Shattered Snowball

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Shaking, that was the first thing I felt as I woke up. Someone was shaking me. As I opened my eyes I turned to the person shaking me. And saw a ruffled nest of silverish white hair. "Eri, what's the matter snowball?"

I sat up on the edge of the bed and turned to Eri who was already reaching up to me. Not even a moment later and she had her arms wrapped around my neck and her face buried into my shoulder. "I-I had a nightm-mare."

Feeling the tears drip onto my neck. "It's ok Eri, i'm here. I'm right here." I said as I held her small body close to me in order to calm her shaking. "No one is going to hurt you, i've got you Snowball."

"He came back... He hurt you and Mama..." She faltered off into a crushed sob as she burrowed deeper into my neck.

"Shh, it's ok Eri, it's ok. I'm right here." She continued to cry into my shoulder as I soothed her in my arms.

"We got rid of him didn't we? He's not coming back right?"

"Of Course not Snowball, and even if he did somehow. You not only have myself and your Mom, but you have an entire school worth of heroes that will protect you." She looked up at me with tears still rimming her red eyes.


"Of course.'' I smiled as I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "He won't get anywhere near you." I sat there holding her as she calmed down, that is until she fell asleep in my arms.

"Another one?" I turned to Ochako who was slowly sitting up next to me and raised her hand to Eri's back to comfort the now sleeping girl.

"Yeah, this is the third time this month that she's had one of these dreams of him coming after us. It's a little worrisome." I sighed as i layed back down next to Ochako.

She in turn snuggled up against myself and Eri before speaking in a light and tired voice. "It is becoming more frequent." Ochako gave a sad gaze to our daughter between us, "She had finally stopped having nightmares."

"I know, Maybe we should pay a visit to her Psychiatrist. I hate seeing her like this." A few moments later and the three of us were huddled together and fast asleep.

The Next Morning

"RISE AND SHINE INMATES!" The intercom blared through the Concrete structure, ringing in the ears of a very shattered hull of a human.

The dark haired man rolled to his side and sat on the edge of his iron springed cot. He was rattled in his spot as one of the guards hammered the bars of his small, dark cell. "Morning Temochi, Get your ass up and eat."

The yell of the guard was followed by a metal tray clattering against the cold concrete floor of the dark grey room. "Once again," The man raised his arms up in front of him to show two missing hands wrapped in bandages. "How do you expect me to eat?"

The guard simply laughed at him before replying, "Lick it clean off the tray. Temochi."

With that said, the guard slammed his batton against the door before walking away and down the hallway of isolation cells. The man knelt down and struggled to pick up the tray between the nubs of his arms. He let out a sigh as he set the tray on the cot.

"Taken down by a student, and humiliated by that crackpot. Now i'm here being screwed with!. I used to have an EMPIRE!" The man slammed his nub into the bed sending his tray flying upside down onto the floor. "And now I can't even eat properly."

He sighed again as he stood and walked to the tray to pick it up, now covered in grime and dust, as well as a questionable red tint on the mash potatoes.

"This is rock bottom Chisaki."

He sat to eat the questionable food to start his day. The rest of his day was as repetitive as the last few months. Sitting in his maximum security cell, watching the sun move across the walls from the single window, and being fed three square trays of mush a day. The only difference with today was the appointment that was made with the prison doctor to remove the bandages from his nubs.

"Inmate #2267, up against the wall, hands behind your head." The guard laughed as he spoke and slammed his batton against the door.

Chisaki stood and turned against the wall, a blank expression on his face as he moved his missing hands to the back of his head before the clatter of the metal lock echoed through the room as the guard walked in and placed the special cuffs on his wrists.

Once they were attached and tightened uncomfortably tight on his arms the guard dragged him through the door and tossed him into the wall. Chisaki let out a gasp as he collided with the cinderblock wall and the air in his lungs rushed out. "He, not so tough without your quirk are you?"

The guard laughed and picked Chisaki up by his neck and tossed him down the hallway. Chisaki simply tumbled and rolled across the floor before gasping as he came to a stop up against the block's barred doors.

