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Yowl broke out from medicine cat den, as cats crowded around Starlingbreeze's den. Shadowglow gritted her teeth on thick stick as Starlingbreeze held her worry to herself. "One..... Two... Three! And push!!" Starlingbreeze meowed loudly as Shadowglow yelped and a black kit came out. Another kit was making it's way, " Once more!" Starliingbreeze whispered Shadowglow nodded and wailed " Too much.. But for my kits!"Determination filled Shadowglow. Later, Two small kits were crying. Starlingbreeze nudged some borage and let herself drop near the black queen.

Troutfoot trotted to his mate's side, He joined the clan, only a few moons ago and clans had just settled in their new separate homes, about many moons ago too. Some cats flashed a mistrust look at Troutfoot. " Their lovely as you, my dear" Troutfoot purred, nuzzling Shadowglow, " Let's name them, Inkkit for in honor of those two cats who helped us, and Rainkit, for her wonder pelt." Shadowglow purred, tail brushed her two kits. " Of course!" Troutfoot agreed. 

Troutfoot left and went back to his duties, leaving behind a exhausted queen and two crying kits. Shadowglow silenced them down, as her kits start suckle their meal. Starlingbreeze was curled up, her tail wrapped around her, the medicine cat was asleep, ears flicked from time to time. Starlingbreeze awoken, Mapleleaf bowing over head, Starlingbreeze bolted upwards and headbutted into Mapleleaf, " Oww!!" Mapleleaf let mrrow echo, " I may be StarClan, but I am not pain proof!" Mapleleaf 's gaze was glowing with tease. " Moving on, I have a prophecy for you, and we will watch over you." Mapleleaf purred. " Swiftscar meowed tremulous. Brightstar snorted and licked dried mud from her fur and scratched her ear " Whatever.." She muttered.

Brightstar eyed her opponent, Pinestorm charged at her. Brightstar dodged in nick of time, sliding, she let her claws out and scarred his nose. Pinestorm fell back and mrrow of surprise rang from him. Brightstar smirked and jumped, her fur swaying as she let her weigth pin Pinestorm, " Ha! Pin some tom who is way stronger than and smart!" Brightstar teased as Pinestorm gave smile " I will show you!" Pinestorm twisted, lifting his paw and batted Brightstar's face. The golden she cat lost her balance, letting Pinestorm to escape under her nose.

Pinestorm twisted back and slashed her chest as Brightstar yowled and charged at Tom. Her paw ready to strike when "Enough!" Swiftscar yowled, Brightstar let her paw drop, spinning around and padded off to nest made of leaves and ferns to fall asleep again.

Brightstar's eyes shot open as she felt a paw prod her. Brightstar lifted her head, her vision blurred, as it cleared, Crowmoon met her gaze. "Are you okay?" Crowmoon asked, licking her cut that was showing her chest. Brightstar winced as pain stung. "Yea .. I am fine..." She whispered as Crowmoon turned and gave her uncertain look before exiting her den.

Brightstar sniffed, Crowmoon's aroma lingering around as she padded out to find her clan chatting in clearing. Inkkit popped out of nursery and pursed by Rainkit, Rainkit's small tail swayed as little she kit pounced on her brother, "Rawr!" Rainkit cried as Inkkit turned to see a cat coming right at him, "Mrrow!!" He mewed back.

"Ha!ha!haha!!" Two kits giggled, sending clouds of dust everywhere. Brightstar swept off the dust with her tongue as Shadowglow  trotted out to her two kits playing.  Shadowglow eyed her kits.  "Kits! Back into the nursery!" Shadowglow ordered, her tail shooing the them in.

"Awww!!!But.."Inkkit protest was interrupted, "No buts!" Shadowglow meowed, "Your fur is messy and ruffled!!" She scolded them, Inkkit and Rainkit dragged their tails as they knew their fun time was over. "Brightstar! SnowClan cats have crossed our border.. And now a fight has begun!" Vipernose yelped, cuts and wounds on his pelt.

"Crowmoon, Gorsefall, Troutfoot and Flamestripe, Elmpaw and Amberpaw, go on and help our clanmates!" Brightstar commanded. The group of allies left the camp .

Border Battle

Troutfoot ran along his new clanmates, finding bunch of cats fighting and hissing, teeth bared and gleaming. Troutfoot attacked, he hurled himself to Rosefur, the creamy warrior snarled at him. They wrestled, he gripped her scruff until she begged for freedom, Rosefur fled as  Firethorn took her place, "Away from my mate! You traitor!" Firethorn growled, as he jumped, paws stretched out.

Troutfoot dodged and bit hard on Firethorn,  hind leg, So hard his teeth met blood and bone as heaved ginger tom, sending across the field. Firethorn sliced Troutfoot, a gash formed on his shoulder.

"SnowClan! Retreat!Retreat!" Hawkfur yowled, as enemies disappeared beyond the border. Troutfoot huffed as he beckon his tail to his clanmates, returning to camp. He tried to hid his gash and cut on his paw, "I am not blind, you mouse brain!" Starlingbreeze hissed as she dropped her herbs.

Troutfoot let his tail flicked sharply,  "Stay still, you furball!" Starlingbreeze spat, Starlingbreeze moved on to next cat to treat as Troutfoot darted to the den, all he wanted was to be a  doormouse for rest of his day.

Great StarClan!Troutfoot muttered under his breath, What a battle today!Troutfoot groaned and fell asleep, just remembering he had  night patrol with Crowmoon and Amberpaw and Brookleap. He used his spare time to nap

This took a lot of time.. I  hope you like this!!Yay!

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