Section5: Nagare and the Magic Beanstalk

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(A/N: Thank you for waiting on this book, it means a lot... Although 7892 Words (thanks to pictures though...) maybe a lot for something that is 4 episodes or so late... I'll begin the next chapters later! Until then, enjoy the story! Ciao~!)

Riku: "What the fuck?" Was all Riku could say as he looked at the servant that Gudao had summoned.

Gudao: "Is something wrong?" Gudao asked, still happy to see Mordred.

Riku: "I might've heard wrong, but did 'She' say Mordred?" Riku asked as Gudao slowly lost his happiness and remembered what Riku had said before.

Gudao: "Uh, yeah?" Gudao said while trying to smile.

Riku had a face of pure confusion as he looked at Gudao and Mordred, back and forth. He did this for a minute and stopped as he got up and walked over to the bookshelves of his store. Mordred saw this and smiled as she watched Riku go to one the many shelves.

Mordred: "Hmph, nice place you got here Master!" Mordred said as she looked around. "Are there any other Servants here to join us?" Gudao looked there in disappointment as he remembered what was going to happen.

Gudao: "Well, there is a problem with that..." Gudao said with a hint of despair.

Mordred was confused until a book barely missed her head but hit Gudao straight in the chest, knocking him out of his trance. Everyone looked at the fallen Gudao like he was playing around, until Riku came in with a stack of books all about Arthurian Legend and the many knights that worked for King Arthur. Mash and Gudako looked at the books and back at Gudao and remembered what had happened before, so they were kind of scared that they were next. Mordred, however, was looking for who attacked her master and didn't pay attention to Riku at all. Gudao started getting up from the floor, holding his head in pain as he also brought the book to the pile of books Riku brought with him.

Gudao: "Did you have to do that again?" Gudao asked as Mordred jolted her head to her Master.

Mordred: "Who did it Master? Who hurt you?!" Modred asked, reading her sword.

Gudao: "It's fine Mo-chan, I needed to get better and Boss here gave me the cure for it." Gudao said with a smile as he looked at Riku.

Riku: "First time you're calling me boss, but it's fine I guess." Riku said as he gave a book to everyone from Chaldea.

Everyone looked at the books and opened the ones they were given and read skimmed through what they had. Gudao and Gudako looked at with interest as they were learning about Modred, Mash was reading and was surprised by what Mordred had done in her past and Mordred herself looked and smirked at her accomplishments. Gudako looked at Riku and asked a question.

Gudako: "Why would you give these to us if we can hear it from Mo-chan herself." Gudako asked, causing Riku to gain tick marks.

Riku: "Mordred was the Knight of Treachery right?" Riku asked, everyone nodded while Mordred scoffed.

Mordred: "Of course, I can vouch for that myself." She said.

Riku: "Mordred is a Knight that killed their father right?" Riku said, everyone still not getting the fact.

Mash: "Riku-san, what are you trying to say?" Mash asked, causing Riku to facepalm himself.

Riku: "Mordred is a Knight, Right~?" Riku said.

Gudako and Mash were still confused, until Gudao stiffened and gestured to Riku to stop what he was trying to say. Mash and Gudako looked to Gudao and were still confused, until Gudako thought deep and tried to help Gudao stop Riku. Mash and Mordred looked to each other and shrugged.

Mordred: "Say what you want to say, Boss of my Master!" Mordred said as she put her hands on her sides.

Riku: "Okay then," Riku said, as Gudao and Gudako started praying for their boss. "Knights are meant to be men, Mordred is a guy and she is not a guy." Riku said as he gestured to Mordred.

Everything was quiet, no one made a sound. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of a small wind outside. All of the sudden, they heard growling from Mordred. Gudao and Gudako hid behind Mash as they watched Mordred draw her sword.

Mordred: "NO ONE GETS AWAY FROM CALLING ME A WOMAN!!!" Mordred said as she swung the sword at Riku, who takes out the Seiken Swordriver and blocks the sword with the entire sheath, sword still inside.

Everyone was shocked that the sheath was able to hold on against Mordred's Sword, but Mordred was still angry and tried to attack again. The attack was stopped when they heard people yelling about something outside. This caused Riku to run and see what was wrong, which the two Masters and Mash ran to catch up to him. Mordred, however, was confused and ran after them.

Mordred: "Hey! Come back! Where are you going!? We're not done!!!" Modred yelled as she tried catching up.

When they got outside, they saw a dome starting to form over another part of the city. When Mordred saw it, she had a face of fear and hate since the dome is being made out of magic.

Mordred: "What is that?" Mordred asked, with a hint of anger.

Riku: "Something we need to stop." Riku said as he started running to the dome, with the others following him.

