First Day of School!

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Just over a month had passed and Ochako's mom and the girls had been using the entire dining room to plan the wedding. I couldn't enjoy any of our meals without having cork boards and dry erase boards crowding me. But I didn't mind too much since it was all leading up to the wedding.

However today wasn't about the wedding, although i felt as stressed as i'm going to that day. Today, was Eri's first day at Kindergarten.

She was going to a school that was a bit out of the way from us but Ochako and I figured it would be best since Kota was going there and they would be in the same class.

The reason we had waited this long was because we needed to be sure she would be ok without us, or more for my sanity, I'm not sure which one at this point.

I had just gotten up and since I was up earlier than I had planned i decided to let Ochako sleep in. Making my way out of the room in a fresh change of clothes I walked down the hall and made my way to Eri's room. When I opened the door I could see her sleeping peacefully wrapped up in her pink blanket.

She had only been sleeping on her own for a week on and off but she seemed to be handling it well. She only had a nightmare once were she came running back to our room, but other than that i think everything has been going well. I closed the door so she could sleep a little more before heading down to make us breakfast.

As I was almost done cooking i heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and turned to see Eri holding her Deku plushie with Furry Deku on her heels. "Morning Daddy." She said as she walked over to me and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning Snowball." I knelt down and she simply walked into my arms and threw her over my shoulder, her messy bed head quickly flowing into my face. "Did you sleep ok?"

Her words came out groggily as she spoke, "Yes, but i'm still sleepy. Do I really have to wake up to this early?"

"Unfortunately so, you have your first day of school today remember?" She increased her grip on me as I spoke but I could tell she was smiling into my shoulder.

"I can't wait, Ko makes it sound so fun. I hope it is." She stayed resting on my shoulders as I finished breakfast and the two of us were soon joined by Ochako who also draped her arms over my shoulder and her head accompanied my other shoulder.

"Good Morning Ochako." My chuckle only earned a hum from her as she rested against my shoulder.

I managed to slowly Finish breakfast with the two of them practically weighing down on me. I chuckled to myself as realized something. I literally have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

I brought the girls over to the table and sat them down before putting the food down in front of them. The two girls sniffed the air for a moment and their eyes opened simultaneously and they locked onto their plates of food.

"Good morning girls, finally awake?" I asked with a chuckle as they started eating and they became much more awake.

Our morning routine was mostly normal except that Eri was up a bit earlier than usual so she could be ready for school. Once she was showered i helped her get her few school supplies ready and in her Deku backpack Momo made her. Once Ochako was ready as well the three of us walked outside and turned toward the driveway that now held a brand new S.U.V. that All Might had given Ochako on her birthday, Why is it that All Might loves spoiling Ochako more than his own son?

We walked over and i helped Eri get strapped into her carseat Before climbing into the driver's seat with Ochako climbing into the passenger seat. I looked back to see Eri who had a nervous look to her but was trying to look brave.

The drive was about twenty minutes for us but it was worth it for the fact she would be going to school with Kota. which may just be the only reason she's so ok with going.

This school was also a specialization school that focused on children with hard to control quirks and psychological issues. Mandalay even said the teacher had a quirk that helped calm children. I wasn't sure what the quirk was but if Mandalay was vouching for her then i would think she's be ok.

On the drive there i couldn't help but watch Eri who sat silently in the back seat. Ochako took notice of my watching the little girl and put her hand on my arm. "She's gonna be fine Izuku, she's grown a lot, and plus she'll have Kota."

I relaxed a bit as she spoke and we finished our drive to the school. I turned into the circular drive and watched as the relatively new school building. The pristine shrubbery and the well kept grass showed just how nice the school was. When we made it to the entrance I parked the S.U.V. and made my way to Eri's seat to help her out.

"You ready Snowball?" I asked as I knelt in front of her beside the car. She looked up at my as she was now wearing her backpack and i saw a glint of determination in her eyes.

"I'm ready Daddy." I stood next to her and took her hand before walking around the car to Ochako who was waiting for us. We walked over to the entrance of the school were an older gentleman was waiting on us.

He walked toward us and met us just in front of the doors, he wore a well fitt suit that were comfortably sized for his relatively small figure. "You must be the Midoriyas, I'm principal Horime. Welcome."

