Singularity Zero

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Y/n walked into the canteen with a feeling of dread creeping down his spine. He took a seat and rested his head in the palm of his hand as he thought ahead to the upcoming mission. The team had been given a week of rest before they headed out. When Sakura found out about where they were going she was taken off the mission immediately due to a severe panic attack. Gudao and Gudako were going to be undergoing vigorous training that would be overseen by a few servants. Romani would be monitoring their magecraft training and Iskandar would be overseeing their physical training with Dantés.

The sound of clanking armour drew Y/n's attention to the man that had taken a seat next to him. The saber servant, Gilles de Rais.

Gilles: "You seem unwell, Y/n."

Y/n: "It's nothing to worry too much about, Gilles."

It had taken some time, but Y/n had warmed to the saber form of the bug-eyed caster. Saber Gilles was an honourable man for the most part, however he had his occasional slips that let his personality as caster shine through, thankfully it wasn't often.

Gilles: "Is this about the minor singularity?"

Y/n: "... Yeah. I guess you already know what we'll be dealing with?"

Gilles nodded. He could not deny what he became, but his saber form had sense enough to try and redeem himself. Another saber took a seat across from the two and placed a bowl of ramen down.

???: "I must admit, I didn't think I could enjoy something so much as this!"

Gilles smiled and spoke to the saber.

Gilles: "Settling in well, Diarmuid?"

Y/n looked up and saw that it was Saber Diarmuid Ua Duibhne that had taken a seat across from them.

Diarmuid: "Yes, I am. Mistress Ophelia has been quite accommodating in making sure I was near familiar faces."

Gilles: "I assume your master has picked you to go with us to the minor singularity, yes?"

Diarmuid: "Indeed. As I understand, Gudako and Gudao will not be joining us."

Gilles: "Indeed. It will only be Y/n and Ophelia that will be going into the singularity in terms of masters."

Diarmuid: "I see. Wait, what of Miss Sakura?"

Y/n: "She can't. As it stands, the trauma of what Zouken did to her still haunts her far too much. Even mentioning it to her sent her into relapse."

Gilles: "Indeed. Thankfully little Voyager has been exceptionally helpful around Chaldea lately."

Y/n smiled slightly when another familiar voice sounded off behind him.

???: "Oh? I see the Zero team is assembling already!"

Y/n tilted his head back and saw Alexander walking over with Gilgamesh. The latter of which was adorned in more casual attire. He saw no need to wear his armour around Chaldea and instead started taking a liking to modern clothing.

Gilgamesh: "I happen to remember the fourth heaven's feel well. Having a guide will be of use, no?"

Y/n: "It will. That's why I'm bringing both you and Enkidu."

The tanned berserker's head perked up as his name was mentioned. He then walked over.

Enkidu: "If I may be so bold, who exactly is coming with us on this mission?"

Alexander: "Well in any case, it sounds like this will be plenty of fun."

Y/n: "There's a main seven I plan on bringing as well as you, Enkidu. I want Lartoria, Diarmuid, Gilles, Alexander, Saberlot, Gil, and Serenity with us on this."

Gilgamesh: "FUHAHAHAHAHA! You plan on bringing other versions of the same servants from the fourth war!? How hilarious!"

Y/n: "I also want Zhuge with us since he has some knowledge of the fourth war as well."

???: "I do hope you plan on bringing me with you as well, Y/n."

Y/n turned around as Irisviel approached.

Y/n: "It would be kinda funny, huh?"

Irisviel: "If you're intent on making things as dumb as possible, why not bring Mordred too?"

Y/n: "You're givin' me ideas, Aunt Irisviel. I LOVE IT!"

The servants all laughed as they were joined by the other master that would be joining them on their mission.

Ophelia: "Looks like everyone's getting ready to head out."

Y/n: "Yeah, we're just waiting for Roman to call us in."

Ophelia: "So we have the teams ready, yes?"

Y/n: "Yeah, pretty much. If this is a singularity then there's gonna be some form of fuckery. I have an idea as to what we'll be dealing with and I know Fuyuki like the back of my hand."

Ophelia smiled and leaned her head on Y/n's shoulder. Unlike the first few missions together, there was little to no awkwardness between the two. Especially since that drunken incident the other day between Y/n, Sakura, Mash, Gudako and Ophelia that caused Gilgamesh to almost split his side from laughter when he found out.

Ophelia: "Well we have about an hour before we need to head out. I think we should round up any more servants we'll need."

Y/n: "Good shout. If you handle Zhuge, Alexander, Gilles, Saberlot and Diarmuid then I can handle the others."

Ophelia nodded as Y/n stood to go find the other servants. Ophelia then followed suit as she went off to find Zhuge Liang. Gudako had temporarily given Alexander's contract to Ophelia for this particular mission while Gudao had given her Gilles' contract. The others were all Ophelia's servants with Saberlot forming a contract with her after Camelot.

