Section7: The Priestess' Ability, A Fight With A Shadow

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(Fantasy World Bookstore)

It was mid-day, Riku and Mordred finally got back from their shopping trip and their encounter with the Master of Lancer and were greeted with the most confusing scene: Mash trying to hold off her Senpai's from hurting each other.

Gudao: "That was my find and you know it!" Gudao said as he tried to grab the item from behind Gudako's back.

Gudako: "NO IT IS NOT! You are lying and we know it! Right Mash!" Gudako said as Mash was holding back Gudao from getting near Gudako.

Mash: "Don't lump me into this! Senpai, please calm yourself!" Mash said, as she is now losing control of the situation.

Riku and Mordred were just looking at the scene with looks of disbelief. They both sighed in defeat as Riku readied himself for the problem ahead.

Riku: "EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!" Riku yelled, as the 3 Chaldea members looked at the entrance of the store to see Riku and Mordred.

Gudao: "Oh, Riku and Mordred are back! How's it going?" Gudao said as Gudako and Mash nodded in agreement.

Riku: "Everything was going fine, until I saw this mess happening." Riku said, mentioning the position they were in. "Can I get an explanation on why you guys are fighting over?" The Chaldea members looked at each other to see if they should show Riku what they were fighting over.

The People of Chaldea nodded and Gudako took out a book from behind her back. Interested, Riku walks over and gets the book and looks at the title and cringes a bit. The book had a lot of Fairy Tales and stories about gods but in a more childish manner. Riku cringed because he had read it to children when the kindergarteners came to his shop sometimes. Riku looked at them with confusion as to why they were fighting over it.

Riku: "Can you explain why you fought over this?" Riku asked.

Gudao: "I wanted to summon another one of our servants, since I don't want to be lonely here with just Mash and Mordred." Gudao said smiling.

Gudako: "I liked the idea, but he already summoned Mordred, so I wanted to summon." Gudako said with a smile.

Mash: "I was trying to stop them from fighting over something so trivial." Mash said, defeated.

Riku faceplamed as he found it stupid to argue with them, so he just went to the living quarters of the building. After a bit, Riku comes into the store, to see Arthur helping the Chaldea Members with moving things into the portal door. Riku has a face of confusion but walks over to them to get answers.

Riku: "I walk away to put the groceries away and I come back to see whatever is happening here!" Riku said as he gestured to Lian carrying some materials into the door.

Arthur: "Hey Mate, how's it going?" Arthur said as he put some stuff down.

Riku: "Hey Arthur, can someone explain what's going on?" Riku said.

Gudao: "Were moving our summoning materials and plans to a different location, like a new base for Chaldea!" Gudao said with a smile.

Gudako: "It'll be very helpful if we are able to get connections to Chaldea!" Gudako appeared with bags of paint.

Mash: "It would be nice if you helped, please?" Mash asked as she held one bag of pain.

Riku: *sigh* "I don't know, it seems like something that isn't important to me right now." Riku said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Mordred: "Hey Riku!" Mordred yelled out as she came out of the door with a different shirt on from earlier. "How's it going!"

Riku notices the shirt and finds it confusing; the shirt was a black t-shirt and had the design on his sword's Emblem. Riku stares a bit, until he shakes his head to get back into reality.

Riku: "Hey Mordred, nice shirt." Riku comments.

Mordred: "Thank you!" Mordred said with a sisterly smile.

As Riku and Mordred smile at each other, everyone stares at them with confusion. Gudao cleared his throat, snapping the both of them out of their little trance, and gestures to the both of them.

Gudao: "Did something happen this morning? Or am I thinking something else?" Gudao said, making Riku embarrassed and Mordred a little angry.

Riku: "I hope you are not thinkin what I am thinking you are thinking, but please never think about that." Riku said, until something came to mind. "But something did happen earlier."

Riku took out the envelope/letter from Shiro and handed it over to Gudao. Gudao, Gudako and Mash looked at it with curiosity and opened the envelope/letter. Once they got a look at the message inside, they looked at Riku as if they wanted him to explain it.

Riku: *sigh* "We got a new ally apparently, the Master of Lancer." Riku said.

The Chaldea members were surprised, since they didn't know you can have a truce with other Masters in the war, but now they know it's possible. Before they can question Riku further, Arthur comes from behind and surprises them a bit.