(Scene Change- City 10 Minutes ago)

Cinder was watching people do the same things for about an hour or so; people talking on their phones, walking on the sidewalk, watching people eat, it was the same thing and he was sick of it. Cinder stood up from the tower he was on and stretched, before he felt the book he was given start to glow. Cinder took it out and saw it change its design from a blank look to that of a corrupted and jaggy look and a title called Ari Ka Kirigirisu. Cinder opened the book and it let out its announcement.

Book: Ari ka Kirigirisu

Once the announcement was done, two creatures appeared and looked around before laying their eyes on Cinder.

Cinder: "I thought that Story based books were Wolf's thing? I guess we can't get what we're used to." Cinder sighs as he says this, but looks at the creatures he summoned. "I can work with this actually." Cinder brought out another book and gave it to one of them.

Kirigirisu Megiddo: "What do you want us to do with this?" The mantis monster asked Cinder.

Cinder: "If you are in need of any help, then summon what comes from this book." Cinder says as a large projection of an orange book appears and he walks into it.

The Ari and Kirigirisu Megiddo looked at each other and opened the book in their hands, which caused the dome to appear and surround the part of the city they were in.

When the field was done surrounding the area, the Ari Megiddo started summoning weaker versions of it and they started to attack the civilians that were still inside the dome. The Book in the Kirigirisu Megiddo's hand started to glow, signaling that it was charging its power to summon a servant.

(Scene Change- Kurogane's Mansion)

Shiro was looking in a box of relics that he bought from the nearby museum for a catalyst but found a hole in the side. Shiro tsked as he noticed that he had losted 1 relic but was fine with it anyways.

Shirou: "There are so many Heroic Spirits, which one should I go with?" Shirou said to himself.

As Shirou rummaged through the box of potential catalysts, he felt a sudden strange wave of magical energy. After Shirou feels the energy, he rushes over to the room he used to talk to the other Magus' and sits in his chair that's there. Shirou looked into the orb in front of him and saw the dome appear in a part of the city. Seeing this, Shirou uses as much magic he can muster and looks into the dome to see what is going on.

Shirou: "I wonder if I will be able to see the Master and Servant battle begin this ti- What the?!" Shirou said but found out that the dome wasn't from a battle between Master and Servant, but people being terrorised by weird ant looking creatures.

Shirou watches the people run and scream as they are chased by the ant-like monsters, feeling awful that there are citizens getting caught up in this situation.

Shirou: "What are they after? A Person? A Relic?" Shirou questioned as all the ants do is grab people and throw them or grab and knock them down, some being critically injured in the process.

Shirou had a feeling of interest as he watched the ants look for something, until he saw a projection of a book appear in the dome. Shirou was confused until he saw people come out of the dome and look around. Interested, Shirou starts to listen to their conversation.

(Scene Change- Outside Dome, Few minutes before)

Riku and the others ran up to the dome and tried to go in, except Riku went face first into the dome's wall. The others stopped before they smashed themselves into the dome themselves and examined the dome's wall.

Riku: "Ow, that hurt..." Riku said as Gudao and Mash helped him up.

Gudako: "So, that's why no one was able to enter the dome to help the people inside..." Gudako said as she put her hand onto the dome, showing that it doesn't let anyone in.

Gudao: "It kinda acts like a Reality Marble, except it transports a whole area instead of people." Gudao commented.

Riku: "What the hell is a Reality Marble?" Riku asked.

Mash: "I think we can talk about that later, Riku." Mash said as Mordred came around.

Mordred caught up to them and noticed the dome that was in front of them, noticing that a large area of the city was missing.

Mordred: "What is this? Is this a Servant's doing?" Mordred asked as she stared at the dome.

Gudao: "This isn't something a Servant can do, but it is magical." Gudao said as he experimented with the wall, trying to get in with rocks at first.

???: "You can say it's not really easy to get in normally." Someone familiar said behind them.

Everyone looked to where the voice came from and saw Arthur walking up to them. Gudao, Gudako and Mash were surprised to see him while Riku was happy. Riku went up to Arthur and pulled him in a bro hug, surprising the other Seiken user.

Arthur: "What was that?" Arthur asked Riku.

Riku: "You don't know what a bro hug is?" Riku asked.

Arthur: "A bro hug... sounds nice." Arthur said with a smile.

While Arthur and Riku were having their moment, Mordred goes up to them with something on her mind.

Mordred: "Uh... Who are you?" Mordred asked.

Arthur: "Oh, my bad." Arthur said, as he started to bow. "My name is Arthur AngeDragon, it's a pleasure to meet you." The name Arthur and AngeDragon, being mistaken as Pendragon, surprised Mordred and she looked at him with hate.

Mordred: "So you're the Servant that's to help Master, huh?" Mordred asked threateningly.