"Look at you. How pathetic." The guard reached down and lifted Chisaki up to stand before pulling him through the doors.

Their trip through the prison was made specifically to mock the broken villain. Paradeing him through the prison for the other inmates to mock. Several of them threw things at him as they walked and yelled at him, many of them had been screwed over by the Yakuza's tactics.

Once they finally made it to the infirmary Chisaki was covered in loose food and garbage. "Hey doc, 2267 is here for you." The guard knocked on the door as he spoke and the metal door opened revealing a short statured older man.

"I see it's time to take these bandages off. Come on in and we'll get started." The small man said as he stepped to the side and the guard shoved Chisaki to the floor. "Careful now. Would want to rile the beast."

The guard simply laughed as he turned to leave. "He's no beast. He's barely a chipmunk."

Chisaki slowly stood before walking over to the bed and taking a seat. "I bet you're excited to get these bandages off?" The doctor spoke but Chisaki didn't answer, he simply sat staring at the ground. "Wow, they really did break you. My name is Dr. Ujiko."

The ex villain's attention was perked when the doctor introduced himself. "Ujiko. I've heard that before."

Dr. Ujiko smiled at the villain's response. "I thought that would catch your attention. I have a proposition for you."

"What do you want?"

"To get you out of here." Dr. Ujiko raised a vial up for Chisaki to see which caused a small, evil smirk to grace his lips.

Izuku's P.O.V. the same morning

Breakfast was coming along well, Ochako and Eri were in the kitchen making pancakes, Kitty Deku was perched on the counter as i packed Eri's lunch box with her snacks and lunch as well as the food for Kitty Deku since she would once again be going with Eri to school.

I looked over to Eri who was giggling with Ochako as they each smudged pancake batter on the other's nose. As i worked i felt Kitty Deku nudge my hand as i packed Eri's bag and smiled as i gently pet her small head.

"DADDY LOOK!" I turned my head to Eri who had pancake batter on her lip that made it look like she had a mustache. It caught me off guard and I nearly choked on my own spit as I laughed.

Ochako was giggling with Eri at my reaction as she grabbed a napkin to wipe our daughters face. "Even with a mustache you're still the cutest little snowball in the whole world." I said as I walked over to Eri and picked her up to kiss her cheek which caused her to giggle in response.

"Thank you Daddy." She says as she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug.

"Alright, super cuteness is great and all but you need to get to school. Mandalay is taking you today with Kota so you need to be ready in just a few minutes." Ochako said as she too kissed Eri's cheek, earning a smile from the teeny tiny beautiful Snowball of a child.

"Ok mommy. I'll go get my shoes." With that said Eri hopped out of my arms and hurried off to get ready followed by kitty Deku.

Ochako sighed as she leaned her head onto my shoulder. "She's too cute isn't she?"

"The cutest." I said in response as I wrapped an arm around her.

It was only a moment later that I smelled the slightest hint of smoke and had to hold back a chuckle. "Hey babe."

"Hm?" Ochako said as she looked up at me.

"Your pancakes?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what I had just said and turned around to grab the pan from the stove in an attempt to save the now black pancakes. A few minutes later and we were all sitting at the dining room table eating some fruit, Ochako doing so with a pout on her face.

It wasn't long before We were saying goodbye to Eri as she got in the car with Mandalay to head to school. Ochako and I turned back to the Cottage and grabbed our bags to head to class for the start of our day.

As we got inside several people asked Ochako about the smokey smell that was lingering on her clothes, which clearly flustered her and I couldn't help but chuckle which earned me a punch on the arms from my fiance.

Normally, that's how I would describe class. Almost, eerily normal. Like an omen of something to come. However I didn't pay much attention to it as class went on.

Big Mistake.

As we neared lunch I looked through the window of our classroom door and saw Aizawa sprinting down the Hallway toward us with a frightened face, which only spiked my panic.

The door burst open and he nearly knocked over Mic in his frantic manner. "Everyone suit up, there's been a jailbreak from _____. A Maximum security prisoner has escaped." He immediately locked eyes with me and I knew then and there what was happening.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Class 1-A moved quickly throwing on their hero suits and moving quickly to a transport that was waiting outside. "Sir do we know where this villain is heading? How are we supposed to find them." Yaoyorozu asked as the group stood ready holding the bars of the transport ready to move.

