Section6: The Master of Lancer

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The day after the fight with Ari and Kirigirisu Megiddo, Riku woke up really early and went to get groceries for his home. He enters the card shop and tries to grab a bag that will carry the groceries until he turns to his left after noticing movement and finds Mordred messing with the Dragon and Knight models that Riku put so much time into making. They just stared at each other for a few minutes, until Mordred tried putting them back in their original spot and got up and went to Riku.

Mordred: "You're up, early Boss of Master." Mordred said with a smug smile on her face.

Riku: "I need to go to the store and get food for the fridge, so I had to wake up early." Riku said as he slumped his bag over his shoulder.

Mordred watched him walk up to the front door of the store, until she got a bright idea.

Mordred: "Hey, Hey! Can I come with you?" Mordred asked Riku, who stopped when he heard her idea.

Riku: "Why?" was all he was able to ask.

Mordred: "Master is still asleep and this place is different from the last Holy Grail war I was in." Mordred said as she placed her hands on her hips and started to smile smugly.

Riku: "I guess that makes sense, but are there any ulterior motives?" Riku asks the blonde warrior.

Mordred stiffened a bit before starting to shake nervously, as if she was trying to hide something.

Mordred: "W-W-What do y-y-you mean that I h-h-have an ulterior motive? I don't have one! I DON-" Before Mordred can start yelling and causing trouble, Riku threw a pillow from a nearby chair at her which made her confused.

Riku: "Dang, for a girl trying to be a male knight, you're easily annoyed." Riku said as he started to exit the store, while Mordred was starting to turn red in embarrassment.

Mordred: "I am not a damn woman! I am a Knight!" Mordred said as she ran after Riku.

(Scene Change- Shopping District)

Riku and Mordred, who was in her casual clothes, were walking side by side while looking at all the stores and looking for the grocery store.

Riku: "Dang, I completely forgot that they moved to a different area." Riku said as he was looking at a map of the shopping district.

Mordred: "That's interesting, none of these stores look too Japanese, even though we're in Japan." Mordred commented, looking at buildings that seem to be similar to that of an American Mall.

Riku: "It would make sense, this city would differentiate itself from most of Japan." Riku said as he stood in front of Mordred.

Mordred: "What are you doing?" Mordred asked Riku.

Riku: "You get mad at me when I call you a woman right?" Riku asked Mordred.

Mordred: "That's because I am not!" Mordred said, a bit of annoyance in her voice.

Riku: "Then why do you wear something so feminine for someone that's supposed to be a Knight?" Riku said as he glared at the Knight in her eyes.

Mordred: "Wha-What's wrong with my clothes Bastard!" Mordred said as she glared at Riku.

Mordred's casual wear/ modern outfit consisted of black boots, short jean shorts, a tube top that exposed her abdomen, and a crimson leather jacket. Riku was thinking on how very feminine it was and, though keeps up with the times, how it doesn't help Mordred keep up the facade that she is a Knight and not a woman.

Mordred: "Do you want to be killed!?" Mordred asked as she grabbed Riku's shirt.

Riku: "Try it! Let's see what happens lady!" Riku said, with an enraged glare in the eyes of Mordred.

(Scene Change- Shopping District, but with Shiro)

Shiro, Manami (in a maid outfit) and Diarmuid (in his casual clothes) were walking through the shopping district with Diarmuid and Manami holding baskets for food. Shiro was enjoying the stares that they were getting as they walked along the streets.

Manami: "Sir, I think it would've been best to change into something more comfortable." Manami said, seeing all the stares that she was getting.

Shiro: "Nonsense, Darling, you are well protected. Right Lancer?" Shiro said as he looked to Diarmuid.

Diarmuid: "Well, I don't know much about this world, but since it's a Holy Grail War, I can manage." Diarmuid said as he walked in the middle of Manami and Shiro.

Shiro was smiling, until he heard yelling. Shiro, Manami and Diarmuid looked in the direction of the yelling and noticed two people grabbing each other's jackets. One of them was a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, they also had a crimson jacket that was being held by the boy she was arguing with.The boy had messy black hair and brown eyes, he was wearing an opened red jacket that flowed in the small wind, a white shirt underneath the jacket, black pants and black shoes. When Shiro saw him, he knew exactly who it was and started to walk closer, and listen, to the two people arguing.

Riku: "Don't call me a Bastard when you don't know me!" Riku said while bashing heads with the girl.

Mordred: "Don't call me a girl when you don't understand my story!" Mordred said, trying to get a good grip on Riku's neck or chest.

Shiro was smiling as he went up to the two and put his hands on both of their shoulders. Riku looked up and saw Shiro with a good smile like he was watching children argue between each other.

Riku: "Is there something you need sir?" Riku asked Shiro.

Shiro: "Don't worry, it's not me that has something to say." Shiro said as he pointed to the other civilians.

Riku and Mordred looked around at the ruckus they were causing, as they let go of each other and took a step away. Riku made a defeated sigh as he knew he messed up while Mordred didn't care and just scoffed at the situation.

Riku: "I hope this doesn't become too much of a problem." Riku said as he stretched a bit.

