Mrs. Midoriya?

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The last few days had gone by pretty normally, well, at least there had been no more incidents with traitors. Unfortunately though, Ochako overheard what Monoma said about One for All and had a flood of questions that resulted in me having to tell her the story. No surprise that she was shocked but she got over it pretty quickly. Not to mention that when we met back with her at the dorms after I showed Eri the ring, the little Snowball had a shit eating grin on her face. Well, as smug as a five year old can be.

Now was the next Saturday, early in the morning and myself and Ochako were packing our bags for the trip to see her family. Eri however, was still sound asleep on the bed. "Alright, I've got my stuff packed and Eri's..." I then realized something. "Ochako, Eri doesn't have a train card. We'll need to get her one when we get to the station."

"I didnt even think of that, at least we're already ahead of schedule for today." I turned to her as she put the last of her clothes in her bag and zipped it up. I could tell she had a nervous aura around her.

"What's the matter Ochako?"

"Oh not much, just the fact that i'm about to go see my parents and tell them I adopted a little girl. No reason for me to be nervous, or afraid that my dad will misunderstand and attack you which will probably scare Eri and disrupt her trust in him." She turned to me with a huff as she let her head fall on my chest.

"It's gonna be ok, we got this. Your just gonna have to go in first and explain the situation." She turned her head to me with a deadpan look.

"Wow, how motivational." I let out an embarrassed chuckle as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Sorry," I pulled her in for a hug. "But we do have this, we're just gonna have to handle it carefully. Now how about we wake up said Snowball and get her ready. I bathed her last night so she just needs to take her meds then we can get going."

Ochako nodded as we separated and I went over to wake up Eri, "Hey Eri, it's time to wake up." I gentle shook Eri and she gently opened her eyes.

"Goo-" she cut herself off with a yawn, "-dmorning."

"Alright, let's get you dressed and take your medicine so we can get going. Mommy and I went ahead and packed your things while you slept some more." She reached up and i picked her up to get her dressed.

After we got her dressed and she took her medicine it was time to leave. When I picked Eri up she almost immediately fell back to sleep on my shoulder, of course we we're up pretty early since the train ride to the city her parents lived in was long.

Ochako and I walked, Eri in my arms and the three bags floating behind Ochako, to the gate in front of the school were All Might was waiting since he offered to drive us to the train station. We climbed into the car and the drive was mostly quick as to not wake Eri Once we made it to the train station Ochako went off to get Eri a train card so that she could ride while All Might helped us take the bags to meet her.

"Thank you." Ochako spoke as she turned from the window and to us with Eri's new card in hand. "All set!"

"Good, the train we're taking just started boarding so we should head that way so we can get settled before a lot of the other passengers start loading." I said as Ochako used her quirk on the bags and they floated behind her.

"You three have a wonderful trip, tell Mr. Uraraka I said hello." All Might said as he turned to leave.

"Alright, our train should be this way." Ochako said as she led the way with a bright, confident smile. Good thing she got some coffee this morning. We walked over to the terminal and found the train we were taking.

"Good morning ma'am. Ride card please." The man at the gate said with a smile as it became our turn. Ochako reached into her purse and pulled out all three of our cards.

"This is mine and these two's." She said as she handed them to him. He smiled at us and scanned our cards before handing them back and sending us on our way.

We walked over to the train and climbed on before finding our seats. Ochako loaded our bags on the overhead racks and took her seat next to me as I sat down in the first class seats "Oh, these seats are so comfortable!" Ochako said as she sank into the seats. "Would you think awfully of me if I said this was one of the many things I love about you?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Of course not, I love you and that means nothing but the best for you." I leaned over and kissed her forehead as she leaned onto my shoulder.

We sat there for a little while waiting for the train to start moving. Once it did Ochako settled in a bit more and fell asleep quickly. For the first hour of the almost six hour train ride I sat in silence as I watched the scenery pass by while both girls slept.

I pulled the ring out of my jacket pocket and opened the box to look at it. "I cant believe i'm doing this." I chuckled at myself as I thought back. "I still remember how timid i was in highschool. I still can't believe it took Kachaan to get us together."

