Chapter 5

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NOTE:This book will be longer than others! Enjoy!

Webgaze's Goodbye

Elmlake was sleeping in his nest, his wounds were healed and day was silent, was still young. He woke up due to a thirst that drove him up, he padded out , dipped his head in the stream,  pawsteps echoed behind him, He spun and snarled " Who there?"  Tow gleaming eyes sliced the darkness " Don't panic, It just me." Webgaze mewed as she came out of the Bush.

"I am just out for a walk." She meowed and disappeared as they parted ways. Morning light slip through cracks in the den, overhang of leaves , blocked half of Elmlake's view.  Ferretpaw dashed right past him, almost making him fall. " Let all cats old gather here for a clan meeting!" Brightstar yowled as cats paced past Elmlake, his fur pressed against Amberpaw and Ferretpaw's fur. "Today, an apprentice will earn their warrior name! Ferretpaw, step up!" She called as Ferretpaw took a paw forward.

Ferretpaw stood proudly, her sleek fur and shiny eyes. " Ferretpaw, You have proven ways of a warrior after chasing a fox, I give your warrior name, Ferretblaze, in honor your courage and loyalty." She meowed as cats chanted. Meeting came to an end as Dandelionfur came to Elmlake's side, the golden warrior earned her name just at night. Amberpaw turned and headed back, she froze. She knew eavesdropping was rude but she couldn't help it, " You never ask StarClan for approval!" Starlingbreeze spat as Brightstar circled her " Tsk! tsk! I have dark forest's perimisson!" A paw rose and sliced Starlingbreeze's chest. " Now shush! Or you will meet StarClan sooner than you think." As Brightstar came Amberpaw jumped back and hid by the side. Amberpaw slid in and scurried to her mentor, " A-are you okay?" She asked, helping Starlingbreeze.

"Just fine." She muttered back, Amberpaw bolted to herbs and press a web on small cut. " Take a poppy seed." Amberpaw calmly ordered. Elmlake and Dandelionfur were lying on their bellies back faced the sky as they shared a mouse. Amberpaw felt pity for Dandelionfur , when she learn her real kin died and that she was only one. Ever since, Elmlake was happier than ever. a cold flake touched her nose, as she shook off the water. It was the first-snow! gray, sliky clouds covered the sky, as more small white dots fluttered from the sky.

The snow was dappled among the camp as she trotted the pile and dragged a rabbit to her den. " Let's eat" She mewed, nudged the rabbit. Amberpaw ate half of the rabbit, leaving fur, meat and head left over. Starlingbreeze devoured the rest within couple of famished gulps, Starlingbreeze let out a cough, bits of meat flew out. " Brrr! " She shivered, " First-snow just arrived." Amberpaw mewed, Starlingbreeze gave a simple nod and hid her face behind her tail. Amberpaw padded out , Webgaze beckon her tail to her as she padded to the warrior.

"Let's go out of camp" She whispered, Amberpaw turned her head with confusion, " Okay?" The two she cats trotted out the camp, stopping at small hill of rocks. " I am leaving the clan and becoming a kittypet." Webgaze murmured, her gaze avoiding Amberpaw's. " What! Why?" Amberpaw gasped, " Brightstar, well is just not fit as leader and I am getting old. I am going leave tonight. Tell the clan, I died by an adder or make some excuse." Webgaze mewed, flatten her ears. I was lied to for so long, now I am going to make long life lie too! Amberpaw straighten herslef. " O-oh right" She meowed. Amberpaw looked up, the night was close,  gray clouds darken as chilly breeze swept through. Snow was everywhere, Webgaze...Your loyal but your breaking the code. StarClan should not accept   a cat like you, a non-clan cat!!

Amberpaw turned away as Webgaze darted to Twoleg area, Amberpaw grumbled along the way as she ducked her head and went into the camp. She clenched her teeth as she circled her nest and curled to sleep. 

--Next Day--

" Let all cats gather for a meeting!" Golden leader yowled as cats came, eyes blinking of curiosity. " Inkkit, has reached age of six moons and  is old enough  to be a apprentice, Inkkit step up, Until you earn your warrior name, You shall known as Inkpaw! Elmlake, I trust you to pass your skills on this apprentice." Elmlake padded to Inkpaw and touched noses. " Inkpaw! Inkpaw!" Cats echoed.

Brightstar disappeared moments after she called a patrol, as leader left. Cats looked around, fear glowing their eyes as they murmured " Brigthstar never mentions StarClan, when we do ceremony!" " There's no rule about it the code." " So? It like breaking ceremony rules!"  Elmlake shifted through Inkpaw tailed behind him. Inkpaw shuffled his paws, as rocks jabbed his pads. Elmlake and Inkpaw's fur scuffed against bushes and smooth rough bark of trees.

Cloud's shadows rolled among land as, Elmlake bolted. Showing everything to Inkpaw, Inkpaw darted and scraped his claws on every piece of new land, sign of uncontrollable joy and excitement. " I think we can start a little of training." Elmlake mewed as Inkpaw circled him " Really! Yay!" Inkpaw squeaked, " Stop acting like a kit!" Elmlake scolded, stomping a paw. Inkpaw froze and sat down. " I am enemy will jump over you and pin you, counter attack by slidng under and pretend to slice my belly with no claws!" Elmlake directed, He jumped, paws ready shove his apprentice. Inkpaw dodged and slid under, knocking Elmlake with his paws.

" Good job" Huffed Elmlake, he licked his paw and swiped it over an ear. " Now jump and turn to do  the badger leap." Elmlake mewed, crouched and stretched his paws out, Inkpaw gathered strength in his haunches, jumped, Black tom messed up and landed hard on the ground " Ooof!" He mewed " Ow!" Elmlake suppressed a laugh and nudged his apprentice up. " Good job, Try a Hunter's Crouch" Elmlake crouched and slowly crept, leaped and came back with a mouse.

Inkpaw gaze blazed with joy as he copied, missing a vole by a mouse tail. " Fox- dung!" He cursed as vole scampered away. " Better luck next time." Elmlake purred, As Inkpaw shook his head, He crouched again, lifting his tail, narrowed his eyes. Inkpaw pounced and killed a robin within a heartbeat. " Hmm.. Wow Good Job!" Elmlake mewed, rubbing his head with a paw. Inkpaw carried his catch with pride, hunger clung his belly. They arrived in camp as cats gasped and congratulated Inkpaw, " Go and eat" Inkpaw nodded as Elmlake parted away, Inkpaw dragged a vole from the pile and ate.  I wish Rainkit was here. I am sorry Rainkit, You would be training with me and would be Rainpaw.

AN: Finished! YAHOOO!!! I really hope you liked this.. RP LATER! 

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