First Day of School

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I stood up and walked over to the coat and shoe rack with Eri and helped her get her shoes on before grabbing my own. She tried to reach up and grab her jacket but unfortunately she was to short even though she was on her tippy toes. "You need some help Snowball?"

"Yes please." she said with a small pout as I stood and grabbed her jacket from the wrack and slipped it over her shoulders.

"There you go. Now let's head out. Wouldn't wanna be late would we?" Ochako asked as she came over and wrapped her fingers around mine and Eri did the same with my other hand.

The three of us started walking to school and I quickly realized that Eri was not gonna be ok just walking beside me. As we made it to the main path and we could see all the other students beginning their walk as well, Eri instantly clung to my leg. I looked down and could see her shaking as she clung to my leg and her eyes darted from person to person.

"Hey Snowball, it's ok. Do you want me to carry you." She didn't respond audibly. Instead she just lifted up her arms as she watched the other students.

I reached down and picked her up for which she wrapped herself around me and buried her head in my chest. "Sweety, all these people are here to become heros too. You don't have to worry about them." Ochako said as she rubbed the little girls back

"PLus, if anybody does try anything," I activated full cowling and the green electricity flowed over me. "Their gonna have to go through me."

We continued our walk to the school and quickly found our way to our class room. When we entered, there were only a few people there at the moment but there was something else that caught my attention. As we made it over to our desks in the corner of the classroom I noticed a small desk sitting right next to mine.

"I guess Aizawa got you your own desk Eri." She pulled her head from my shoulder and looked down to there i was pointing and looked at the small desk. "You wanna test it out?"

She looked up at me as I spoke and nodded. I sat her down and she took her seat in her desk. Once she was situated i took my seat next to her and Ochako took her seat on the other side of Eri. "Here is one of the coloring books i got you and some crayons they had. I plan on going to the store soon and getting some more things for you to do during class, but this will have to do for now."

Ochako pulled a coloring book from her backpack and set it down on Eri's desk with a pack of crayons. She looked at them for a moment before looking up at me, "What are these?"

I saw Ochako with a sad expression as she realized just how deprived Eri had been for her entire life. "It's a coloring book Eri. There are pictures in it that you add color with the crayons." I leaned over and opened the book to the first page and opened the pack of crayons. "See now you just pick what colors you want it to be. It's entirely up to you what it looks like in the end."

She looked at the box of crayons and glanced at each of the colors before reaching over and grabbing the forest green color and pulling it out. The next moment was spent with her looking at the picture with the crayon in hand. "It just goes anywhere?"

"It goes wherever you want it to. You decide where it goes." She looked back to the picture of a kitten and just looked at it for a moment before placing the crayon down in the spot of the fur and starting to fill it in.

She started to zone in on the picture as she continued to color in the green furred cat. "She really likes the color green doesn't she?" Ochako asked as she leaned over to us.

"I guess so. I wonder why though?" I pondered the idea until I heard Ochako start laughing from beside me. "What's so funny?" I asked as I looked over to her.

"You can be super dense sometimes, then again that's why it took two years to get you to date me." She continued to laugh at me before finally answering my question. "She likes green because of you ya dummy. That's like the entirety of who you are, your hair, your hero suite, it's just who you are. She likes it because it reminds her of you."

I looked down to Eri who was focused on her coloring and I couldn't help but have the goofiest smile ever as i thought about why Eri liked the color green so much.

Aizawa chose that moment to walk in and begin class. The morning went by just fine, Eri spent the majority of it on the picture of a cat and was fully focused on it for the most part. There were a few times were she would catch a part of the lesson and ask me a question about it. Like when she heard Midnight discussing Literature and she mentioned books, which Eri had never heard of but it seemed to catch her curiosity.

I also realized that she may never have learned something's most five year olds have learned. Like reading for the most part, Looks like I'll have to figure out how she could learn these things. My thoughts were pulled back to the class as I felt a tug on my sleeve. I looked over to see Eri with a grip on my sleeve.

"Daddy, I need to use the bathroom." She spoke in a low voice as to not draw too much attention to us.

"Ok, lets go." I smiled down at her and glanced to Midnight who nodded before returning to her lesson as I stood and left the room with Eri. The two of us only made it a few steps away when we heard Midnight scream.

"SHE'S SO CUTE!!!" Eri jumped at the loud noise and looked back toward the class.

"What was that?"

