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After the trip to visit the Urarakas, we spent the next few days with a bit of normalcy. Yesterday I spoke with Ms. Midnight about teaching Eri how to read and write to which she was very excited to teach her. We had pretty much gotten into the swing of things and had a routine down for the day. Aizawa had even started hanging up the drawings she finished on the wall in the classroom, although he put the cat she drew first behind his desk. My assumption had definitely been right the first night in the hospital, Nightmares were definitely a regular, really there had only been two nights since the hospital were she didn't have a nightmare and each night we took a trip to the roof, it helped her calm down with the fresh air.

Today was going to be a bit different for the two of us. Ochako was going to class like normal but Eri and I were going on a little trip. Nezu thought it would be a good idea for me to take Eri to visit a therapist, so that's where we were headed today.

"Alright Eri, let's get you dressed and then we'll head downstairs for breakfast." I spoke as I picked up the still mostly asleep little girl and walked over to the closet. Once there I pulled her some clothes out and got the two of us changed. I got her dressed in her favorite green overall dress with her hair pulled into a *Caugh* braid *Caugh* with a green and white bow in it. Once I was finished getting her dressed I handed her the Deku doll she was sleepily asking for.

"Daddy, where are we going again?" She asked as she nuzzled her face into my shoulder.

I stood up and turned to walk downstairs. "Well, we're going to see someone called a therapist. You see Nezu thinks, and I kinda agree with him, that seeing one could help with your anxiety. Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time so there's no need to worry."

She simply hummed her acknowledgement into my shoulder as I walked downstairs. Once downstairs I met Ochako who had come down earlier and had Eri's medicine ready and portioned for her. "Glad you two could join us." Ochako said as i took a seat next to her and turned Eri so she could eat and take her meds.

"Yeah well someone was extra tired this morning."

"Well it would help if someone hadn't let her stay up last night to watch Frozen that Todoroki bought her." Ochako quipped back and i simply gave her pouty look before turning to look the other way.

"But, she was so excited about her gift, I couldn't not let her watch it." Ochako simply giggled as she reached over to fix my *Caugh* braid *Caugh*

"Don't worry, I'm not that upset about it. I'm more upset that I can't go to the appointment with the two of you." I leaned my head on hers and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I know, but Nezu said that Dr. Ichiki thinks it best for just me to go. I promise we'll be ok." She sighed as she sat back up and collected the empty plates and medicine cups to clean them. I looked down to Eri who was happily sitting in my lap and sipping her orange juice. "Alright Eri, you and me need to get going, let's go say bye to Mommy before we head out ok?"

"Ok." She hopped off my lap and I stood to follow her as she went to say bye to Ochako before we left. "Bye Mommy, I'll see you when we get back."

Eri spoke as Ochako picked her up into a hug. "Bye sweety, I'll miss you." Ochako spoke as she pouted towards the little girl which caused her to giggle at her Mommy.

"Alright, we need to get going. We'll be back by the time you get back to the dorms." I picked Eri up and Ochako and I met for a short and sweet kiss.

"Ok, I love you two."

"We love you too." Eri and I said in unison which caused the three of us to start laughing.

Eri and I made our way to the door and put our jackets on. Since it was getting colder I pulled her bogan on her head and wrapped her scarf around her neck followed by her gloves. By the time I was done the only bit of skin visible was her eyes. "Is this really necessary Daddy?"

"Well it's pretty cold outside, but if it does end up being too much then just let me know." She struggled to nod due to her scarf being so thick which caused me to let out a small chuckle. "Ok, maybe it is a bit much."

I unwrapped her scarf and decided to through it in my pocket incase she needed it later. "I think that's better." the two of us giggled a small bit before i stood up and put on my own jacket.

"Alright let's get going." I spoke as I looked down at her to see her look up at me with a smile while reaching for me. I bent down and picked her up which caused her to nuzzle her head into my shoulder. We exited the dorms and i felt her shiver slightly and hide her face as the cold air rushed past us.

We were going to meet Dr. Ichiki, a child psychologist that Nezu recommended because she was a specialist in early childhood trauma. The hope is that she will be able to properly diagnose what Eri suffers with as a result of Him and recommend ways to help her get past them and have a normal childhood from here on out. She is also going to figure out whether she is not too far along in her development to learn how to read and write properly. Something I was hoping wouldn't be an issue, but Iida was making me paranoid about it.

