Prologue: Jack Heart

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A male around the age of seventeen with short blue hair and bright crystal blue eyes were currently on a small boat in the middle of the vast ocean on remnant. The male was wearing rather casual clothing being a long-sleeved button-up white shirt, that he kept the arms rolled up to around elbow level, blue jeans, and blue sneakers that had highlights of white thrown in. As he was looking over the edge he felt someone tap his back.

When they did Jack turned to look at them. "Seasick huh?" The figure asked as they looked at Jack.

"Nope, more like being homesick," Jack said as he looked at the figure beside him.

"Ah, well I hope you get well soon," The figure said as they walked off. When they did Jack chuckled to himself slightly.

"Heheh . . . whale," Jack said as he looked at the water beneath him. Jack then stood up and began to walk down the small halls the boat had before arriving at the swimming pool they had. While Jack love being at sea he didn't care for some of the rules that they had. This swimming pool, while it would serve its purpose, for the time being, was too small for Jack. However, he knew that just jumping off the edge was likely to cause a small panic so for the time being he let the pool do its job.

After finding a room to change in and placing his clothes in one of the many lockers that had been provided Jack walked back to where the pool was and jumped into the water letting out a sigh as he did. Once he did some gills began to grow on the male and he dived deeper in an attempt to keep them hidden. When choosing a school to attend he paid attention to the pools that they had available.

While Beacon's wasn't the biggest it was good enough, and if Jack decided he needed something a little bigger then the ocean was close by as well. That fact made picking a school easy for him. As he swam in the water he saw a girl by the edge and swam up landing in front of her crossing his arms and laying on them to hide his gills. "Have you heard about the restaurant this place has? It apparently only caters dolphins," Jack said.

"Uh no? Really?" The female asked as she looked at the male being a bit surprised by his sudden appearance.

"Yeah, it's not much but at least it has a porpoise," Jack said chuckling to himself as he once again tossed himself underwater not bothering to take a breathe as he did. This really was one of the few fun things about taking a boat to get Beacon instead of flying as most others did. However, this peaceful feeling came to an end when he felt the boat shake violently. When he did Jack began to swim to the surface and saw another boat pulling them closer.

Jack then looked up and while nothing seemed out of place he knew better and began to move towards his room. While he was certain he could have fought most of them himself he didn't want to risk it and grabbed his weapon. A trident with a slightly different design than one would expect with the spikes being stationed away from each other similar to the stand of a tripod rather than a trident. It also had a rather scaly design giving it the appearance of a creature of the deep.

Jack then began to run back to the surface and saw a few people already starting to restrain some of the passengers. As they did Jack ran towards them and jumped kicking one in the chest sending him away. As he did the figure Jack helped screamed and began to run. Not that Jack could blame them, after all, it was only natural for someone to want to get away in a situation like this. Jack then heard someone running behind him and ducked under their attack.

Jack then turned and hit the male that was attacking him in the face with the staff part of his trident before he noticed several people starting to surround him. When he said this Jack moved forward and began twirling his trident hitting a figure in front of him in the face with the sides of his trident before moving behind him and tripping him with it. Once he did Jack once again moved back and tripped another of his attackers forcing them to land on top of each other.

"Aw come on, I get that you love each other, but try to keep it in your pants until the fights over alright?" Jack said in a slightly mocking voice as he was once again attacked by two figures. As he was Jack moved back and spun with his trident in hand hitting one of the figures on the back of the head before moving forward and grabbing them Jack then jumped up and kicked the male in the stomach sending him back using his trident to catch himself as he did.

As much as Jack loved his trident because it was a gift from his mother he found using it for battle at times a bit challenging. Jack had no problem hurting others, within reason of course, but when it came to killing them. He struggled a lot more in this category, and since his weapon seemed to be designed to take lives it made using it a challenge at times. He had no problem using it to fight Grimm since he didn't care if they died but he'd never want to cause harm to a human or a Faunus.

As Jack continued to fight he noticed that many of them weren't getting back up. They didn't appear knocked out which just left Jack feeling slightly sorry for them due to their physical state at the moment. As he did Jack heard something being cut and when he looked he saw that several ropes were being cut. Jack then ran towards the edge of the boat and as he reached it the last rope had been cut and they were starting to slowly drift away.