"Midnight just thinks your cute." I said with a smile as we continued walking. We walked toward the bathroom and quickly finished up. It wasn't long before we were back in the classroom and she resumed her work on the cat picture. I went back to focussing on class and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

The bell rang and everyone started packing up for lunch. I put my stuff in my bag and turned to Eri who was still focused on her coloring. I took a moment to look at the drawing and I saw she had colored in the fur with the green crayon and had chosen a pink color for the eyes with a red collar and a Yellow name tag.

"Hey Eri, you ready for lunch?" Before she could turn to me and answer her stomach growled which caused her to blush as she looked up turned to me and nodded. "Ok, lets go get some lunch then. Fair warning, there will be a lot of people there. But i'll carry you and i won't let anyone come near you."

I picked her up and she wrapped herself around me as we started walking toward the cafeteria. Once we made it inside She started eyeing everyone as her grip tightened on me and she started shaking.

"It's ok Snowball, I'm right here." She buried her face in my shoulder as we walked toward the table that class 1-A typically sits at. I took my seat and Ochako volunteered to get food for us.

It wasn't but a few minutes before the entire class showed up and started chatting while they ate. Ochako came over with hers and Eri's food in each hand and mine balanced on her head. "Are you trying to show off?" I asked as she sat down next to me and sat down everyone's food and smiled at me.

"Maybe a little."

All of a sudden I felt Eri's body tense from her position in my arms with her head still on my shoulder. She shot in front of me and balled herself up as she started to shake. It was clear that she was starting to have another panic attack.

"Eri what's wrong?" I said as I wrapped her in a hug and tried to calm her.

"Don't let them take me, I don't wanna leave Daddy. Please" She started sobbing into my arms.

"Is someone from 1-A crying? I didn't realize you were such children." As i heard Monoma behind me I felt Eri jump and let out a small shriek.

"Eri it's ok, i'm right here."

"D-daddy, he was there. He was with the bad people." She spoke in between sobs as she pointed toward Monoma.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening.

"He came with the hand guy, they were talking with Overhaul they wanted to take me. Don't let him take me."

Red, that was all I could see as I realized what she was saying. "Izuku what's going on?" Ochako asked but i simple handed her Eri before speaking again.

"Don't worry Eri, i'm gonna handle it." I stood up and turned to Monoma and let One for All Explode around me in green lightning. "Someone call Aizawa, because it's going to take an army to pull me off him." Monoma looked at me in shock from my rage filled expression before looking over to see Eri.

His expression changed immediately upon laying eyes on her. He smiled. That reaction pushed me even further to rage. "Hey Eri, don't worry I'll be taking you with me to see All for One. He really wants to meet yo-"

He was cut off by a one-hundred percent hit from me that sent him flying through the wall of the school. I followed quickly after him as he rolled through the grass in front of the school and I jumped through the hole he made. "Don't you dare speak to her! You don't have the right to!" I yelled at him as he slowly stood up.

"Sorry, but he wants her. And disappointing him is the last thing I plan on doing. Plus, he was nice enough to give me a pretty awesome quirk." With that said monoma burst into flames in his spot. "AND, I managed to touch you when you attacked me. Which means now I have One for All!!"

His threats didn't mean a thing to me. The bottom line is that either he goes down or I lose Eri. I powered up Full Cowling to it's max. And I don't plan on losing Eri!

I lunged forward at him and he countered by swarming himself in fire to knock me back but i burst through it. I could feel the fire lick at my skin while he looked at me slightly worried before he covered himself in red veins of energy as he tried to use One for All. However his attempts failed as I contacted a massive one-hundred percent smash into his chest and the crater that was left by his body was easily six feet deep.

I stood over his unconscious body and started patting out the flames that burned on my uniform. I turned back to see the entire class 1-A and B as well as many other students staring at me. Several teachers including Aizawa and Nezu came through the crowd of students in a rush trying to figure out what was going on.

"Midoriya! What the hell is going on?" Aizawa asked as he used his quirk on me. And the teachers surrounded me with confused looks.

"He was one of them, he works with the league. Eri got scared by him and told me he had come to Overhauls hideout with Shigaraki, then he used a fire quirk and attacked me." I said as Aizawa released his quirks hold on me.

"So he was the traitor." nezu spoke as I walked away from them and Eri came running to me.

"DADDY!" I picked her up in my arms only to feel the burns I had received sting from her contact and i tried to maintain my composure. "Daddy, are you ok?" she asks as she started frantically checking to make sure i was ok only to let out a small gasp as she saw the burns. "Your hurt."