Arthur: "Hey guys!" Arthur said.

Riku: "JEEZUS! What is it?" Riku said, surprised by Arthur.

Arthur: "I just wanted to say that we got the stuff through." Arthur said as he pointed to the door as Lian (the Lion) put the last set of Boxes into the door.

Everyone stared at Lian for a bit before shrugging to each other and entering the door. Riku entered first after Lian and Arthur went in after Riku, since they were used to the doors hijinks. Mordred went in after but tripped on her way in and started to get sucked in, causing her to yell like she was on a roller coaster.

Mordred: "AAAAHHHH!!!" Was all that was heard as she spiraled away from everyone's view.

Gudao and Gudako looked at each other, as Mash was having trouble seeing what happened, which caused Mash to accidentally push them into the doorway and fall in. Mash also fell in, but was facing forward as the two Masters were spiraling through the passageway.

(Scene Change- Guild of the Swords of Logos)

In the Swords of Logos' Guild, there is an area that seems to resemble that of a Kingdom's Garden. Yuri was playing with all of her familiars, like little dogs, and started to lay with them as they started jumping and flying around her. Yuri picks one of them up and starts petting it like the little adorable pet it is. Everything stops when the orbs and Yuri hear yelling coming from the "Library Table" room and start running to see what's up. When she gets there, she sees the stuff that the group brought in and sees Riku and Arthur enter.

Yuri: "Arthur! Riku!" Yuri yells as she runs up to the two Riders like a clingy little sister to her brother.

Riku: "Hey Yuri, sorry for dropping in out of nowhere." Riku says with a smile.

Yuri: "No problem, it's nice to see you again!" Yuri says as she hears yelling coming from the door.

The 3 members of the Swords of Logos look to see Gudao, Gudako and Mash land on the ground while Mordred does a superhero landing. Yuri hides behind Riku while Arthur goes to help up the Chaldea members.

Gudao: "That was a rough ride." Gudao says as Arthur helps him up.

Gudako: "Man, that was great! I wish that I can do that again." Gudako said as she got up and helped Mash.

Mash: "Are you okay, Senpai?" Mash asked worriedly.

As Arthur helped the Chaldea members, Mordred was surveying the area they were in and scoffed at what was on the walls.

Mordred: "Great, from one library to another." Mordred said.

The Chaldea members, after getting off of the floor, look around and see the bookshelf like walls and the structures that look exactly like books placed around the room. Gudako and Mash were starry eyed for they see it similar to the library back in their world, while Gudao noticed Yuri hiding behind Riku.

Gudao: "Hey Riku, who's that?" The Master of Saber said.

Everyone turned to Yuri, who was hiding behind Riku like a certain purple hair archer in a certain Tactical Jrpg. Riku looks to Yuri and gestures to her to introduce herself, in which she gets out of her hiding spot with a hint of nervousness. Yuri looked to the others and breathed in and out to calm herself to be able to speak.

Yuri: "My name is Yuri, I am the new priestess in the Guild of The Swords of Logos." Yuri said, as professional as she can be.

Gudako/Mash: "She's so cute!" Gudako and Mash said as Gudako started petting Yuri.

Gudao: "What's the swords of Logos?" Gudao asked the real question.

Arthur: "I can elaborate on that!" Arthur said, "The Swords of Logos is a guild of powerful knights that use the power of stories, animals and god-beasts to fight against dark and evil entities in Wonder World." Arthur looked to Gudao and noticed Riku with a confused look.

Riku: "Wonder World?" Riku asked.

Arthur: "I feel like I explained this, but at the same time I feel like I haven't..." Arthur said as he thought for a bit, "Anyways, Wonder World is the place we visit whenever a Megiddo appears and causes destruction." Riku thought about it and nodded.

Riku: "I get it now..." Riku said.

All of the sudden, the Yuri's Familiars were starting to glow red and white like an emergency alarm. Everyone was looking at the Familiars that were starting to crowd the room until Yuri knew what was going on.

Yuri: "Another part of the city!" Yuri said, surprising everyone.

Gudao: "What do you mean?" Gudao asked as he saw Yuri walk over to a big book.

Yuri: "Another part of the city was taken by the Megiddo, everyone must get ready to fight!" Yuri said.