Our walk was mostly silent on the way to the gates to meet my mother who was going to drive us to the appointment. Once we were at the gate I waved to my mother who was standing next to her car. "Hey there you too, Ready to go?"

"Hey Grandma Inko." Eri said with a smile as she waved to her grandmother.

"Hey mom, were ready." I said as I walked over and hugged her, as I went to step back Eri took her turn to hug her before we loaded up.

The ride wasn't all that long and Eri enjoyed talking to mom about all the pictures she had drawn and some of the things she had learned while sitting with me in class. Mom of course was overly enthusiastic about listening to the little girl went on and on about her new, much happier, life.

Once we made it to Dr. Ichiki's office I climbed out before going to the back seat to unbuckle Eri who quickly wrapped her arms and legs around me. We said goodbye to mom before heading into the building, it was a simple two story brick building situated between a cafe and a pet shop in downtown Masutafu.

"Daddy?" I looked over to Eri who was looking over at the building with hesitancy in her eyes.

"What is it Snowball?" She looked up at me before continuing.

"I'm really nervous, your gonna stay the whole time right?" I leaned forward and kissed her horn.

"Of course, there's nothing to worry about." I pulled my arm around her and pulled her close for a hug which calmed her down. "Now, let's head inside."

I walked inside with her in my arms and we were both hit with the warmth of the inside. As soon as I closed the door I helped Eri take her jacket off before trying to take mine off. When i tried to take mine off Eri hopped up to try and help me take mine off which I let her "Help" me do.

"Thanks for the help Snowball." I said as I ruffled her hair which earned a small giggle from her. I took her hand in mine as we walked over to the receptionist.

"Welcome, I assume you have an appointment?" The blonde haired women said from her seat behind the counter.

"Yes, it should be under Midoriya." I said and she turned to her keyboard to search for it.

"I've got it right here, if you'll take a seat then I'll let Dr. Ichiki know you're here." I nodded to her as I walked over to the seating area with Eri. I sat down in one of the chairs and Eri climbed up into my lap.

We sat there for a few minutes waiting and Eri watched the T.V. that was showing some cartoons. After a few minutes the door at the back opened and a dark haired woman wearing a simple black suite stepped out. "Mr. Midoriya, and this must be Eri. I'm Dr. Ichiki, I'm ready when you are."

I looked down to Eri who had worry in her eyes as she looked at the new person. "It's ok Eri, I'm right here." She looked up at me and nodded before i stood up with her in my arms.

We followed Dr. Ichiki into another room were i could see toys and coloring books scattered around and some child sized furniture. She lead us over to two black couches that were giant compared to the other things in the room. "It's a pleasure to meet the two of you, Nezu has told me a lot about you but I'd like to get to know you myself. So why don't we start with introductions. I'm Doctor Tsumanya Ichiki, I hope that I can help you work through somethings your struggling with Eri."

She reached her hand out to Eri who backed up into my side and shook slightly. Dr. Ichiki simply pulled her hand back with a smile. "It's ok Eri, she's not gonna hurt you."

"It's ok, there's no need to rush. I'm here to help at your pace Eri. Now, why don't you introduce yourself Eri?" Dr. Ichiki spoke as she retained her soft smile.

"Uhm... Ok." She looked up at me as she started fidgeting. I nodded to her as i held onto her hand. "I-I'm Eri Midoriya."

"Wonderful, tell me a little about yourself Eri. Like what you like and what kinds of things you like to do." Eri looked up at me before turning back to Dr. Ichiki.

"Well... I-I like coloring. I like... I don't know." She gave a sad look as glanced down at the floor.

Dr. Ichiki sat forward slightly in her seat. "It could be anything, what makes you happiest? That's something that you like."

"... I like apples, Their really sweet and juicy. I also like sitting with Daddy in class, It's fun getting to color while their in class and learning a few things. I heard about books once and I want to learn to read so I can read one. I think I'd like them. I also like Mommy, she's really sweet and makes me and Daddy laugh a lot. I like outside too, it smells really nice and the color of the trees is nice. Green is my favorite color." She looked down slightly and I could see she was a bit embarrassed by something.