Flashback to two years earlier

Class once again was ignored as I stared at her, the most amazing person ever. Ochako Uraraka, my best friend, the love of my life. A combination that only ever equals desperate nights of groaning in my bed at how pathetic I am. Come on Izuku, focus on the lesson. You wont get into U.A. like this.

But once again. As soon as I looked up at the board my daydreaming continued. I pictured myself at the beach, sitting on the sand with Ochako sitting next to me on the picnic blanket, the sunset in front of us, and the entire world didn't matter as we stared into each others eyes.

"Izuku, I love you."

"I love you too Ochako."

The two of us leaned toward each other and our lips were only seconds apart.

"MIDORIYA!!" I was snapped back to class as the teacher called my name. "Care to tell us about your daydream?"

"No sir." I said in a tiny voice as I looked to Ochako who was trying to hide her laughter. WHY!? Why me?

The rest of the class was spent with my head in my notebook trying to hide from the world. When the bell finally rang, Ochako was beside my desk before i could even close my book. "So what were you daydreaming about?"

You. "Nothing."

"Come on, you seemed to be enjoying your little space out so tell meee." She whined as she rests her head on the desk.

So cute. "Like i said it was nothing"

"Uggg, fine, if you dont wanna tell me then that's fine." She gave me a pouty look as she stood up with a somehow audible *boing* "Now, let's get going. That animal clinic isnt going to volunteer itself."

Oh right, I agreed to go with her to volunteer today. "Your right, let's get going." I packed up my bag and we left.

The walk to the animal clinic was relatively quiet, well on my end at least. Ochako was still Ochako and talking away like usual. Once we made it to the animal clinic we walked in and the receptionist immediately recognized Ochako. "Ms. Uraraka, glad to see your back, and i see you brought a friend."

"Yep, this is Izuku Midoriya. He agreed to come with me today since I know you're a bit shorthanded right now." Ochako spoke as she stepped to the side and gestured to me like I was the prize of a gameshow.

"Glad to hear it, for today your gonna be up here with me Dear, and your friend can help with transport and tagging. Don't worry, I'll show you how it's done." The lady spoke as she stood up and opened the employee door for us.

The rest of the afternoon was... interesting... I was in charge of moving pets to the different rooms and putting the numbered tags on their collars. As the day came to a close one customer in particular came in that would have ruined my day. "Round Face? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm volunteering, Izuku's here too." Why did you have to mention me?

"Your lucky this is the only place the old hag will let the mut go to or I'd be out of here. She's here for some shots."

"Ok, IZUKU! Can you come in here for a second?"

I went around the corner to see Ochako standing at the desk and Kachaan standing on the other side with a small, very fluffy, pomeranian in his hands. "Here." was all he said as he handed me the dog. Which promptly snarled at me and caused him to smile. "Good girl."

I walked to the back and pulled a tag from the desk to attach it to the collar. When i did though I saw the name tag had a piece of paper attached to it with 'Deku' written on it.

I picked it up and unfolded it. "Round Face is crazy about you. She wants to date you. I know you do too. It's fucking annoying watching you two."


Flashback end

I laughed at the memory, to this day I still don't know why he did it but I have a feeling his mother was more behind it than he was. I closed the ring box and returned it to it's pocket. I sat in silence for a while longer before Eri started to stir.

"Hey Snowball."

"Morning Daddy, where are we?" She asked as she sat up in my lap and looked around with still heavy eyelids.

"Were on the train on the way to see your grandparents." She looked out the window at the passing scenery and seemed to be mesmerized by it.

"It's going so fast." She said as she adjusted herself in my lap.

"Yep, you wanna see something?" She looked over to me and i pulled out her train card. "This is yours, see your name is on it."

"I-I don't know how to read it." I realized my mistake and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Look here." I pointed to her name that was printed on the card. "This is your name, Eri Midoriya." She looked at it with a bit of wonder for a minute before our moment was interrupted by a stewardess.

"Can I get you all anything? Drink's, snack's, or maybe an item from our menu?" She said as she handed us a menu.

"Are you hungry Snowball?"

"A little."

"Then why don't we get you some eggs and bacon with apple juice, and I'll get the same but with black coffee." I said as I handed the menu back.

