Chapter 10

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Ripplepaw: Warning

Echopaw bounded out of the den into clearing, she met her mentor, Stormhawk. The tom who came and fought the fox off long ago. " Your here, Finally!" Stormhawk snorted " We have some training to do." Echopaw nodded, swiftly exiting through exit. Echopaw crouched, she remembered what Stormhawk showed her, snow  gently brushed her belly. Echopaw hopped, flying within air, mouse spotted her and skittered  into tiny hole, "Ooof! Mouse dung!" She growled, taking a pawstep forward, something stabbed her pad. " Ow!!" She yelled, turning a paw over to see a fat sharp thorn deeply in her paw.

Stormhawk hurried over to his apprentice. He  sniffed her paw, " We have to get that checked, Hurry along." He flicked his ears as blood slowly dripped down from thorn stabbed paw. Echopaw limped along to camp. She sat down as Ripplepaw gripped his teeth and pulled  thorn out. Echopaw flinched with pain. " Sorry." Ripplepaw apologized , Sandpaw slipped in, " Are you okay?" Sandpaw asked, Echopaw nodded. " I would take off a few days of training until wound is fully recovered." Ripplepaw mewed, Echopaw flashed him a acknowledge look.

Sandpaw said good bye and went off to train. Sandpaw could feel snow under her paws, Leaf bare arrived not so long ago, Cold winds slapped the warmth out of you, when they could. Sandpaw shivered, Berrytail was sitting with Rosefur. They chatted as Sandpaw prodded Berrytail. " Well we should out now then." Berrytail mewed, as she started to walk towards exit. " We can hunt near that Twoleg den." Berrytail spoke, looking up at gray gloomy sky. Sandpaw gave a nod and ran off, Sandpaw crouched, lightly stepping. A squirrel nibbling away. She jumped and snapped it's neck.

Sandpaw dropped her catch, when whiff of mouse  came, gray creature was sniffing, whiskers twitching. Sandpaw lowered herself and slowly walked, As she leapt, the mouse squeaked and scurried into bushes. Sandpaw landed and slipped, she was on ice! Scrambling on her paws, she quickly got up. " Your suppose to be hunting, not playing around! Berrytail hissed, but look in her eyes gave away amusement and suppressed laughter. " Berrytail, What if we attacked like this?" Sandpaw questioned. " Hmm... Get your claws out to get a good grip or use ice for a quick escape." Berrytail replied. Creamy warrior poked at ice with her curved claw.

Crack..crack..crack. "B-berrytail.... I think the ice is crac-"  The ice cracked apart, nothing but big body of water was revealed, Sandpaw was stuck on small wide Island of ice. " Sandpaw!" Berrytail yelled. Sandpaw didn't move, her island was shrinking. *Splash* Black figure  was coming towards her. It was a cat, With blue and white collar on his neck. A kittypet! She gasped as he pushed her island at shore of river. Black tom rose out of water and sent droplets of water flying everywhere.

"T-thank you uhh.." Sandpaw meowed. " Night, My name is Night" Night greeted " I am Sandpaw." The kittypet froze and whirled around, ran off. " Wait!" But Night was gone. Berrytail raced over, " Your okay! I wanted to thank that cat." Berrytail meowed Sandpaw turned and grabbed her catch. They slid through and entered the camp. Sandpaw tossed her catch on pile, dragged out a fat rabbit. Bringing to Medicine cat den. " You guys want some?" She asked. " Of course! I am starving!" Ripplepaw responsed as Echopaw  walked over. The three apprentices huddled and ate up. " I met a kittypet... he saved my life!" Sandpaw spoke suddenly, " Really? Never thought  a kittypet would do that" Ripplepaw meowed, Echopaw gave a nod, and bit into the rabbit.


Elmlake paced along the border, waiting for his  apprentice to return. Elmlake caught some prey to bring back, He slid into camp, as Starlingbreeze beckon him to come over, With shrug. He darted over, Starlingbreeze turned and vanished in den, Elmlake went in, He saw Dandelionfur and 3 little kits. " Your father now, One son and two daughters." Dandelionfur purred, " Let's name out tabby son, Cuttlekit  and Leafkit, for her wood- like fur and Sunnykit." Dandelionfur mewed, slowly swiping her tongue over small three heads.

Three kits cried out and crawled over for milk and warmth, Dandelionfur feed them as she gobbled up a mouse. Dandelionfur curled her tail, tucking her face in, as kits squirmed near her belly. Elmlake licked her ear and exited the den. When sun was about to set, Brightstar yowl broke the through as cats gathered. " Tonight is Gathering, I chose Elmlake, Puddlefrost, Gorsefall,  Vipernose and Ferretblaze." She launched downwards and left as cats pursed behind her.

The gathering place was huge field, trees lined at edge and huge wide top flatten rock sat in middle, Where both leaders sat. Brightstar and Hawkstar were talking, SnowClan leader's claws were out as if he was ready for an attack. Elmlake trotted off, He bumped into Sliver tom. " Oh my bad.. I am Ripplepaw by the way" Sliver apprentice mewed. " Hello So how is warrior training?" Elmlake questioned, Then it hit him, This was medicine cat apprentice, by scent of mixture herbs. " I am a medicine cat apprentice." He giggled. " My sisters are training as warriors. Over there They are Echopaw, Sandpaw and Eaglepaw and Cloudpaw" Ripplepaw meowed, ears flicked towards group of apprentices.

Elmlake padded along clans, raced with narrow paths. " Cats of all clans, The Gathering shall start!" Many heads spun up and eyes gleaming like night sky. Cold leaf bare breeze crashed and slapped on every cat, shivering. Elmlake felt small pile of snow plop on his face, he shook his face. " I shall share first" Hawkstar stepped up, " We made few new apprentices, I would like you all to meet, Echopaw and Cloudpaw, Eaglepaw , Sandpaw and Ripplepaw!!!" He yelped, echoing across field.

" Echopaw! Cloudpaw! Eaglepaw! Sandpaw! Ripplepaw!" Clan cats cheered, " As for my clan, Dandelionfur had kits, Their father is Elmlake! Prey is well and snow is not so bad for us." Brightstar spoke. Cats murmured with fear, which quickly disappeared. " Dandelionfur! Elmlake!" Cats echoed. Clans parted ways , Brightstar lashed her tail, It was fastest gathering ever due to there only being two clans. Snow started to fall, small white flakes gently flew down. The sky darken. Elmlake forced himself to keep moving.

AN: That's all for now! Have happy  weekend!

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