Everyone was surprised by the information, Mordred grew a smile while the Chaldea Group looked at each other then at the two knights, who looked at each other before looking at their friends.

Arthur: "Another fight to deal with." Arthur said with a smile.

Gudao: "Hopefully nothing can go wrong." Gudao said with a closed-eye laugh, granting Arthur to laugh with Gudao.

Gudako: "Let's do this Mash, Mordred." Gudako said as she looked to the two female Servants.

Mash: "Okay, Senpai." Mash said as Mordred chuckled.

Mordred: "Alright, this will be fun." Mordred said as she took out her sword.

The Chaldea members waved to the two Knights as they were about to enter the door back to the store, until Yuri stopped them by grabbing the Knights sleeves. Riku and Arthur looked at her with confusion, until she took out her hands as 3 Wonder Ride Books appeared in them. Yuri grabbed hold of the books and handed two to Riku while she gave one to Arthur. They got a hold of the books and looked at them to see what they were; Riku was given a yellow book with the title Needle Hedgehog and a black book with wheels coming off of it called Daigo Speedy, Arthur had a book in his hand that resembled that of a phone. Arthur closed the phone and saw that the book was actually a vehicle with three wheels and multiple guns(?). Arthur threw the device in the air, as it made a sound of activation.

GatrikePhone: Ride Gatriker~!

The device started to increase in size and landed on the ground as a normal vehicle. Arthur was surprised and started examining the machine, for Arthur was curious about it. 

Riku looked at his book and decided to open it.

D.S Book: Soukan! Daigo Speedy!

The book started to glow, then Riku threw it in the air. The book started to change and morph into a bike, except it mainly resembled a dirt bike. Riku was stunned by the machine that he got onto it and started revving it up.

Riku: "How do I know how to use this?" Riku asked as he looked back to Yuri.

Yuri: "The story has taught you, similar to how you learn about the powers of the Brave Dragon book." Yuri said with a smile.

Riku was confused, until he remembered his fights. Whenever he used the book, or even scan the sword through the belt, he would know how to ignite the flames of the Kaenken Rekka as well as using the Wonder attacks from the books. It doesn't explain why Riku can fight, but it does explain how he is able to use the elemental attacks of the Wonder Ride Books. Riku looks to the bike again then gets on, Gudao and Gudako were about to get on the back seats, until Yuri summoned two more books.

Yuri: "Gudao, Gudako, use this." Yuri said as she gave them a recolored version of Daigo Speedy book each.

Gudao: "Thank you, Yuri." Gudao said with a smile.

Gudako: "Yeah, thank you Yuri!" Gudako said with a smile as well.

The two Masters opened their books and a rush of knowledge entered them. They threw the books into the air and they changed into a White and Gold Dirt Bike. They were surprised for a bit, before getting on with Mordred and Mash getting on behind their respective Masters. Yuri smiled as she opened a Book Gate Book and summoned a portal.

Riku: "Okay guys, let's get to it." Riku said as he drove ahead.

Arthur: "This is going to be fun." Arthur said as he drove behind Riku.

The Chaldea members started their vehicles and drove behind their allies to reach their destination through the portal.

Yuri: The book taught me how to create Wonder Ride Books, I hope they will remember to ask me that so it doesn't bother them at all... Yuri thought as she waved the heroes good-bye.

(Scene Change- City Park- Minutes Earlier)

Shiro, Nanami and Diarmuid were walking in the city's park, a large and beautiful place that is usually a place of rally's or morning jogs. After their talk with Mordred and Riku, they decided to get the food out of their system by a nice stroll in the park, which was Shiro's idea. Diarmuid was looking at a phone that was given to him by Shiro, that was in his hand as it was something that he had never seen before.

Diarmuid: "This "Touch-Screen" System and more, better, cameras are really interesting Master." Diarmuid comments. "Technology really has changed over the years."

Shiro smiles at Diarmuid and then looks to Nanami, who was holding a flower with a blank stare.

Shiro: "Darling, do you have any thoughts on the flower?" Shiro asks.

Nanami: "No, it's interesting but I have no thoughts." Nanami says as she drops the flower to the ground.

Shiro chuckles, until he hears something weird coming closer to them. Shiro and Diarmuid get ready, only to see a male highschool student chasing a female highschool student that is stuck in a shopping cart.

