After Shock

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"Come on, my muscles are fine, my body is fine, I even have feelings back in my hands. I have been in this hospital room for two days, and I want to see my daughter." I was complaining to Todoroki who had been switching shifts with Iida ever since I tried to sneak out the first night to go see Eri.

"You know you can't until the doctor gives you the all clear. This is for your own good." He stood in front of the door blocking me and clearly not wavering. With a huff I paced back over to my bed and plopped down.

It wasn't long before a doctor came in and I jumped up to meet him at the door. "Can I please go see my daughter?"

He jumped back slightly at how quickly I moved before chuckling slightly. "Well that's what I'm here to find out. Just take a seat and let me run some scans and we'll see."

I did as instructed and sat in anticipation for about thirty minutes as he ran some tests. Blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, and whatever else he could pull from his bag of delaying me from seeing my daughter.

"Alright, your bloodwork from last night looked good, and everything I'm seeing here is fine. So I can discharge you." He said and I could hardly keep from bolting then and there.

He sat to work unhooking me from my stuff and left me to get changed, of course this only led to me rushing out the door followed by Todoroki. Who was caught off guard by my sudden rush out the door.

"Midoriya?" I ignored him as I rushed down the hall looking for Eri.

"Midoriya." Again I ignored him in pursuit of my destination.

I heard a frustrated huff from behind me followed by my lower half being encased in ice. "Midoriya!"

"What?!" I let my frustration out more than I meant to.

"She's this way." He pointed in the opposite direction I was going and I immediately felt bad for snapping at him.

"Sorry." He walked over to me and removed the ice from me before speaking.

"I understand how you're feeling Midoriya. I don't hold it against you. Now why don't you let me take you to her?" I nodded and he turned to lead me away.

As we walked my nerves only got worse, i hadn't seen or really even heard news about Eri in two days, so i was afraid of what i might come across when i got there. Todoroki led me down several halls, through what felt like a maze of corridors, until we finally made it to ICU.

And finally, he opened two double doors to the room where my daughter and fiance were. When I entered, I saw Ochako, standing in front of the glass wall. Just staring ahead of herself watching, waiting. She didn't even turn to acknowledge us when we came in. "Uraraka, they've discharged Midoriya."

She didn't take her eyes from their spot as she reached her hand back to me, and I wrapped my fingers around it as I stood next to her and looked in on the room across the wall.

There she was, Eri, laying flat on her back in a hospital gown, bandages wrapping her head entirely, a tube down her throat, I.V.'s in her arm. I squeezed Machakos hand as I took in the sight and she finally broke her gaze to wrap me in a comforting hug as I felt tears drip down my cheek.

"I... is she... I mean will she..." I could hardly speak as Ochako held me and I stared at Eri.

Ochako simply held me and buried her head into my chest as we stood there, her damn beginning to break as well. This was when Iida, who apparently had been keeping Ochako company, stood and spoke. "The doctors said that as long as her head injury does not become infected then she should be fine, that's why no one is allowed in there. Because the wound is still open. But since they can't remove the bandages for fear of infection, the only way they'll know is when she wakes up. Because then the wound would have closed up enough. But once she wakes up she should make a full recovery."

I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked so fragile, and it broke my heart knowing that she had to go through dealing with him all over again. And that when she did, she was all alone.

Iida and Todoroki excused themselves to go and get us all food so that Ochako and I could have some time alone. And as soon as they left I broke down. As I collapsed to the floor Ochako followed me and we just held each other as I cried, Ochako trying to comfort me through her own tears as well.

"I'm so sorry Eri... I failed... i promised you he could never hurt you... and i failed..." I cried into Ochako's shoulder as I clung to her with all my might. She didn't say anything as she cried as well, the two of us broken and afraid of what was going to happen to our daughter.

We sat there for twenty, maybe thirty minutes, just holding each other. However we were broken from our embrace by a yell coming from down the hall, "KOTA! Wait, don't just barge in there!"

Not a moment later and the doors opened to reveal Kota, with a frantic look in his eyes. "Where is she? Did she make it?"

A moment later and Mandalay came rushing in after him and saddened slightly when she saw the state we were in. The two of us stood, still holding each other, and tried to look presentable. "I'm so sorry he barged in on you two, as soon as he was cleared by the hospital two days ago he's been trying to frantically get me to bring him here. Then he just took off earlier while we were going shopping."

"She made it out right? She's gonna be ok right." He asked, his eyes still searching the room we were in for Eri.

