❈Chapter 15❈

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Final Battle-🌠🌠

"Everyone! Train and then eat we will need to be ready when, we will attack." Hawkstar yowled, "We must end this Darkness now!"

Cats let Yowls of agreement, Shadowglow looked at her paws, she would have to face and fight her own former clan. Echopaw and rest of apprentices gathered to train. Ripplepaw had drop a bundle of herbs, storm of fur whooshed around.

" What? What do you mean don't kill any cat?" Troutfoot growled. " Shadowglow, We might have to kill!" Shadowglow curled her lips, teeth bared. " No! I-i..Urrgghhh!!!" She snarled, stormed off. Shadowglow's tail and ears drooped as she walked away, She  padded far into forest, crouched and looked into pond. Her reflection looked back at her, she swiped her reflection, " Why is this my destiny??!!!?!?!!" She yelled at no cat.

Shadowglow felt an ear prickle, heart thudding. She whirled around, heading back to SnowClan's camp. As she came in, A field of cats fighting, Troutfoot was pinned on the ground, Gorsefall stood upon him. " Say hello to StarClan!!" Gorsefall hissed at Troutfoot, Shadowglow gulped, she darted  and barreled into Gorsefall.  The Brown warrior fell on his side, Shadowglow quickly slashed his belly, He yelped in pain. The battle has begun!

Hawkstar was fighting off Moonfire as Eaglepaw and Sandpaw battled with Vipernose, A strong gray warrior of SpruceClan. Rosefur vanished in storm of teeth and claws, Bramblefall had Rosefur, pinned on the ground. Creamy she cat snarled, swiped. Shadowglow hurried over but Puddlefrost toppled into her, She pulled her head up and sank her teeth in his shoulder. Puddlefrost raked her face, as he stumbled away. " Brightstar... one... life.." Puddlefrost meowed weakly before running away.

Shadowglow felt her heart stop, No! I can't kill my sister! She huffed; Brightstar snarled and killed Tigertooth, tabby elder fell limp and lifeless. Shadowglow ran her way through, dodged all claws and teeth that would aim for her. She slid and raked her claws on her sister's belly, Brightstar grabbed her by the scruff and slammed her on the ground.

Shadowglow gave a kick and rose up. She sliced across her sister's throat, Brightstar coughed and collapsed, her throat seeped with blood. Cats froze, looking over at two sisters, Brightstar laid in puddle of her blood, trail of blood slithered from her mouth and from her wounds. " S-shadowglow... Before I go.. I am sorry. -Coughs- I still love you, and your my sister. I am sorry that I h-hurt you! Please s-stay strong and b-be hap--py ok?" Brightstar coughed, her words bubbled but the were understandable.

Brightstar stared at Shadowglow, her eyes glowing in sorrow. Shadowglow press her nuzzle on her dead sister, " May you be happy forever." She whispered, tears streaming down her face.  " SpruceClan!, We shall return! Darkness has been lifted!" Elmlake cried out, he was now deputy, since the former deputy died. The field cleared up as wounded cats limped back.


Echofern padded, everything was back to normal. Her mother had retired to elders. Sandcloud and Eagleclaw were now mates, their kits, Dawnkit and Shadekit, Wishkit and Tigerkit. Rippleberry had just recently lost his mentor,  Swiftwing. Who had died a sunrise ago. She attacked by badger while gathering herbs.

The clans were at peace, Brightstar was gone and prophecy was no longer hanging over, The dark forest was exiled by StarClan and Clans.

Note: Well This series is finally done! Yas! Enjoy as I think of new book to write! I will edit or maybe hire editor for my books! -Jay🐦🐦

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