"Alright, anything for her?" She gestured to Ochako.

"Not now, she was up early so I think we'll let her sleep for a while." The lady nodded her head and walked away and i turned Eri so that she was facing in front of me. "You wanna watch some cartoons?" I asked which earned a delighted nodded from her.

I turned on the screen in front of my seat and pulled up a show for her to watch. Not long after and our food and drinks arrived for us to enjoy.

Once we finished eating she sat in my lap enjoying her show as i pulled out a book to read during the ride. An hour later and Ochako woke up hungry so we ordered her some breakfast and I put my book away to have some light conversation with her.

The rest of the ride was nothing special, Eri enjoyed her shows and asking me questions while Ochako sat next to me with the two of us talking.

We finally made it to the final station where we were to get off. "Alright Eri, it's time for us to get off." I picked her up from my lap and stood to follow Ochako off the train since she had our bags. "So how far of a walk is it to your house again. I know I've been there before but it's been a while."

"Only about twenty minutes. Not ve-" Ochako stopped as she went to turn the corner and pushed us back. "My parents are here."

"What? I thought we were meeting them at your house."

"We were. I guess dad didn't want us walking. I'll go handle them before you bring Eri over." She took a deep breath and turned to go around the corner. "Mom dad. It's so good to see you."

I stood next to the corner to listen. "Hello sweetie, it's so good to see you too. But where is Izuku? Wasn't he coming with you?"

"Yes, and he's here. But there was one thing I needed to talk to you two about." I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"Daddy? What's going on?"

"Well, your mommy's parents don't know that we adopted you so this is a surprise. Mommy is talking to them about it beforehand say they understand." She simply turned back to listen and I did too.

"What is it dear, your being very cryptic." Her father asked as he walked closer to her.

"Well, you remember the raid we went on of the Yakuza base?"

"Yes, what of it. Was Izuku hurt that badly? We heard he was in the hospital for a while but it couldn't have been that bad." Her mother's voice contained a hint of worry.

"No, Izuku is fine. It's actually about someone that was saved during the raid."

"I heard there was a little girl that was rescued but her whereabouts were undisclosed for her protection. What about her?" I could hear Ochako shift in her spot at her father's question.

"Well in the battle Izuku was the one to save her, he risked his life for her and when they woke up. He was the only person she trusted, she clung to him and would have a panic attack when she couldn't see him or feel him. She kinda called him Daddy when she first woke up and was cornered by a doctor. After that, he adopted her." There was nothing said for a moment.

"So he has a daughter now, if the situation is as you say then it would make sense. But I have a feeling there's something else?" Her mother spoke again and I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"Yeah, I... I may have adopted her too."

Silence, nothing but silence. That is until Rei, sort of screamed. "I HAVE A GRANDBABY!!!!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as Eri looked up to me with a questioning look. "Is that good?"

"I'd say it's a great response." I said with a smile.

"Where is she I assume she's here can i meet her I bet she's adorable does she have our last name or his no of course she has his since you'll have his one day too." Her mother rambled out in excitement and i could feel Ochako's blush from here.

"If only she knew." I looked down to Eri who had spoken and couldn't help but laugh.

"Mom please calm down, yes you can meet her but there are a few things we need to discuss first." Both parents turned to their daughter. "As i said she is attached to Izuku, so where he goes she goes. Also, as I said, she didn't trust anyone but him at first and has only opened up to myself and Inko enough for us to hold her. So she may not trust being near you at first and she does get scared easily. As of right now we only know that being away from izuku and anything that reminds her of the Yakuza will induce a panic attack. This means that other things may cause them but were not sure yet. We actually plan on her visiting a therapist to determine what exactly she's dealing with."

"Wow, sounds like she had a very traumatic experience." Her mother had a sad sound to her voice.

"Yes, she's been in their hands since she was just a baby. But that's changed now."

"Alright enough talk, I wanna see my Granddaughter."

"Ok mom. Izuku, you can come over here now." I slowly emerged from the corner i was in and fully revealed myself and Eri to the Uraraka's. "Mom, Dad, this is Eri."

Eri looked at the two of them hesitant before speaking. "Hello."