Arthur was confused as to what Mordred asked and was looking at Riku and the group of Chaldea members to understand what was going on.

Arthur: "Uhm, should I know thee?" Arthur asked as Mordred took out her sword.

Mordred: "Don't play dumb, King Of Knights, you know who I am." Mordred said as Arthur started thinking about it, until a thought popped into his head.

Arthur: "Ah! Your Riku's Girlfriend!" Arthur said, causing everyone to stumble and Mordred to blush.

Mordred: "Wha-! NO! I barely know that bastard!" Modred said, embarrassed by Arthur.

Arthur: "Then that would mean that you are Riku's maid! Since you said that I was a servant that came to help your master! Correct?" Arthur said with a smile.

Mordred was at a loss for words, Gudao and Gudako were trying to hold in their laughter while Mash tried to calm them down. Riku, however, was enjoying every moment of Mordred's and Arthur's conversation.

Riku: "Hey Mordred, that isn't King Arthur." Riku said with a smirk, causing Mordred to look into his direction.

Mordred: "What do you mean? He is clearly a version of Fa-" Modred was saying before being interrupted.

Arthur: "Your Mordred? AWESOME!!!!" Arthur said as he threw his hands into the air, confusing Mordred.

Mordred: "What is the meaning of this?" Mordred asked.

Arthur: "No time, time to get to work!" Arthur said. "Come on everyone!" Arthur took out the book he used to make the door that goes to nowhere into a door to the guild.

Everyone watched as, when Arthur opened the book, a portal that seemed to look like a book appeared. This shocked everyone except Riku, who was impressed a bit more than surprised.

Riku: "I am so wanting that book." Riku said.

Arthur: "One day my friend, now let's go!" Arthur said as he ran into the book.

Everyone was questioning if they should go, until Riku decided to run into the book, which caused everyone to follow. Even the extremely embarrassed Mordred ran in as well.

(Scene Change- Dome, Present Time)

The book portal appeared in the dome and the 6 allies came out and saw the other world once more. Mordred, since it was her first time in the other world, was amazed by the bubbles and the different scenery of the other world. Riku looked around and saw Arthur staring at the top of a building that seemed to be in the middle of the dome. Everyone watched Arthur as they heard noises coming from a store near them. They looked and saw weird ant looking monsters coming towards them like zombies, which disgusted Gudako a bit and Mordred by a little over a bit.

Mordred: "What are those?" Mordred asked.

Arthur: "The Megiddo, that's what they're called." Arthur said as he pulled out his belt.

Gudao/Gudako: "They had names?!" Gudao and Gudako said in surprise.

Arthur: "You didn't know?" Arthur questioned.

Mash: "Arthur-san, they were betting to see what their names would be." Mash said as she looked at Arthur.

Arthur: "What were you lot thinking of?" Arthur asked them, in which they shifted their heads to the side.

Riku: "Don't even try, we have to get ready." Riku said as he pointed to the Ari Megiddos coming their way.

Mordred stood in front of everyone and took out her sword. Arthur was confused, while Riku looked to the Chaldea members who were excited to see Mordred fight again.

Mordred: "You two, stand aside." Mordred told the two Seiken Wielders, who looked confused by her response. "I, Mordred, will deal with these monsters." Arthur was very confused and saw Mordred speed up to Megiddo.

When Mordred reached the Megiddo, she did an over hand slash to one of them, causing it to back up a bit. Mordred looked to it and saw that the damage she dealt seemed to be just a small scratch on it. Riku, Gudao, Gudako and Mash were very confused while Arthur was interested in something he only noticed. Arthur thought about it and he snapped his fingers, signalling that he understood.

Arthur: "Hoy, Mordred!" Arthur called out to her.

Mordred: "What is it?!" Mordred yelled to the Blonde man.

Arthur: "I think you should put more power into your attack, they're not that weak." Arthur commented, causing Mordred to blush in embarrassment and everyone nodding that it could be the case.

Mordred: "If that's the case." Mordred said as she put more effort into the attack, causing the Ari Megiddo she was fighting to fly back a bit with sparks coming off its chest.

Everyone was happy that she was able to damage the monster that Gudako looked to Mash. Mash notices Gudako nod her head, signaling that she can join the fight. Mash understood the signal and changed into her Servant form and went to help Mordred. Gudao looked to Riku and Arthur, who looked back and noticed a fist pump. Riku looked to Arthur, in which Arthur looked confused.

Arthur: "What is it?" Arthur asked.

Riku: "We have to fight now, so let's get to it." Riku said, patting Arthur's back.

Arthur: "Oh, then if I may." Arthur says as he brings up his Seiken Swordriver again and puts it on his waist.

