Chapter 14

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AN:You were knocked and put in time machine! Now your in time of horrible place.

Shadowglow walked out of warrior den, Why did she have to end her sister? Her only long and known kin. She trotted off, Brightstar had enslaved kits or warriors to do hunting and few duties for her, The once breathtaking home was nothing but wasteland and prey was scarce. Brightstar invited three rogues, named Chase, Slashed and Flora. They were like her loyal minions!(There is a reference, can ya see it??}

A hunting patrol returned, Shadowglow had been captured and taken back to her former clan. skinny sparrow and tiny mouse, Brightstar took a good and big prey as she watched her clan suffered, herbs grew near small pond. Shadowglow stared at the pond, she had sneaked out, *Flashback*( Shadowglow's POV) I see your smile, I thank you for protecting me. You cared but did you let it vanished just like that??

We train happily, Until you changed. Please come back... I want you back.(END) I dip my tongue, cold and gross water, swirled and gulped. I look around, I can escape! I run, paws forced to move and to not stop, the weak wind pushing and creepy old empty trees creaking. I leapt and dash through narrow and wide empty what used to be the river.

SnowClan had been broken and apart, after Brightstar and her surprise attack. Cloudpaw, Fishnose,  Swiftpaw and Rosefur, all died, tall big barn sat near wide field of hills. Roof broken up and walls stood strong,  I slid in and hear hissing, " Go away!" Hissed a cat, A group of messy furred and strong, well fed cats growled. " Troutfoot! It's Me, Shadowglow!." I purred, tail brushed his chin. " S-shadowglow?" His cough like voice mewed, her kits scurried to her.

"Oh my kits, How I miss you! You guys train well over these past moons?" They nod and run off with mentors. I  grab a mouse, eating the meat and flesh, small bones too! The pile of prey was mix of mouse and birds, Hawkstar grabbed a small robin for himself. " Your back? Find anything out?" He stumbled, " Yes, My sister has force her clanmates to do her work as she does nothing! The old home is nothing but wasted land of dead grass and lifeless trees. The river is empty, only small pond." I spoke, taking deep breath and rake my claws on moss. " My sister must be stopped, She's...... a monster with power of madness." I look away, gaze up at the sky. "  I know your going to suffer but it's right thing to do and  will save the clans!!" Hawkstar mewed in wise and calm voice. He had only 4 lives left.

I sink into small nest, sleep slowly claimed me. Words.. Who is talking? " Shadowglow!" A powerful nudge stabs my side, Soarstar? " The final battle.. The Duel of Light and Dark is soon, Be prepared." He mewed, fading quickly. " You must end her, StarClan is being less believed in, We are getting weaker." The tom was gone.

AN:Sorry for this LATE update but I have not been motivated. Anyway have it now! Bye!

--PM me for Wolfy and My story--


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