"Hey there Eri, it's so nice to meet you." Mrs. Uraraka said as she walked a tad bit closer, which unfortunately caused Eri to flinch in my arms. "It's alright Eri, I know this is probably difficult for you but you don't need to be scared." Mrs. Uraraka said as she went to grab the bags from Ochako.

"Alright, the car is just outside so let's get going." Mr. Uraraka said as he turned and we followed him outside the train station and to their car that was waiting just outside.

He loaded our bags in the car and we climbed into the back seat with Eri seated in between myself and Ochako. As we drove Eri kept her hand clinging onto my left arm as she watched the scenery pass by. The ride was relatively short and only about ten minutes. We turned down a stone rode and drove to what you would expect a house in the country to look like. A huge field on the right and a large wood on the left. The house was mostly one story except for a loft like area protruding above the right side of the home. A large porch wrapped around the majority of the house and a red barn could be seen only slightly as the house blocked most of it.

"This is my home Eri, this is where i grew up." Ochako said and Eri climbed into her lap to look out the window. We came to a stop at the end of the driveway and Eri came back over to me so that we could get out of the car.

When we did Mr. Uraraka gathered the bags and me and Ochako followed him toward the door of the house. However, when I was about to climb the stairs i heard a buzzing and I froze as Full Cowling exploded around me. "Izuku? What's wrong?"

"Bee's." Eri said as she hesitantly looked above us to the ceiling of the porch.

"Actually it's wasp's. Eri has an allergy to Bees and i am not taking the chance that she is allergic to wasps too." I said as I watched the wasps. One decided to venture down to us but was met with the electric energy of Full Cowling and was shot in the other direction followed my a stream of smoke. "Plus, their asshiles with wings."

I immediately realized what i said and looked down to Eri. "What's an a-" I quickly covered her mouth before she spoke.

"How about we not repeat what I just said, it is not a good word." She only nodded as she looked back up to them.

"So in nice words, their miniature Bakugo's." I nodded at what Ochako said as we started moving toward the entrance.

"So i get the allergy thing, but why is he so defensive toward them?" Mr. Uraraka asked as we made it inside and I deactivated Full Cowling.

"He was kinda beating himself up over it, and almost had a breakdown while she was unconscious. I think he's filling the role of a Father pretty nicely." Ochako said as she walked in behind me with her mother. "Hey dad, I can take those up to my room for you."

"Alright, but in the same manner as last time. The boy sleeps on the couch." I could see Ochako pout a bit at what he was saying but decided to not make a scene, since I was honestly still a bit scared of her dad.

"Fine." She snatched the bags from him and trudged upstairs. Of course Mr. Uraraka just silently chuckled at her as she climbed the stairs.

Once she was definitely out of ear shot i walked over to Mr. Uraraka. "Mr. Uraraka, i was hoping i could have a word with you?" I asked and he turned to me a bit puzzled.

"Sure thing, let's head out to the barn. I need to feed the horses anyway." We both turned and walked outside, Eri still in my arms and looking around at the scenery in order to take it all in. "She's a curious little one isnt she?"

"Yep, I hope that will be helpful in breaking her out of her shell. Oh, and dad said to say hello." I said as we walked and once we made it to the barn Eri had turned her attention completely to the building.

Mr. Uraraka opened the large doors and we stepped inside. Eri's eyes were wide and filled with stars as she laid them on the horses. "Daddy, what are those?" I walked over to one of the horses. Specifically the one I remembered from the last visit was the most friendly.

"These are horses Eri, pretty cool right?"

"Their so pretty, can I pet it?"

"You sure can little lady, this ones name is Smoke Stack. Ochako named her when she was younger and did so because when it was cold his breathe made two clear streams of steam." I couldn't help but chuckle at the story.

Eri slowly moved her hand out and gently placed it on the horses snout. "It's so soft."

"If you want, we can go for a ride later. I'm sure Ochako would love to take you out on one." Mr. Uraraka said and Eri looked up at me confused.

"What does he mean?"

"People ride horses, before we had cars and trains they were the only way to get around." Her eyes were still full of wonder as she turned back to the horse and began stroking it's snout.

