Chapter Four: Found At Sea

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A/N Some song requests would be very appreciated. ^-^
Rockstar by Nickelback

Now back to the star~

(Y/n) wakes up in a cave with Yunan. He checks up on her arm, which she doesn't like, but feels comfortable with him and doesn't understand why. She leaves and finds a small boat, and decides to go south. She gets caught up in a storm. Her boat gets caught on fire, and starts going down. She calls out to fate for help, not expecting much. Unknown to her, it will help all too well.

Regular POV
As you became conscious once again, the sound of shuffling feet surrounded you. Where am I? You wondered. You slowly opened your eyes. The light wasn't too bright, so you opened them all the way. You looked around, and sat up, seeing a wood wall to your left and wood flooring on your right. The smell of fresh air and water mixed together, creating a scent you knew by heart — the sea.

"Cap'n, she's up!" A female with short, raven hair shouted. She disappeared to the tip of the tip of the boat, where the steering wheel was. So far, you could only see eight people roaming the deck. The vessel almost tripled the size of your original one. It looked like a trader's ship, but for whom, you couldn't tell.

"Hello, miss," an older man came up to you, along with the female who announced you were awake. You realized you were still sitting in the corner of the deck, so you politely stood up.

"Hello," you replied, slightly cautious out of habit.

"I'm sure you're wondering how you got here," the man said. You simply nodded in return. He had the bristles of a greying beard around his mouth, with a little white poking through. The same went for his hair on his head, although it was longer than just bristles. In the younger stages of his life, it could have been longer and slightly fluffy, but now it was just laid flat on his head. His skin was a dark brown, along with his eyes. They were gentle and warm, but had the hardening of wisdom that came from surviving the hardships of life on the sea.

"I am the captain of this ship," he started, "We found you floating on a piece of driftwood after the storm," he hesitated for the next part, speaking in a solemn tone. "We couldn't find any other people... I'm sorry."

"I didn't have a crew, it was just me," you told him.

Surprise graced his features. "Alone?"

"Yes, I had a small boat," you informed him.

"I see," he replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, where were you going all by yourself?" The woman interrupted. Now that she was closer, you could see her more clearly. She was in her early thirties, with her raven hair barely reaching her chin and kind hazel eyes. Her skin was a light brown — a permanent tan from constantly being out in the sun.

"I... I don't really know. I was just heading south, but then a storm came and... here I am now," you explained.

"Well, we are heading east. Is there somewhere down south you need to be or would you like to stick with us?" The captain asked. You thought about his offer. They saved you, so you figured that they were trustworthy. Besides, it's not like you had anywhere else to go. You don't even know what there is in the south.

"Sure, I'll stick with you guys," you nodded. "Where is this boat headed, anyway? You're a trading ship, aren't you?"

"Ah, that we are. We are merchants of Balbadd, heading back with a new shipment of goods. We should be there in a few months," the captain said. "By the way, you can call me Mo, and this is Zian." The woman, Zian, gave a little wave.

"(Y/n)," you responded.

Suddenly, the surrounding area began to shake violently, making the waves rise up and rock the boat from side to side. Water splashed the walls of the ship, some of them coming on board. Just as fast as it started, it stopped. The waves went back to normal, leaving the vessel to sway in after effect.

"What was that?" Zian shouted in confusion. One of the crew members ran up to her and Mo.

"Cap'n Mo! A very large structure has appeared in the distance! If we continue on our path as we are, we will run right into it!" He reported. You froze, getting a sinking feeling in your stomach. Maybe it's not what I think it is... you hoped.

"Hm... I'll be right back. I've got to go calculate a safe route for our ship," Mo left.

Zian gave you a worried side glance. "You okay? You're looking kinda pale."

"Oh, I..." you swallowed. "I just need to get a better look at that structure."

"Um... alright. When we pass by you can get a closer look at it. By the looks of it, that should take more than a few hours. Why don't you get some food and rest?" She offered.

"I was just unconscious," you deadpanned.

Zian laughed. "I didn't say you had to sleep. You can just relax."

Bashfulness graced your features. "Oh, okay. Thanks."

"No problem. There's food over there," she pointed to the other side of the boat, in the sheltered area. You nodded in thanks and walked over to where Zian pointed.

A few hours later~

"(Y/n)! We're nearing the structure!" Zian called from the nose of the ship.

You rushed over to her, nodding in greeting. She nodded back and you started ahead at the building. It was still a reasonable distance away, but it was still unmistakable.

"A dungeon..." you realized, remembering the word the Partevian soldiers used for it. You felt a tugging towards the tower, almost like it was calling to you.

Is this what Sin felt? Now at least I can sort of understand why he went... You shook the thought away. You didn't want to go there. Sinbad left because Yunan tricked him, not because it was pulling him. That was stupid. But still... as much as you tried to lie to yourself, you couldn't shake the sensation. It drew you in, enough so you almost didn't recognize your next actions. It was as if something was controlling you, demanding that you go, like your life depended on it.

"Get me a paddle boat, I need to go there," you demanded. You stared, unblinking at the dungeon. You didn't snap out of your trance until the captain came.

"You want to go to the structure?" Surprise was audible in his voice.

"Dungeon," you corrected, "it's called a dungeon."

"And why would you want to go to such a place?" He questioned.

"I'm not completely sure myself, sir." You finally dragged your eyes away from it and looked Mo in the eyes.

"Please, I told you to call me Mo," he smiled politely, stopping the tension before it could form.

You nodded in response. "Mo, if possible, would you let me borrow a paddle boat?"

He sighed but admitted defeat. "I won't be able to change your mind, would I?" You shook your head in response. "Thought so. I could see it in your eyes." He turned around and started walking away.

About ten minutes later, you had a paddle boat and was rowing out to the dungeon, waving goodbye to Zian and Mo. You spent the whole ride there lost in your thoughts, thinking about what made you do this. The ride seemed relatively short, but that was just because you were thinking. You got out of the boat and pulled it up onto the sand so it wouldn't float away, and began making your way to the dungeon's gate.

The gate itself was rather beautiful. It was made of ivory stone, but had a wispy look to it. In fact, the whole building did. You walked over to the wall next to the gate and placed your hand on it. The feeling it gave was smooth, but light and airy at the same time. Almost like it was made of mist.

"Strange," you muttered. You backed up to see the whole gate.

Should I? This is my last chance to turn back. Thoughts similar to these raced through your head. One thought rose above them all.

Sinbad didn't turn back, not even when he knew he'd die. Besides, if, most likely when, I die in there, at least I'll be with him again.

So with that, you gathered your courage and stepped through the gate.

November 18, 2017
Last Edited: March 18, 2020

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