Prologue: Sokudo Dainamo

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A male in his late teens was currently walking down a path in the middle of a forest. The male had sharp blue eyes and long ice-blonde hair that reached past his shoulder blades, with his bangs brushed to the right side of his face. He was average height but seemed to be much skinnier than most his height, have a lean and muscular build compared to others. He was wearing a dark blue bodysuit with metallic bracers over his arms and upper chest armor.

He also seemed to prefer wearing a long white cape over it most likely to hide this rather obvious armor from any enemies that may be trying to attack him. He was also adorned with two eight-pointed stars on either side of his head and his cape. He also had a katana strapped to his waist held in place by a chain strap with his crest over his blade. 

This male's name was Sokudo, as he continued down the small path he was on he looked up and noticed that it was starting to get a bit late. Noticing this Sokudo looked around and noticed several sticks laying around the area. As he did he began running at a speed most would consider inhuman gathering the branches as he did. Making several trips around the surrounding area to gather the sticks on the ground gathering them into a small pile.

Once he came to a stop he looked at the pile he had gathered and began to start a fire using his blade for help with the task. As he did he sighed as he began to sit close to the fire keeping his guard up for any signs of grimm. As he did he heard a low growl and turned to look in the location only to see nothing from the area. Seeing this he grabbed his katana and pulled it close before once again hearing a low growl.

Sokudo once again looked in the direction only to once again see nothing where he heard the sound. As he did he shrugged acting as if he were dismissing the sound as some local animals in the woods. However, he knew better and was merely using this act to lure in whatever was in the area moving back to the fire and opening his blade so that it would be easier to draw when he was finally attacking.

As he waited for whatever was watching him make its move he began to meditate. However, even this brought him no relief, it felt like whatever was watching him was hanging just above him ready to consume him the moment he let his guard down. Then he heard it, something slithering towards him, when he did Sokudo once again looked in the direction from before. He expected to see nothing like before.

However, he didn't, he continued to hear whatever it was closing in the distance between him. Then he saw small movements in the grass as they were being knocked over. Before Sokudo could process what he was seeing the creature lunged forward causing Sokudo to jump back avoid the attack. What Sokudo saw shocked and unnerved him, he had dealt with grimm before but nothing like this.

It was made of thick black liquid, parts of its body were falling off only to be replaced once again as the liquid moved back to where it had fallen. It seemed vaguely human, and by that Sokudo could only see it's head as human but even that didn't stop the liquid from falling over. The creature then let out a roar causing several chunks of its own body to fall off before slowly slithering towards Sokudo's sword.

Sokudo spent a few moments trying to process what he was seeing before eventually stilling himself and then darting off towards his sword grabbing it just before the slimy creature could capture his weapon. As he did Sokudo cut the creature several times only to see the slime was sticking to his blade, and the parts that he had cut off were merely returning the creature. Sokudo didn't let this faze him however as he took a deep breath before once again dashing forward, moving slightly faster than before.

As he did he swung up cutting the creature in half. As he did the creature began to fall apart before a string of the sludge-like slime connected the two pieces and began to mold them back together once again. The creature then roared and it's bottom split open and several strands of sludge came from it, forming faces with several pieces falling off as they did. Sokudo dealt with the first one easily jumping back and cutting its head off. When he landed Sokudo jumped and turned cutting the headless creature in half.

As he did the creature split into four parts and began floating through the air before darting towards him. As it did Sokudo jumped to avoid them only to be slammed against a tree by one of the other strands. Sokudo could feel his skin crawl as his waist was covered in the grotesque creature. As it did four upper-bodies grew from the creature and began to bite him. As they did Sokudo cut them in half giving himself enough leverage to begin spinning becoming something more akin to a miniature tornado than to a human.

The speed was just what he needs to get the creature off him as he landed looking at the several strands of sludge around him. As he did Sokudo watched as it slowly began to reform even after being cut into hundreds of pieces it somehow was still able to survive. Sokudo began panting heavily seeing this. He felt a little dizzy but that was more from him spinning than from exhaustion. Sokudo then went on the offensive dashing forward and hitting the creature in the head with the blunt end of his blade knocking it over.

He then began dashing around it cutting it in half several times watching as it regenerated each time. However, this came to an end when Sokudo suddenly stopped due to his blade being held against him. When Sokudo looked at what was causing this he saw that the creature had wrapped itself around his blade causing it to become stuck. Sokudo then began running around the creature causing his blade to eventually slice the creature in half.

However, part of it was still stuck onto his blade. When he realized this Sokudo once again began spinning. However, unlike last time the creature held on tighter forming a ring around him as he spun before closing in around him. Like before an upper-body came from the sludge. However, this time it hit him in the face knocking him over and repeated this several times on the ground before pulling back to bite him.