"You wanna feed him a carrot?" Eri snapped her attention to Mr. Uraraka with an awestruck look as she nodded furiously with a smile plastered on her face. "Alright, let me grab some real quick."

Mr. Uraraka walked over to a small sack at the back of the barn and pulled out a few carrots. "Here you go, just hold it right her and point it at him, like this." He handed Eri a carrot then showed her how to feed him with the horse in the stall next door. "When he grabs it you should let go cause they have a strong grip."

She held the carrot out to Smoke Stack and he gently took the carrot in his teeth and started pulling. She let go as soon as he pulled and he happily munched on his carrot. "So cool."

"Alright, now back to business." Eri continued to pet the horse while I turned my attention to Mr. Uraraka. "Why did you wanna talk?"

I felt my nerves start to hit as I reached into my pocket. "Well, i wanted to ask for your permission to..." I pulled the small ring box out of my pocket. "... ask Ochako to marry me."

I held out the box and as the words left my mouth Eri snapped her attention to us. "A-are you serious?"

"Absolutely. Dad helped me get the ring ready but I knew she would want me to have your permission before I did." He looked at the box and picked it up to look at it. When he opened it he almost dropped from shock.

"How the hell did you afford something like this?"

"Like I said, Dad helped me get it."

"You've mentioned your dad before, but I don't understand."

"I guess they haven't told you yet, mom and All Might got married."

He looked at me a bit shocked at first but tried to move passed the information. "Ok, well, I know how much my daughter loves you. And I know she wouldn't have invested so much time caring for Eri either. I also know that you would lay yourself down to protect both of them. You have my blessing."

"Does that mean you can marry Mommy?" Eri asked as she looked at me with excitement in her face.

"Yep, but remember it's still a secret." She smiled up at me as she nodded.

"Wait a second, she actually calls her Mommy?" I turned to Mr. Uraraka who had a massive smile on his face.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Eri asked in confusion which only caused Mr. Uraraka to laugh.

"Don't worry about it sweety." Mr. Uraraka spoke as he smiled at her. "Alright why don't you two head inside, I'm sure my daughter is looking for you. Plus Rei should have lunch ready soon."

"Alright, and thank you. I don't know when exactly I plan on asking her yet, but I appreciate that you're ok with it."

"Not at all, I've never seen her happier than when she's with you. Oh, and I wanted to let you know that I fully expect her to be found in the living room tomorrow morning."

"Well that is what happened last time, isn't it?" We both laughed at the memory of the last time I visited with Ochako.

"Fair point, now you two get going. I'm gonna finish feeding the horses then i'll be inside." With that said me and Eri left the barn and walked back to the house.

"Daddy, these people are nice right?" I stopped my walk as Eri asked her question.

"Yeah they are. Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka are really nice. Although Mr. Uraraka is protective of Ochako just like i am of you." I poked her nose as I spoke which received a giggle from the little girl.

"Ok, I just wanted to be extra sure." She leaned her head into my shoulder and we continued walking. Once inside I was met with Ochako who walked over and hugged the two of us.

"Dad didn't do anything to you did he?" She asked and I looked to Eri who was trying to hide her excited smile as she thought back to what was discussed.

"No he didn't, but Eri here got to hear the story of how Smoke Stack got his name." When she heard that Ochako's face went red.

"I did! I got to feed him too, he was so soft." Eri said as she turned to Ochako with excitement in her eyes.

"Really? Well what if we went for a ride later. Although I don't know if Daddy will come with us. He's pretty bad at horse back riding." Ochako said with a giggle and Eri joined her.

"I'm not that bad."

"Izuku, you fell off three times... and it was standing still." She deadpanned at me and i gave the two of them a pouty face. "Anyway, I put our bags upstairs and mom said lunch should be ready in a second so we she get washed up, especially you since you've been playing with the horses."

Ochako rubbed the top of Eri's head and and the little girl giggled once again. "Alright Snowball, lets go get you cleaned up." The two of us walked over to the bathroom and she washed her hands before we headed into the dining room.

"I hope your hungry, I made plenty." Mrs. Uraraka said as she finished setting the food out for us. I took my seat next to Ochako at the table and sat Eri next to me.