"They say once she wakes up she will make a full recovery, but no one is aloud in the room until then." Ochako spoke as she had recovered her composure first.

Kota then noticed the glass wall behind us and walked over to finally see Eri. A few tears pricking at his eyes, "She better make it. I mean, someone has to scold her for how stupid she was. Rushing in there like that."

Everyone was confused, what is he talking about, "Kota, what are you saying?" Mandalay asked from her spot next to us.

Kota had started to release more tears as he hit his fist against the glass. "Shes so stupid, she shouldnt have tried to fight him. She could have been killed!"

By this point he was only a moment away from breaking down right there. Mandalay moved over to comfort him as he tried, and was slowly failing, to compose himself. "When he broke down the door, they locked eyes, and while everyone panicked and ran for the door around him. She ran at him... she tried using her quirk on him... she almost killed him... but then after everyone was evacuated... the school blew up. And I passed out."

He finally broke down in Mandalay's arms after having told us a recounting of what happened. A recounting that blew myself and Ochako away. "Did he just say that she fought Overhaul?"

I couldn't take my eyes away from Eri as Ochako spoke, granted her question was going through my mind as well. "Kota, what do you mean she ran at Overhaul?"

He turned to us with a mix of frustration and sadness in his eye at the prospects of almost losing his best friend. "When he came in, i tried to grab her and pull her away from everything but she ran at him. He tried to punch her but she stuck out her hands and started to glow. The parts of his body that were mangled started to revert back, he started losing his hands again and became weaker. But the teacher grabbed me and dragged me out with the others to evacuate. We couldn't even get close to her because her quirk was going so hairwyre that the floor and desks around her were starting to crumble as well. She's the only reason we made it out before the explosion."

Before we could fully take in what he said we heard the sound of a tiny, weak whimper. We all turned to see Eri opening her eyes, the tube in her throat clearly giving her discomfort but she didn't seem too worried about it. I watched as one of the doctors carefully made her presence known in the room, covered in a sanitized suit, as she slowly made her way over to Eri. The little girl looked over to the doctor and hardly reacted, I assumed she was just too weak, and gestured to the tube in her throat.

"I know it's uncomfortable sweety, let me use this stethoscope to check your breathing and then we can remove it ok?" Eri simply nodded allowing the doctor to use her stethoscope. A moment later and the doctor smiled as she put the tool away, "Alright, we can remove the tube. This is gonna be uncomfortable but it shouldn't hurt you ok?"

Again, Eri simply nodded as the doctor removed the tube as carefully as possible. As soon as it was out Eri coughed lightly before speaking, "Where's my daddy?" The doctor looked over to the glass wall and soon Eri's gaze weakly followed and she saw all of us looking back at her. "Daddy."

She smiled, that gorgeous smile, despite how weak it was.

"Mr. Midoriya." We looked over to the doctor as she spoke, and she smiled as she removed the head portion of her sterile suit. "You can come in and see her."

Without another thought Ochako and I sped to the door and rushed the bed. "Oh Eri we were so worried about you." I said as I held my arms around her and buried my head on her lap and cried. Ochako right beside me peppering the little girl with kisses as she cried too.

"I'm fine daddy, i'm just happy you're ok." She wrapped her arms around my head and hugged me back as she spoke. It was only then that tears started to flow in her eyes as well. "He said he was going to hurt you, i couldn't let him do that."

I adjusted myself and held her close to my chest as we both cried. Ochako joined our hug as she too had started crying. After a good ten minutes of crying, kisses, and hugs went by before we parted and Eri saw Kota standing with Mandalay off to the side.

"Ko?" Eri spoke softly as she looked at him and he jumped slightly in his spot.

He hesitantly looked up at her before walking over to us and standing next to the bed. "You really had us worried, you know, jumping into the fight like that. But, if it hadn't been for you then we wouldn't have made it, so thank you."

For a few hours after that Ochako and I sat there holding Eri in between us. To which she simply leaned into my side and rested her injured head. An hour after we were let in Kota and Mandalay left, reluctantly on Kota's end though. And not long after we went in was when Todoroki and Iida returned with some food. Eri of course was starving and craving apple juice. Those two left about when Kota and Mandalay did.

As the sun began to set outside the doctor returned and informed us that she was being moved to a regular room to finish her recovery since there was no more worry about her getting an infection.

