Chapter Three: Sinbad's Adventure Continues On!

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The song is called Remember When. This version is by Chris Wallace, but the original is by Alan Jackson, who's version I don't like.

meanwhile, during your little adventure

Sinbad's POV
For (Y/n).

I punched Drakon again, making him fly across the room. Is he finally done? My energy is almost depleted. I need to get Baal's power as quickly as I can and get back to (Y/n) and mother. Surely they'll be fine without me for a few hours?

Movement caught my eye from across the room.

"I... am not... done yet!" Drakon announced, then charged at me for another punch. I met it with one of my own, and we were both blown back. Dust had arisen, surrounding the both of us. I didn't want to get back up, but...

(Y/n) and mom.

That thought is what led me to my feet again. I didn't see Drakon get up again, and I worried I pushed him too far. But then I saw him twitching, so I relaxed.

"The match has been decided," Baal's voice thundered. "Sinbad is the winner." The next thing I knew, I was in a gigantic hole in the ground with multiple bags of gold around me. We were out, back in the real world. Partevia soldiers surrounded the rim of the hole, and a handful of them were in it with me. One of them addressed me.

"Thank you for your service, my boy. Now, if you could please hand over the-"

"No," I cut him off. "This power is mine and mine alone. I got it fair and square." Murmurs of "traitor" and "brat" sped through the soldiers.

I was about to say something else, when a familiar voice hit my ears. "Why aren't you using your new power, Sinbad?"

I snapped my head behind me, where the voice came from. "Yunan?" I gaped, shock covering my features.

"Ah, I see. You don't know how to use it yet. Here, let me help you!" He touched dad's — no, my sword, an Baal slunk out.

"A little soon for my assistance, isn't it master?" He boomed. Lighting thundered around us, getting rid of the Partevia soldiers. Baal slunk back into my sword. Hm... interesting.

"Now, it's my turn to help you!" Yunan waved his stick and we started to hover. Not just us, but the bags of gold around us too!

"What- AAHHH!" We started zooming through the air, me screaming the whole time.

Soon enough we reached my home village. Yunan set everything down at the entrance. Immediately, villagers came running up to me, staring in awe.

"Sinbad, is it really you?" They asked in disbelief, among with thousands of other questions.

"Yes, it's really me," was the only thing I was able to say.

"Sinbad, how could you leave your mother and (Y/n) for two months?" Someone raged, My eyes widened. Two months?

"Sinbad... there's something you should know." A close friend of my mother's took my arm and led me to the doorstep of my home, away from the crowd. "Sinbad... your mother... she's gone. Esra died."

I stood there, frozen with shock. "W-what?" My voice shook.

The woman nodded sadly, unwilling to repeat the words. "We assumed she went peacefully, in her sleep... it was only last night."

(Y/n)... I gulped, still trying to process everything. I was almost too afraid to ask the next question. "Where's my sister?" I choked out, grief starting to seep in.

"We... we don't know. When we found Esra this morning, she had already left. Sinbad, I am so sorry..."

"It... it's not your fault. Let me be alone now, please." I looked down and turned away. I walked inside my home, although it didn't feel much like one anymore. Yunan quietly followed after me. He was quiet for a few moments, his eyes full of pity and understanding. It was his next statement that gave me a shred of hope.

"(Y/n) ran off." My eyes snapped up at him.

"How do you know?" I asked, my tone a mix of shock and grief.

"I saw her. I... I guess you could say I helped her." He responded quietly.

"Which way did she go?" If I know which way she went, maybe I can try to follow her?

Yunan shook his head, looking at the ground. Ashamed, perhaps? There was no need to be, he already helped so much. "I'm not sure." I sighed in defeat.

"But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to find her. I can even start you off with a boat." That idea doesn't sound so bad... yes. I'll do that. I nodded my head at him.

"Thank you for everything you've done." I got up to tell the village my plan.


It was the next day, and I was saying goodbye to everyone. "I'll make sure to come visit! Use that gold I gave you wisely!" I yelled out to them. I hugged a few more children before leaving my home village.

"Are you ready?" Yunan looked at me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Then here we go!" He exclaimed, making us fly again. AHHH! I hate flying!

"Where are we going?" I yelled over a sudden rush of wind.

"Somewhere," the blond hummed in response.

After a few minutes, we landed in front of a boat. "Here you go," He said cheerily. It was a relatively small boat, with one or two sails and oars.

"It's already stocked with food, so you don't need to worry. Have fun!" Yunan chimed.

"Yunan, I don't know what to say..." I turned around, but he was no longer there. I sweat dropped and just got into the boat. I untied it from the dock and chose a direction. How about... northeast? And that's what I did.

(Y/n)... I know we'll see each other again... I can feel it.

November 11, 2017
Last Edited: March 18, 2020

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