"I'm fine Snowball. Just as long as your ok." I spoke as I wrapped her in a hug that touched the burns and caused me to flinch slightly.

"Your not ok Daddy, your hurt, and i'm hurting you." She said as she started to tear up.

"No your not hurting me. Actually, getting to hold you makes me feel better." I smiled at her as i pulled her close and rubbed her cheek against mine which earned a giggle from the little girl.

"Midoriya, you should head to Recovery Girl and get those burns and cuts looked at." Vlad King said as he walked over to me.

"I'll head that way now, just as long as there is no way for him to get away."

"We won't let him, now that this information has come to light, I don't think he's getting out anytime soon." This time it was Nezu who came over with All Might on his tail.

"Good, i'm gonna head to Recovery Girl now and get them looked at." I turned from the teachers with Eri in my arms and was met with Ochako standing directly behind me.

"Izuku you are going to be the death of me one day with how absolutely reckless you can be and how much danger you willingly put yourself into even though i know you did it for Eri and you would have turned around and done it again but still your bound to give me a heart attack one of these da-" She was stopped by Eri who put her hand over Ochakos bouth to stop her.

"Calm down Mommy, breathe." Ochako looked at Eri confused as she held her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry sweety, Daddy just likes to scare me from time to time." Ochako remover Eri's hand and planted a kiss on her horn.

"Daddy, you shouldn't scare Mommy like that. Or me either." She said before snuggling back into my shoulder.

I turned toward the school to head to Recovery Girls office only to see 1-A standing there with 1-B, the second of which was looking on in shock at me. "You have a kid?!" Kendo practically yelled in shock.

"She's not ours biologically. We adopted her after having rescued her from the Yakuza during my internship with Nighteye." I spoke as we walked closer to them.

"But, and don't think he didn't deserve it, but why did you beat Monoma?" Tetsutetsu asked as we came to a stop in front of them.

"Eri recognized him from a meeting the Yakuza boss had with the league. He was a filthy traitor. Probably the reason the league keeps finding us." I said in an irritated manner as I thought on it.

"Can you all move, Daddy needs to go see the nurse for his burns." I looked to Eri who had a slightly upset look on her face as she looked at everyone from her spot in my shoulder.

"Eri, it's ok. Like I said, I'm fine." She only huffed as she stared down the other students..

"She's right Midoriya, you should go to Recovery Girl." Ibara said as she and the rest of the class made room for me and Ochako to walk past and head to the nurse.

We walked in comfortable silence until we reached Recovery Girls office. Once there i opened the door that was still unpainted from having just been replaced. "Hello Recovery Girl." I said asI opened the door.

"Not here to break anymore doors are you?" She asked with a chuckle as we walked in. "Have a seat, All Might called me a few minutes ago, so I know what's going on. Although with these gashes your probably gonna be out like a light."

"That actually sounds nice right now I said as I laid down on the bed and Eri sat on her knees next to me.

"You can help heal Daddy?" Eri asked from her seat.

"Yes I can deary, my quirk allows me to heal people with physical injuries like this but i drains their energy a lot, so he's gonna get a good nap." Recovery Girl gave Eri a smile as she spoke.

She came over and used her quirk on me and I immediately let out a yawn. This unfortunately earned a giggle from Eri. "Is something funny?" I asked her with a smirk.

"You are." She said with a continued giggle. I could feel the burns start to heal and the gashes from using too much One for All start to close up.

"Is that so?" I asked her and as Recovery Girl finished healing me i pulled Eri over me and onto the bed next to me before i started tickling her. She burst into laughter as she began to wiggle in my arms. This is the biggest smile i've ever seen her with, I love it.

After a few moments I stopped and let her breathe only to pull her into my arms as I finally passed out.

When I woke up again Eri was snuggled up next to me watching a cartoon on my phone. "Hey Eri, how did you get into my phone?"

She looked up at me with a smile before she spoke. "Mommy got it for me, she said it was so I had some entertainment while you rested."

I sat up which left Eri laying on the bed and she shivered as soon as i wasn't there to stop the cold from hitting her. "Still getting cold Snowball?"

"Yeah, just a little." She said as she pressed pause on her show and sat up next to me and leaned into my side.

"Alright, you mind if i see my phone for a sec so i can check the time?" Sh handed me the phone and " realized it was only about two. Once I handed it back to her i picked her up into my lap and wrapped up the both of us in the blanket. "Do you know where Recovery Girl is?" I asked her as she leaned into my chest.