Girl: "ERIC!!! SOMEONE!!! STOP THIS THING!!!" The Girl screamed as the shopping cart was gaining speed.

Eric: "HOLD ON AMY!!! If only I was allowed to use the techniques Uncle showed me..." The Boy, Eric, said as he tried to catch up to the Girl, Amy.

Shiro and the others looked at the scene unfolding with a deadpan look. Shiro sighed and gestured to Diarmuid to help them.

Diarmuid: "Got it." Diarmuid said as he jumped in front of the cart and caught it without Amy falling out or flying.

Eric catches up and looks at Amy with annoyance, while Amy was having trouble with getting out of the cart. Shiro and Nanami walk up to them to try and help.

Eric: "Amy, I told you that was a bad idea." Eric said. "Apologize to these fellow citizens." Eric didn't bother to look at Shiro, since he was transfixed on Amy.

Amy: "I am sorr- WAIT WHAT!!!" Amy yelled as she pointed to Shiro.

Eric: "Why are you yellin- OH MY GOD!!!" Eric yelled as he finally saw Shiro.

Amy: "Are you Shiro Kurogane? THE Shiro Kurogane?" Amy asked.

Shiro: "First off; Are you alright?" Shiro asked Amy, in which she nodded really fast.

Shiro: "Okay, Second; Yes, I am Shiro Kurogane." Shiro said, causing Amy to squeal.

Amy: "I am a fan of your work, Mr. Kurogane!" Amy said as she shook the hand of Shiro.

Shiro: "My work? Oh, you must've seen the books I've made in my youth." Shiro said as he remembered his stories. "Ah, how very childish they were."

Amy: "I thought they were really good!" Amy said.

Eric: "Amy, we have to get back to school, we can't be late." Eric said as he grabbed Amy's arm. "Thank you again and sorry for taking some of your time sir, it was nice meeting you." Eric said as he tried to drag Amy away.

Amy: "NO! I want to spend more time with Mr. Kurogane!" Amy said as she started to resist.

Shiro: "My, what a nice moment we're having..." Shiro said with a smile.

Nanami was confused about what was happening, until a weird feeling came over her. Nanami looks up to see bubbles starting to fall from the sky. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they noticed the bubbles, some were fascinated with the bubbles, while some were confused. People were popping the bubbles, until a group of people was heard screaming and running from the park, in the direction of Shiro and the others.

As people were running, Shiro grabs one of them from the arm and stops them from falling.

Shiro: "What's going on?" Shiro asked.

Person: "The monsters are coming! Just like the shopping district and that other part of the city, the monsters are coming!" The person said as he started to run away again.

Shiro looked to Diarmuid and Nanami, in which Nanami was confused about the situation. Diarmuid nodded as he took out one of his lances, surprising Amy and Eric, and got ready for a fight. All of the sudden, a beam shot into the sky, making a dome appear to cage the park within it. Amy was scared and decided to latch onto Nanami, confusing the Maid, while Eric looked at their situation and had something pop in his head.

Eric: "Uncle told me about this..." Eric said to himself, catching the interest of Shiro.

???: "I see we have some guests that are not invited." A person said, catching the attention of the group.

In front of them, Malice stood with his book and needle-cane at the ready. Malice's appearance confused Eric and Amy, but Diarmuid got in a battle ready stance.

Diarmuid: "Master, this person isn't normal." Diarmuid said.

Malice: "Interesting... for a being from another world, I expected you not to notice my power." Malice said as he opened the book.

From the book, a blank Wonder Ride Book appeared and started to change. The Book changed into a demorphed version of itself with the title Hanzaki Sanshouou. Malice opened the book, causing it to activate an announcement.

A.R. Book: Hanzaki Sanshouou!

From the book, a purple monster (that seemed like it was wearing a salamander) appeared. It swung it's sword around and then pointed it at the group in front of it. Malice chuckles a bit, before turning the page of his book which started summoning it's minions: The Shimi.

Malice: "I feel like I should add one more thing to this fight... Oh right!" Malice said.

Malice then takes out a Wonder Ride Book with a weird cover and design. Everyone stared at Malice, waiting for his next move.

Malice: "This is the last thing to do." Malice said as he opened the book.

Mysterious Book: SHADOW SERVANT!

The book's announcement caused chills to fall on the spines of the group. The book started to morph into a black sludge, once it fell to the floor, it changed into a silhouette of a man with two small swords.

