The Black Shield

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Class: Saber.
True Name: Brunor le Noir.
Other Names: La Cote Male Taile, The Knight of Determination, Black Shielder.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Sword and Shield.
Height: 169cm.
Weight: 67kg.
Region: Britain.
Source: Arthurian Legends, Fair Unknown, The Tale of La Cote Male Taile.
Hidden Attribute: Earth.
Basic Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Brynhildr's Beloved, Round Table Knight, Servant, Seven Knigts Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish.

Personality: An steadfast and responsible young man who can very pretty hardworking and dutiful making him one of the most reliable of knights. He's rather calmer than one may think as he isn't easy to anger, not even when he is insulted a million of times. He's mostly patient and he rarely snaps at others, but only when people close to him are insulted. Others can also see the how good he is at decerning other's intentions at sight.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: He will act like a proper knight, one that lives to serve his Master through and through. He surprisingly has a good compatibility with most Masters, maybe because of his patient and earnest nature. While his loyalty towards his Master isn't blind like some of his fellow Round Table Knights, he still has a degree of devotion to any Master, except those who are genuinely evil in nature.

The Master of Chaldea has the absolute devotion and loyalty of Brunor, seeing them as a liege worth serving. He will also act like their advisor sometimes.

Likes: "What do I like? I can't think on anything in particular. If there was something that I would like, it would have been when things works in peace."
Dislikes: "I guess that would be incesitive comments that hurts others feelings. I am not talking about myself, or the how Sir Yvain conducts himself, but the how others can insult goodwill with poisonous and evil words."


(His hair is a dirty blonde color and his eyes are grey)

(First Ascension outfit. The coat it is completely black)

(Second Ascension outfit. It is all black)

(Third and final Ascension outfit. The coat is black)

(His sword)

History: He is a young knight nicknamed La Cot[t]e Mal[e] Tail[l]e[e] (Modern French: La Cote Mal Taillée "the badly cut coat") by Sir Kay after his arrival in his murdered father's mangled armour and surcoat at King Arthur's court. He should not be confused with his father, also named Brunor the Black but better known as The Good Knight Without Fear.

Brunor's adventures first appear embedded in the Prose Tristan. They were then expanded Thomas Malory's compilation Le Morte d'Arthur and in the Italian romance La Tavola Ritonda. Brunor lacks skill in jousting, but is near-invincible on foot. His elder brother is always Sir Dinadan. Another brother appearing in only some versions is Sir Daniel, who in the Tavola Ritonda is slain by Sir Lancelot, making Lancelot Brunor's sworn enemy until the two make an uneasy truce after fighting to a draw. He eventually marries his lady who, like Gareth's Lynette, starts by mocking him as he goes on a long chivalric quest with her and their on-and-off companions. Brunor's story contained in the episode "Chevalier a la cotte mal taille" of the 14th-century Italian so-called Prose Yvain tells of some of his further adventures as he single-handedly rescues Gaheriet and then participates in the rescue of Yvain.

His tale is related thematically to the "Fair Unknown" story popular in the Middle Ages, other versions of which can be found in the Arthurian stories of Gareth, Gingalain, and Percival.It most closely resembles the tale of Gareth, who is also given an insulting name by Kay upon arriving at Camelot and also has to prove his worth to a damsel who constantly insults and belittles him.

The story begins as Brunor (Breunor) travels to Camelot wearing his dead father's bloodied coat, which he has vowed not to take off as long as his father is not avenged. He is met with mockery, his outfit earning him the nickname La Cote Male Taile, and he is initially rejected from Arthur's service until Sir Gawain speaks out on his behalf. After Brunor returns to the court, he endures Kay's continued attempts at humiliating him, but soon proves his worth by rescuing Queen Guinevere from an escaped lion and is knighted by Arthur.

A damsel arrives at court bearing a great black shield emblazoned with a white hand holding a sword, and tells how the knight who previously carried the shield died while on a quest. She is now searching for a knight of similar courage to continue the quest. Brunor agrees to go with her, but she taunts him regarding his clothing and appearance, earning her the nickname Maledisant ("Evil-speaking") or Mesdisant ("Ill-speaking"). After the pair leave the castle, Brunor encounters Dagonet, Arthur's court jester, who has been sent by Kay to joust with the new knight. Brunor quickly defeats Dagonet, but Maledisant's taunts only increase because the court sent a fool to challenge Brunor rather than a true knight. Brunor later encounters two other knights of the Round Table, Sir Bleoberis and Sir Palomides, is challenged by them, and is unhorsed by both. They each refuse to fight him on foot and walk away, drawing more sharp criticism from Maledisant.