"Is she the old lady?" Eri asked as she looked up at me.

"I'm not that old missy." Recovery Girl spoke as she entered the room with a smile. "Glad to see your awake Midoriya. All of your injuries are healed and Ms. Uraraka brought you a change of clothes since your others are somewhat burned. She said for you two to head to grund Beta, that's where your hero classes are being held today."

"Thank you. Let's go see how Mommy's doing in hero classes." I said as I stood up and grabbed the change of clothes. Once i was changed I picked Eri up in my arms before we started our journey to ground Beta.

Along the way we ran into All Might who stopped us. "Young Midoriya, Young Eri. I was just on my way back from your classes hero training. I also wanted to let you know that we have Monoma in custody, he won't be causing anymore trouble. Thank you, Izuku, for bringing him down. And a special thanks to you Eri, had it not been for you we never would have known he was a traitor."

Eri looked up in awe at All Might as he thanked her, "Thank you Grandpa Might."

All Might's eyes shot open as she called him Grandpa and a smile spread across her face. "You are very welcome dear. Now I must get going. Young Uraraka is waiting on you two at ground Beta with your class. OH!" His exclamation startled both of us as it seemed he remembered something. "I almost forgot, this was delivered today. I figured I would go ahead and give it to you now."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box that was wrapped in yellow packaging and labeled fragile. "Thank you dad. I was wondering when it would be finished."

"Are the two of you still planning to go see her parents this weekend?" He asked as he handed me the package.

"Yep, we still need to introduce Eri to her other Grandparents."

With that said, he took his leave and Eri and I walked on our way to ground Beta. Once we arrived we could see the class practicing maneuvers through the mock city. I walked over to where Aizawa was standing watching the monitors. "Problem child. I everyday is not going to be as eventful as the last few."

He didn't even turn to me. "I would say your right but I can't make any promises."

"I shouldn't even be surprised by your class anymore. Since you just got here then you two can just watch the last exercise. Were about to call it anyway." Me and Eri took a seat next to Aizawa and looked up at the screens. Once I found Ochako I pointed her out to Eri.

"There's Mommy, it looks like her and Kachaan are arguing again." I said as I pointed to the screen she was on. Her and Kachaan were in the middle of a heated argument that Ochako won by saying something that caused Kachaan to freeze and his face to go red.

"What did Mommy say to him?" Eri asked from her spot in my lap.

"I don't know, but if i had to guess i would say she mentioned Toga." I thought back to the provisional license exam and couldn't help but laugh as I remembered how Kachaan reacted to Toga. When he first saw her he froze, then she bit his neck. Her classmates from Shinketsu apologized for her as she clung to him and kept sniffing him and saying, "So sweet"

When she finally let go and her and her class left I looked over to him and saw a dumbstruck smile on his face as it burned red. "She's fucking crazy, I like it."

After a few minutes Aizawa called into the P.A. system and called the end of class which was followed shortly by tired students filing out of the city. "Mommy!" Eri exclaimed as Ochako came over to us.

"Hey sweety, i'd hug you but i'm pretty sweaty." Ochako said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Your suit looks so cool Mommy." Eri said as she looked up at Ochako's suite.

"Thanks, sweety. I'm gonna go get changed and get a quick shower and i'll meet you two back at the dorms." With that said Ochako made her way to the locker rooms and me and Eri started our walk back to the dorms.

"Daddy, what was it that Grandpa Might gave you?" She asked as she walked next to me.

"You really wanna know?" I looked down and gave her a small smirk.

"Yes please."

"Ok," I stopped and fished the small package from my pocket before kneeling in front of her. "This is something pretty special, but you have to promise you won't tell Mommy ok?"

"Ok. I won't say anything." I unwrapped the package and showed her the velvety black box in my hand.

"This is an engagement ring. I plan on asking Mommy to marry me." Opening the box she let out a tiny gasp as she looked down at the diamond ring with a rose gold band.

"It's so pretty, but what does that mean?"

"Well Eri, marriage is something that people do to show how much they love each other. It's a little hard to explain but it's what people who are in love do as the next step of their relationship. Then Mommy will be a Midoriya too."

"What do you mean by too?"

I chuckled a bit, "I guess I forgot to mention this. When me and Mommy adopted you. That made you a Midoriya. So your full name is Eri Midoriya"

I looked at her face and my heart melted as i saw the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face. 

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