The 2 Servants stopped what they were doing and saw Arthur with the item on his waist. Mash was a little excited while Mordred was confused for what Arthur was going to do. Arthur then brings out a Blue Wonder Ride Book that had a Lion on it and the title Lion Senki. Arthur opened the book and it started it's announcement.

L.S Book: Kono aoki tategami ga arata ni shirusu kedakaki ohja no tatakai no rekishi.

(Translation: The history of the noble king's battle was recently recorded by this blue mane.)

When the book finished it's announcement, Arthur closed the book and inserted it into the middle slot of the belt. By doing so, the Belt's standby loop started playing, which confused Mordred greatly.

Mordred: "What is he going to do?" Mordred asked Mash.

Mash: "He's going to transform! I can't wait to see it." Mash said as she blocked an attack from one of the enemies.

Mordred: "Transform?" Mordred questioned as she watched Arthur.

Arthur waited a bit, until he suddenly took out the sword from his belt. This caused a projection of the book to appear above him and open up to release the Lion that the others saw when they first met Arthur.

Seiken Swordriver: Nagare Battou!!

When the driver said that, Arthur brought the sword to his side with the blade pointing straight up into the sky. The Lion was running on the water that is seen to be making a ring around him.

Arthur: "Henshin!" Arthur yelled.

Arthur did a side slash motion that sent a projection of the slash to fly around him. The lion and the ring of water closed in on Arthur and collapsed onto him and created his armor. The slash came and slammed itself onto the front of the helmet, where Arthur's eyes would be.

Seiken Swordriver: Lion Senki! Nagare Issatsu! Hyakuju no oh to Suiseiken Nagare ga majiwaru toki konpeki no tsurugi ga kiba wo muku!

(Translation: Lion Senki! One Nagare Book! When the King of Beasts and Suiseiken Nagare meet, the azure sword peels its fangs!)

(Something like this)

Arthur was now wearing a set of blue armor with a large lion head on his chest, which confused everyone there, and he started to swing the sword around elegantly. Mash was happy and surprised that Arthur's armor was a nice shade of blue, while Mordred stared at the new knight with confusion. Arthur brought the sword to his side and then pointed it to the Ant monsters.

Arthur: "My name is Kamen Rider Blades!" Arthur, now known as Blades, said. "I swear on Suiseiken Nagare that I shall protect this world!" he said as he charged at the Ant Monsters.

One by one, the monsters start falling as he continues to attack them. Though, for everyone he defeats, another one seems to pop up out of nowhere. Blades looks around and pushes the left page of the book to unleash an attack.

L.S Book: Lion Wonder!

The book said as the Suiseiken Nagare started producing water from the blade. Blades gets ready to slash with his sword as he stares down the Ants around him.

Blades: "Let's do this! Lian!" Blades says as he slashes the air, causing the Blue Lion to appear and start running and attacking the monsters around them.

As the Lion attacks and leaves behind a trail of water, Riku looks at Blades in admiration. Blades seemed to know how to fight well and knew how to use the magic of the Seiken. Riku took out his Seiken Swordriver and had a memory appear in his mind.


A young Riku was running and reached a room with double doors. The young Riku took a deep breath and opened them, revealing a small group of kids, girls and boys, and a few adults with them. The young Riku looks at them and smiles while scratching the back of his head.

Young Riku: "Sorry I'm late, I was busy bringing [XXXX] to her class." The Young Riku said as he walked up to the group. "She was scared of being harassed again, so I had to go see her there!" The young boy looks at a man with the Kaeken Rekka in their hand.

Man: "I would've been more angry if it had been an excuse like you feeding the Dragon again." The man said as he held his head.

Young Riku: "Hey, I'm sorry that he is a part of our family! Give him a break!" The Young Riku said while puffing his cheeks.

Man: "Stop doing that Riku, you are a boy not a girl." The man said as he looked at the boy.

The other kids there were chuckling, but Riku didn't mind as he had a wide smile on him. The young boy goes and sits with the rest of them and they watch the man sit in front of them and put the sword down.

Man: "Today, we're going to continue the training we were doing yesterday." The man said as a couple of the children started whining, while Riku and 3 others started cheering. "I don't want to hear any excuses! You are going to become knights, so you must learn to defend what is right and who can't protect themselves." The man looked to the children, who were staring away in shame while Riku had stars in his eyes.

Young Riku: "Hey [XXX], are we going to have partners today?" The young boy said, as some of his classmates stiffened at his response.

Man: "Why yes Riku, we're going to have to continue where we left off, so why not." The man said as he looked at the children. "Now, choose your partners and start training." The man said as he went to talk with the other adults with him.

The young Riku got up and was about to ask the other students, but they all started going to try to become the other 3 students, that had cheered with Riku, partner's. Riku was a bit sad, until one of the students went up to him and waved in his face a little to get his attention. Riku looked up to see a familiar boy with Blond hair and Greenish-blue eyes, who had a bright smile on him that told him that he was friendly.

