Chapter 1

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Long Truth Revealed

Elmpaw tossed around in his nest, flipping himself over and he slipped out of the den, Crowmoon had sent a patrol out, " Let's go hunting today." Crowmoon meowed as Elmpaw passed his sister, Amberpaw and her mentor Brookleap, Ferretpaw was padding along Vipernose's side.

Elmpaw trailed behind Crowmoon as they reached Hollow Rocks, A Place with bunch of rocks with a fallen log between them all. Prey would be hiding in every crack, Elmpaw took a deep breath. I am gonna make a good impression!He opened his jaws and caught scent of squirrel.

Little brown creature was nosing it's way around few rocks, Elmpaw crouched and slowly approached, squirrel perked up and started to run, Elmpaw chased behind it, gripping his teeth on tail, pulled back as squirrel squeaked, Elmpaw gave swift bite. He let squrriel dangle in his jaws.

"Good job!" Crowmoon purred proudly. Elmpaw carried his catch, " I did I make a good impression?" Elmpaw muttered, Crowmoon stopped on his paws " Of course, Mouse brain!" Crowmoon meowed. Elmpaw flatten his ears as he entered the camp and tossed his catch on pile, " Great battle move!" A voice echoed behind Elmpaw,He turned to see  Dandelionpaw and her mentor Puddlefrost, " Thanks!" Dandelionpaw purred, Elmpaw felt same unknown feeling surge within himself.

Elmpaw felt a paw poke at his, " Crowmoon,says you can eat!" Inkkit squeaked, Rainkit was dragging a mouse over, " Yea! He said we were being a bother to him " Rainkit mewed, Elmpaw glanced at the prey, nervously. He felt pain churn in his belly, he shook his head " No.. I am fine." He lied, Inkkit and Rainkit looked at him and ran off. " Why don't you eat?" Crowmoon meowed as he came up to Elmpaw, Elmpaw looked down to his paws and spoke " My belly hurts.." He mumbled. " I will have Starlingbreeze, check on you." Crowmoon told him,as he trotted away to medicine cat's den.

Few heartbeats later, Elmpaw spotted Starlingbreeze come in. " I heard you a bad bellyache?" He nodded and lied down, turning until his belly faced Starlingbreeze, She pressed her paw, as Elmpaw twitched in pain. " Sorry!" She mumbled, spitting out a pulp of chervil, and slid a poppy seed to him. " Take these, You will feel better soon," Elmpaw nodded, gulping down bitter herbs, he rose on his paws and slid into the den.

Elmpaw curled up, curved his ears and slept off the day. Elmpaw woke up to see Honeylight and Amberpaw standing at mouth of the den, Amberpaw padded to her brother's side. " Honeylight says she has to tell us something!" exclaimed Amberpaw as Honeylight let herself get comfy.  " I have to tell you, something.. Your not my kits.. Only Dandelionpaw is. Her real siblings died, your real mother was Mapleleaf." Honeylight took a deep breath " She gave birth to you and told me in a dream, just a two sunrises ago. I am sorry." Elmpaw's fur burned with surprise and anger. " What do you mean!?" Elmpaw growled, Amberpaw stayed silent, her eyes looking at her paws.

Elmpaw turned around, his back faced Honeylight and Amberpaw exited the den, tears slithered down her face. " The clan will think as disloyal, code breaker cats!" Elmpaw spat, Honeylight slowly approached him, " Noo.. No" Her tail swept over his head. " I am sorry.." Honeylight apologized, turning to the exit.  Elmpaw didn't even want to know who his father was. The sun thicken shadows and clouds rolled in blue sky, shadows swept over the camp.

Elmpaw opened a eye, the second he heard a pawstep. " If your better, Let's go check the borders" Elmpaw felt well, " No! Take a loyal cat!" He hissed. " How dare you, speak to me like that! You and Amberpaw are acting so strange!" Crowmoon mewed. Crowmoon slid out, as Amberpaw slid pass him. " Elmpaw! I am going to train as a medicine cat!" Amberpaw meowed happily. Elmpaw's head shot up, " What?! Why?" Elmpaw asked, his eyes gleamed with concern and sorrow, " Because, Herbs are so interesting and I hate training as a warrior,  I am not very good at hunting and I can't stand to see my clanmates hurt." Amberpaw explained,  " But.. Okay.. If this makes you happy." Elmpaw mewed, putting a fake smile on.

Amberpaw hopped away happily, as Elmpaw set his head down, Elmpaw rose and trotted out of the, he felt as if cats were giving him looks of disloyalty, he sat down and dragged a vole from the pile and ate up. Elmpaw gulped down his last bite and buried it, leaving to face Inkkit and Rainkit " Can you teach us, some moves?" Rainkit asked, " Sure" He mewed as he got in a  hunter's crouch, Inkkit copied, his tail swishing up leaves. " Prey will hear you, lift up your tail" Elmpaw told Inkkit, Inkkit nodded and lifted his tail, he jumped. One of his hind legs slipped and Inkkit fell. " Oof!" 

" Ha! Ha!" Rainkit laughed as Inkkit got up, " You try!" Rainkit jumped, catching a leaf and tearing it into bits. " Very good, But don't tear the prey." Elmpaw teased. Rainkit shook her paw, letting bits of leaf flutter down. Elmpaw showed them, the back kick, Inkkit tackled his sister, tripping over her tail. " Ow! Watch it clumsy furball!" She hissed. " Sorry! We better get back or Shadowglow will scold us for being out too late!" Inkkit mewed, running back. Rainkit nodded and ran behind him.

" Look at you two! Messy as gray cloud in the sky!" Shadowglow meowed, she grabbed Rainkit, swiping her tongue over messy fur. " My fur is fine!" Rainkit protested " Besides..  I am gonna be an apprentice soon!" "No, you two got  five moons left." Shadowglow mewed as she moved on to clean Inkkit. Inkkit let mrrow of protest, he wiggled as Shadowglow flatten his ruffled fur with her tongue. " Done! Now off to sleep you two, Your naptime is here." She ordered, " We are not tired!" Rainkit argued, a tiny yawn came from her. " Hmmhmm... says my little yawning kit." Shadowglow purred, her whisker twitched with amusement. They disappeared into the nursery.

AN:Enjoy this chapter!YAY!

I am gonna rp! 

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