Prologue: King Kattaerthwait

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P.O.V. Third

A male slightly taller than average was currently walking down the halls of his palace. He had medium-long brown hair, that was fairly messy, and deep brown eyes that matched his hair. He continued for several minutes until he reached a small room. When he arrived he saw two important figures. A child around the age of eight with pure white hair, and bright vivid purple eyes, and a male dressed in traditional combat attire.

He had promised his grandson that he would watch his first training session. Apart from the fact it gave him the chance to see what the instructor he hired was really like, he always enjoyed spending time with his grandson and wanted to take every chance he got to spend time with him. When he arrived he saw that the male that was to be training his grandson doing a slight demonstration for him.

He would have interrupted but seeing the child's face prevented him from doing so. He had a bright and warm smile as he looked at the male in front of him. He was taking in every detail that he could from the fluid and elegant movement. Everything from his stance and attacking patterns to his wrist angle, and footwork was etched into his memory as he looked at the male in front of him.

The male then stopped much to the child's disappointment and he looked at him. "Things like this are basic and they are things that you will undoubtedly be able to do given enough time," The male said as he looked at the male in front of him before walking over to where he was keeping the two training swords he planned on using. He could see how eager the child was to get started so he thought there was no harm in skipping some of the formalities.

The male then walked over to him and smiled as he held out a sword for the child to use. "King, how the sword with both hands, and take a steady stance like this," The male said as he showed him a basic stance. When he said this King nodded and mimicked his form nearly perfectly as he looked at the male in front of him. "Now, I need a baseline of where you are so I know what to teach you. So feel free to come at me at will," The male said with a smile as he looked at the child.

King nodded hearing this as his gaze concentrated more on the male in front of him. Gilgamesh smiled seeing how much fun his grandson seemed to be having with these rather basic instructions. However, then he saw something that left him speechless. King took a deep breath and the grip around the handle of his blade tightened as he dashed forward and jumped into the air. King unleashed three quick and rapid strikes in the blink of an eye.

Then when he landed he went down quickly and hit the male's ankle sweeping him off his feet. Gilgamesh chuckled slightly hearing this, thinking that the mentor was merely acting to encourage King but after a few moments passed he began to grow a little concerned. King himself also became worried shaking the male slightly as he laid on the ground. After nearly a minute had passed Gilgamesh stood up and began to walk over to the male.

His eyes were closed and Gilgamesh could already start to see a swelling starting to appear on his shoulder from where King had hit him. Gilgamesh then placed two fingers on his neck just under part of his jaw and sighed feeling a pulse. "It's fine, he's just unconscious is all," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male next to him. King was

He had swellings the size of fists covering his body. "I'll get a nurse," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male however, just before he left he stopped and turned to look at King. "King . . . how did you do that?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at his grandson. He had never heard of someone being able to do something like this. A child that had never held a sword before or trained with on in his life had made his instructor pass out with four strikes. The thought just seemed so bizarre and foreign to him.

When he said this King tensed up and looked at the ground as if he were ashamed of what he had done. Seeing this Gilgamesh panicked slightly and fell to one knee. "Nonononono, it's fine. You're not in trouble! I just want to know is all," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the child in front of him. After a few moments passed King mumbled something still clearly a bit ashamed of his actions.

"You always said your opponent's lungs expand just before they attack. So all I did was look for breathing rhythm," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"And you can do that?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at King.

"Yeah ever since you told me that he was coming here to train me I started looking at some of the guards and maids to practice," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Gilgamesh could understand this, it would explain some of his skill, but not all of it.

"What have you learned to pick out?" Gilgamesh asked looking at his grandson in front of him. King shrugged hearing this as he looked at the male.

"A lot of things, like I said I can see their breathing, weak points in their posture, their rhythm of their breathing, muscle movement, muscle contractions, the tension in their body, even how they're sweating," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Gilgamesh was once again a little shocked to hear this before chuckling slightly and playfully rubbing King's head.

"Looks like someone inherited their grandfather's eyes," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the child in front of him. He knew this wasn't true after all King couldn't see into the future as he could. He was just good at observing things, however, his eyes were amazing nonetheless. "Well, for now, I'll get him to one of the medical staff you can just stay here and practice your strikes, like you saw him doing," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the child in front of him.

When he said this King nodded and began to walk to where his sword was. As Gilgamesh walked away he smiled as he continued down the halls. He never would have guessed his grandchild would be so skilled at combat. He had always secretly been worried that he wouldn't be able to compare to some of the other fighters in the world. However, now he was certain that he would be just fine. A fact that Gilgamesh would undoubtedly take great pride in.