Young Boy: "Do you need a partner?" The young boy said.

Young Riku: "Yeah, I do..." Riku said cautiously, as he knew why he was being ignored by the other children.

Young Boy: "Okay then! Let's do this!" the young blond said as he took out a rapier and attacked Riku, who took out his own sword and clashed with the rapier.

(Flashback End)

Riku shook his head out of the memory and placed his Seiken Swordriver onto his waist, catching the attention of the Chaldea Masters and Servants. Mordred looked and saw Riku with a red emblemed version of the one Blades had and was a bit curious.

Mordred: "I wonder what he's going to use..." Mordred thought out loud.

Mash: "I like his transformation since his consists of a different creature." Mash said, as the Masters nodded in agreement.

Mordred was confused, until she saw Riku take out a red Wonder Ride Book from his side and yank it off its chain. Riku then opens the book, starting it's announcement.

B.D Book: Brave Dragon!

After the book's announcement, Riku put the book into the left slot of the Seiken Swordriver which caused it to start it's standby loop. Mordred was fixed onto the Riku than the enemies, since Arthur and Mash were dealing with them. Riku took a deep breath and pulled the KaenKen Rekka from the belt, causing his book to open.

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka Battou!!

After the belt's announcement, a red projection of a book appeared above Riku. The book opened and brought out a red Dragon that attacked the Ant monsters while Riku brought the sword to the side of his head with the tip pointing to the enemies.

Riku: "Henshin!" Riku yelled.

The Dragon came back as fire was formed on the sword, which Riku used to make a 'x' in the air. The 'x' was launched and flew around Riku as fire was forming around him, then the Dragon started swirling around Riku and he gained the armor he wore in his first fight against the Golem Megiddo. The 'x' comes in and slams on the front of Riku's face, completing the transformation into Kamen Rider Saber.

Seiken Swordriver: Brave Dragon~! Rekka Issatsu! Yuki no ryu to Kaenken Rekka ga majiwaru toki shinku no tsurugi ga aku wo tsuranuku!

(Translation: One Rekka Book! When the courageous dragon and Kaenken Rekka meet, the crimson sword will penetrate evil!)

When the announcement was finished, Saber swung the sword around a bit to get a small warm-up for the weapon. Saber looked to the enemies and pointed his Kaenken Rekka at them.

Saber: "Now, let's do this." Saber said as he charged at some of the monsters.

Mordred watched Saber attack, like he knew how to fight but didn't at the same time and was just swinging his sword around recklessly. Mordred was a little bit annoyed, but would think about it later since her Masters are trying their best by helping civilians get away from the Megiddos.

With Saber, Blades and Mash, they were striking the enemies down one by one though they kept on appearing and approaching.

Saber: "It's my turn now!" Saber said as he pressed the left page of his book.

B.D Book: Dragon Wonder!

When the book said it's announcement, the Kaenken Rekka ignited it's blade in fire. Saber stood in a stance and swung the blade forward, causing the fire to be thrown at all the enemies around him.

Saber: "Let's do it! Ryuken!" Saber said.

When Saber said that, the fire turned into the Dragon that made Saber's armor and started burning the enemies around him. Blades looked and saw the dragon and was surprised by what Saber called it.

Blades: "Ryuken? Is that what you're calling it?" Blades asked as he watched the Dragon, now known as Ryuken, burn some of the enemies.

Saber: "I don't want to hear any complaining from a person that hides their middle name, Dimitri!" Saber said as he attacked more ants.

Blades: "Wha- Hey! I don't like being called that until I make a name for myself!" Blades said as he attacked more ants with Saber.

Over with Gudao and Gudako, they were trying to get people to a safe area, until a weird monster appeared in front of them.

Gudao: "What is it now?" Gudao asked as he pulled people back.

In front of them was the Kirigirisu Megiddo, with the blank book in its hand. Gudako and Gudao looked at the monster and put up their hands as they started to chant a spell.

Gudako: "Take this!" She said as she shot a fireball looking spell at the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

The attack hit the Megiddo which launched it into a wall, causing it to roll on the floor and have a little bit of trouble trying to get up. Gudako looked at Gudao with excitement in her eyes, telling the other Master that she achieved something. Gudao smiled a bit before looking back at the monster.

Gudao: "Looks like it's my turn." Gudao said as he charged a spell of his own and shot it at the Megiddo.

The Kirigirisu Megiddo dodged the attack and got up with an angry growl to the two Masters of Chaldea. Gudao was sweating a bit, because he missed, while Gudako looked at him with a smug look.

Kirigirisu: "HEY! I AM STILL HERE!" The Megiddo said, surprising the two Masters.

