Chapter 2

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Raven of Bright

Crowmoon padded out of the medicine cat's den, he went to meet Shadowglow, the black she cat was grooming her kits. He dipped his head and dropped his kit, " Hey Shadowglow, Can you take care of Ravenkit?" Crowmoon pleaded. Shadowglow gave a simple nod as she opened her mouth " Who is their parents?" She asked, rasping her tongue over little black she kit. " Brightstar and I" Crowmoon replied, Crowmoon left as Elmpaw and Amberpaw emerged from the thick bush, acting strange.

" Vipernose and Ferretpaw,  Redthorn and Webgaze, Your on border patrol." Ferretpaw dragged herself out the den, her fur ruffled and messy. Webgaze padded to meet with Ferretpaw and Vipernose as Redthorn came last. Elmpaw shot a nervous glance at Ferretpaw, as if he was hiding something from her. Ferretpaw perked her ears as she trailed behind others. Leaf- bare just arrived, freezing snow under Crowmoon's pads made him shiver.

"Elmpaw and Amberpaw and Brookleap, Let's do some training together." Crowmoon called. " Sure! I still have two moons until I go in medicine cat training." Amberpaw mewed as she padded along her brother's side. They were at outskirts of the camp, They stopped  as Crowmoon and Brookleap sat and watched. Amberpaw pounced, Elmpaw swiftly dodged and he did the " Drop and roll' knocked over Amberpaw, as she fell, He pinned her. " Ha! Pinned ya!" Elmpaw teased. Amberpaw smiled and rolled, she kicked out her legs and launched Elmpaw, Elmpaw didn't give up, he charged but Amberpaw jumped out the way as Elmpaw slid on mud and snow, snow flung into his eyes. " I can't see!" He mewed, " It's just snow Use your other senses!" Brookleap meowed, Amberpaw was charging at Elmpaw again, Elmpaw prickled his ears and open his jaws, he caught Amberpaw's scent.

Elmpaw flung himself to the side, as Amberpaw slipped and slid, " Good Job! That all for now" Crowmoon mewed as Elmpaw blinked, his eyes watery. " Yes! We did so goo-" A yowl interrupted  them, Crowmoon and Brookleap flashed a worried look, " Quick, Let's go see what happen!" Elmpaw and Amberpaw nodded as They dashed through the forest and found Redthorn and Vipernose, " What happen?" Brookleap asked, Vipernose turned his head. " Ferretpaw fell in the river!" He replied, as river roared , the deep dark greenish water flowing. Brookleap jumped in, she disappeared and came up, swimming over to Ferretpaw, who had gripped her claws on a log. Brookleap kicked her legs and let the river carry her.  Ferretpaw let go, as her head slammed into another  log, she sank into the river, Brookleap dove down and brought her up.

Brookleap swam over to the shore and dropped Ferretpaw on ground as Brookleap  was swept away from log, that had loosen, The she cat yelped as she disappeared under the water. She didn't come up, only leaving a bubbly surface water, (Brookleap POV) I could feel water flooding into me, as blur and water blinded me, I was sinking deeper into the river. (Back) Vipernose wailed out to her, but Brookleap was gone, Ferretpaw was breathing hard and she seemed she was in shock. Vipernose picked her up, she moaned in pain.

They arrived in camp, Vipernose ran across to Medicine cat's den. " Starlingbreeze! Help!" Vipernose cried, he placed Ferretpaw in moss silky nest, Starlingbreeze nudged her herbs closer with her tail, " Hmm, What happened?" She asked, " She fell in the river and hit her head." Vipernose explained, " Hmm... Yes just as I thought.. She has concussion, which rare for us." Starlingbreeze, " You can go, I will do my best to heal her." Starlingbreeze promised as Vipernose let a sigh of relief out.

Elmpaw and Amberpaw crouched beside a mouse and They shared prey, eyes gleaming with worry, " I hope Ferretpaw is okay" Amberpaw mewed, a shiver slid down Elmpaw's body. " M-me too..." He said, his tail curling around him. " You two will be off training, You must be really shocked" Elmpaw and Amberpaw just nodded and trotted to their den. " Hey, Vipernose and Flamestripe, can you two gather herbs for me? I need catmint and few others, Have Amberpaw go with you, she knows what herbs I mean."

" No, She needs to stay here" Crowmoon protested, " No!  I will go." Amberpaw yelled quickly. Amberpaw vanished with others.  They returned with bundle of catmint, " Has Ferretpaw eaten?" Elmpaw asked, " No, She needs to rest and then eat later." Elmpaw dropped a rabbit for Starlingbreeze " Here... A little thank you gift" Starlingbreeze padded and ate. " Elmpaw!" She meowed, as he was about to leave. He turned " Yes?" He mewed back, " Stay here.. I need to tell you something." Elmpaw's tail lashed with anger. " If this about Mapleleaf.." Elmpaw growled, " I know already, I am going to tell you as story." Starlingbreeeze meowed, narrowing her eyes. " I am a apprentice, not a kit! But since I have nothing better to do, I will stay." Elmpaw sighed.

" When I was getting my full name... I learn that I was born to a rogue, meaning I was never born in a clan but outside of the clan. Brightstar found Poppyshine and I as helpless kits. Our mother had died." Starlingbreeze confessed. Elmpaw felt his ears flick, " Really?" Elmpaw exclaimed, Starlingbreeze nodded. " Hey.. I hope you train my sister well." Elmpaw uttered, Starlingbreeze lifted her chin. Her eyes shining and meeting Elmpaw's.

Amberpaw came in and dropped catmint, " I am going to be a medicine cat!" She purred, jumping around like a kit , " You will be great  medicine cat!" Elmpaw encouraged, Elmpaw  vented through and left. " Pain...Head...Hurting..." Ferretpaw mumbled weakly, Starlingbreeze scurried over to Ferretpaw's side. "Shh..shhh I will make your pain go away" Starlingbreeze comforted Ferretpaw. " We have to go see Starclan and get their approval to be my apprentice." AMberpaw nodded, She padded off to get Crowmoon. " Crowmoon, Watch her for while." Crowmoon nodded as two she cats exited the camp.

They traveled until they found place with small waterfall that flowed into a pond, " Touch the water with your nose and Starclan will send sleep." Starlingbreeeze mewed as Grasspool appeared, with her apprentice Swiftpaw walking beside her. " Hi! My name is Amberpaw! I trained as warrior but now I am going to train as a medicine cat." Amberpaw purred, her tail wagging with endless energy. Swiftpaw gave a shy nod as Grasspool spoke " I see.."

Amberpaw woken up in starry land, " Hello Amberpaw, We, Starclan give you approval as SpruceClan's next medicine cat. We are glad you chose a path you wanted.  We give you power of confidence and instincts, In order to help you." Amberpaw woke up next to Swiftpaw and Starlingbreeze. She yawned and arched her back as others woken up. " Remember we keep our dreams to ourselves." Grasspool reminded as Swiftpaw gave a nod. "Bye! May Starclan light your path!" Swiftpaw and Grasspool called out before heading back.

AN: I am done with this chapter! Hope you liked this! Really long chapter.. Updates are daily and random XD

I had music on and I jamming out!YEAA!! Next Chapter coming soon!! Yes Cats can get concussions, It just really rare for them. Have a good day/night! I will be ROLEPLAYING LATER!!!! - Jay out(for now) ^-^  

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