Happy Forever After Pt. 1

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As we arrived back at the cottage Eri plopped down on the couch in happiness as she had missed being home. "I'm so happy we're back home! I've missed it." She laid flat on the couch with a content smile on her face as she rested.

Ochako and I went to work putting our things away and Ochako started the first load of dirty clothes in the wash. Once she was done she came upstairs to where I was putting away some of Eri's things she had received during her stay. She walked in and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Hey Ochako, is everything ok?"

She didn't answer, she simply held me tighter and I turned to wrap my arms around her. I massaged the back of her head gently as I held her, unsure of what was wrong. "I was so scared. She almost died, you were in isolation. I was afraid you would be mad that I didn't come see you. I just didn't want her to be alone when she woke up. Everytime i would walk toward the door to go see you I would find myself standing in front of the glass again."

"Hey it's ok, I told Todoroki that I preferred you stay with Eri. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if she had woken up and neither of us were there. It's ok." I held her close and rested my head on hers.

The two of us held each other for a while, just standing there, both of us relieved that everything had turned out ok. "Hey, let's just focus on these last few days of class and then we can enjoy a week of relaxation at the beach. We can go get ice cream, we can swim, we can build sandcastles and play heroes, and maybe we could go out on a boat. Just a week of relaxation and fun memories."

She looked up to me with a smile and kissed me. "I'd like that. Some time to just unwind after all this stuff that's happened. And the doctor said she should be ok to get her head wet by then. So I'm looking forward to it."

I smiled as I kissed her, "Alright, now let's head downstairs. It's time for dinner and then we all need to get showers before bed."

With that said Ochako and I walked back downstairs to see Eri wrapped in a blanket and asleep on the couch. We both walked over to her and kissed her forehead before heading into the kitchen to make something simple for dinner. As we were about to be done I heard a yawn from the living room and only a moment later I felt a tiny person tiredly run into the back of my leg and hug me. "I'm hungry daddy."

I turned around and lifted the tired girl into my arms. "Well we're almost done with dinner, how does some katsudon sound?"

Her stomach growled in response as she buried her blush in my neck. "I'll take that as a yes then." Ochako said as she came over and kissed Eri's forehead. "You two go take a seat and I'll bring the food over in a moment." Eri simply hummed into my shoulder as we walked over to the table and took our seats followed by Ochako a moment later.

Once we were done eating Eri was ready to fall asleep again so we went upstairs and started getting ready for bed.

First thing was to change her bandages, as I started to remove it I could tell it was uncomfortable for her, "I'm sorry Snowball, it's gonna hurt but we have to change it so you don't get infected."

She just sighed in discomfort as I continued to unwrap her bandage. When I finished removing it I got my first good look at her injury. Now it was mostly cleaned up, stitches still resting in her scalp as the hair had been shaved back during her operation and was starting to grow back slowly. It started only two centimeters from her right eyebrow, etching its way up and over the right side of her head and down to the back of her skull, stopping at the top of her neck.

I stopped and just stared at it for a moment as those thoughts started flowing into my head, Failure... Late... Useless... I couldn't stop staring at it while she sat in my lap, slowly getting sleepier and sleepier.

I snapped out of my daze as Ochako sat next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm around me. She gave me a comforting smile as she leaned into my side. As she did she kissed my cheek and it helped me come out of my daze.

I took the cleaning pads and gently cleaned the area under her bandages. Since it had been two weeks there wasn't anything on the side of blood left over, and her hair was even slowly growing back. It was still basically peach fuzz but it was getting there.

Once I was done I took her into the bathroom to bathe. I pulled out the adhesive covering I was given to cover her wound but not the rest of her hair so I could wash it. The bath wasn't very difficult. She was pretty tired and Ochako had given Eri her medicine just beforehand so she could sleep relatively pain free.

As I got her out and dried off I could see the last remnants of her bruising had faded away and was almost gone. Once she was dressed I reapplied the cream to her head and wrapped it up again.

Finally it was time for bed, and Eri, in her newfound freedom from her fears, was walking to her room in a half asleep daze. "Goodnight Mommy and Daddy."

That was the last thing she said before her door closed. Ochako and I slowly made our way into our room. As we both changed and climbed into bed together, there was an air of uneasiness. "Izuku?"


She sighed, "Is it weird that I wanted her to sleep with us?"

"No. 'cause I do too."

Without another word said we both stood and walked down the hall to the little girls room. I slowly and quietly opened the door and Ochako led us in. Once it was closed we both walked over to her bed and climbed in on either side of her.

Unfortunately the movement seemed to jostle her awake. "Mommy? Daddy?"

"Sorry we woke you sweaty." I said as I settled onto her bed next to her and Ochako did so on the other side.

"Yeah, we just wanted to snuggle with you." Ochako said as she wrapped the little girl in her arms. Said Snowball simply nuzzled into her mothers arms and drifted off again.

I pulled the two of them into my own arms and Ochako and I met for a sweet kiss before falling asleep on the bed that was definitely too small for us all.

When I woke up the next morning I chuckled as I opened my eyes to see Eri wrapped snugly around my head. "Just like old times." I carefully pulled her off my head and lowered her to my chest, revealing Ochako sleeping right next to me. I couldn't help but be hopeful that this would be the last of our trouble going forward.