Brunor later travels with the young Mordred to Castle Orgulous (Orguellous or Orgulous, "Proud"). The knights must fight their way into the castle. After Mordred is injured, Brunor continues alone. Inside the castle, he meets a hundred knights in a lady's chamber. Attacked by the knights, Brunor manges to get out with the aid of the black shield, mounts his horse, and escapes. Maledisant questions his story of what happened and sends a witness who returns to prove Maledisant wrong. Brunor continues to hold his peace and does not rebuke her.

They continue to journey after Mordred leaves and Lancelot joins them, but he too leaves after Maledisant redirects her words at him. They come upon the Pendragon (Pandragon) castle, which belongs to King Arthur's enemy Sir Brian of the Isles (de les Isles), where one of six knights challenges Brunor to a joust. Brunor wins, but then the other five attack him in an unknightly manner, and take him and Maledisant into the castle as prisoners. Lancelot comes to the rescue, fights Brian until he yields, and releases them, as well as dozens of other knights and ladies. He then agrees to ride with them only on condition that Maledisant stops directing evil words at Brunor and himself. Maledisant then confesses that the only reason for her taunting is that she wants to test the knights' strength.

Later they come upon a castle near the border of the country of Sorelais (Sursule). Brunor enters the castle alone and defeats two brothers who challenge him. Eventually, he arrives at yet another castle, where he comes face to face with Sir Plenorius. Brunor cannot fight anymore because of his wounds, so out of pity Plenorius carries him into the tower as a prisoner. When Lancelot hears of this, he challenges Plenorius to a battle that lasts many hours until Plenorius yields. Brunor remains at the castle in order to recover from his wounds, and afterwards returns with Lancelot and Maledisant to King Arthur's court.

Brunor is made a Knight of the Round Table the following Pentecost. He marries the Ill-Speaking Maiden, now known as Beauvivante ("Well-living") or Bienpensant ("Well-thinking") because of her changed attitude, and Lancelot gives them Castle Pendragon that was won from Brian. It is said that Brunor would succeed in avenging his father.

Character Image in Fate/Liber Novus: In the world of Fate Brunor was the future 9th Seat of the Round Table, a successor of Palamedes. He is counted as one of the few who would have become the next generation of the Round Table Knights, with Ywain being their leader. But due to Mordred's betrayal and Arthur's eventual demise at the Battle of Camlann.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Arts/Quick/Quick/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Lawful-Good.
Strength: B.
Endurance: A++.
Agility: B.
Mana: C+.
Luck: B.
Noble Phantasm: A+.


While he has the capabilities of a Shielder, Brunor does not disappoints at all as a Saber. He's strong enough to equal the best of the Round Table Knights, Lancelot and Ywain, in single combat. Even Mordred dreads the idea of fighting him, because she describes Brunor as an 'Unstoppable Avalanche' when he fights. His shield, due to the virtual defense which is the entirely of the Britain from Arthurian Legends, is capable of blocking even the blasts from Galantine and Clarent.

Class Skills~

Double Summon: B: He retains both the capabilities of both a Saber and Shielder.

Magic Resistance: A.

Riding: E.

Self-Field Defense: A+.

Personal Skills~

Mana Defense: B+: This skill comes from his Double Summon, he wouldn't normally had this as a skill if he were to be a normal Saber. Game Effects; Greately increases party's defenses for 3 turns. Reduce party's damage for 2000. Increases party's attack for 3 turns.

Uncrowned Arms Mastery: -: Due to the fact he was mocked by others because of both his looks and that of his armor, his skills were constantly questioned to the point one thought of him being the weakest among all the Knights of the Round Table.