"And why is green your favorite color Eri?" Dr. Ichiki tilted her head as she asked the question. Eri whispered out her response so that neither of us could hear her. "What was that Eri, i couldn't quite hear you."

She fidgeted slightly at my side before she spoke. "It's my favorite because it reminds me of Daddy." She looked up at me with a small smile before looking back at the Dr. "It was the first color that made me feel loved... and safe... When he saved me the color was all i could see. The sparks he made were green and made me feel comfortable and... warm. Now whenever I see green i think of Daddy and it makes me happy."

I could feel the tears prick at my eyes as I listened to her talk and as she finished i couldn't help but pull her into a hug which caused the little girl to giggle as I rubbed my cheek against hers. "It sounds like your Daddy is very important to you." Dr. Ichiki said with a small chuckle as I sat Eri down in my lap.

"Yes, Daddy is my hero." Eri said as she leaned back into my chest slightly.

"How would it make you feel if he wasn't here right now?" As Dr. Ichiki spoke I felt Eri tense up and grip onto me as she started to shake. "Don't worry Eri, he isn't going anywhere. I just want to know how you feel."

Eri calmed down quickly but kept her grip on me, "It's scary... I don't want him to leave me." She started tearing up and turned to wrap me in a hug as she started to cry slightly.

"It's ok Eri, I'm right here." I spoke in a calming manner as I held her close to me.

"I'm sorry Eri, I didn't mean to upset you. Why don't we talk about something else. Actually, why don't I ask your Daddy some questions?" I looked at the Dr. confused as Eri simply nuzzled her face into my neck. Before I could question her she asked me her first question. "What was it like when you first met Eri?"

I was confused, this was supposed to be about Eri so the fact that she was questioning me was confusing. "The first time I met her?"


Thinking back on that day made me subconsciously increase my grip on Eri. "I felt weak. When I knew I couldn't save her in that instance It made me feel helpless."

"Interesting, now what about when you rescued her from the Yakuza?"

"Look i don't understand wh-" I was cut off by her raising a hand to me.

"Let's stay focused."

I was very confused by her actions but decided to go with it for the moment. "I felt like I owed her for failing her beforehand. I wanted to protect her because I hadn't been able to."

My head tilted down as I thought back on those few weeks of regret from not having gotten her sooner. "It sounds like you were filled with a lot of guilt. Is it possible that's why your so protective of her, and why you let her call you Daddy?"

I snapped my attention back up to her. "Of course not, I love her. I don't plan on letting anything hurt her because she's my daughter." I could feel my emotions started to bubble as she questioned my conviction for Eri.

"Good, so your love for her isn't just out of guilt. You really do care. I'm sorry for not having explained why I was asking you questions. Nezu asked me to evaluate you as well, he was afraid that the only reason you were taking care of her was because of some guilt in your conscious. However it is clear that that isn't the case." She smiled at me as she picked up a clipboard from beside herself.

"So this was about both of us?"

"Yes, Nezu wanted to make sure the events of last week and the extreme changes that have been happening since then were not causing severe after effects. I have found some things that need to be addressed. Eri has some prevalent trust issues that seem to stem from the PTSD from her time in His hands. And as a result from you having been the one to rescue her, she has severe separation anxiety and from what I've heard you cant even be out of her line of sight. The best course of action is to keep her out of stressful situations and find someone or something other then you for her to have as a secondary pillar of trust. I would suggest her new mother, Ochako Uraraka, as that person so that it's a parental figure." I nodded to her as she spoke.

"We kind of assumed that. The real question was... Is she... will she still be able to learn to read and write? I know it sounds strange but one of the students at school mentioned a certain point of development were children can't learn these kinds of things."

"There's no need to worry about that, she should be fine.. I would recommend getting her started as soon as possible. Now when it comes to solving the larger issues she faces." She set the clipboard down next to her. "It's going to take time. I have no idea how long exactly it will take but it is something that can be worked on. However, it may never be fully fixed. She's been through trauma that she should never have had to be put through. The impact it's had on her view of people is immense to the point she has to get to know an individual person before she will trust them. But I don't think she will ever trust anyone as much as she trusts you."

I looked down at Eri who had almost completely calmed down and was holding onto me with her face buried in my neck. "So what are some next steps?"

