The Last General of the Heike

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Class: Rider.
True Name: Taira no Tomomori.
Other Names: The Furious Spirit of the Heike.
Gender: Male.
Armament: Nodachi, Anchor, Kodachi.
Height: 180cm.
Weight: 72kg.
Region: Japan.
Source: The Tale of the Heike.
Hidden Attribute: Human.
Basic Traits: Hominidae Servant, Humanoid, Servant, Seven Knights Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish.

Personality: He is an man of duty who takes matters with efficiency rather than sole passion. While he can speak respectfully to anyone, that can change into an sudden burst of anger and cruelty, and he's spiteful beyond belief as those fits of rage come out when he's frustrated or when someone is rude to him. He's a man who believes that bravery and loyalty is the only virtue a samurai should have, therefore he won't hesitate to do what he must to defeat his enemies.

Motivation/Attitude towards Master: His loyalty his Master is very high regardless of their affiliation, but it doesn't means that he will not point out some faults at the Master's orders. Tomomori will regard himself as a soldier, one that must obey his lord regardless of what orders they are. But when he sees his Master as inadequate to lead a battle, he will take matters into his own hands, yet not too much as to show that he's not disloyal and won't curse his Master regardless if they betray him or order his death, instead he'll comply.

The Master of Chaldea is someone whom Tomomori highly compares to his elder brother, Shigemori, as such he'll obey them regardless of the lenghs of the battles.

Likes: "What I like...? I have never had given it any thought. Let's see... I guess the ocean. That's obvious, huh... Sorry about that, it was all I could think."
Dislikes: "What I dislike? You know that already, Master. The Minamoto, those bastards... I hope they drown in our resentment."


(His hair is black while his eyes are red)

(First Ascension outfit)

(Second Ascension outfit)

(Third and final Ascension outfit)

(His nodachi)

History: He was the son of Taira no Kiyomori, and one of the Taira clan's chief commanders in the Genpei War at the end of the Heian period of Japanese history.

He was the victor at the Battle of Uji in 1180, and also at the Battle of Yahagigawa in 1181, where, after forcing the enemy Minamoto forces to retreat, Tomomori fell ill, and so the persuit was ended.

Tomomori was again victorious over the Minamoto in a naval battle at Mizushima two years later. The Taira forces tied their ships together, to create a larger stable surface to fire arrows from, and to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

At the Battle of Dan-no-ura, when the Taira were decisively beaten by their rivals, Tomomori joined many of his fellow clan members in commiting suicide. He tied an anchor to his feet and leapt into the sea.

Tomomori has become a popular subject for kabuki plays.

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆.
Cards: Quick/Arts/Arts/Buster/Buster.
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral.
Strength: A.
Endurance: A.
Agility: C.
Mana: D.
Luck: C.
Noble Phantasm: B.


By himself Tomomori is a formidable warrior that is comparable in strength to Musashibou Benkei(Real), but his tactics as a commander shines on as he can think of any kind of strategies even in mid-fight.

Class Skills~

Magic Resistance: B.

Riding: A.

Mad Enhancement: EX.

Persona Skills~

Tactics: B.

Monstrous Strength: C+.

Warrior of the Heike: A+: A proud warrior of the Taira clan. Unyielding and strong in every way, even at the last moments of his life. Game Effects; Increases own Attack for 3 turns. Increases own Defense for 3 turns.

Noble Phantasm~

Great Grudge of Dan-no-ura~The Hatred of the Heike: Anti-Army: B-EX: The hatred and sorrow of the Taira clan after their defeat at the hands of the Minamoto clan. It converts into a powerful storm of thousands of phantoms which will attempt to kill all the enemies in sight, each soul is a great curse which inflicts into the bodies of the targets, as such there's a chance of those souls may eat the spiritual bodies of those who are both humans and Servants. Game Effects; Deals heavy damage to all enemies. Curse damage for 7 turns 3000 of damage. Buster NP.

Summoning: "Rider, Taira no Tomomori, has answered your calling. Be prepared for anything, Master.

My Room comments: 1: "Do not waste your time in here. March foward."

2: "Master and Servant? If you are aware of the consequences of your actions, then you're my Master."

3: "I shall not accept a Master who isn't determined to push foward. Keep that in mind as long as our contract prevails."

Kiso-Minamoto no Yoshinaka: "Tch... you sure have guts of showing your face around here! Kiso! Hey! Don't get in my way pirate! GUGH!!(He got punched very hard by Davy) Ugh... you're lucky, Kiso... Next time will be different!"

Ushiwakamaru: "You are...? I see... I see..."

Benkei: "Who are you? Benkei? No, you aren't him, I saw that mountain of a man by myself. Who are you scumbag!"

Taira no Kagekiyo: "Hey! Shichiro! Stop messing around and be useful, hey! Are you listening to me!? KAGEKIYO!!!"

Oda Nobunaga(Archer/Berserker): "E-Elder brother's(Aniue)... descendant? You must be lying, Anieu wasn't like you! It must be a false claim!!"

Oda Nobunaga claims to descend from Taira no Chikazane, who was the grandson of Taira no Shigemori, the eldest and favorite son of Taira no Kiyomori.

Taira no Kagekiyo(Avenger): "You are... I see... I never expected that curse to infect you, Yoshitsune. Hahahaha!!! YES! CURSE THE GENJI! KILL THEM! DESTROY THEM! JUST LIKE WHAT YOU DID TO US, HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Hm? What is it, Shichiro? Hm? Holding into an hatred without purpose its evil? I KNOW THAT!! I... I know... I am aware that hating the Genji has become useless now... But... BUT THAT IS WHO I AM! THE ONE WHO HOLDS INTO THE GRUDGE OF OUR FAMILY WHO WERE DEFEATED!!"

Event: "On the horizon, something approaches? I shall check upon it."

Birthday: "Your birthday? If that's the case, then why don't you just bring some dancers to bring you good luck?"

Holy Grail: "I'm not truly interested on it, after all... father's ambition was fated to crumble. Though, if you had any use for it, then I won't refuse it."

Bond Lines: 1: "Do you want something?"

2: "To talk about father? Alright, since you ask for it. Father, Taira no Kiyomori, was a firm and strong man. He always thought on the good of the family... but... he then..."

3: "He changed... since elder brother(Anieu) died... He began to descend into his own greed and evil each day..."

4: "You are... You are like elder brother... I deeply wished that he was the one to live instead of father, so our family wouldn't not have to go through that humilliation..."

5: "Why our fates resulted that way? Because of karma, maybe was that. But even so, we held into our pride, that pride which the Genji can never take away. I am the last of the commanders of the Heike, my name is Taira no Tomomori. If you are prepared then I'll follow you to the ends of this world, Master!"

Noble Phantasm damage: "AAAAARRGGGHHH!!!!"

Regular damage: "This is nothing!"

Defeat: 1: "We may have been defeated... but... Our curse shall remain strong..."

2: "Hahaha... do you think you had won?"

Victory: 1: "Hahahaha! This shall be our new song of victory!"

2: "A victory! Roar until our voice reaches the heavens!"

3: "Tonight... a demon runs wild!"

Noble Phantasm: "(The scenary suddenly changes into a vast, stormy, sea where Tomomori sails through on a Japanese ship) Our rage, our humilliation shall roar to the dephs of the Yomi(Then a great number of phantoms began to appear from the stormy sea) Suffer and die!!! GREAT GRUDGE OF DAN-NO-URA!!!(All the phantoms began to swarm over the enemies with their weapons)."

Voice: Yuma Uchida.
Other qualifying classes: Avenger.

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