Malice: "Now, attack them and don't let them escape!" Malice said as he summoned a portal and walked through it.

Hanzaki: "Okay men! Kill them all!" The Monster said as the small army charged at the group.

Shiro: "Lancer, take them out!" Shiro said as he started to push the group away from the fight.

Diarmuid: "Right!" Diarmuid said as he charged towards the small army.

As Shiro runs away with the group, Diarmuid fights the Shimi with quick thrusts and stabs. Diarmuid trips some grunts by swinging the lances beneath their legs. Some Shimi charge at Diarmuid and try to slash him, but Diarmuid blocks them with his lances in a cross formation. Diarmuid continues to thrust, slash and stab the grunts, until the Shadow Servant appears and tries striking him with the two swords in a x formation. Diarmuid dodges and takes out more Shimi's while staring at the shadow Servant.

Diarmuid: "Well, well, Well, I guess it's time to fight a shadow." Diarmuid says as he points one of his lances towards the Shadow Servant.

The Shadow Servant didn't say anything, instead it charged forwards trying to hit Diarmuid.

The two servants clashed with each other while trying to make one of them bleed. The Shadow Servant threw it's weapons at Diarmuid and summoned what looked to be a bow and sword. Diarmuid slashes away the small weapons and charges at the Shadow as it makes the sword extend it's blade and place it on the bow's string. As Diarmuid charged, the Shadow Servant let go of the sword and it shot towards Diarmuid and got him in the arm.

Diarmuid stopped his charge and jumped back as he inspected his arm and saw the sword turn to sludge and flow out of his wound. Diarmuid looked to the Servant, which started charging at him with it's swords in a x formation, and crossed his lances to try and block the blades. As the Servant came close and tried to slash at Diarmuid, the Lancer jumped above the Servant and got a clean stab into it's back. The Servant stumbled a bit, before looking at Diarmuid with a feeling of hatred.

Diarmuid: "I got a hit off, now I should finish this!" Diarmuid said as he charged towards the Servant.

The Shadow Servant was ready for Diarmuid, for it changed it's arm into a giant sword and swung it at the Lancer. Thinking as fast he could, Diarmuid dodged the attack but the sword was able to cut him a bit. Diarmuid moved out of the Servants range and noticed that it started to morph again. The Lancer looked at his leg and noticed it healed pretty quickly, something that doesn't normally happen.

Diarmuid: "Either the world is a bit messed up, or Master has a good sense of magic." The Lancer said as he dodged an attack from the Dark Enemy.

The Shadow Servant now had a different look from before, where it looked like a man, now it looked like a monster you would find in a Gothic Style Monster Slaying Game. Diarmuid looked and dodged the monster's attacks as he tried to find a weak point.

Diarmuid: "If you're not standing down Monster, then nor shall I!" Diarmuid said as the Shadow Servant roared.

The Monster was about to try and grab Diarmuid, until a portal opened up and a bike rammed into the monster's side, causing it to fly back a bit. Diarmuid looked and saw Riku drive out of the portal.

Diarmuid: "Well, if it isn't the Flame Swordsman, took you long enough!" Diarmuid said as he rested the lances on his shoulders.

Riku: "Hey Lancer! Didn't think we'll see each other again." Riku said as he came to a stop.

Diarmuid: "So, you brought back up?"

Riku: "Technically, they came with me."

As Riku said that, Arthur and the 2 Masters and Servants drove on in from the portal. Arthur looked at the monster in front of them and was amazed by its design.

Arthur: "Amazing! So many weapons coated in a black, slimy, substance!" Arthur said.

Mordred: "That sounds disgusting, but at least it was being held back by Fathers old enemy!" Mordred said as she gestured to Diarmuid.

Gudao, Gudako and Mash looked towards Diarmuid with surprise, in which the Masters ran up towards the Lancer with tears of joy.

Gudao/Gudako: "DIARMUID!!!" The two yelled as they ran up to him.

Diarmuid: "GAHH!! Who are you!?!" Diarmuid yelled as the two Masters hugged him tight.

Gudao: "Oh, so you aren't the same Diarmuid as ours?" Gudao asked.

Diarmuid: "The sa- what are you talking about?"

Riku: "Hey! You guys can talk later, I need to know something." Riku yelled at the Masters.

