."

Archer: "Why Caster?"

Ophelia clenched her fist as she remembered the sights she saw.

Ophelia: "According to Chaldea's records, Caster has been kidnapping, torturing and murdering children with his master."

Tokiomi shot to his feet with a look of despair.

Tokiomi: "Children? Can we locate this monster!?"

Risei: "Calm down, Tokiomi."


???: "Wow, look at that. All the concern for Rin but absolutely none for the daughter you gave to Zouken."

Tokiomi's angered glare snapped to the hooded master in the corner of the room. He looked extremely sickly under the hood. Ophelia recognised the profile as that of Kariya Matou. Zerkerlot's master.

Kariya: "Honestly. You call yourself a father never mind a mage and you go and do something like that."

Tokiomi: "I did what I had to to preserve the Tokiomi magus line. What I did was for the best."

Kariya was about to say something when the door was abruptly kicked open.

???: "What you did was the height of negligence and cruelty. Timelines be damned, I'd fucking erase you here and now if I could."

Everyone's eyes widened as Y/n walked in having overheard Tokiomi's reasoning.

Kiritsugu: "... A beast? No, it feels different."

Kariya: "You're the other master from Chaldea?"

Archer: "HA! And where might the pretender be?"


Archer laughed as Gilgamesh manifested in a furious rage next to Y/n.

Y/n: "To answer your question, Kariya. Yeah. My name's Y/n von Einzbern. One of the two masters sent to this singularity from Chaldea. However we total five masters."

Kariya: "Then where are the other three?"

Y/n: "Gudao and Gudako are undergoing training courtesy of Chaldea's more physically active servants such as Iskandar and Romulus. The fifth master is unable to join us due to panic attacks."

Kariya: "Panic attacks?"

Y/n: "Sakura doesn't exactly have good memories of this time."

Kariya's and Tokiomi's eyes widened as the name was mentioned.

Kariya: "Sakura? You mean Sakura Tohsaka!?"

Y/n nodded wordlessly, causing Kariya to sigh in relief.

Kariya: "Then I was successful..."

Y/n said nothing. Ophelia looked at him, but chose not to speak. She understood his mindset. It would be cruel to Kariya either way, but letting him have hope was the best way to do things.

???: "So you guys are looking for a foreigner? Fufufu, I may be able to help out there."

Ophelia's eyes widened as Y/n turned to the bubbling mass of black liquid on the ground.

Y/n: "We're dealing with a foreigner, so why not bring one ourselves?"

Ophelia smiled as Chiyo emerged from the black liquid.

Chiyo: "Good morning, masters and servants of the fourth grail war...

... I am Shub-Niggurath. The mother goat with a thousand young, but you can just call me Chiyo."

End of Chapter.

Next Time: Fire With Fire.

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