Gudao/Gudako: "You can talk?" They said.

Kirigirisu: "YEAH, AND I"M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" it said as it charged at Gudako.

Gudako put up her arms, hoping they would block the attack, but he never came. When Gudako looked, Mash and Mordred were in the way of the attack. Mordred's sword caught one of Megiddo's blades while Mash's shield blocked the other. Mash and Mordred worked together and pushed the Megiddo away and attacked it, while Saber and Blades appeared from behind them and did an overhead slash on it. The Megiddo rolled on the floor a bit away from the group and got back on its feet. When it did, another Ari Megiddo appeared beside it, but it was a bit different from the rest. In the Megiddo's hand, it held a Wonder Ride Book that had a skeleton army on its cover and no words.

Blades: "A Wonder Ride Book?!" Blades said as he saw the book.

Gudako: "Is it going to do the same thing as the Golem from before?" Gudako thought as she saw Mordred charge at the two monsters.

Gudao: "Mordred wait!" Gudao yelled out to the blonde knight.

Mordred: "Don't worry Master! It should be the same as the last ones!" Mordred said as she tried to cut the Ari Megiddo in half, but instead the Megiddo caught the sword and threw her back at the group.

Saber and Mash caught Mordred, while Blades ran up and tried to cut both Megiddos. Kirigirisu and Ari Megiddo dodged the attack and tried to hit Blades, but Saber came and stopped the Kirigirisu Megiddo while Blades stopped the Ari Megiddo. Saber and Blades pushed their opponents back and took a stance beside each other.

Blades: "I got this, watch and learn!" Blades said as he put the Suiseiken Nagare into his belt.

Once the sword was in the belt, Blades pushed the button on the hilt of the sword which made the belt make an announcement.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha!

The belts announcement caught the attention of Mordred and the others as they watched Blades press the button again.

Seiken Swordriver: LION SENKI! Issatsu Geki, WATER!!

Once the belt said that, Blades jumped into the air as Lian came out of a blue book projection and ran around Blades. A water stream was forming around Blades while Lian stopped right behind Blades. Blades got into a kicking position as he was launched by Lian to the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Blades: Hissatsu! Lion Cascade!! He yelled as he closed in on the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Before the attack can hit the GrassHopper monster, but it was moved out of the way by the Ari Megiddo. The Ari Megiddo got the full impact of the finisher and was killed immediately while it made a horrifying scream.

Blades landed safely and stuck out his hand, as a green Wonder Ride book landed in it with the title Jackun-to-Domamenoki.

 Everyone was surprised by Blades finisher and looked to see the Kirigirisu Megiddo look at the area where it's partner was before its demise. It looked at Blades with an angry look as it got up and brought out the Skeleton Book.

Kirigirisu: "This is what you deserve!" it said as it opened the book.

Wonder Ride Book: Book of Bones!

Once the book made its announcement, a small army of skeletons appeared from a book projection. The Masters of Chaldea were surprised by this because the skeletons were common enemies they fought before. Mordred saw the skeletons and smiled widely, for the skeleton army was giving off an aura that felt like they were servants.

Mordred: "Master! Do you feel that!" Mordred yelled to Gudao and Gudako.

Gudao: "I do, looks like we're up against servants now." Gudao said as he activated another spell.

Gudako: "Mash, help Mordred out!" Gudako said as she too activated a spell.

Mash: "Right, come Mo-chan!" Mash said as she charged at the skeleton army.

Mordred: "Right!" Mordred said as she joined Mash.

Saber and Blades watched the Chaldea group deal with the Skeleton army. Blades held the Wonder Ride Book in his hand and bumped Saber's shoulder to get his attention.

Saber: "What?" Saber asked.

Blades: "Wanna see something cool?" Blades said as he put the book on the tip of the Suiseiken Nagare.

Suiseiken: Jackun-to-Domamenoki! Mhm-Mhm.

The sword said as it started to get wrapped up in vines. Blades got into a stance as he looked to the Kirigirisu Megiddo. Saber watches Blades in confusion and sees Blades press the trigger of the sword.

Suiseiken: Shutoku Issen!

Was what the sword said as Blades strikes forward with the sword and it launches seed-like projectiles at the Kirigirisu. When the seeds hit, the Megiddo rolls on the floor and gets up as fast as it went down.

Saber: "That's neat, I want to try something as well!" Saber said as Blades tossed the book to him.

Blades: "Knock yourself out!" Blades said as he watched the Kirigirisu Megiddo get up.

Kirigirisu: "You bastards won't get me!" It said as it grew wings and started to fly.

With the Chaldea group, they were dealing with the Skeleton army. Gudao and Gudako were trying to keep the civilians with them safe as Mordred and Mash dealt with the skeletal army. Mordred jumps into a group of them with her weapon stabbed into the ground, causing some to fly back.

