The Hero of the Sky

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Class: Lancer.
True Name: Bellerophon.
Other Names: Bellerophontes, Hipponus.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Spear, Bow and Arrow.
Height: 174cm.
Weight: 58kg.
Region: Greece.
Source: Greek Mythology.
Hidden Attribute: Human.
Basic Traits: Divinity, Greek Mythology Male, Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Brynhildr's Beloved, Riding, Servant, Seven Knights Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish.

Personality: He can be described as an negative man who does not only has an lazy look in his eyes, he also tends to have a negative prespective about life and also has a very low opinion of himself. He consider himself rather a low-life with nothing special. Yet, he still has the great pride of a hero, one which never yields to the impossibility, despite his pessimist and self-loathing nature.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: Despite being a great Greek Hero told through mythology, many Masters would call him a man who has no pride nor the nobility which would make a hero of his standing. Because of it, Bellerophon would perform any task given to him. Yet he knows when to draw the line when it comes to do nasty stuff like killing the innocent and wouldn't let evil acts to pass in front of him.

To the Master of Chaldea, Bellerophon would act like an worried brother to their sibling. Because he fears that the Master of Chaldea would end like himself and live a miserable life until the end of their life. But as time passes such worry becomes less and less worrysome, therefore Bellerophon is loyal and supportive of the Master of Chaldea.

Likes: "What do I like? I guess riding in Corinth. You wanted something else? Then forgive me, that's all I have in likes."
Dislikes: "Shit, Master... You really know how to open up old wounds... I hate my idiotic past-self. There nothing else that I loath more than the moron who let his arrogance get the better of him."


(His hair is white, but his eyes are blue which has an lazy look)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit, the helmet is silver)

History: He was a divine Corinthian hero of Greek mythology, the son of Poseidon and Eurynome, and the foster son of Glaukos. He was "the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside Cadmus and Perseus, before the days of Heracles", among his greatest feats was killing the Chimera of the Iliad, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail: "her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame."

Bellerophon was also known for capturing and taming the winged horse Pegasus with the help of Athena's charmed bridle, and earning the disfavour of the gods after attempting to ride Pegasus to Mount Olympus.

The Iliad vi.155–203 contained an embedded narrative told by Bellerophon's grandson Glaucus (who was named after his great-grandfather), which recounted Bellerophon's myth. In this narrative, Bellerophon's father was Glaucus, who was the King of Potniae and son of Sisyphus; Bellerophon's grandsons Sarpedon and the younger Glaucus fought in the Trojan War.

In Stephanus of Byzantium’s Ethnica, a genealogy was given for a figure named Chrysaor ("of the golden sword"), which would make him a double of Bellerophon: he was called the son of Glaucus (son of Sisyphus). Chrysaor has no myth besides that of his birth: from the severed neck of Medusa, who was with child by Poseidon, he and Pegasus were both born at the moment of her death. "From this moment we hear no more of Chrysaor, the rest of the tale concerning the stallion only... [who visited the spring of Pirene] perhaps also for his brother's sake, by whom in the end he let himself be caught, the immortal horse by his mortal brother."

Bellerophon's brave journey began in a familiar way, with an exile: in one narrative he had murdered his brother, whose name was given as Deliades, Peiren or Alcimenes; a more precise narrative involves him slaying a Corinthian citizen or nobleman called "Belleros" or "Belleron" by accident, while practicing knife-throwing with his friends, which caused the name change from Hipponous to Bellerophon.

In atonement for this crime, he had to make a plea to Proetus, a king in Tiryns, one of the Achaean strongholds of the Argolid. Proetus, by virtue of his kingship, cleansed Bellerophon of his crime. But when the wife of king Proetus whose name was either Anteia or Stheneboea, tried to make advances on him, he rejected her, causing her to accuse Bellerophon of attempting to make advances on her instead. Proetus dared not to satisfy his anger by killing a guest (who is protected by xenia), causing him to finally exile Bellerophon to King Iobates, his father-in-law from the plain of the River Xanthus in Lycia, bearing a sealed letter in a folded tablet which read: "Please remove this bearer from the world: he attempted to violate my wife, your daughter."

Before opening the tablets, Iobates feasted with Bellerophon for nine days. On reading the tablet's message Iobates too feared the wrath of the Erinyes if he murdered a guest; so he sent Bellerophon on a mission that he deemed impossible to survive: to kill the Chimera, living in neighboring Caria. The Chimera was a fire-breathing monster consisting of the body of a goat, the head of a lion and the tail of a serpent. This monster had terrorized the nearby countryside.

On his way to Caria, he encountered the famous Corinthian fortune teller Polyeidos, who gave him advice on his upcoming battle, telling Bellerophon that in order to emerge victorious, he would be in need of the mythical Pegasus.