"Thank you, I'm Ochako and this is my fiance Izuku, and then of course this is our Daughter Eri." Ochako gestured to Eri who was standing just behind my leg.

Mr. Horime knelt down to Eri's height and spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Eri. I understand your nervous, but I promise you that your in good hands." He stood and turned back to address us. "Her teacher is waiting just inside as well as a special classmate of hers. If you will follow me."

We followed him over to the door which he opened by entering a code into the keypad next it. Ok they have a good security system, that's good, I like that. I thought to myself as my nerves started to ease.

Ochako lead the three of us as she followed the principle into the school and as soon as we got inside I noticed a woman standing next to the desk. She was wearing a simple White dress shirt and black long skirt and she stood next to Kota who was looking at the pictures that littered the walls. The most noticeable thing about the teacher was the two white cats ears at the top of her head and a splotch pattern of orange, brown, and black along the white fur of her tail. The tip of her left ear has a splotch of orange and the base of the right has a splotch of brown as well. Oh good, she's a literal cat lady, that means Eri will get along with her pretty well."

"KO!!" I looked down to Eri who had noticed the young boy and darted toward him to envelope him in a hug that almost knocked the poor child down.

"E-Eri. Ca-an't breathe." Kota said as he struggled in the little girls iron grip.

"Sorry Ko." She said as she stepped back slightly and smiled at the boy.

"You must be Eri, it's so nice to meet you deer. My name is Mrs. Andrews, I'm Kota's teacher and I will be yours too." The women turned to the two children and as soon as she spoke Eri moved to place Kota between herself and the teacher.

"Sorry Ma'am, she's still a bit shy." I said as I walked over to Mrs. Andrews.

She simply stood and smiled at us as I shook her hand. "It's quite alright, that's what i have my quirk for fortunately." She turned slightly to Kota who was showing Eri some of the drawings on the walls.

"And, what is your quirk? Mandalay told us a little about it but not much." Ochako spoke and was met with a smile from the teacher.

"My quirk is called SweetScent. It works similarly to the pro hero Midnight except i have a much smaller range and it's significantly weaker. All I can really do with it is calm children and make them feel less stress. As you can see it's already begin to work for her." We all turned to Eri who was walking around with Kota and admiring all the drawings.

I watched her as she moved around the walls with Kota, it's like she had never had the fears she had. She looked so happy, like a normal little girl.

"There's no need for you two to worry about her, she's in good hands here." The principle walked up and placed a hand on my shoulder to reassure us.

With that said i turned back to Eri who was giggling away with Kota like she had never been through all that trauma, it was actually hard for me to not tear up watching her. I felt a hand on my arm and turned to see Ochako smiling up at me.

"She's gonna be fine Izuku. Don't worry."

"Yeah, you're right. She'll be fine." I turned from Ochako and over to Eri, "Hey Snowball, it's time for me and Mommy to go now ok?"

She turned back to us and walked over to me as I knelt down and gave me a hug. "I love you Daddy, I'll miss you."

"I know Snowball, I love you, but you have Kota here to keep you company right?" She smiled as we broke the hug and moved to Ochako to tell her goodbye as well.

Ochako knelt down to her level and hugged her as tightly as she could. "I'll miss you sweety, remember your teacher has your Epipen and if you need anything you can ask her. She can get in contact with us if there's an emergency or anything. Don't forget that Mandalay is bringing you and Kota home after school so we'll have to come and pick you up from her. I love you sweety."

"I love you too Mommy." With that said Eri and Ochako separated from their hug and Eri walked back over to Kota who was holding her backpack for her.

I watched Eri as she walked with Kota and the teacher toward the door, she looked back at me slightly and I noticed her smile and wave to me before being led off out of sight by Kota and the teacher. I continued to watch the door as they walked away now completely out of sight, I was only pulled from my trance by Ochako gently tugging on my arm.

"Izuku? Is everything ok?" I turned back to Ochako who was looking up at me.

"Yeah, I'm just happy she's grown so much. Let's get going or we'll be late for school." I said as I walked back toward the entrance with Ochako's hand in mine.

When we got back to the car I could hardly take my eyes off the school and Ochako ended up driving as I was far to distracted by thinking of Eri.