When he saw this Jack jumped into the water and submerged himself completely underwater. As he did his gills once again came to surface and he began to swim towards the boat being able to easily catch up with it and swim to the other side in just a few seconds. Once he did Jack dived down a bit before swimming up and launching himself out of the water. When he did Jack grabbed the ledge of the boat and pulled himself over.

When he did he saw that while some people were looking at him most hadn't noticed his presence yet. So, of course, Jack used this to his advantage. As one of the men charged towards him Jack used his trident to trip the male. As he fell Jack grabbed the male and turned to throw him into one of the males that hadn't noticed him yet. As he did Jack jumped up and used his trident for balance to avoid the male that was about to attack his legs from behind.

Jack then took his weapon and hit the male on top of the head with it, knocking the male out as he did. Jack then used one of the points from his trident to pick the male up and toss him towards another male that was heading towards him. As he did Jack then began to use his semblance to cause some of the water from the sea to rise and cover the surface of the boat. Once he did Jack took a deep breath.

Using his semblance was always a lot easier when he was in the water, of course using it out of the water was still manageable but just not as potent. Jack wasn't trying to flood the ship, obviously, but he wanted the floor to be slippery so that his opponents would make more mistakes. He was used to fighting on and around water, he would often train near water that had algae-covered rocks so some minor water would be easy for him.

As he watched several people come towards him he saw several people tripping as they got close to him. Only one was able to get to him. When he did Jack moved to the side and turned expecting to hit the male in the stomach. After all, the rest of them weren't too impressive. However, instead, this male caught the attack and pulled the trident elbowing Jack in the face. "Seems like you're not as tough as you thought," The male said as he looked at Jack.

"Won't happen again, it was a fluke," Jack said with a slight smirk as he looked at the figure. When he said this the male rushed towards him once again. As he did all the water that was covering the boat's floor rushed to Jack and moved him into the air before dispersing raining down on the ship. As it did, Jack saw the male and gathered some water in between the space between the prongs of his trident and when he landed extended his trident towards the male causing the water to shoot out.

When he did a large wall of flames shot up from the ground and Jack looked at the male a bit skeptically. A pirate with a flame semblance? Jack then grabbed his Trident and turned it slightly before letting it rest on his shoulder. "Ever think about switching careers mate? Water doesn't seem to be your element, and don't try playing koi either," Jack said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Exactly, catches enemies off guard. Worked on you at least," The male said with a smirk.

"I don't quite sea it that way but to each his own," Jack said as he rotated his trident to a striking position causing the water around him to float around him forming several small orbs of water around him. Jack then threw his trident forcing the male to dodge the attack before rushing forward as well. As he did the male began to block several water balls using his semblance. As he did Jack managed to move closer to him and kick him in the side of the head.

As he did the male fell back and Jack jumped towards the male and slammed his elbow onto the top of the male's head. As he did Jack turned and slammed the back of his fist into the male's face next. The male then threw a punch at him with flames covering it. As he did Jack dodged the attack, he would have usually tried to block it but the flames deterred him from attempting that. Jack then turned and slammed his foot into his leg.

As he did the male was sent back and Jack uppercut the male before slamming both of his fists onto the male's back and then jumped up kicking him several times in the chest before sending him back. As he did Jack saw that the male was about to get up so Jack moved behind the male and raised his leg straight up before slamming it down onto the male's back forcing him down onto the ground.

As he did Jack looked around and saw that he had defeated everyone that was around. So Jack began to search the ship looking for several pieces of rope to tie up the criminals before eventually making his way back to the boat. When he arrived he saw that the others had been tied up as well. Jack while he appreciated all the attention he got for the next couple of days though it was a bit annoying since it kept him from swimming a bit.

When he finally arrived at Vale Jack's schedule was a bit prolonged because he needed to answer some questions about the attack and what happened. But once he was told he could leave Jack looked at the streets in front of him and took a deep breath. This was going to be the start of a new life for him. One where he could really make a difference in the world, or at least try. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and I'd like to thank RealAdamTaurus for letting me use his OC Jack Heart in this story. For those of you that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something that interests you then please let me know. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next chapter. 

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