To obtain the services of the untamed winged horse, Polyeidos told Bellerophon to sleep in the temple of Athena. While Bellerophon slept, he dreamed that Athena set a golden bridle beside him, saying "Sleepest thou, prince of the house of Aiolos? Come, take this charm for the steed and show it to the Tamer thy father as thou makest sacrifice to him of a white bull." It was there when he awoke and understood that he had to approach Pegasus while it drank from a well. When asked, Polyeidos told him which well: the never-failing Pirene on the citadel of Corinth, the city of Bellerophon's birth. Bellerophon mounted his steed and flew off, back to Lycia where the Chimera was said to dwell.

Other accounts say that Athena brought Pegasus already tamed and bridled, or that Poseidon the horse-tamer, secretly the father of Bellerophon, brought Pegasus, as Pausanias understood.

When Bellerophon arrived in Lycia to face the ferocious Chimera, he could not harm the monster even while riding Pegasus. But when he felt the Chimera's hot breath, he was struck with an idea. He got a large block of lead and mounted it on his spear. He then flew head-on towards the Chimera, holding out the spear as far as he could. Before breaking off his attack, he lodged the block of lead inside the Chimera's throat. The beast's fire-breath melted the lead, which blocked its air passage, suffocating it. Some red-figure pottery painters show Bellerophon wielding Poseidon's trident instead.

When Bellerophon returned victorious to King Iobates, the king was unwilling to believe his story. A series of daunting quests ensued Bellerophon was sent against the warlike Amazons, who fought like men, whom Bellerophon vanquished by dropping boulders from his winged horse; which in some Narratives, is preceded by Bellerophon facing off the Solymi.

When he was sent against a Carian pirate, Cheirmarrhus, they tried to ambush him, but failed when Bellerophon killed everyone sent to assassinate him. The palace guards then were sent against him, but Bellerophon called upon his father Poseidon, who flooded the plain of Xanthus behind Bellerophon as he approached. To defend themselves, the palace women rushed from the gates with their robes lifted high to expose themselves. Unwilling to confront them while they were undressed, Bellerophon withdrew.

Iobates relented, produced the letter, and allowed Bellerophon to marry his daughter Philonoe, the younger sister of Anteia, and shared with him half his kingdom, with its fine vineyards and grain fields. The lady Philonoe bore him Isander (Peisander), Hippolochus and Laodamia, who slept with Zeus the Counselor and bore Sarpedon, but was slain by Artemis.

As Bellerophon's fame grew, so did his Hubris. Bellerophon felt that because of his victory over the Chimera, he deserved to fly to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods. This act angered Zeus and he sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus, causing Bellerophon to fall back to Earth causing him to die. Pegasus completed the flight to Olympus where Zeus used him as a pack horse for his thunderbolts.

According to other narratives, on the Plain of Aleion ("Wandering") in Cilicia, Bellerophon, who had been blinded after falling into a thorn bush, lived out his life in misery, "devouring his own soul", until he died.

Character Image in Fate/Liber Novus: In the world of Fate, his end where he survived the fall from Olympus and lived out the rest of his days in misery is true. Because of it Bellerophon, regardless of the class he's summonee, has the same negative and self-loathing attitude. Maybe it is a trauma of the how he let the fame get over his head is what developed that mindset or is that he was taken down a peg and was made to see that he was nothing but a simple mortal.

Rarity: ☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Arts/Buster.
Alingnment: Lawful-Good.
Strength: C.
Endurance: B.
Agility: A+.
Mana: A.
Luck: D.
Noble Phantasm: A.


One of the Ancient Great Heroes of Greece alongside Cadmus and Perseus. Despite what he says and may think of himself, Bellerophon is quite an strong Servant, although he claims that he's only strong when dealing with monsters rather than anything else.

His main style of fighting is his spearmanship which he's very proficient on it, as his dominion in riding the Pegasus is second to no one, not even Medusa or Perseus comes closer. He can also summon up great waves of water and storms as part of the blessings from his father Poseidon.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance: A.

Riding: A+.

Blessings from Poseidon: A: He is the son of Poseidon, as such he can call forth storms and such at will. Yet... why is he such a low ranked Servant is beyond understanding.

Personal Skills~

Great Beast Hunting: A: An monster slayer, this skill lets him deal an damage bonus against those who aren't humans. Game Effects; Increases own attack for 3 turns. Increases own damage against those with Earth and Heaven attributes for 3 turns.

Eye of the Mind(True) B.

Golden Bridle: A+: The golden bridle that Bellerophon used to catch and tame the Pegasus. Normally it would be ranked as a Noble Phantasm, but it serves as a way to gain the Riding skill and call forth the Pegasus despite being an Lancer. It also let's him have an complete understanding in animal lenguage, as he also uses this bridle as a whip which can stun any enemy. It also provides him with extra mana when Bellerophon needs it. Game Effects; Increases own NP gauge for 56%. Stuns one enemy for 1 turn.