And on top of being an amazing fighter, he also had an extremely detailed sight that allowed him to react to his opponents instantly. After waiting several minutes for the male to once again become conscious Gilgamesh looked at him. "Do you remember what happened?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I . . ." The male began as he tried to get up only for a wave of pain to shoot through his shoulder. When he reached over he felt something tense and hot and when he looked he saw a swelling the size of a fist on his neck. The male was confused by this before he remembered what happened and smiled slightly. "He's amazing, unlike anything I've ever seen," The male said as he looked at Gilgamesh. "I guess I should just count myself lucky I didn't give him a real sword," The male said with a slight chuckle.

"Rest assured you're grandson's definitely talented, there's no mistaking it. Molding him into a capable won't be that hard," The male said as he looked at the male in front of him. Gilgamesh nodded hearing this and turned before he began to walk away from the male in front of him.


Several years had passed and King had grown from a mere child into a young adult. He had short pure white hair that reached the back of his nape. Hair that was slightly messy but at the same time had clearly been combed in an attempt to try and keep it neat. He had deep purple eyes that seemed to sparkle like gemstones and had sharp and attractive facial features. The male stood a little taller than average, with a muscular and slightly lean body build, with fair and flawless skin.

At the moment he appeared to be getting dressed for something as he slowly put on his rather unusual attire. This being a white and sliver tunic with blue accents, white pants, silverfish-white grieves that covers his shins and matching metal bracers, and a short white and blue cape that only came down to his waist. A small pendant with his family's crest on it, as well as a small belt that wrapped around his waist.

A large metal box behind him that was attached to his waist, as a small leather pouch or his right thigh that would rattle every so often suggesting that it was carrying several items in it. And finally a small ring on his finger that had been given a rather elegant and regal design. King after he was finished looked at his weapon. A sword with a large scabbard that he took time attaching to his waist.

After taking a moment to look at himself in the mirror he smiled and walked out of the room. As he did he saw two figures in front of him. Two guards that his grandfather had sent to make sure that King arrived at his destination safely. "Ah, I see that you are ready my prince," One of the figures said as they looked at him. King nodded hearing this and the three began to walk down the halls of the castle together.

"So if you don't mind us asking, why did your grandfather request your presence so quickly?" One of the figures asked as they looked at King.

"He wants to make an example out of some local thugs that are trying to cause some trouble," King said as he looked at the two in front of him.

"And he needs your help to do this?" The female asked as she looked at King.

"No, he could do it himself, but he knows I like doing things like this so he invited me," King said as they continued down the halls. The two nodded hearing this and continued on their journey, leaving the palace that they were in before walking out of the city and down a small dirt path. As they were walking King sighed as he heard the two behind him bickering with each other before he stopped hearing a low growl.

When he did the other two stopped as well and looked around them. When they did they saw that several Beowolves were starting to surround them. A fact they had all missed due to the two's bickering. When they saw this the two drew their weapons and rushed to King's side. "It's dangerous, stand back!" One of the guards said as they carefully moved in front of King. "They look like Beowolves, so if we can find the alpha and get rid of it then-" The female began only for King to cut them off.

"Who do you think you're speaking to?" King questioned as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the two looked at him a bit surprised. "You two are the ones who should stand back," King said as he stepped forward before jumping into the air. As he did he massive sword began to transform into a bow before he pulled back and fired an arrow that split into five and then shot into the ground before exploding killing five of the creatures instantly.

As he did he scanned the area before eventually spotting the alpha as his bow transformed back into a sword and swung towards the alpha causing the sheath from his sword to come off and towards the creature. As it did the Beowolf jumped back and King landed on the sheath of his sword before jumping forward turning as he did before decapitating the creature. As he did King slowly came to a stop before walking back over to his scabbard.

As he did two of the Beowolf began twitching a fact King was, of course, quick to pick up on. However, King continued towards his scabbard only for the two Beowold to lunge towards him. As they did King rolled forward out of the way before dashing forward to impale both of the creatures through the neck. King then brought his sword up slicing through part of their heads causing them to disappear.

As they did King once again began to walk over to his scabbard before sheathing his sword as he looked at the two in front of him. The two then walked over to him with a smile noticing that the Beowolf was slowly starting to retreat. "Now then, let's keep going," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. The three once again continued to walk down the path until they finally reached the kingdom that they had been after.

When they arrived they found Gilgamesh ready at the gates to greet King and his two guards. "Ah, there you are! I hope the journey here wasn't to much trouble," He said with a smile as he slowly came forward.