"Well, there's not much other than what's been mentioned. She just needs time to adjust to a normal life and to learn that not everyone is out to get her. It will take a lot of time but I think she'll be just fine. You already managed to find a few ways to help her out of her shell, just keep doing what your doing and you'll both be ok. My recommendation would be to get her learning to read and right as soon as possible, this way it will help her establish a deeper connection to a normal childhood. I would like to see you back once a month to check on her progress though."

Dr. Ichiki stood and held out her hand to me. I followed the gesture and shook hers. "It was a pleasure to meet you Dr. Ichiki."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine. Nezu told me the conditions she was in and what those scum were doing to her, I'm happy to help in any way I can." She smiled at me as we walked over to the door. "You two have a wonderful rest of your day, It's only about lunch time so if you decide to get something to eat, I would suggest the cafe next door."

With that said me and Eri walked out of her office and grabbed our coats before finally heading outside. Once outside I turned to look at the cafe and then to Eri, "You hungry Snowball?"

"Yes." Was the response I received from her as she removed her head from my shoulder to look at the cafe.

"Then let's grab some food." I walked over to the cafe with her still in my arms and quickly realized I may have made a terrible mistake. Sitting in the window sill was a small brown kitten. This... was a cat cafe.

Before i could even react i heard Eri let out an adorable gasp. "DADDY, Is that a cat?" I looked down at her to see those beautiful wonder filled eyes that I regrettably adored so much. Dangit, now we have to go in. I feel like Dr. Ichiki knew about this when she suggested this place.

"Yes, but technically this is a kitten because it's still a baby." She looked on in wonder at the small little cat and I knew we were headed inside.

Once inside she practically jumped from my arms and went straight to were the kitten had been sitting only moments ago. She tried to climb onto the seat next to it but struggled due to how small she was. I walked over and helped her into the seat and her eyes locked on the small brown kitten. As she stared at it it turned to her and tilted it's head before standing and walking onto the table in front of Eri. That's when I realized it was missing It's back left leg. It sat down directly in front of Eri and the two just stared at each other.

I took my seat across the table from her. "You can pet it you know. Like with the horsey."

Eri looked up at me with eyes still filled with wonder before slowly lifting her hand and gently placing it on the little cats head. As soon as she did, the cat started purring which only increased the curiosity filled wonder in her eyes as she whispered, "Daddy, it's vibrating and making a weird buzzing noise. Is that good?"

I chuckled at her comment which she didn't seem to notice. "Yes Eri, that's called purring. It's what cats do when they really like someone or something. She must really like you."

Eri continued to pet the little kitten and a few minutes later a waiter arrived to take our order. "How are you two doing today? My name is Koji and I'll be your waiter today. What can I get for you two?"

"I'll have the katsudon and a water and let's get an apple juice and a kids ramen for her." I said as I handed him the menu.

"Absolutely, and just so you now, that particular kitten is up for adoption. Were at capacity for the cafe so since she was kind of an unplanned addition the boss was gonna put her up for adoption. I figured I'd let you know since they seem to like each other so much." He whispered to me and glanced over to Eri who was still petting the cat who had moved closer to her and started nuzzling against Eri cheek which cause Eri to smile wider than I had ever seen her smile before.

"Is there something i need to sign?" Dammit Izuku. At least I won't hear anything from Aizawa.

"Why is it missing a leg?" Eri asked and myself and the waiter turned toward her.

"Some complications when she was born, but she's adapted quite well." He said with a smile.

He gave the kitten a quick pet before walking off to put in our order. I turned back to Eri who was still happily playing with the kitten. "Daddy, does she have a name?"

"I don't think so. She doesn't have a collar either, the waiter said she was up for adoption." I watched as her confused face slowly turned into one of realization.

"You mean like how you and Mommy adopted me?"

"Yep, and since she seems to like you so much, do you wanna take her home with us?" Ochako's gonna kill me. I asked and her expression exploded in excitement.


"Well, since she likes you so much and all, plus i think it would be nice to have a kitten." After a few minutes the waiter returned with our food and a sheet of paper that i was quick to sign. As the waiter sat down the food I picked up the kitten and sat it in Eri's lap so she could eat. The small kitten curled up in her lap.

The two of us finished our food relatively quickly while Eri kept commenting on how soft the little kitten was. "So I really get to keep her?"

