Chapter 3

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Breaking the code

Amberpaw woke to Brightstar's yowling and just then Soarstar padded to her and licked her on the head, Ambepaw quivered and let claws out and scarred the ground, Amberpaw could see a huge fire, just then a tree fell and took it out , wait.. aren't trees suppose burn if they fall on fire?Amberpaw felt a paw prod her powerfully.

" Autumnfall and Moonfire. Your on hunting patrol! trespass if needed. Borders don't matter." Brightstar meowed as Moonfire stepped up, " But that's against the co-" Moonfire mewed, as Brightstar yowled, " I don't care! Any of you will die if your against me! I am murderer of all those pitiful cats who died, Needlestar.. Sorrelpaw... Mapleleaf." A wail interruped her. " You monster! I took c-care of you and you thank me by killing my only daughter! I rather join StarClan, Than have you as leader!" Brindleheart growled. " Wish granted." Brightstar grinned, she leaped at Brindleheart, pinning the warrior.

Brightstar slashed her claws across Brindleheart's face, blinding the she cat. Brightstar sank her teeth in Brindleheart's neck, flipped her over. At last Brightstar went for the killing bite, Brindleheart let out a cry, as her eyes quivered and head dropped. " Now, Beware of what you wish, It may come true." She hissed " Now go, Hunting patrol!" Cats looked at her with fear. " Ahem, Bramblefall and Briarfoot, please come up." Brightstar yowled after the patrol disappeared, " Fight!" Bramblefall and Briarfoot flshed each other a look. " But we are kin!" " I really don't care! Fight!" Bramblefall gulped, he turned and attacked his sister. The two cats were wrestling in clearing, " Very good! Now kill!" Brightstar demanded. Briarfoot looked at her brother, sadly. " Do it" She meowed. Bramblefall hesitated for few heartbeats. He sliced her throat as she fell. Bramblefall let his sister drop and then collapsed, he cried in sorrow and pain. " I am sorry! So sorry!" Bramblefall whispered.

" Don't be sorry, Kin will make you weak!" Brightstar growled, she prowled through clan into her den.  Cats parted ways, murmuring to each other. Brightstar poked her head out and left the camp. Brightstar scurried over the border, she walked into FrostClan's camp. "How dare you pass our border and right into camp! You have bees in your brain!" Fleetstar snarled, Fishnose and Firethorn came over with claws unsheathed. " Make one move, Your dead!" Brightstar just laughed " Oh I am so scared!" She said sarcasm. Brightstar turned back kicked Fleetstar onto Firethorn and spun around, she clawed Fishnose's ear and eye, the she cat fell back.

Brightstar ran and stopped, she slipped into the nursery. A kit cried as she gripped it bu scruff, " Mama!" Emberkit wailed as Emberkit was being taken. "No!" Flamingwing cried, she ran after her kit. Brightstar stopped and leaped up on a tree, she and jumped to other side, to her border and crossed it. Brightstar came in the camp, " Elmpaw! Amberpaw! Come here at once!" She yelped, her paw pressing on Emberkit's tail, The two apprentices came out, " Elmpaw, you can be a warrior if you kill this kit." Elmpaw looked at the kit with uncertainly, Amberpaw looked over to Elmpaw and then at her paws. Brightstar narrowed her eyes and then she let the kit's tail go and pinned Amberpaw, " Do it or your sister will meet StarClan!" Brihgtstar hissed, Elmpaw  flatten his ears and attacked  Emberkit,   Emberkit didn't panic " Oooh! Are we playing a game? This a cool game!" She mewed excitedly, Elmpaw felt tears coming, before he knew it, his tears dripped off onto poor innocent kit. Elmpaw unpinned her, and went to out of the camp.

Elmpaw padded to bush with red small dots, It was yew berry bush, a dangerous herb, barely used. Elmpaw snapped a small branch off and arrived back to camp, he dropped it in front of Emberkit. " Errr.. Special berries!" Elmpaw tried to hold his sorrow, Emberkit jumped and tail swishing with joy as she chewed and swallowed scarlet berry, Emberkit stopped and fell on her side. The she kit was whimpering in pain, " Berry...Bad! Berry...pain" Emberkit twitched before she went limp and lifeless, chewed up berry spilled from her mouth. " Where is your pity?" Amberpaw yelled at Brightstar. " You dare disrespect me? No leaving your den for two moons!" Amberpaw growled and pushed her way into her den. " As you all see, Elmpaw did what he was told therefore, Also I say no longer for apprentice's mentor approval is needed.! Elmpaw will be known as Elmlake, We honor your greatness and strongness!"

"Elmlake!Elmlake!" Cats echoed with tad of fear. Elmlake looked at his clanmamtes, his face twisted with sorrow and joy. " Watching that kit die, was nothing but entertainment and amusement!" Brightstar laughed, she disappeared with a mouse in her jaws. Cats were prowling through and went to their dens or duties.

:-;That all folks!Thanks for reading! Yay..Two chapters..ek.. Anyhoo I will Rping after school and now(for while)!

Omen: Tree that took fire was Elmpaq/Lake taking out Emberkit

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