"Nothing we couldn't handle," King said with a smile as he looked at the figure in front of him. Gilgamesh smiled hearing this and laughed hardily as he heard this.

"I'd expect nothing less. Now come so that we can prepare," Gilgamesh said as he looked at his grandson causing him to nod. The two then walked into the city and towards a large arena where there were four cages. "Dear citizens, today we have decided to do something a little different. I have gathered four of the most despicable, and frightening prisoners we have," Gilgamesh said as he gestured to the cages behind him.

"They have been promised their freedom, if the four of them united can defeat one of my elite then they will once again be free to roam the streets," Gilgamesh said as he gestured to the caged before turning his attention to the rooftops of the surrounding area. "I have also gathered several archers that have been instructed to shoot them if any of them try to escape," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the citizens before opening the cages.

When he did three males and one female walked out of the cages before their chains fell to the ground and weapons were placed in front of them. Gilgamesh then began to walk away as King began to walk onto the arena. "I, of course, have chosen one of my best, and my own grandson to take on this role," Gilgamesh said as he sat down on a small throne. "Once the gong is rung you may begin," Gilgamesh said as he closed his eyes.

He already knew the outcome of this match, so he didn't see a reason to watch it. After he closed his eyes a long bell was rung and the figures all began to surround King. "Feel free to run now!" King said with a smile as he jumped into the air. As he did the figures all looked up as he came crashing down on top of where one of them had been standing. As he did one of the others began firing at him and King turned to nock the arrows away from him. "I always did prefer getting to know my opponents through combat!" King declared as he watched two opponents rush towards him.

King then turned in a graceful and elegant manner and used his sword to hit one of the male's spears away. As he did King jumped back and swung down once again knocking his spear away from him. King then jumped over the male's next attack twirling in the air as he did to knock his spear away once again. At this point looked more like King was dancing than trying to fight his opponent, just going to show how confident he was.

As he did a second attacker approached him and attempted to attack him before he landed. As he did King used his blade to slide his opponent's attack upwards so that it would miss him. When he landed the male swung at him once again and King leaned back avoiding the attack. King then turned and saw both preparing for an attack. When he did he grabbed his sword with both hands and swung stopping both of their attacks and sending them back.

King then moved forward knowing the other would follow behind him. King then swung at the male in front of him pushing him back before jumping back, and just as he thought the male behind him had followed him and attempted to attack him from behind. King was moving and dodging in a fairly elegant manner showing his confidence with his sword. He then watched as his opponent swung his scythe at him and King twirled and ducked under the attack easily and then moved up hitting his opponent with his back and sending him off balance as the male with the spear attempted to attack him.

As he did King leaned back avoiding the attack humming happily as he did. King then sprung forward and jumped over the male as he did before turning and kicking the male in the back happily sending him several feet back. As he did King heard the male with the scythe rushing towards him and swing his scythe down. As he did King moved to the side catching the blade between his ribs and his arms.

King then turned once again looking like he was dancing as he kicked the male on the side of the head while also disarming him. He was making combat look like child's play. "My what a great battle! You're enjoying yourself as well right?" King asked with a bright smile as he looked at the figures in front of him causing them to tense up from what he was saying. When he said this he heard a few groans.

"Oh perhaps you're not enjoying it then," King said as he adopted a thinking pose before snapping his fingers. "I got it, then I'll give you a handicap!" King said as he sheathed his sword and then unstrapped his sheath tossing his weapon away to the edge of the arena. "Now then," King said as he slammed one his fists into the palm of his hand. "All you need to do now is overcome me right?" King said as he got low to the ground taking a rather unusual stance. "It's nothing more than a simple game at this point. Right?" King asked as he rushed forward with a smile.

As he did the male with the shield jumped in front of his friend and shielded the attack however, he was still sent back due to the force of King's hit. King then saw the male with the scythe jumping in the air and smiled as he stepped on the shield. "Oh I'm looking forward to this," King said as he ran up the shield. "This is so much fun!" King declared before jumping into the air to meet his opponent in the air.

The male swung his scythe at King only for him to raise a hand and redirect the attack before grabbing the handle and pulling him close. King then began twirling around the male's body before locking his head between his knees and flipping as he fell towards the ground. As the did King released the male's head slamming it into the ground while he landed unharmed. "Oh how fun," King said as he heard something from a distance and looked only for an arrow to scratch his cheek.