"We don't need to track him. We know where he's going." Aizawa said from his spot watching the road in front of them.

"Sir, if i may ask. How do we know?" Iida asked from his spot at the head of the transport.

"It's Overhaul isn't it?" Everyone turned in shock to Izuku who stood at the back of the bus with Ochako.

Everyone wore a shocked and confused expression as they thought about it. "How? His hands were disintegrated by Shigaraki." Tsu spoke in a questioning manner.

"We don't know. But we do know he can use his quirk again. He's on his way to the Preschool." A snap was heard as the handle Izuku had been holding shattered in his hand in response to Aizawa's answer.

Nothing else was said as everyone couldn't help but glance at the rage bubbling inside Izuku and the worry and furry on Ochako's face. It was clear to the room that nothing would stop Izuku from ripping Overhaul apart if he touched Eri.

As the group got closer it became clear that Overhaul was back. But he was clearly not the same as before, his actions were erratic and destructive compared to his past methodical behavior. The evidence of his return was shown by the spikes of mutilated terrain showing his trajectory, the Pre-School.

The Transport finally came within sight of the preschool and Izuku was first off before it could even stop and began sprinting toward the building.

Which exploded in front of him.

A shower of bricks and glass rained out over the group as the shockwave knocked the heroes off their feet. As they scrambled to stand Ochako could be seen with a frantic and panicked expression as she crawled forward to the rubble of the school. "ERI!" She screamed as her eyes darted from shattered windows to crumbled walls.

A dark and cynical chuckle coated the area in a chill, ruble shift to reveal a man, or what was once a man. The thing in front of the heroes was some mangled amalgamation of flesh that was only slightly humanoid. "You thought you had finished me, you thought I couldn't come back. HAHAHA!! SUCH FOOLS!"

Everyone looked on in shock at the man in front of them, however they were jolted from their gawking by Ochako, and her ear shattering scream as she saw what the monster in front of them was holding.

Limp and bloody in his hand, being held by her neck, was Eri Midoriya.

"You... LET HER GO!!" In a blur of green Izuku dashed forward with an enraged look in his eyes. As he charged Overhaul he was followed closely by Ochako who was focused on Eri.

As soon as Izuku's fist made contact with Overhaul and his grip relaxed on Eri, Ochako was there and grabbed Eri in her arms to get her away. "Izuku your clear!"

In that moment Izuku slammed his fist into the mangled face of Overhaul who collided with the ground like an asteroid sending debris through the air in a cloud of dust that was quickly dispersed by Izuku, clad in electricity. The impact sent a shockwave through the area that knocked some of the other heroes back.

Meanwhile the entire class had surrounded the frantic Ochako who was holding Eri in her arms. The little girl was still breathing but had a gash on her head and a very weak pulse. Ochako was in a broken state, tears gushing as she held her daughter in her arms. Iida immediately tried to check on the injured child but was unable to because of Ochako's grip on her daughter.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the sky as a bolt of lightning arked through the sky leaving a green hue in the fields of clouds being drawn in over head. The onlookers watched as the mangled body of overhaul flew into the sky only to be met with a bolt of green coming from the ground and slamming into him only to be met by a green streak of lightning.

The resulting explosion shattered windows in a mile radius and caused the trees to bend unnaturally. Overhaul and Izuku traded blows on the way back to the ground, until Izuku slammed him into the rubble of the building.

Izuku stood above overhaul who lays coughing in the rubble. "I told her... i would never let you hurt her..." He knelt down so that he was straddling overhaul and punched him in the face. "I'm going to make sure you can never hurt her again."

He let out a rage infused scream as electricity coursed around him and burned at Overhaul's skin. Overhaul reached up in an attempt to grab Izuku's neck but was met with another punch, which was infused with a bolt of lightning that struck from the sky and filled Overhaul with electricity.

Overhauls hand sprang open and broke apart revealing that they were not part of Overhaul. Izuku brought both of his hands up and slammed them down on Overhaul's chest, sending even more electricity through him, frying off more of his amalgamated body.