Shiro: "I hope you are doing better now. Since you just had an argument with your girlfriend here." Shiro said with a smile, causing both Riku and Mordred to cringe a bit and look at each other before looking back at Shiro.

Mordred/Riku: "I AM NOT IN ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM/HER!" They both said to Shiro, who plugged his ears and smiled.

Shiro: "Hahaha, yes. I should've known." Shiro said before looking at the two seriously. "Since that is your Servant." Riku and Mordred stiffened a bit before Shiro put up his hands.

Shiro: "If you want to do anything rash, I suggest you do it in another area." Shiro said as Riku looked back to Mordred and they followed the man to wherever he was going.

(Scene Change- Fancy Restaurant)

Shiro had brought them to a restaurant that was said to have 5 Stars, which made Riku shiver a bit out of nervousness. Mordred and Diarmuid were surprised by the interior of the restaurant while Shiro and Manami were sitting without any change to what they were looking like.

Riku: "S-S-S-So, C-C-Can I ask y-y-your names?" Riku asked Shiro as he was trying to calm himself down.

Shiro: "Oh, My bad, I forgot to tell you my name." Shiro said with a chuckle. "My name is Shiro Kurogane and I own this fine establishment and other places in this fine city." Shiro said, catching Riku with interests.

Riku: "My name is Riku Amamiya, and am the owner of Fantasy World Bookstore, a few blocks from the nearest highschool." Riku said with a smile, seemingly calming down.

Shiro: "Interesting, well I would like to introduce the rest of the people with me." Shiro said as he pointed to the maid sitting next to him. "This is my Beautiful Ocean of Hope, Manami." Shiro said.

Riku: "Why does it sound like she is your wife?" Riku said, a bit concerned with the emotionless girl or woman (he doesn't know).

Shiro: "I can tell you, she is not my wife, she is actually my daughter." Shiro said, confusing Mordred.

Mordred: "You can't be serious?" Mordred said, causing everyone at the table (except Manami) to be confused. "You make it sound like you are having an affair with your maid, but then it turns out that you have a creepy way of addressing your own daughter." Riku thought about it but waved it away.

Riku: "Don't mind the Blonde that thinks she's a Knight." Riku said, causing Mordred to gain a tick mark on her head. "Who's the guy in the tuxedo?" After asking, Shiro gained a smile and gestured his hands to him.

Shiro: "This here is Diarmuid, the Lancer Servant." Shiro said, causing Mordred to summon her sword while Riku tried to hold her back.

Manami: "Is there a problem? Girl-Knight?" Manami said, emotionlessly.

Mordred: "One; I am a Knight, not a Girl-Knight, and Two; This is the Lancer Servant and I must defeat him to win the Holy Grail War!" Mordred said, still trying to get out of Riku's hold.

Diarmuid: "I feel the same, but I will have to decline your invitation to battle." Diarmuid said, as it made Mordred confused. "Master wanted to talk to you about something important, Master of Saber." Riku cringed a bit before clearing his throat.

Riku: "First of all; I am not Mordred's Mast-" Riku was interrupted by Shiro.

Shiro: "Mordred? The Knight of Treachery and Son of King Arthur?" Shiro questioned as he looked at the Blonde.

Mordred: "Surprised? I know you are! I am Mordred Pendragon, son and heir to the throne of King Arthur Pendragon!" Mordred said triumphantly...





Everyone (except Manami): "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" They all started to burst out laughing.

Mordred: "Wha- Why are you laughing!" Mordred got mad at them.

Shiro: "Is she serious?" Shiro asked while laughing.

Riku: "To be honest, hehehe, I had a similar reaction but I was more annoyed! HAHAHA!" Riku said as he laughed alongside Shiro.

Diarmuid: "That is just too funny! It's also a funny coincidence." Diarmuid said as he stopped laughing as he saw the waitress coming to their table.

Waitress: "Hello there, what can I get you today?" The waitress asked.

(TimeSkip cause this isn't Food Wars)

Riku: "This food is good." Riku said as he was eating Pizza.

Manami: "That is the most simplest thing on the menu, how is it good?" Manami questioned.

Shiro: "Darling, he isn't like us so he doesn't have the luxury of what you know." Shiro said, patting the head of the maid.

Mordred: "This is sooo good! I can't believe we're getting to eat this much!" Mordred said as she was eating a whole buffet worth of food.

Diarmuid: "It is good and all, but shouldn't we get back to business?" The Lancer asked as Shiro stopped eating and wiped his mouth.

Shiro: "Oh, Thank you for reminding me Diarmuid." Shiro said as he got serious. "This is a request." Shiro said as he gave Riku an envelope.

Riku: "What is this?" Riku said as he opened the envelope to see a check and a contract, confusing Riku.

Shiro: "I want to have an alliance with you, Kamen Rider." Shiro said, confusing Riku and Mordred.

Mordred: "Kamen Rider? What's that?" Mordred asked, through a full mouth.

Riku: "Weren't you taught table manners?" Riku asked the blonde with annoyance.