King smiled seeing this becoming excited by the idea of someone hurting him and began to run towards the male. "Yes! Show me your resolve!" King said as he rushed towards the archer. As he did the male fired several more shots at him each landing close and then exploding shortly afterward. King then began running up the side of the pillar leaving behind small craters in the pillar as he did. When he reached the top he jumped into the air and began to head towards the archer on one of the other pillars.

As he did the archer jumped and when King landed her forced himself into pursuit after them hitting them in the air sending them to the ground. When King landed he jumped up flipping back as he did before landing on the archer forcing out a pained groan as he took an overly flashy stance on top of them before stepping off of them. "My, and hear I thought a handicap would help you," King said as he looked at the figures in front of him.

When he said this the male with the spear attempted to hit him from behind only for King to twirl out of the way and then jump back looking at the figures in front of him. When he did the figure with the spear once again lunged towards him. As he did King flipped out of the way and he turned to slash at King only for King to block the attack with his gauntlets. King blocked the attack several times twirling as he did before moving forward to try and attack the male.

As he did the male stopped the attack and tried to retaliate by sweeping King's feet out from under him only for King to dodge the attack and jump back. King then jumped towards the male once again twirling in the air as he did forcing the male to dodge his attack and then lunge at him. As he did King grabbed the spear and turned to hit the male in the face with the back of his fist and then turning to kick the male in the chest sending him back.

As he did King smiled and ran after the male and jumped up. When he did he grabbed the male and like before began twisting and turning around the male until his head was locked between his legs. Then moments later King like before slammed his head into the ground and landed away from him. When he did his final two opponents began rushing towards him both swinging their weapons which King managed to stop on either side of him.

"Nice teamwork!" King said praising them for their efforts before tossing both of them away from him. "I'm starting to get really worked up!" King said as the two continued their assault with him spinning between them like he was dancing. One of the males swung his scythe at the male and King leaned back stopping his spin with a smile still looking as if he were dancing. Just going to show how confident he was in this scenario.

The male with the shield then charged forward and King rolled out of the way before running forward and flipping towards the male with the scythe and then kicking him in the stomach sending him away. "It's almost a shame really!" King said as he landed and turned to look at the male with the shield and the two began running towards each other. Once they clashed King turned and let his gauntlet slide across the edge of his shield before slamming his fist into the male's face slamming him to the ground.

"To bad defeating me proved a tiny bit more difficult than you were expecting!" King said as he turned to look at the final male in front of him. When he did the male tensed up and held out his scythe before slowly lowering himself dropping it on the ground. He then slowly raised himself up from the ground holding his hands above his head as a sign of submission.

"I submit, you win," The male said as he looked at King. When he said this King's smile only grew and he began to walk off the stage with a smile. When he said this the gong was once again rung and Gilgamesh stood up and waved a hand only for their bindings to once again take hold. "Dear criminals of this fine city," Gilgamesh began as he looked at the figures in front of him. "These four in front of you were one of you," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the figures.

"They were the meanest, toughest, strongest, prisoners I had. Doing acts that would make the average man insane. They claimed to be the best in this kingdom at what they do, yet they were defeated easily. Less than five minutes by someone that wasn't even trying. I want this to be a message to all of you. If you disobey the laws of this city, this is you will be caught, you will be defeated, and you will be punished," Gilgamesh said as he once again swiped his hands causing the four to get flung into their cages and the doors to slam shut after.

"That is all," Gilgamesh said as he began to walk away letting the kingdom cheer as he did. As he was walking he heard some footsteps and when he opened his eye looked at the source of the sound only to see King standing next to him.

"Can we talk about 'it' now?" King asked as he looked at the male beside him.

"There's no need," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male stopping just before the entrance of his palace. "I thought what you said over in your letter. You seem very passionate about attending Beacon. So if you wish to join then I have no qualms with you doing so," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male.

"Really? Really!" King asked clearly excited.

"Indeed, just make sure you fill out the proper paperwork, and attend the proper formalities, then I see no reason for you not to attend. You also still have full access to everything you desire here, whether it be having us deliver something you may have forgotten, or access to the royal vault to fund a few of your expenses. You are free to come and go as you please," Gilgamesh said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Thanks, gramps," King said as he hugged the male. Gilgamesh was a little irritated hearing the name that King used but returned the hug nonetheless. He wasn't too fond of his nickname but over time had learned to stop fighting it. Merely because he thought fighting it made him sound even older than he already was. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'd like to thank RealAdamTaurus for letting me use his OC Gilgamesh in this story, and for those of you that are curious I am currently accepting OC's for this story so if you're interested in having an OC in this story then please let me know. Also for those of you that are curious here's what King's crest looks like. 

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