Mordred: "A blue Lion, Holy Swords unlike that of Excalibur, monsters I have never known about and armor that appears out of books." Mordred was saying out loud. "I don't know what this place holds, but I do know one fact!" Mordred pointed her sword into the air as she got into a stance.

Mordred looks at all the enemies around her and starts to spin with her sword, slicing skeletons in half.

Mordred: "This has just gotten fun!" Mordred said as she attacked another Skeleton.

With Mash, she was having trouble dealing with some of her enemies but was doing her best against them.

Mash: "Everyone is doing great, and so will I!" Mash said as she bashed more enemies away.

With Saber and Blades, they were trying to catch up to the flying Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Saber: "Were not going to make it, are we!" Saber said as he kept running after the Monster.

Blades: "Use the book Saber, it'll help us dearly!" Blades said as he pushed the left page of his Lion Senki book.

Seiken Swordriver: Lion Wonder!

As the belt made the announcement, Blades summoned the lion and had it try to get the Kirigirisu Megiddo.

Saber: "Well then, I won't let you fail now!" Saber said as he activated the green book.

Jack Book: Jackun-to-Domamenoki!

Saber opened the book and had it read it's text.

Jack Book: Toaru shonen ga futo teni ireta omame ga kyodaina ki to naru fushigi na hanashi.

(Translation: A mysterious story about a bean suddenly obtained by a boy becoming a huge tree.)

Saber closed the book and put his KaenKen Rekka into his belt as he also closed the Brave Dragon book. Saber puts the Jack book into the right slot of the belt, causing a standby loop to start.

Blades: "Wait! We don't know if you're ready for it yet!" Blades said as he watched Saber grip his seiken.

Saber: "Let's do this!" Saber said as he pulled the sword out.

Seiken Swordriver: Rekka battō! Nisatsu no hon o kasaneshi toki seinaru tsurugi ni chikara ga yadoru! Wonder Rider! Dragon! Jack-to-Mamenoki! Futatsu no zokusei o sonaeshi yaiba ga togisumasareru!

Grass vines came from the ground and started to surround Saber's left arm. As this happens, Blades watches and is surprised by the power he feels from the two books being used at once. The Grass Vines then change into a new arm for Saber, one that is gray with green lines on it and a dangling vine. On Saber's head sword, it is surrounded by the vines from before.

Blades: "Wow, so nice." Blades said as he watched Saber look at his new arm.

Saber: "Neat, I can get used to this... maybe." Saber said as he played with the dangling vine.

Saber thought about how to use the power, then shot the ground with grass seeds that came out of his chest. Blades looked at the ground that Saber shot at and was confused.

Blades: "What the heck are you doing?" Blades asked as he watched Saber stare at the ground.

Saber: "If you think about it, this is the power of Jack and the Beanstalk." Saber said. "The story talks about a boy who was given magical beans that he put into the ground and it reached beyond the clouds." Saber took a step back while Blades went beside him.

Blades: "The Megiddo is getting away, what are you planning!?" Blades said as the ground started to rumble.

Saber: "I need a source of transportation, right?" Saber said as he stook out his right arm.

Blades was confused, until a giant beanstalk came out of the ground and took Saber into the sky. Blades watched as Saber was hanging onto the Beanstalk like it was no big deal, granting him to smile underneath his helmet.

Blades: You never change, do you Riku... Blades thought to himself as he went to help their friends.

With Saber, he was gaining up to the Kirigirisu Megiddo. Saber swung himself onto the beanstalk, letting himself stand, as he used the little wip on his arm to attack the Flying Grasshopper. The Kirigirisu Megiddo looks behind himself a bit and gets whacked by the little vine that was able to extend itself to hit the Grasshopper. The monster fell and was caught by one of the Beanstalks leaves. The monster rolled a bit on the leaf and stood up after a little bit, only to see Saber jumping down to get to it. The monster got its wings ready, but Saber jumped down and cut one of them off which caused the monster to roll away.

Saber: "Gotcha now buggo!" Saber said.

Kirigirisu: "What do you think you're doing?!" The Monster yelled.

Saber: "Stopping you! That's what." Saber said as he pulled up the sword.

Kirigirisu: "You have no idea do you? It's over, you can't change the ending!" The monster said as it started jumping off the leaf to get away from Saber.

Saber: "That's where you're wrong!" Saber said as he put the Kaenken Rekka into the belt. "I will be the one to decide the ending to the story, no matter what!" Saber pressed the button on his sword, starting its finisher.

Seiken Swordriver: Hissatsu Dokuha!

Saber jumped off the leaf to catch up to the Kirigirisu Megiddo, but it was too far to reach normally. Saber pressed the trigger on his sword that's in his belt to activate the finishing attack.