We finally made it back to the school and we were just in time to make it to class. However I was unable to focus through any of the classes because I was so worried about Eri, Ochako even had to smack me back to reality a few times so that I wouldn't miss everything.

By the time heroics classes were over I had managed to hit my head and fall over about seven times since I wasn't paying attention. Aizawa even benched me after a while during training since I was so distracted. Only two hours before she gets home. I can't wait to see Eri again.


I turned back to see Daddy watching us leave and waved to him before the doors closed. My body started to shake a little as I turned to go back to them but I felt something grab my hand. When I turned around I saw Ko holding my hand.

"It's ok Eri, why don't I show you my classroom?" I tightened my grip on Ko's hand and could feel myself calming down.

"Ok." I walked back with him, staying as close as I could to him as we walked.

"Alright, this will be your classroom. The little girl that was sitting beside Kota here offered to move since he's your friend so your seat will be right next to him." I looked up to Mrs. Andrews, who's tail swayed behind her as she stood in front of the door. "Are you ready to meet your classmates?"

I looked to Kota who smiled at me as I held onto his left arm before looking back up at her and nodding. She smiled at me before opening the door.

When she did i looked in to see a bunch of other kids my age all talking and sitting on... Bean Bag chairs! I walked in slightly behind Ko as he followed the teacher.

"Mommy!" I turned as one of the girls near the back hopped up and ran toward the teacher wrapping her legs in a hug.

"Amara, you know you're supposed to stay in your seat during class sweety." She smiled down at the girl and ran her fingers through the super red, super curly hair. Amara pouted slightly as her mother gestured for her to go back to her seat. Which she did. "Alright class, you remember me telling you about the new student we have that will be joining us today. Everyone, say hello to Eri."

I turned to the kids and they were all watching me as I hide behind Ko more. It was then that my backpack meowed.

I froze as i looked up to Mrs. Andrews who looked at my Backpack confused. "Eri, what was that?" Kota asked as he turned to me.

"Eri, what's in your backpack?" Mrs. Andrews knelt down next to me.

I carefully took my backpack and I could feel my face getting red as I unzipped it and Deku popped her head out. "I'm sorry," I picked Deku up into my arms and held her. "I was just so nervous about today." I could feel myself start crying since I was afraid I would be in trouble.

"Ooh, who is this little angel?" I turned to Mrs. Andrews who was coming down to me and began petting Deku.

"Th-this is Deku, I named her after Daddy. I'm sorry I brought her with me."

"It's ok Sweety, she's registered as an emotional support animal so it's ok for you to bring her to class with you. Actually several other students have one too." She pointed to the students and I noticed that several of them had pets with them too.

"So, I'm not in trouble?" I asked as she pet Deku.

"No sweety it's perfectly ok. Why don't you and Kota go take a seat and we'll get started with class today," I did as she said and followed Kota to the back of the class where he pointed toward a pink bean bag as he took a seat in the one next to it.

I sat down next to him with Deku in my arms purring and the teacher stood in front of everyone. "Alright class, as you all know this is our new classmate Eri. Can everyone turn around and say hello to her?"

THe class turned and everyone waved and said hello to me before turning around back to the teacher. "Don't worry Eri, they're really nice. And, if you want to you can stick with me today."

And I did just that, through the whole day I was right next to Kota as we colored, played, and learned. I was pretty nervous but after a while I actually made friends with the teachers daughter Amara. She was really nice and helped me feel better while I was there.

Once the day was over I walked out with Kota and could see Mandalay waiting for us in the front. "Hey there Eri, how was your first day of school?"

"It was ok, i just wanna see Daddy."

"I know sweety, that's where we're headed now so don't worry too much."

WIth that said Mandalay got me and Kota in her and drove us away from the school. I sat next to Ko in the back as we drove. After awhile I could see Daddy's school coming into view and we pulled into the front. Mandalay got out and helped me out of the car, before she cold even put me on the ground I heard someone yell out "ERI!" before I felt someone pick me up into the air.

"Eri sweety i missed you so much today." I looked at the person who was holding me and saw Daddy with a smile on his face.

"I missed you too Daddy." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hugged me.

Mommy came over and joined our hug too. Once Daddy calmed down the three of us headed home. The whole way there I couldn't help but tell them about my day. I may have been nervous but it was a good day.

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