Lunch went by without a hitch, except for the few times were Mr. Uraraka would give me a smirk as something would happen were Eri referred to Ochako as Mommy or Ochako and i would do something that would remind him of a married couple. There was one point were Ochako mentioned that she needed to remember to get something from the store and he almost couldn't control himself with laughter.

Once lunch was done I helped Mrs. Uraraka clean up which Eri was all too excited to help with as well. I sat Eri on the counter next to the sink and handed her a towel so she could dry the dishes I washed and put them in the wrack for me. "Thank you for the help you two." Mrs. Uraraka said as we finished up.

"Your welcome Grandma Raka." Eri said with a smile as I picked her up from the counter. When I turned to look at Mrs. Uraraka she had frozen in place.

"Are you ok Mrs. Uraraka?" I spoke but she quickly adorned a smile.

"She called me Grandma." I couldn't help but chuckle at her as she started becoming excited.

"I knew you'd be excited about this." Ochako came in from the living room and walked over to her mother.

After we finished cleaning up Ochako decided now would be a good time to head outside and take Eri for her first Horseback ride. Eri, of course, was extremely excited by the prospects of a horseback ride. We made it down to the barn and Ochako grabbed the saddle from the wall before coming back over to Smoke Stack and attaching his saddle.

"Alright Eri, you ready." Ochako asked as she walked over to the two of us. Eri looked up at me slightly hesitant and I nodded to her.

"I'm ready." Ochako hopped on the horse and I handed her Eri who was sat safely in front of her on the saddle.

Eri looked back at me hesitantly and i reached up to take her hand. "It's alright Eri, I'll be right here when you get back. And if it makes you feel better, I'll stay out there so you can see me."

"Ok, I can do this." Eri said with a confident look and our hands separated.

"Alright, hold on to this Eri." Ochako placed her hands on the horn of the saddle before prodding the horse to go.

I followed them outside as Ochako picked up some slight speed and made her way toward the field to ride around with Eri. As they rode into the field I could see Eri turn and look at me every few minutes.

While I was standing there i was startled by someone coming up behind me and grabbing my shoulder. When I turned I was met with Mrs. Uraraka standing behind me with an excited look on her face. "Sooo. My husband told me what you two talked about earlier when you went to the barn. I'M SO EXCITED!!!"

I snapped my eyes over to where the girls were on the field and noticed Ochako had glanced over to us but quickly went back to what she was doing. "Yes I did ask him but would you mind keeping it down, she doesn't know yet."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited, do you mind if i see it?" I turned so that she was in between me and the field before pulling the small box out of my pocket and handed it to her.

She opened the box up and gasped as she looked at the ring. "Yeah, All Might helped me get it. He insisted on ordering it from a friend of his from I-Island. It's got a pulse sensor in it and it links up to the band for me. When were both wearing them mine will show her pulse on mine and my pulse on the top of the diamond."

"That's so cool, and this ring is so pretty. I look forward to helping her plan the wedding. When do you plan on asking her?" She handed me the box back and I carefully put it back in my pocket.

"I haven't decided yet. It's kinda hard to decide. There are just so many possibilities for when i could ask her. It's kinda nerve wracking." I let out a small chuckle as I looked back over to the girls. I could see Eri and it was clear she was enjoying herself.

"Don't worry too much about it, she loves you and Eri and I know you love her as well. The right moment will present itself to you, I'm sure of it." She placed a hand on my shoulder before heading back inside.

I stood there for quite some time just watching them ride through the field. I enjoyed watching them so much, just because of how happy Eri looked as they rode. They spent another twenty minutes or so riding through the field before they came back over to me as the sun started to set.

Ochako rode the horse right up beside me and I could hear both girls laughing up a storm. "You have fun Snowball?" I asked as they came to a stop.

"YES!! That was so much fun!" She said as she was bouncing in her spot.

"I'm glad you had fun sweety. Now why don't you hop down and let Daddy take you while I go and put Smoke Stack up." Eri reached down to me and I picked her up off the horse. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Alright, I'm gonna take her inside to get us ready for bed."