As it did Sokudo held up his sword and it slammed it's mouth into the blade splitting its jaw, however, this obvious pain and inconvenience weren't enough to deter the creature's assault as it continued to try and bite at Sokudo's face. As it did Sokudo spun on the ground and threw himself back to get away from the creature. As he did he looked at it and put his sword behind him before tilting it at an angle and began to spin it at a rather intense speed.

So quick that it began to create a small vortex sucking the creature towards him. Once the creature was lifted off the ground he dashed forward still spinning his blade splitting the creature in half several times due to the force of his blade. Sokudo then turned and jump slashing his blade up as he did before flipping several times once again cutting the creature in half as he smashed his blade into the ground.

Seeing the creature was now cut into several small pieces Sokudo began to spin his blade around him at all different angels once again creating a vortex that began to suck in anything around them, and then immediately being cut by Sokudo's sword. This, of course, caused the several small pieces to get sucked in as well and shredded to pieces that littered the ground the next moment until nothing of the creature remained.

However, Sokudo began to notice that it was starting to form around his feet, so to avoid this Sokudo jumped into the air creating a small vortex that sucked the creature into the air that Sokudo once again slashed and cut in half before landing on the branches of one of the trees. Noticing that the creature was once again slithering towards him Sokudo used his speed to throw his sword giving it an incredible spin.

As he did the sword turned and began to circle around the tree he was on cutting both it and the slime-like sludge that was crawling up it. Sokudo then jumped from the tree and grabbed his blade before dashing forwards and running up the creature slicing it in half and then jumping over it and cutting it in half in the other direction. Sokudo sighed seeing the creature once again regenerating. It seemed like no matter what he did the creature just wouldn't die.

After taking a moment to recompose himself Sokudo took a ready stance with his sword in front of him. Sokudo took a deep breath concentrating as much energy as he could into what he was about to do. Sokudo then dashed forward using his concentrated energy to land a critical blow on the creature in front of him. However, it seemed to do little to stop the creature. Sokudo then turned cutting part of the creature and then threw part of the creature off his sword.

When he did he heard something strange it sounded like steam escaping from something and when he looked in the direction it came from he saw part of the creature in the fire. It was bubbling up before evaporating away, Sokudo smiled seeing this and put his blade in the fire as he looked at the creature. He once again dashed forward, however, he did so much slower this time so that he didn't put the fire out with his speed.

When he sliced the creature he heard it let out several distorted screams as he continued to slash the beast in front of him. Sokudo then jumped back to the fire and once again held his blade over the fire letting the creature that had become stuck to his blade fall into the flames and eventually turn to ashes. Sokudo then once again leaped forward slicing the creature in half before jumping into the air and turning causing a spiral of flames to envelope the two.

Sokudo, of course, used this to his advantage by slicing the creature even more until it was eventually left as nothing. Sokudo smiled seeing this and sheathed his still burning sword to extinguish the flame before walking back to the campfire. As he did the creature began to slowly rise from the pieces that had somehow managed to survive his assault and lunged forward to attack him.

As it did Sokudo turned and before the creature could attack it was consumed with fire. As he saw this Sokudo looked from where the fire had come from and saw a figure that he wasn't familiar with. A male in his mid to late thirties holding a blunderbuss with an axe attached to the stock. The male had gray hair and a mustache of the same collar and appeared to be slightly overweight.

He was wearing a double-breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons. His pants he wears tucked into olive boots, similar in appearance and construction to cavalry boots. "I must admit," The male began as he spun his weapon before looking at him. "Not many people can hold their own against a Fenland let alone defeat one like you," The male said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Uh thanks," Sokudo said not being sure what else to say in this situation.

"Ah. of course you must be busy but allow me to introduce myself," The male said as he put his weapon away. "My name is Peter Port and I'm a teacher at Beacon academy. We'd be honored to have you join us this year, it seems like you'll have no trouble blending in with the others after all," The male said introducing himself as well as making his intentions of having his intentions of join Beacon known.

"What reason do I have for joining?" Sokudo asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Well apart from being able to further your education and training as a huntsman it's also a good start for you to help fight the forces of evil," Port said as he looked at the figure in front of him. When he said this Sokudo nodded. The opportunity to further his training and knowledge of grimm was all the motivation he needed to agree, the other things were just an added bonus. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'd like to give a special thanks to Wh0dini for letting me use his OC Sokudou in this story. Now for those of you that are curious I am currently accepting OC's so if you're interested in having your OC in this story then please PM me. Also for those curious as to what Sokudo's symbol looks like. It looks like this. Wasn't sure how to describe it so I put it here. 

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