Prologue: Cy Aozora Chan

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In the middle of one of Vacuo's many dessert mountain tops, a rather unusual sight was being held. A cloud of dust and sparks were moving across the ground rather quickly before the two separated in a rather abrupt fashion. As they did the two figures became much clearer. One was a young Amber, her short brown hair blending in nearly perfectly with the dust. However, the golden fiery energy around her eyes made her stand out and gave away her position to what she was fighting.

A creature most would consider an abomination. It appeared to be a grimm-human hybrid of some kind. It appeared to be a bit leaner than most with jet black skin, and bone-like armor covering it in several different places. With two large horns that came from the back of his head and wrapped around to the front, with a main around its collar-bone, and at his wrists and ankles, as well as two sets of razor-sharp claws on its hands and feet.

As the two separated Amber looked down at the figure she was carrying. A child, clearly an infant, that was crying rather loudly. As it did the creature growled and snarled slightly some spit being flung from its mouth as it did before it once again charged forward in a blind rage. As it did Amber brought the child close and began to charge towards it as well gather some magic in one hand before ice encased it and the two tried to strike each other.

Amber with her hand covered in ice, and the grimm with its claws. The two caused some sparks to come off from the attack before the two landed and immediately charged at each other once again. As they did the beast kicked Amber in the stomach forcing her to move the child out of the way as the beast's claws scratched her stomach. As it did Amber grit her teeth as the two once again clashed a few times before the beast eventually caught Amber's hand.

Because she was holding the child in one hand she was unable to stop the next attack and the creature knew this. Reacting on instinct Amber jumped up and channeled some extra magic into her feet before kicking the creature sending it back with a large gust of wind sending it sliding against a mountain the two had been fighting against. Amber then went flying after the beast only for it to stop halfway through sliding coming to a sudden stop before punching the ground.

As it did several pieces of the mountain were thrown into the air. As they were the creature once again jumped towards Amber attempting to attack her only for Amber to fly up with the creature chasing behind her on the boulders that were now falling through the air. However, before Amber could see where the creature was she felt something grab her shoulder only for a painful gash across her back the next.

As she felt this she lost concentration of what she was doing and began to fall to the ground. It was lucky that she had a large amount of aura otherwise that attack may have been fatal, however, her body was clearly struggling to deal with the wound as her aura flickered at the wound suggesting that she may have been getting a little tired from her fight with this beast. Amber then quickly gathered a small source of magic and threw it at the beast hoping to at least slow it down.

However, her efforts appeared to be in vain as the creature opened it's mouth and a beam of aura shot out from its mouth destroying her magic and causing a large explosion. As it did Amber jumped into the air hoping to get an advantage over her opponent only to tense up the next moment as she felt a hand gripping her throat firmly. When she looked at the source she saw the same creature from before growling and glaring at her.

The creature then let out a loud and menacing roar before tossing her to the side. As it did Amber was thrown into the side of the mountain, as she was she looked down at the child she was holding just to make sure he was still fine. He was still wailing at the top of his lungs, but Amber found hearing him a little difficult at the moment due to what was going on. The next moment she looked up and saw the beast once again gathering some aura and firing it at Amber forcing her to use her magic to take the attack head-on while defending the child she was holding.


A male around the age of seventeen was currently getting dressed. He had a muscular build, with orange eyes and blue hair that had been dyed three different shade of blue. These colors being Aqua, light blue, and slightly darker shade of blue just below it. He was wearing a blue T-shirt with a blue lightning bolt design with blue flames under it, dark blue jeans, a short-sleeved leather jacket, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a pair of black boots, and a small bracelet that he wore almost everywhere.

"Cy, sweetie, hurry up or you're going to miss your flight to Beacon!" A female voice called out from the other room.

"I know mom, just getting the last of my things ready," Cy said as he grabbed his weapon and the bag he had packed the day before. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I know this prologue is a little short but that's what the own of Cy's OC asked for so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anyway I'd like to thank Bleach-Grimmjow for letting me use his OC Cy in this story. He's also the one that drew the picture you all saw earlier. Now then, for those of you that are curious I am currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in the please PM me. 

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