As we settled into the new room, Ochako put some of our things in the closet while I changed into some more comfortable clothes, Eri was comfortably situated on the bed with her Deku plush and her favorite blanket from home keeping her warm. I walked over to her bed and set down next to her, for which she leaned into my side. "Hey Eri."

"What is it Daddy?" She asked while watching the TV.

"I just wanted to mention how brave you've been, when you were in the room by yourself you were so brave." I took a moment and looked down at her to see she had looked up at me with a smile on her face. "And Kota told us what you did at the preschool."

"He said he was gonna hurt you. He said he was gonna hurt Mamma." She sat up and wrapped me in a hug as some small tears escaped her eyes. "I wasn't gonna let him hurt anyone else because of me."

Ochako soon joined us in our embrace and we snuggled for a while before it was time to get some sleep. Since Eri was attached to the equipment it wouldn't be possible for all of us to sleep in the hospital bed. Much to mine and Ochakos irritation. However, Eri seemed to be fine sleeping by herself, she didn't seem afraid. It was as if she had faced him, she had broken his hold on her through fear. And I was all too happy to see that she was better off for it.

The only other seating in the room was a chair in the corner so I sat down in it and Ochako curled up on top of me as the three of us fell asleep for the night.

The next day in the hospital the doctor came in and gave us the full run down, "So from all our tests, the only serious issue is the head injury. It caused a skull fracture from above her right eye back across to the back of her skull. Thankfully, no shards of bone broke off. There's no permanent brain damage and the bone will heal back perfectly nicely. She may have a tiny scar that runs the length of her skull, but even her hair should grow back nicely once the area is healed."

"That's great news, but it sounds like there's more?" Ochako asked as she held Eri at her side with me standing next to them.

"Yes, not major but yes. She's on Oxygen now but we want to give her a respirator mask. It will help her lungs heal from the smoke inhalation and the small amount of tissue damage it caused. Otherwise she would have to be on an oxygen tank for about a month after the hospital."

"Well that doesn't sound so bad, especially if it means she won't have to carry an oxygen tank around with her for a month." I looked down at Eri who was starting to get hungry by the small sound that resonated from her stomach.

"Other than that she is perfectly fine. There is some minor bruising in some places around her body but nothing even remotely severe. We will have a respirator mask for her tomorrow." With that the doctor left us, and I went out to get us some food. When i returned we had some 1-A visitors who had brought a few sweets and snacks for Eri and were listening intently as Ochako gave them the run down of her condition.

The next day when the doctor came in he held a package in his hands that was wrapped in pink wrapping paper. It turns out that his niece was also Iida's girlfriend, Mei Hatsume. And when Iida told her about Eri's condition she took it upon herself to make something for her. The doctor assured us it would not explode.

When Eri opened it, her jaw hit the floor and her eyes sparkled tremendously. Apparently Hatsume had created a respirator that looked just like my metal chin guard.

Over the next two weeks Eri was in the hospital recovering, her head injury taking its sweet time healing itself. Over that time Dr. Ichiki came by to talk to Eri and from what she could tell, her trauma induced issues were pretty much behind her. Something about the attack broke her free from them which I was all too happy to hear.

Kota came back A Lot during those two weeks, spending about an hour each time, much to his agitation as Mandalay practically had to drag him out of the room a few times, and of course the time they fell asleep on the bed after coloring. He was also excited to see the Deku themed respirator that Eri was wearing pretty much all day, only taking it off to sleep when she had to wear the oxygen tube in her nose.

Most of the class came by, only a few at a time, to visit her while she was there. Pretty much every day we would have visitors from 1-A come after class and see her, the one who tended to come the most was surprisingly Tokoyami. After everything that happened Dark Shadow was very emotional and brought her a basket full of candy apples, and she didn't shy away from him. Which made the dark aberration very excited as he and Eri became very close.

Ochako and I spent every day in the hospital with her, neither of us willing to leave her after her near death experience. So we did our work in the hospital room. Iida of course volunteered to tutor us, so every day we had a tutoring session with Iida while the two or three people who would come with him spent time playing and chatting with Eri.

Pretty much everytime they came they brought her presents, ranging from candy and snacks, to people bringing her cute outfits (mostly Momo and Mina). And much to my delight, she was soaking up the attention and gifts with a bright, vibrant smile, that I adored so much.

Of Course Mom and All Might came to visit several times, as well as the Urarakas. Both women crying and hugging Eri upon seeing them. And both men acted like they weren't crying.