Diarmuid: "Ask away."

Riku: "Anyone else stuck here? In this dome?"

Diarmuid: "There is, Master and his Daughter are protecting two highschool students that way." Diarmuid said as he pointed towards the way Shiro and his group went.

Riku: "Thanks Lancer! You four help him, Arthur and I will help Shiro!" Riku said as he started up the bike and drove off with Arthur behind him.

Gudako: "Hey, Wait!" Gudako tried to call Riku, but he was already gone.

Mash: "Senpai, we must defeat this thing!" Mash yelled to Gudako.

Gudako: "Fine, let's do it." Gudako said as Gudao looked to Mordred and nodded.

Mordred: "Okay, Lancer! Try to keep up!" Mordred said as she changed to her armored form and charged towards the beast.

Diarmuid: "I already did damage, but I shall not falter." Diarmuid said as he assisted Mordred while Mash started casting spells with the Masters of Chaldea to give power to the two attackers.

As Mordred hacks and slashes the monster, it tries to slap her away, but is stopped by Mash jumping in and slamming the hand/claw away with her shield. Diarmuid is striking, stabbing and slashing at the monster, making it really annoyed and causing it to shoot arrows everywhere.

Mordred: "This thing isn't letting up!" Mordred said as she saved Gudako from an incoming arrow to her head.

Gudao: "Do your best, we can not let this thing live!" Gudao said as he shot a spell towards the Monster, damaging it.

As the Servants were trying their best to destroy the monster, one of it's claws appeared behind the Masters and was about to slam on to them. Mordred notices it but was almost hit by an arrow to her side, causing her to fall and roll far from the Masters.

Mordred: "MASTER!!!" Mordred said, catching everyone's attention.

Mash: "SENPAI!!!" Mash yelled as she tried to get to the two.

All of the sudden, the claw was knocked away by a ball of magic and a couple of bullets. As the monster roared in pain, Gudao and Gudako looked around, not noticing anyone nearby that had helped them. Gudao and Gudako looked at each other and nodded, sticking out their hands as their Command Seals started to glow bright.

Gudao: "Saber! With my Command Seal, I order you to use your Noble Phantasm!" Gudao said as a part of the Command Seal disappeared.

Gudako: "Mash! With my Command Seal, I ask you to use your Noble Phantasm!" Gudako said as the same thing happened to her Command Seal.

Mordred/Mash: "Okay!/Right!" Mordred said as her Sword started to glow red and Mash jumped back to the Masters.

Diarmuid: "Let me do mine as well!" Diarmuid said as his two lances started to glow.

Mordred: "I'll say this not as a King, (Mordred puts the sword in front of her) but as a loyal knight. Anything (The side of the Sword's blade opens and starts to summon a red beam of light, like flames) to disturb the King's peace will be crushed! (Mordred puts the sword above her head and starts to do an overhead swing) Clarent Blood Arthur!!" As Mordred yells and swings the sword, a beam is shot out of the tip of the sword and is launched towards the monster.

Diarmuid: "*inhales & exhales* Strike, Gáe Dearg! Gáe Buidhe!" Diarmuid says as he charges forward, past the end point of the beam and stabs and slashes the monster.

As the monster starts to get entangled by vines and starts glowing, Mordred's Noble Phantasm comes in and strikes it in the chest which causes a pillar of red to reach the sky. As the pillar disappears, the monster starts to explode and black blades are shot everywhere. As a lot of blades headed towards the Masters of Chaldea, they are intercepted by Mash charging her noble phantasm.

Mash: "That which heals all wounds and grudges, our glorious homeland. Manifest yourself, Lord Camelot!" Mash said as she stabbed the shield to the ground.

As Mash did, a projection of a large castle and a large symbol was created and blocked the incoming storm of blades. While everyone stood their ground, the blades were disappearing once they hit the projection that Mash made.

Gudako: "Hold on Mash!" Gudako yelled out to the lavender haired girl.

Gudao: "You can do it, Mash!" Gudao said as he tried reaching for Mash.

As the blades kept coming, the projection started to fail. As all hope was being lost in a couple of seconds, everyone heard something strange from behind them.

???: "Dogo! Dogodogon!"

(translation: Ka-bam! Rumble!)

As the sound was heard, a giant orange blade appeared and took out all the blades with one slash. Everyone looked in the direction of the blade, only to see a man with a big sword.