"Yeah, but she's gonna need a name. What do you think?" I asked as i took a drink from my glass.

She picked up the small cat in her hands and looked at it for a moment. "I think I want to call her Deku. Just like you daddy!"

I smiled at her as she spoke. "I like it. Are you finished eating?" She nodded to me to indicate she was done. "Alright, now we need to head to the conveniently placed pet store a few doors down and pick up a few things for her."

"Ok, let's go!" She said as she hopped out of her chair and cradled the kitten in her arms.

I stood up and walked over to her, She seems really excited about this. She isn't even realizing all the people around her. I guess this is why Dr. Ichiki suggested this place. We walked over to the counter and I paid for our food before we walked back outside. Once outside she felt the cold and immediately unzipped her jacket slightly and put the kitten in it so that it's head was sticking out under hers. I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene.

"What, she was cold." Eri said as she took my hand and we walked over to the pet shop. As we entered Eri was wide eyed at everything around her. We walked over to the cat isle and gathered a few things like a collar, a food and water bowl, a bed, a litter box, and a few toys. I realized early on that we were going to need a cart so I grabbed one and started putting everything in it as Eri picked it out and handed it to me. By the time we were done the cart was full of pink and green colored items for the kitten.

"Alright, one last thing." I said as we walked toward the far side of the shop.

"What's that Daddy?" Eri asked while holding my right hand tightly with her left.

"We need to get her a name tag. So we can make her name official." We made it to the wrack that held the different shapes of name tags and she walked up to them. "Now you just have to decide what shape you want it to be."

She took a moment and examined the different shapes and finally decided on a pink heart. "Now what?"

"We use this machine to engrave her name on it and then we're done. Are you sure about the name you picked?" She looked down at the kitten in her jacket as it purred at her.

"Yes, the color reminds me of Mommy and the name reminds me of you."

"Ok, let me see the tag and I'll start the carving." She handed me the small heart name tag and I placed it in the carver. I set the name as "Deku" and then went to set the back of the name tag with mine and Ochako's phone numbers.

"Daddy, why are you putting in numbers?"

"These are mine and Mommy's phone numbers. That way if she gets lost whoever finds her can call us." I said as I hit the carve button and Eri watched the name tag being carved.

Once it was done I pulled it out and handed it to Eri so she could see. She lowered it slightly so the cat could see it and spoke. "That's your name, it's Daddy's hero name. Isn't it cool?" The cat let out a small meow in response to Eri. "I know, I like it too."

"Alright, lets go pay for everything before we head back home." The two of us walked up to the front and paid for our haul.

We walked outside with my arms layden with bags and made our way over to a bench nearby. I sat the bags down and sent a message to my mother to let her know we were ready for her to pick us up and for her to make sure she had room in her car. "Daddy?" Eri spoke as she leaned into my side.

"What's up Snowball?" I asked as i wrapped her in my arms.

"Can we put on her collar and name tag?"

I reached into the bag next to me and pulled out the tiny green collar and pink name tag. "Sure." I pulled the tag of the collar and handed it to Eri who wrapped it gently around the cat's neck. Taking the name tag from its case and carefully attaching it to her collar.

"Thank you." Eri said as she wrapped my left arm up in a hug.

"For what?"


We sat there for a few moments with Eri admiring the small green eyed kitten in her arms while we waited on my mother. The little cat simply sat in happiness as Eri carefully pet it. It wasn't long before my mother arrived and as she stepped out of her car she noticed the bags and gave me a confused look before her eyes landed on Eri, then the cat. "Oh my goodness! How adorable!"

My mother shot over as quick as she could and started playing with the cat in Eri's arms. "Grandma Inko! Isn't she adorable? Do you wanna know her name?"

"Of course, what adorable name did you pick for her?" My mother asked as Eri stood up and i grabbed the bags to head over to the car.

"Her name is Deku, because she reminds me of Daddy and Mommy." Inko looked at the kitten then to me with a proud smile as we climbed into the car.

The drive to the dorms was rather nerve wracking for me, not for Eri of course because she was enjoying her new kitten. I was rather worried about how Ochako especially would react about a cat. Obviously Aizawa would have an issue with it as long as he was allowed to play with it. He may even let her bring it to class. No he will require her to bring it to class.