An hour later, everyone had convened in the command room ready for the mission.

Roman: "Alright, guys. Everyone ready?"


Everyone looked over as a rather pissed off Jalter stormed over with intent. She was adorned in a new outfit as well.

Jalter: "I'm goin' too! If Gilles is gonna be there, I wanna kick his ass! Uh... not you, shrimp. I mean chameleon-eyes."

Gilles: "Don't worry, I know."

Mordred: "HA! So we're goin' full asshole mode for this one, huh!?"

Y/n: "Remind me why you're wearing a suit?"

Mordred: "Hey, we're mostly all goin' in different outfits. If you wanna see me in my under-armour so badly then I can get changed when we arrive."

Y/n: "Nah, it suits you. no pun intended."

Lartoria: "I was actually the one that helped her choose it."

Y/n just chuckled as Mordred turned away to hide the blush on her face.

Roman: "Alright guys. We're counting on you."

Ophelia: "Take care of the others while we're gone."

Roman nodded and the servants and their masters were rayshifted to the Fuyuki singularity.

Y/n opened his eyes in a familiar place. A traditional villa that lay basically on top of the ley lines that ran throughout Fuyuki.

Y/n: "Emiya's house?"

Ophelia: "You know this place?"

Y/n: "Yeah, this is where Emiya lived during the fifth grail war. He summoned Saber Artoria in that shed over there."

Mordred: "Didn't he basically fuck Rin's brains out here too?"

Jalter: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember hearing from Medusa that Rin was taking some serious poundings here."

Y/n burst into a fit of laughter while Zhuge went about setting up a bounded field.

Zhuge: "Alright, I remember this time pretty vividly. With both Gilgamesh and I here then we should be pretty fine."

Ophelia: "Good work on the bounded field, El-Melloi."

Zhuge: "Please just call me Zhuge when we're here. Both my younger self and the original lord El-Melloi are here."

Y/n: "Oh yeah, Waver Velvet and Kayneth Archibald El-Melloi, right?"

Waver: "Yes, that's right... WAIT!"

Y/n: "Huh?"



The others had a look of confusion as Zhuge calmed himself down.

Ophelia: "Zhuge? Y- You good, buddy?"

Zhuge: "I'm fine, Master. For now we should strategize."

Gilgamesh: "Fuhaha! I say we go and meet our adversaries!"

Y/n: "No, I agree with Zhuge. We'll want to be careful since this is in the direct past of myself and Waver."

Saberlot: "I agree. It'll be risky going in all gung-ho like we knights normally do."

Gilgamesh: "You mean like when that mongrel, Tristan decided to try his hand at flirting with some of the female servants while drunk?"

Gilgamesh laughed as he remembered seeing Tristan getting seven shades of hell beaten out of him in one of the halls of Chaldea courtesy of Aífe and Scáthach.

Saberlot: "Tristans drunken tirades are not something we of the knights of the round table condone. We do however find them absolutely hilarious."

Mordred: "Fuck yeah we do!"

Y/n chuckled before the group fully secured the villa and set up their base of operations within it.

Diarmuid: "Based on what Zhuge has told us, I believe that my lancer counterpart will be facing Artoria's saber counterpart by the Fuyuki docks."

Y/n: "Then we've found our first victims! Diarmuid, Artoria, Alexander, Gil and Saberlot. I want you lot with me. Aunt Irisviel, you wanna come too?"

Irisviel: "I can provide healing in the unlikely event that you need it."

Y/n smiled before turning to Ophelia.

Y/n: "What're you guys gonna do?"

Zhuge: "I will scout Caster's lair. We have to time this right after all."

Y/n: "Gh!... Forgot about that creature."

Zhuge saw Y/n's fist clench at the very mention of Caster. Gilles understood. He was thankful that Y/n was at least willing to give him a chance. They weren't friends by any measure, however Y/n tolerated his presence.

Ophelia: "I'll go with Zhuge and scout Caster's lair. Saberlot, can I trust you and Alexander to keep Y/n safe."

Alexander: "Not like he needs it, but sure."

Saberlot: "You have my word, master."

Y/n: "Serenity, I want you to do some scouting as well."

Serenity: "Alright, what do you need?"

Y/n: "I need you to scout Kirei Kotomine. His servant is another Hassan-i-Sabbah. From the records I read, it was hundred faces."

Serenity: "Alright, I can handle it."

Y/n: "Don't engage unless necessary."

Serenity nodded before vanishing into astral form.

Y/n then nodded to his servants and they ran to make their way to the Fuyuki docks.

The singularity may have been minor, but the events that would unfold most certainly were not.

Especially where Avenger was concerned.



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