Upon One's Feet: A++: An skill that acts as a testament to one's ability to fight without the use of a mount. All parameters, except both Mana and Luck, are ranked up as long as the posseser of the skill fights using their own feet as a source of mobility. It is said that in an anecdote that Brunor while unskilled in jousting as he lost to Palamedes and Bleobiris, the other two Knights of the Round Table, Brunor challanged them to a fight on foot and then the two refused and left. There is another which says that he faced a hundreds of knights in a lady's chamber and fight them all and won, much to the disbelief of his main traveling companion. Game Effects; Increases own attack for 3 turns. Enhances own Buster performance for 3 turns. Grants self invicibility for 1 turn.

Noble Phantasm~

Brittonum Orbis~The Miniature World Enclosed by the Sapphire Sky: Anti-Army/Barrier: A+: This shield was the last gift he received from his father. An unbreakable shield that protects Brunor from any harm. In reality, this is the very same shield that the hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, possessed. An divine construct that was build by the smithing god Hephaestus, an shield which can nearly stand any attack by deploying a miniature world. Due to the influence from Brunor, the world this Noble Phantasm deploys, is the very world of Britain from Brunor's era where Mystery was at its strongest. Brunor can use this shield to "attack" all enemies by aiming to crush the opponents with the miniature world by continuously charging foward after its deployment. Game Effects; Increases own NP damage for 1 turn. Buster NP.

Summoning: "I am the Saber summoned by you, my true name is Brunor le Noir. I swear on my honor as a knight to serve you faithfully."

My Room comments: 1: "All preparations are done, so let us depart, Master."

2: "Master and Servant is no different between a lord and their retainer. For that any job that is avaible, I shall take it."

3: "Be at ease, I can take any job possible. Even the ones which takes a lot of patience."

Ywain: "Sir Ywain! Master, despite his... rude comments. He's nothing but a very reliable and dependable knight."

Brunor highly admires and respects Ywain, although his choice of words puts him at edge.

Lancelot(Saber): "Ah...(He puts up an dangerous glare) Sir Lancelot, I see that you have gotten better. How about we spar for the good times?"

He holds an slight animosity towards Lancelot, the grudge that Lancelot killed his brother still remains. But rather than out of hatred, Brunor just desires to combat Lancelot once again.

Lancelot(Berserker): "Hahaha!! That is the true nature of Sir Lancelot! Let me put him down, Master!"

Gareth: "Gareth... You know that I suck at jousting, so don't come asking me for that. Hm? To do it on foot? It's not like I am against it, but is such a thing possible?"

Bedivere: "Sir Bedivere! I'm so glad to see you! Hm? What is that arm, I never saw you with it?"

To Brunor, Bedivere is a senior he highly respects because unlike most of the knights in the Round Table Bedivere actually knows to do his duties rightfully.

Mordred(Saber/Rider): "Hm? Sir Mordred? Whoa... Nah, its just that I never saw you without your helmet. So, how about we go together again like the time on Castle Orgulous?"

Once both of them were traveling companions over a time, but due to seeing Brunor defeating and killing off a hundred of soldiers in a small room... Mordred dreads the thought of fighting him, even if she doesn't admits it.

Artoria(Saber): "My king... I stand by what I did and what I said. But even so, I apologize for not standing with you until the end."

Brunor is one of the few knights who followed Tristan's example in leaving Artoria behind. Brunor abandoned Artoria for her disregard of human emotions and lack of empathy towards the knights serving her. But even so he still feels bad for not being at the Battle of Camlann.

Artoria Lily: "My king, no... You may be "her" in some sense, but you may not even be, or not even become, the same king I once served. That heart of yours, please... be sure to not lose it."

Artoria(Caster): "An Lostbelt-version which took up magecraft instead of the sword, huh... It seems that no matter what the circumstances may be, my king can't just seem to escape from Merlin's ploy."

Morgan: "That witch!? Hm? Is it an dream, or Morgan seems much more calmer than before? Oh! She's from the Lostbelt, huh. I guess not even her can escape from the bitterness of being a ruler for too long."

Achilles: "Hm? What is it, good sir? About my shield? It was an gift from my father before he died. Hm? To take a good care of it?(He smashes Achilles face with the shield) It is rude in your part to tell me and demand me to take care of my own armament and the momento of my father like I'm some sort of irresponsible person, so go on and reflect upon your actions."

While Brunor recognizes Achilles as the original owner of his Noble Phantasm, Brunor still is iffed that Achilles is implying that he doesn't takes care of his gear. Which that ends with Achilles being smacked in the face by Brunor.