We finally made it to the dorms and I looked at the time and knew that classes would still be going for about a half hour so i guess we have about an hour before Ochako kills me. I unbuckled Eri and grabbed the bags from the trunk before we headed inside. Mom said her goodbyes and drove off which left the two of us alone.

"Ok, let's head inside and I'll start getting all this tuff set up for little Deku here." I said as the two of us walked inside. Eri helped me open the door and we set our jackets on the coat rack. The two of us made our way upstairs and I sat down all the bags while Eri walked over to the couch and sat the kitten down to play with it.

Setting to work on setting up all of the kittens new things, I watched as Eri played with the small animal with a few of the toys she had gotten her. She was so happy and it made it worth my impending doom from Ochako. Once I was done, I put the bed next to Eri's and the climbing tree next to the couch. The litter box was conveniently positioned in the least used corner.

By the time I was done it was getting close to time for the class to return and I decided to head downstairs with Eri, and of course, Deku. It is very strange using that as a reference to someone else.

"I can't wait to show Deku to Mommy! She's gonna love her." Eri said as she walked to my right with the kitten in her arms.

I shivered slightly as she spoke. "I'm sure she will."

We made it down to the common room and spent a few minutes sitting on the couch with Deku. I don't think I'll ever get used to the name of this cat.

After a few minutes the door opened and I could hear Kirishima come in which caused Eri to jump slightly and scoop up the kitten before jumping into my lap and hiding her. "Oh, Hey Midoriya. Welcome back, be prepared though cause Uraraka has been a nervous wreck so much that she managed to float her desk onto the ceiling with her still sitting in it."

"That's good to know." I said as I secretly dreaded her reaction to our return.

It wasn't a but a moment later till Eri popped up slightly and called out to Ochako. "Mommy!"

Ochako's attention was brought to us and my body froze. I love Ochako to death but she can be scary when she's angry.

"Hey, sweety! I've missed you two today. How did it go?" Before I could react Eri popped up in her spot and held out Deku, who immediately licked Ochako's nose.

"It was great! Daddy let me adopt this sweet little kitty, I named her Deku, after Daddy." I turned my head and could see Ochako staring blankly at the kitten and several other students looking on, most likely waiting for her reaction as well. We had all been there for what was dubbed "The mochi-pocalypse"

When she finally did react i let out a sigh of relief. "She's so cute!" Ochako climbed onto the couch and picked Deku up from Eri's lap and started petting her. However, the little kitten climbed away from her and back to Eri. "Well, at least we know who her favorite is."

"So Nezu wasn't kidding?" I turned to see Aizawa walk in and lock onto the cat. "I hope you don't mind if she plays for a bit."

He pulled at his scarf and nine cats climbed out and down him to which the other students were hardly fazed by. The nine cats roamed about the dorms as he came over to us. "Nezu told me you might be coming back with a kitten. Because you have inconvenienced me so I will require that the Kitten 'Deku' or 'furry problem child' comes to class with you as your punishment for bringing an unauthorized cat into the dorms. What kind of cat food are you planning to use because Pogo is the best for kittens?"

As Aizawa finished I had a blast of realization and slapped my forehead with my hand. "What's wrong Daddy?"

"I forgot to buy food." I slumped down in my seat as Eri giggled at me.

"Here." I looked up to Aizawa as he pulled a bag of cat food from his scarf and handed it to me. "I figured you would forget."

He turned to walk away and let out a small whistle which caused the nine cats to follow him and climb back into his scarf before he left the building. I turned back to the girls to see Ochako fawning over the kitten with Eri.

It wasn't long before the three, or I guess now four of us went up to our room. Eri started showing Ochako all the things we had gotten for Deku which she was very thrilled about. After Eri showed her everything that we had gotten Ochako disappeared for a few minutes into the bathroom after having grabbed something from her side of the closet.

When she did come back out she threw the door opened and stood with a proud look as i felt blood started to trickle from my nose. She was wearing brown cat ears and a brown shirt with a cat face, as well as some short shorts with a cat tail attached to them. "Tada! This was something Mina got me a few weeks ago, haven't had a chance to wear it yet but I figured now I could match kitty Deku."

That was the last thing I remember, before succumbing to blood loss. 

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