Mordred: "Sorr- Wait, you can't tell me what to do!" Mordred said, after swallowing the food she had in her mouth, and getting close to Riku's face.

Riku: "Well Gudao isn't here so you gotta deal with it!" Riku said while head butting Mordred away, causing her to fall out of her chair.

Diarmuid: "Continuing on our little conversation, Master would like to work with you and the other Masters." Diarmuid said as he drank from a cup of coffee.

Manami: "The Master would really appreciate it." Manami said.

Riku: "I gotta wonder though, what do you mean by Kamen Rider?" Riku asked Shiro.

Shiro: "What do you mean?" Shiro asked.

Riku: "I remember Arthur saying it after he transformed, but why call me that?" Riku noticed Shiro think until the old man got an idea.

Shiro: "Kamen Rider is a hero of the people." Shiro stated. "They fight to protect the ones that can not fight, that is what you are." Riku thought about the fights with the Megiddo he had so far and how he fought to bring the part of the city back.

Riku: "I think I like that, Kamen Rider Saber." Riku said, while Diarmuid chuckled. "Is there a problem, Lancer?" Riku asked.

Diarmuid: "It's funny, I remember a Holy War I was part of before." Diarmuid said as he closed his eyes. "I remember fighting the King of Knights in my last Grail War, from what I remember." When he said that, Mordred and Riku were surprised.

Mordred: "You met and fought Father!" Mordred said out loud.

Riku: "That's cool, he must've been a challenge." Riku said as he ate another slice of pizza, but noticed that Diarmuid was looking away a bit.

Diarmuid: "Actually, The King of Knights was female apparently." Diarmuid said as he scratched the back of his head.

Riku stopped eating and looked at Diarmuid for a bit, before getting the pizza in a to go box. Everyone was confused, until Shiro had an idea of what was wrong.

Shiro: "You thought the King of Knights was going to be male in his war, didn't you?" Shiro asked.

Riku: "Yep, but of course, that isn't going to happen." Riku said as he got out of his chair.

(Time Skip- a few minutes later)

Riku, Mordred and Shiro's party were walking along the streets, in the middle of the day. Riku looked at the sky and was surprised by how it felt like it was dinner time, yet it wasn't.

Shiro: "I am so glad you came with us today, Riku and Mordred." Shiro said as Diarmuid and Manami bowed.

Riku: "You offered food, and we gladly accepted, and I will relay the message about the team up to the others." Riku said with a smile, while Mordred seemed a little bit ticked off.

Shiro: "Well, if you want to talk again, just give me a call and we can talk in your bookstore." Shiro said as he and his group started to walk away while waving.

Riku and Mordred, still seemed a bit ticked off, waved their new companions good-bye as they went back to their grocery shopping.

Mordred: "Damn, that was annoying." Mordred scoffed.

Riku: "You weren't like this when we were talking and eating, so I don't see what's the problem." Riku said in a mature way.

Mordred: "You're not the boss of me, and last I checked; you don't command me either." Mordred said smugly.

Riku: "Yeah, but I am your Master's boss, so you are going to be obedient even if you don't want to." Riku said smugly, causing Mordred to get in his face once more.

Mordred: "Your no boss of mine! My Master will be able to pummel you to the ground!" Mordred said angrily.

Riku: "Oh Right, like you can do better! Mistress of Treachery!" Riku said mockingly.

Mordred: "What would you know, Non-Saber!" Mordred said mockingly.

Riku: "Try again, cause a Saber class Servant is a Servant with a Sword, which I have heard some people do not follow a lot." Riku said.

As they shopped, they continued to sound like siblings having an argument that's never going to end. As they continued to argue and insult as they went back home, someone was watching them from above a building. This person was Wolf, and he was watching the Knight of Flames and the Knight of Treachery argue, which he found amusing. As he scanned the city, Calibur appeared behind him.

Wolf: "What do you need, Knight of Betrayal?" Wolf asked.

Calibur: "The project is almost ready, though we seemed to have gotten ourselves into a situation." Calibur said, catching Wolf's attention.

Wolf: "And what would this problem be exactly?" Wolf asked with annoyance.

Calibur: "We need the power of the new priestess of the Swords of Logos to make the Wonder Ride Book you want, so we can't exactly get what you need." Calibur said as Wolf started chuckling.

Wolf: "Don't worry, if mother and father have said before were true, then I got to think positive and I will get what I want or need to happen." Wolf said, confusing Calibur.

Calibur: "What are you thinking that has made you mention your parents?" Calibur asked.

Wolf: "Something like an optimistic knight with a big sword is on his way, and I know why he's here." Wolf said.

Calibur looked into the city, noticing how wonderful it is yet how dark it'll become once the Holy Grail War starts kicking in.

(Scene Change- Outside the City)

Outside the city, a man with a big sword is walking towards the city and taking in the air as he stares at the buildings of his destination. The man had a serious look in his eyes as he had a jolly smile when looking forward. The man stopped for a bit as he watched a butterfly land on a flower and was peacefully minding it's business. The man's serious look faded away as he had a more normal happy look on his face as he stared into the city.

???: "I can't wait to meet you again, Brother."

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