Noble Phantasms~

(The spear's color scheme it's green instead of red)

Zesto Dóry Molývdou~The Burning Spear: Anti-Unit: A: This is the very spear that Bellerophon used to slay the Chimera. The melted lead, which was mounted into this spear, absorbed the poisonous breath of the beast making it being envolved in a permanent green flames. But rather than anything, "Eh? About this spear? Well, the flames which it produces is rather venom than actual fire. So while it would still burn into the skin of a living being, it wouldn't be as fire, but as a poison which disolves the very body." so Bellerophon claims. Game Effects; Inflicts Poison with 1600 damage for 5 turns. Reduces one enemy's defenses for 3 turns. Arts NP.

(This pegasus is called Corinth by Bellerophon, named after his homeland)

Pegasus~Heavenly Horse, be Above the Skies: Anti-Army: A+: The winged horse which was captured and tamed by Bellerophon in his legend. The most trusted companion of Lancer in every adventure it has, as also this Pegasus is very loyal to Bellerophon.

Summoning: "So we're doing this? Okay. Lancer, Bellerophon. Let's work together, Master... Tch... I guess it doesn't feels right..."

My Room comments: 1: "Aren't you going out? It's not like it matters to me, but some other Servants may get impantient."

2: "Yeah, yeah. Sure, I'll follow your orders or whatever."

3: "Tch... don't go counting on me, after all, I'm only a third rated hero."

Medusa(Rider): "Hm? If the Corinth which is with the purple chick is the same as mine? Yes it is... only in a different color. Weird, isn't it?

Mandricardo: "Hm... weird. I feel like me and that guy had something similar, but... just what is it?"

Theseus/Super Orion: "(Sighs heavily)... You had other sons of Poseidon, yet why do you even need me for? Hm? Because I am strong? S-Stop the crap already..."

Heracles/Achilles: "I feel so little... so little important. The greatest heroes in Greece, and me, the most insignificant among them all... Will I even survive in this Chaldea?"

Davy Jones: "Yo, Captain. (Davy's voice: Hey, Bell. Don't you look more cheerful than usual? Don't tell me... You had become a gigolo who enjoys women around Chaldea!?) OF COURSE NOT!!! WHAT EVEN GAVE YOU THAT IDEA!!??"

They know each other through a Holy Grail War where they were enemies and later allies. Such event is never spoken to those who weren't part of said Holy Grail War.

Achilles/Hector/Paris/Penthesilea: "Hm? So those are the guys who fought in Troy? I think one of my grandsons also fought in there, though, I highly doubt he had any significant role."

Medusa(Saber): "Chrysaor, huh? Nope, never met him. By the time I found Corinth he was long gone. Probably Corinth went far away from Chrysaor or Chrysaor himself got killed by someone that I don't know. Hm? Why is she looking at me as if she's expecting me to say something?"

Medusa Saber is everly frustrated by Bellerophon, because she expects him to at least have a reaction when she looks at him while telling him about the slaying of the Chimera. Yet Bellerophon doesn't says anything nor he cares, which means that his very self-loathing and negative attitude is what endlessly makes Medusa feel frustrated.

Event: "Event? (Sighs)... fine, what do you want me to do?"

Birthday: "The day you were born? Jeez... what do you even expect me to do?"

Holy Grail: "I am not truly interested in this Grail-thing. But, if I were to had a wish... it would be starting again."

Bond Lines: 1: "What? You want to hear about me? Don't, I am nothing worth mentioning."

2: "Okay..  fine... Let's see... I was the son of a queen, who had an moment with Poseidon, either way, my human father accepted my regardless."

3: "Why is Corinth with me despite me being an Lancer? Well... I would not be Bellerophon without the Pegasus, so... I don't know. Honestly, I don't know."

4: "Hey... I'm nothing but the moron who got over his head the fact he beaten some monsters, which led him to be disgraced. Yet, you count on me after knowing all that? Y-You do? T-Thanks... I guess I have to live up with your expectations."

5: "(Corinth pushes him with his nose) Yeah, I know Corinth! Well... Master... I am nothing but a third rated hero. But even so, I shall become your spear if that's what is required of me. I am Bellerophon, the son of the sea and the warrior who fly in the skies. I shall serve you faithfully, Master."

Noble Phantasm damage: "This is bad!!"

Regular damage: "Tch!"

Defeat: 1: "Aahh... I guess this is what it should be expected..."

2: "Once again... I'm nothing but an third rated hero..."

Victory: 1: "Did we just win? That's fine, I guess."

2: "Whoa! I won!? That's a surprise."

Noble Phantasm: 1: "Flying above the clouds.(He jumps and rides on his pegasus) Piercing through the skies.(Then, it shows Bellerophon riding at an high speed) Together, we shall overcome the unreachable!! Zesto Dory Molyvdou!!(He then pierces the enemy with a mighty thrust)"

2: "Let's fly, Corinth!(He jumps and rides on his pegasus) Let us reach the very ends of the world until we see the stars!(Then, it shows Bellerophon riding at an high speed) Let us pierce the sky! Zesto Dory Molyvdou!!(He then pierces the enemy with one mighty thrust) HAHA!!"

Voice: Kenji Akabane.
Other qualifying classes: Saber, Rider.

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