"Ok, I'll be inside as soon as i take care of Smoke Stack." Ochako leaned down and we connected for a quick kiss before I walked inside with Eri. I walked inside and went up the stairs to Ochako's old room were our bags had been placed and grabbed mine and Eri's to throw them on Ochako's bed.

I sat Eri next to her bag and she opened it to find her clothes for the night. She pulled out her change of clothes and I walked over to the bathroom with her to get her showered for the night.

Once we were done and changed I walked back into the room to see Ochako in the process of getting changed. I turned back into the bathroom and very carefully closed the door. "Breath Izuku, you didn't see anything."

"Daddy, what's wrong?" Eri asked as she looked up at me with a confused look.

"Nothing Snowball. Nothing at all." I turned back to the door and took a deep breath, "Ochako, are you good for us to come out?"

"Yes? I didn't even realize you two were in there." I opened the door and walked back into the room. "Hey, you two look comfy."

"Yep, were ready for the night." Eri said as she slightly bounced in her spot.

"Good, dad ordered some pizza and got a movie for us to watch before bed. Let's Go!"

The three of us walked downstairs and were met with Mr. and Mrs. Uraraka sitting on the couch with pizza and a movie queued up. We all sat together in the living room and ate as we watched the movie. Almost halfway through and Eri had fallen asleep on my lap. Once the movie was over Mr. Uraraka gave me and Eri a blanket before heading to bed himself with Mrs. Uraraka following after him. Ochako reluctantly went upstairs to bed herself and I laid down with Eri on the couch before drifting off to sleep.

At some point in the night I woke up to someone trying to scoot me over on the couch. When I looked up I saw Ochako situating herself next to me and i quickly wrapped her up in my arms as Eri slept comfortably in between us. "Couldn't even last one night huh?"

"No... I was cold without you." She said as she pouted into my shoulder.

"Your dad called it." I said with a chuckle as she nuzzled closer to me and fell asleep, for which i followed suit.

The next morning I woke up with Eri once again wrapped around my head and Ochako had her arms and legs wrapped around me as she snored into my chest. "So what time did she come down her?"

I looked up to see Mr. Uraraka drinking his coffee in the chair next to the couch we were on. "Somewhere around ten."

"She held out longer than I thought she would, good on her." I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

When the girls finally woke up Ochako gave her dad the stink eye while she nuzzled closer into my chest and Eri simply scooted down in between us to continue to lay there. Once we finally got up we ate breakfast and got ready to leave.

As we were getting ready Ochako got our tickets out to double check the time our train was supposed to leave. However when Mrs. Uraraka saw the tickets she had a small freak out. "You have first class train tickets?! How did you get those?"

"Izuku, he bought them." I looked over and nodded to confirm what was said.

"How did you afford such tickets?" She asked and the question was answered by her husband.

"Did you not hear either? Inko and All Might got married."

Her shock was quickly shaken off by us having to leave in order to make the train on time. The two of them drove us to the station and when we unloaded everything, Eri did something I was not expecting.

"Daddy, can you set me down?" I looked over to her and she gave me a confident look.

"Ok Snowball." I sat her down and she turned to the Uraraka's.

She walked over to Mrs. Uraraka and wrapped her legs in a hug. "Bye Grandma Raka." Mrs. Uraraka quickly got over her shock and leaned over to return the hug.

"Bye Eri, it was good to see you. Remember, your always welcome to come and visit." They seperated and Eri walked over to Mr. Uraraka who knelt down in front of her.

She went up and hugged him too for which he quickly wrapped her up too. "Bye Grandpa Raka, thanks for letting me ride your horse."

"Your welcome sweety, and actually, Smoke Stack isn't anybodys specifically. I think if he belongs to anybody it would be you at this point, he seemed to really like you." As they separated Eri had a massive smile on her face.


"Yep, your welcome to come and ride him whenever you want." She pulled him in for one last hug before returning to me.

We said our goodbyes to them and turned to go to the train. When we got to the gate Ochako handed Eri her card and let her hand it to the man, which she surprisingly did. It seems like she's getting better with other people. Great.

Once we boarded the train we all settled in for the long ride back. I felt my pocket and confirmed i still had the little box. It was a very successful trip all in all.

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