Throughout that two weeks though, there were many times that I would wake up in the middle of the night to her crying, not from nightmares but from pain since they couldn't give her full doses at night. So Ochako and I would wake up every night to her being in pain, Ochako calling the nurse as I held her and comforted her through the pain each time. Though it became less and less as the two weeks went on until the last few days where she got a full night's sleep.

Finally today was the day she was being discharged. Ochako and I spent the morning packing all our things while Eri remained in her bed. Once our bags were packed I took them all down to the car to load them ahead of being discharged. Once I was in the lobby I ran into All Might.

"Young Midoriya!" He came over and without another word took two of the four bags from me. "Let me lend you a hand, I was just on my way up to see you three."

"Thanks for coming by All Might, but she's about to be discharged so i'm bringing everything down to the car."

"Well that's wonderful my boy. I was actually hoping to talk to you about something I had for you three once she was discharged."

I smiled and sighed as we made it to mine and Ochako's car. "Let me guess, you spent a ridiculous amount of money on something for the three of us in order to spoil Your granddaughter and my fiance. Am i hitting any marks?"

He gave a nervous chuckle as he helped me load our things in the trunk. "Well I guess you have me figured out. But you know I do these things to spoil you too. I'm not picking favorites."

"Oh really, cause for Ochako's birthday you bought her a brand new car. And granted you didn't have much time to get Eri's present this year, you still got her a really expensive dress." He chuckled nervously again as we began the walk back inside.

"That may be true, but I got the car for both of you technically. It's just that i got it around her birthday so that's when i gave it to you two."

"Uh huh." The two of us had a nice laugh about that as we reentered the hospital. "So what did you do this time?"

"Well, given that Eri is getting out of the hospital and all. And she's never been to the beach." I cut him off by resting my sighing as I rubbed my temple with my right hand.

"Please tell me you didn't buy a beach house?" He froze and looked away from me as he tried to whistle his way out of it. "You did. Wow."

"What? I'm the one with the money. I'll spend it however I please and on whoever I please. So if I decide to buy you three, a beach house on a private strip of Dagobah beach then I will!" He huffed beside me as I looked at him in shock.

"Wait wait wait. Did you just say you bought it for us?" He looked down at me like it was obvious and I just sighed. "Your right, I shouldn't even be surprised anymore."

The two of us got on the elevator and made our way up, "Yes you shouldn't be surprised anymore. But anyway, since your class is going on break in a week i thought you three could use some well deserved rest and fun. Plus as far as i know she's never been to the beach, or swimming for that matter."

"That's true, but one of these days you're gonna have to stop spoiling them." He only chuckled.

"Not likely, you seem to forget that me and your mother don't spend much, and I have several hundred trillion yen. The spoiling will never end my boy." WIth that said he sprinted ahead of me and opened the door to Eri's room, getting tackled by the little girl who had apparently just been unhooked.

"Grandpa might!" Eri said as she hugged him. "They said we can go home now!"

She still had her bandages but we already knew we would have to do some tending to them at home. "That wonderful my dear! I'm sure you're excited to see fuzzy Deku again."

"Yep, thank you for offering to take care of her while we were here."

He smiled and buffed up. "Why was it my pleasure dear! All in a day's work fo-" He was cut off by shrinking back down which earned a giggle from Eri.

"Alright, we should get going. Is everything in the car Izuku?" Ochako Asked as she walked over to me.

"No, I thought it would be better to put them in the trash and we could pick them up later at the garbage dump." She was not amused, however I got a giggle from Eri and a chuckle from Dad. "Yes they are in the car."

The four of us began our walk downstairs with Eri in her grandfather's arms. As we made our way down, All Might decided to tell the girls what he had done. "Eri, Ochko, I have a surprise for the two of you. I informed Izuku about it on the way up."

"Yep, another chance to spoil his son's fiance and their daughter." All Might simply rolled his eyes as he looked at the two girls.

"Anyway, I have purchased a beach house on a private section of Dagobah municipal beach. And it's for you three. I was hoping you could use it next week during break for some well deserved R and R." Ochako stopped in her tracks in front of us and turned to All Might as we were approaching the leveato.

"You... bought US... a beach house?" He simply smiled and nodded at her. I had to brace her to make sure she didn't fall.

"Are you trying to kill my fiance dad?" He just chuckled and walked onto the elevator with Eri who was giggling.

I helped Ochako onto the elevator as she was still recovering before we started our trip home.

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