The man looked around the age of 30 and had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing an old style looking trench coat and seemed to have come out of medieval times. The man had a serious look on his face as he walked up to the Masters and Servants with the giant sword with an orange blade and mainly gray colors.

Man: "Where are they?" He asked.

Gudao: "Who?"

Man: "I am looking for the other two knights, where are they?"

Gudao looked at Gudako and pointed down the path.

Gudao: "If you are talking about Riku and Arthur, then you will find them down that path trying to face off against one of those Megiddo monsters and protecting the people that way."

Man: "Thanks kid, I guess I'll have to hurry." The man said as he took out his phone.

Gatrikephone: Ride Gatriker~!

The phone made a familiar sound as it transformed into the same vehicle that Arthur used. Confused and amazed, Gudao looked to the man who put the giant sword on his back.

Gudao: "Who are you?"

Man: "My name is Makoto Mayasuki, I am a Knight of the Swords of Logos." The man, Makoto, said as he drove off.

(Scene Change- Riku and Arthur)

Riku and Arthur were driving their bikes trying to find where Lancer's Master went and noticed downed Megiddo Soldiers.

Riku: "We must be close, I just know it!"

Arthur: "I hope you are right, cause I've been ready to use this new book!"

As they drove, they heard grunts and weird explosions in the distance. They decided to drive faster to get to the area and noticed Shiro and Manami being surrounded by lots of foot soldiers and the main Megid trying to get to them, all while trying to protect two highschool students that Riku knows all too well.

Riku: "SHIRO! MANAMI! HEADS UP!!" Riku shouted as Arthur started readying the guns on the Gatriker.

Arthur: "READY! SET! FIRE!!!" Arthur shouted as he started mowing down foot soldiers.

The Megid jumped out of the way as Arthur and Riku drove up next to the Masters of Lancer, while also surprising Eric and Amy.

Eric/Amy: "Riku?!"

Riku was about to talk to them, until the Megid came up from the sidelines from where it jumped out of the way.

Megid: "How dare you attack me like that! That is fighting cheaply!" The monster said as it stomped it's foot.

Riku: "I don't really care how you feel, I only care about the people here that you have trapped." Riku said.

Arthur: "Were going to put you down Megid! No matter what." Arthur said threateningly.

Megid: "Oh, I am so scared! Whatever shall I do!?" The monster said as it bounced around on its feet.

Arthur: "I had enough of this punk, let's take 'em down mate!" Arthur said as he summoned his Driver from a torrent of water that appeared in his hands.

Riku: "Right, lead the way!" Riku said as he also summoned his Driver, but from a ball of fire.

Eric and Amy were confused, while Shiro was intrigued for he gets to see the transformation happen in front of his eyes (Manami just stared emotionlessly though). As the two put the belts on their waist, they take a hold of their respective books and open them at the same time.

B.D/L.S Book: Brave Dragon!/ Lion Senki!

As the books said that, they closed them and put the books in their respective spots in the driver. Once they did, the standby loop started to play as they gripped the handle on their swords. Once the loop landed on a certain point, they took the swords out of the belt, causing the books to open once more.

Seiken SworDriver: REKKA/NAGARE BATTOU!!!

Once the books open, the Blue Lion (Lian) and the Red Dragon (Ryuken) came out of the books and circled their masters as they went into their positions.

Riku/ Arthur: "HENSHIN!"

As they said those words, the Lion closed in on Arthur with a current of water while the Dragon flew up in the air and dived down on Riku as it ignited itself in fire. As the elemental effects died down, Riku and Arthur were now in their Rider forms and stood in their battle stance.

Amy: "...Riku?"

The two highschool students looked at their friend and the other person as they stared at the monster.

Blades: "I swear on the Suiseiken Nagare, I will save the world!" Arthur, Blades, said as he charged at the Megid.

Riku: "Let's do this!" Riku said as he jumped towards the monster.

As the two Riders go in for the attack, Malice watches the fight in the forest. Behind him, Calibur appears and looks towards the Megiddo general.

Calibur: "Malice, I think it's time for another experiment." Calibur said as he gestured to a book appearing beside him.

Malice: "*hmph* I guess it is." Malice says as he walks in the portal with Calibur as the two Riders fight the Monster.

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