The villains body convulsed from the electricity which continued to ark into him with each punch that was drilled into his body, Lighting striking repeatedly from the sky and into Overhaul's body.

"YOUR NEVER GOING TO HURT HER AGAIN!!!!!" Izuku drilled in one more hit into the villain which channeled nearly a million Kilo-joules of electricity into the villain. The result being smoke pouring from his mouth and nose as his body started to become scorched.

Smoke filled the crater as the lighting stopped and the screaming subsided. Silence filled the area as the students looked on at the battlefield. Bakugou and Kirishima slowly made their way over followed closely by Todoroki and Iida.

The group moved over the top of the crater and looked down at the scorch marks from the lightning. As the smoke cleared they could see Izuku standing over the burned remains of what was once Overhaul.

They watched as Izuku huffed smoked from his lungs before collapsing forward.

Izuku's P.O.V.

The all too familiar sound of a heart rate monitor woke me from my exhaustion. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up my sore body, "Morning Midoriya." I turned to the voice and saw Todoroki sitting next to my bed.

"What happened?"

He sighed before standing. "Stay calm ok. You need to rest."

"Why are you telling me to stay calm? What happened?" I could hear the panic in my voice as I sat up and turned to stand, only to be met by a hand on his shoulder that belonged to Iida.

"Midoriya, it's... it's about Eri."

I immediately tried to stand only for my whole body to become stiff and for the two of them to have to catch me before I hit the ground. "You can't get up right now. Your body was a conductor for a ton of electrical energy, enough to have crippled Kaminari. You need rest. Frankly, you shouldn't even be alive with all that electricity that was flowing through you."

Todoroki spoke as he and Iida helped me back onto the bed. "I can't... I need to see her." Once again I tried to stand but was again stopped.

"Midoriya you just channeled enough power to wipe out the entire population of Japan through your body. You're not getting out of that bed." Iida tried to force me to lay back down.

"Iida, i already mentioned that. Why would you say it over again?"

"I was simply giving him a more comprehensive overview of the situation."

"Still i already said it, there's no nee-"

"Both of you stop!" The two of them turned to me in shock by my exclamation. "Just tell me how Eri is doing... please... if i can't go see her you have to at least tell me how she is."

Iida took a seat next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "She survived. She's in this hospital and Uraraka is with her."

"The doctors say she should make a full recovery, but she has been unconscious since you two were brought in yesterday." Todoroki added as he sat down on the chair across from me.

"That's a relief, at least Ochako will be there when she wakes up." I could feel Iida tense up slightly. "What's wrong?"

He sighed slightly before speaking, "She's in an isolated room, no one is allowed in there. But believe me, Uraraka was furious when she was told she couldn't be next to her."

"She's being isolated? That's not good, she's going to freak out when she wakes up. Why is she in isolation?" Iida tried to calm me down as I began to freak out.

"Currently she's on a respirator, and she had slight fracturing on her skull from the attack. It's just a precaution. Once she wakes up and they can verify that there's no permanent head trauma then Uraraka can go in."

Todoroki stood and grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside table. "You however can't be up and about for a little while, the doctors said that you don't have permanent nerve damage but your body is going to be extremely stiff and rigid for a few days at least, and... you might have loss of feeling in your hands for a while since they took the brunt of the lightning. But, once you're no longer dehydrated you can leave the room to see Eri and Uraraka."

He handed me the bottle as he spoke before sitting back down. "Thanks. You said Ochako was with Eri right?" The two of them nodded in response. "Good, she should stay there in case she wakes up, I'll be fine."

"Let's be honest here Midoriya, we all know she isn't leaving Eri's side until she wakes up. Probably not even then." I chuckled a small built at Todoroki's response.

"Your right about that."

For the next few hours I sat on the bed, chatting away with Todoroki and Iida for the most part. However I was mostly focused on Eri, constantly worried and irritated that I couldn't go see her. And as much as i wanted to hear news that she was going to be ok. I also feared that the next person to come through the door would walk in with horrible news.

And that terrified me.

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