Chapter 11

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Eaglepaw's Gift

Cuttlekit opened his eyes, he rolled over, running into Leafkit. " Urrgh! Cuttlekit! Let me sleep!" She hissed, Cuttlekit stood up, blinking sleepily. " Okay! ok, Jeez no need to be grumpy mouse brain!" Cuttlekit spat back, " Well I need as much asleep before I have to wake up early as an apprentice!" She responded with a growl. She whipped around. " Kits be quite, Cuttlekit go out and play with Sunnykit, She's up" Dandelionfur ordered, The tabby kit. Cuttlekit slipped out.

Cuttlekit stopped as golden fur darted past him. " Whooaa!!!" He yelped in surprise.Sunnykit forced her paws to a stop. " Cuttlekit!" She mewed happily and pinned him down. " I got you!" She tackled him playfully. " We should be apprentices now!" Sunnykit spoke, her tiny tongue at side of mouth. " Sorry young ones but your only two moons but by three moons you will try out prey."  Puddlefrost purred, came behind Sunnykit, " Prey?" Cuttlekit tilted his head. " Food that way better than anything!" Elmlake padded to them, purring. " Sunnykit, Let's go see the elders!" Cuttlekit mewed, already running to their den. " Waiittt!!!" She yelped after him.

Snow leaped off branches and flopped on ground, the camp was cold and icicles hung  along trees and sometimes the dens. Cuttlekit crouched, eyeing the clear hanging ice, he pouuced, knocking it down with a paw. It shattered in million pieces. Sunnykit skid to a stop as her paws slip on broken ice, tumbling into den. "Aaahhh!!!" She yowled, " Watch where you fall!" Hissed a voice. It was Jayheart, A wise old warrior who fought group of raccoons many many moons ago. " S-sorry.." Sunnykit looked at ground. 

Jayheart swiped away at the its, shooing them to Breezefang and Thunderhawk. "Hello kits" Breezefang greeted them, his voice sounded as if he had sore throat. " Can you tell us story! ANy story!" Sunnykit asked, " Make sure it's not boring!" Added Cuttlekit, Breezefang yawned, smacking his lips " Okay, I guess your curious about Brightstar? Well, She used to be kind soul but my mate mistreated her and sister Shadowglow, Brightstar changed that day. Shadowglow however moved on and had a mate from different clan and litter of kits of what I heard." Breezefang mewed. Two kit's eyes widen " Wow!" They squeak. 

" Let all cats old enough to catch prey gather for a clan meeting!!!" Golden leader called,  Thunderhawk left the den, leaving Breezefang and Jayheart with the kits. After few heartbeats, Thunderhawk returned, A figure appeared, It was Briarfoot. " What are you doing here?" Breezefang asked. " I am retiring, Breezefang, I started my training a moon after you." She purred, as Thunderhawk finished her nest, she plopped herself down. Briarfoot's whiskers quivered with joy as she greeted the kits. " Hey kits, May you fetch some prey?" Briarfoot asked,as they nodded the little heads.


Echopaw peeked out, being cooped in den was boring as watching grass grow. She rose up but stumbled and fell on her side. " Grrrrrah!!" She growled, pushing herself to her belly. Sandpaw returned to camp with small bundle of prey, She came in and dropped in a vole for Echopaw and Ripplepaw to share as Sandpaw ate with Stormhawk. The sky was clearing up, clouds drifted apart, Sandpaw trotted back to apprentice den. Eaglepaw sat near in her next, grooming her.

Eaglepaw's love for Sandpaw was strong, he would saved her life for his, He gave her one last lick and quickly exited and went to visit Ripplepaw, " Hi Eaglepaw! Need something?" Ripplepaw came up to him, " Yea I nee-" " Ripplepaw! Come here and tend Webfur's bellyache!" Swiftwing called her apprentice, " Oh sorry got to go, Go and talk with Echopaw." Ripplepaw spun around, Eaglepaw shifted over to Echopaw. " What do you want?" She questioned, tense glare at him. " I need small gift for Sandpaw, She just wondeful cat." Echopaw's gaze lit and ears perked, " You love her!" She teased "Shut up!" Eaglepaw spat, his pelt felt hot with love and embarrassment. " Okay, Hmm, Oooh! Try the snow bells. They are flower that somehow grow in this cold weather." Echopaw mewed, swiping her ear. " Oh those, Of course!" Eaglepaw whirled around as he about to leave, Hawkstar yowled at him. 

"Where are you going?" Hawkstar yowl broke, Eaglepaw didn't know what to do. " I-I Umm a-am-" " Going to help me with hunting today" Berrytail jumped in, " Very well" Hawkstar lashed his tail, went over to talk with Firethorn. Berrytail flicked her ears at Eaglepaw, " Well let's go!" She meowed. " I know your in love with Sandpaw, I am mentor, I want her to be happy." Eaglepaw nodded and flashed a look of thankfulness. " Do you know want snow bell flower looks like?" Eaglepaw mewed. Berrytail gave nod, her tail pointed at tall curved stem flower with white bell flowers lingering.

Eaglepaw plucked it from the ground, As Berrytail had caught a vole, They went back to camp, winds swept their pelts, " You don't got much there" Firethorn meowed, he spoke with disgust. " Oh stop wining like a kit!" Berrytail retorted, Eaglepaw quickly went to where Sandpaw was. " Sandpaw! I have a gift for you." Sandpaw arched her back, She looked over. " W-wow!It so beautiful!" She purred, eyes gleamed with joy. "Thank you!" She took it from him and plopped it at side of moss. Sandpaw placed her head under his chin as their tails twisted together, " Let's be mates when the time comes." Sandpaw murmured

AN: Sorry for late update, I been really busy but here it is!!

Wanna see wut that flower is??

SnowBell Flower

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