Seiken Swordriver: Dragon, Jackun, Issatsu Geki! F-F-FIRE!!

The Dragon, Ryuken, appears from a red book projection that appears behind Saber and starts charging a fireball. While that happens, the vines start to warp around Saber's right leg. Saber then puts his right foot forward, in a kicking position, and Ryuken shoots it's fireball that launches him forward and starts igniting Saber's leg. Saber closes in on the Grasshopper monster, as it turns to see Saber get closer and closer.

Saber: "Hiryu Shugekiha!" Saber said as the kick landed.

(Translation: Flame Dragon Kicking Break!)

Saber went through the Kirigirisu Megiddo, as it made the monster scream in pain. Saber starts falling, but uses the beanstalk that he made before catching him with one of it's vines. Saber lands safely, as the part of the city starts returning to the real world. Saber is hit in the head by a falling Wonder Ride book, while he was amazed by how large he made the Beanstalk reach the clouds.

Saber: "Ow... What's this?" Saber said as he picked up the book.

The Wonder Ride book was a bright blue with a picture of a boy flying with a couple of kids and a clock tower, there also seemed to have been a silhouette of a pirate with their hook showing. The title of the book was: Peter Fantasista. 

Saber looked at the book a bit before going to find his friends. While Saber met up with the Chaldea group and the other Kamen Rider, a magical orb saw everything that had happened.

(Scene Change- Shirou's Mansion)

With Shirou, he had watched the whole fight start and end. To sum up what he was thinking; he was interested in the group. Shirou was in his chair, in the dark room, when the door behind him opened to reveal a maid walking in. This maid had short black hair and a small slender figure, she was as tall as Shirou but seemed to have no emotion in her amber eyes at all. Shirou watched her walk in as he stood up and went to her.

Shirou: "Manami, darling, my loveable sea, what brings you here?" Shirou asked the maid, now known as Manami.

Manami: "Nothing but news sir." Manami said as she lifted up a box.

Intrigued, Shirou went and opened it to find a book that told of a certain city that doesn't seem to exist. Shirou read through the book and found out that the book talked about a Holy War not of this world, but of another with the city in mind. Shirou put the book back into its box and before a thought came to mind, confusing the maid as she watched her master put his index finger and thumb on his chin.

Shirou: "Manami, do you think this book may give us what we need?" Shirou asked the maid.

Manami: "I do not know sir, but I do know that it is filled with magical energy." The maid said as she was about to walk out.

Shirou: "Manami, may I have the book?" Shirou asked, surprising the maid.

Manami: "W-Why sir?" Manami asked.

Shirou: "It is too summon the servant I need to fight in this war." Shirou said, as he turned back to the orb. "As well as to gain allies for the upcoming destruction." With that said, an evil-like smirk appeared on Shirou's face.

Manami was confused, until she looked over his shoulder to see Riku talking to his friends about the battle they just had. Manami held her chest in confusion, but Shirou didn't let this go unnoticed.

Shirou: "Manami, is something wrong with your chest?" Shirou asked, even though he knew what was happening.

Manami: "Nothing sir, it's nothing at all." Manami said as she shook off the feeling.

Shirou went up to Manami and stuck out his hand to be given the book, in which Manami took the book out and handed it to Shirou. As they were going, Manami took one last look into the orb to see Riku's smiling face. Manami took hold of her chest once more, then closed the door on the dark room.

(Time Skip- 10 minutes later)

After a few minutes, Shirou had his summoning circle ready and placed the book on an altar he had on the other side of the circle. Shirou stuck out his arms over the summoning circle as he began to chant, while Manami watched from the sides.

Shirou: "Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail

If you will submit to this will and this reason...Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protector of the Holy Balance!"

When Shirou finished the chant, a small explosion appeared in the circle. The explosion burnt the book, but a person now stood in the center of the circle. This person was a remarkably handsome and beautiful man with quirky long hair combed backward in a rough fashion. He wears a dark teal outfit, that would seem odd in this time and age. It follows some pattern of another warrior from Celtic mythology. The man also wielded two lances, both covered by a purple cloth, and held them in both of his hands. Shirou watched in amazement as he didn't think that the book would actually summon a servant. The Servant stood up and showed his face and started to speak.

Servant: "I am the first Spear of the Knights of Fianna." The Servant started, shocking Shirou.

Diarmuid: "I am Diarmuid Ua Duibhne!" The Servant, now known as Diarmuid, yelled. "I have arrived and I am now a servant who serves you."

(A/N: I don't think anyone would've expected to see this dude, but I digress. I had a hard time thinking which Servant Class would Shirou be master of, and I chose this Lancer cause why not! The next chapter will be worked on soon, Ciao~!)

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