The Fae Knights: "Formidable enemies, that's what they are. Master, be reminded that most of them are evil fae that cause harm to others without a clear reason."

Kay: "Sir Kay, I no longer had a reason to restrain myself, so save your poisonous comments or I will be forced to punish you accordingly."

Percival: "Sir Percival! I'm honored to fight alongside you! Hm? About my horse...? Sir Percival... Do you wish for me to smack your head with my shield?"

The Knights of the Round Table: "I was often looked down upon by many members, but I guess looking after my lady helped improve my reputation and given the privilege of being one of the next generation of the Round Table."

Mash Kyrielight: "Lady Mash, please be mindful that you're the main Servant of Master and keep holding up your shield to protect him. Good! I may not be an pure Shielder, but I hope I can count on you as a fellow shield-bearer."

After 6th Singularity: "I'm glad that I didn't answer the summons... Had I do so, I would have either ended up like Sir Kay and the other, or just become a dog to the Lion King. Regardless... Sir Bedivere... was amazing, wasn't he?"

After Lostbelt 6: "A kingdom ruled by fairies, huh... No, calling them 'fairies' would be too kind to call those beings. Listen master, self-preservation is a good thing, because it means that one values their own life. But doing it in excessively leads to the poisoning of the soul. Those being didn't have the concept of 'common good', so whatever nation they wanted to build was fated to end horribly."

Event: "Hmm... Is a tournament? If it is, then as long as it isn't jousting, I shall take on any challange."

Birthday: "Happy birthday! I hope you like this cake that I made with both the Caster and younger versions of my king."

Holy Grail: "I do honestly not believe the grail you're talking about can reach the heights of the True Holy Grail searched by Sir Galahad and Sir Percival. But I do think it can be a good way to enhance a Servant's Saint Graph to higher levels."

Bond Lines: 1: "About my armor? Well... I didn't have anything better to put on when I was about to become a knight, so I put my father's armor... Which I later regreted."

2: "Sir Kay's comments were very offensive and I would have reprimand him for conducting that way, but Sir Ywain came to me and said "Wait until the oportunity to strike back, then you shall be the one laughing instead of him." So I took his words at heart and just like he said, I waited for the moment and striked. I indeed was the one laughing in the end."

3: "My King, Arthur Pendragon... Always looking afar. Never looking at anyone in the eyes, Sir Agravain told us to not expect anything from the king than just that. But I disagreed and I told the king some words about how he should conduct herself.... She brushed me off and I got angry, so I left... I do not regret my choice, because the king should have relied on his subjects, as also his subjects would respond in kind."

4: "Forgive me, Master. Despite being a Saber, I don't have any kinds of Noble Phantasms related to swords! My Noble Phantasm is this shield, which my father said that he got it from some merchants who came from Greece, and I use it to bash against my opponents."

5: "The era of knights may have long be over, chivalry may be seen as nothing but an sad excuse. But even so, I shall not forsake them! Master, my lord. You have gained my loyalty and my devotion. This knight, who's good at only bashing his shield against his opponents."

Noble Phantasm damage: "I shall... Not be bringed down!!!"

Regular damage: "I'm fine!"

Defeat: 1: "Damn... It wasn't enough... Everyone... Keep protecting Master."

2: "Even if I fall here.... This shield shall always protect those behind me."

Victory: 1: "An deserved victory! Master, let us march foward!"

2: "In battle one must never lower their guard... But since this battle is over be sure to have a good rest, Master."

Noble Phantasm: 1: "Here I go!(He began to run and run with his shield raised) I am the shield of Britain! Therefore my might has no equal!!(An barrier began to form around the shield, and soon, Brunor began to look like an shooting star as he kept charging foward) Brittonum Orbis!!(He crashed into the enemies thus started to crush them until he pushed them back all the way) WH-WHOOOOOOOAAA!!!"

2: "Er... Fine!! No other option.(He began to run and run with his shield raised) This may not be the way it should be used! But I shall still prove my chivalry!!(An barrier began to form around the shield, and soon, Brunor began to look like an shooting star as he kept charging foward) Brittonum! ORBIS!!!(He crashed into the enemies thus started to crush them until he pushed them back all the way) I-I-I... I CAN'T STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!"

Voice: Jun Fukushima.
Other qualifying classes: Lancer, Shielder.

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