Over the next week Eri once again started coming to class with me and Ochako, since the preschool was still under reconstruction. She sat in my lap throughout most of the day each day, moving occasionally to her Mommy's lap

After we got back, I was very clingy. Eri ended up sleeping in our bed with us each night as I had trouble letting her out of my sight for a while. Though the week finally came to an end and we were packing up to go to the beach house.

I woke up earlier than normal, the two girls cuddled together under the thickness of the blanket, the smaller of the two snoring into her mothers chest as she clung to her. Watching the two of them sleep brought a smile to my face, knowing that she was ok.

I was careful to get up without waking the two of them and quietly left the room. As I made it down the stairs I could see the early morning sun come through the windows, dew still settled on the glass, the warm air outside meeting with the cold of the glass creating an odd moment. Almost nostalgic, but not quite. However it was a pleasant feeling as I walked into the kitchen.

I looked around for a moment trying to decide what I wanted to make for breakfast. Once I decided I set the coffee maker to work, knowing when Ochako woke up she would want some.

The quiet of the morning as I cooked was refreshing, the soft light bleeding into the room and the gentle smell of the food. Which was bound to lead to the girls waking up. They could sense my cooking from the other side of the school.

As the food was nearly done I heard the coffee maker go off and not even a full minute later Ochako came down stairs, crazy bed head on her and the little girl nestled into her shoulder.

I turned to them with a smile and went to hug Ochako, however I was met by Eri's outstretched hand stopping me. "Coffee first." Ochako simply nodded as they both looked at me expectantly.

A chuckle escaped me as I picked up the pot of coffee and poured one into her mug. She took it from me as soon as it was finished and took a long sip of it. And as soon as she pulled the cup away it was an instant change. "Good Morning Izuku!" She set the cup down and almost jumped on me in a hug. Eri giggling the whole time as her mother pressed her between us.

"Good Morning you two, breakfast should be ready soon so why don't you two get the table ready?"

She pulled back slightly to look up at me, "Nope, the dining room table is occupied by wedding details. So we can't use it." I simply sighed and kissed her forehead.

"Then I guess we're having breakfast in the living room."

I got the rest of breakfast ready and walked it into the living room where the girls sat, Ochako sipping on her coffee and Eri sipping an apple juice.

"So are you two ready for the beach this week? We need to get packed up after breakfast and then we'll grab lunch on the way."

Eri had been excited ever since we said beach trip, so as soon as she was done eating she was gone. The only evidence of her in the house was the sound of her rustling through things in her room trying to pack her stuff.

It took about an hour to get completely ready to go, though me and Ochako had done most of the work yesterday. Once we were done packing things up I loaded the car up with our suitcases and bags and things. As I stepped back from the trunk and looked I noticed that of the ten or so bags only one was mine. "Girls, so much stuff." I spoke under my breath.

"What was that Izuku?" Ochako came out of the front door of the cottage with Eri, both dressed ready for the beach. Eri in a pink and white striped tank top with pink shorts and a straw hat on her head. Her mother was dressed identically as her except a pair of white shorts instead of pink.

"Nothing, just talking to myself."

Having just narrowly escaped death, we began on our long drive to the beach house.

It was about a three hour drive, filled with Ochako and Eri singing along to every song that came over the radio, mostly missing the pitch of the notes. I was just enjoying how happy they looked singing with each other. The joy pouring out of Eri was palpable. By the time we made it to the driveway to the beach house we had been through dozens of songs.

As I pulled into the driveway I was a bit in awe of the house. Very modern looking fence around the yard, only able to see part of the top floor. The car came to a stop and I looked back to see Eri staring up at the house. Once we got out of the car I went around to see Eri climbing out of the car with Ochako's help. "You two ready to take a look inside?" Leaving our things in the car I took Eri's hand and walked with them to the gate on the fence to start the tour of the house.

The beach house was something, and that something looked very expensive. Three floors including the basement, the first floor being an entryway leading into the main area, a very open concept kitchen dining room and living room concept. With the living room sunk slightly into the floor. The whole building looked very modern and sleek. White tile kitchen with black marble counters. A bathroom off to the side that matched the style.

The top floor had two bedrooms, a master bedroom with a balcony overlooking the beach and a second bedroom a bit smaller. Each with its own bathroom.

We made our way to the basement of the house and it was huge. Mostly an open space except for a bathroom and a mini kitchen. There were two massive couches surrounding an entertainment center and a ping pong table off to the side.

"If the class does come over here we should probably hide that. I can only imagine the carnage." I nodded to agree with Ochako as we walked back upstairs and began unpacking.

We spent a while unpacking and getting the house in order to be livable. We didn't have anything other than some snacks so Ochako and I planned on going to a nearby market to get some groceries for the week.

As I was unpacking in the master bedroom I was faced away from the door and could hear it open very slowly. However before I could fully turn around I felt something grab me and knock me to the ground followed by giggling.

As I landed on the bed I turned to see Eri and Ochako had tackled me onto the bed and had begun tickling me.

We layed there having a tickle battle for a while before finally calming down and the three of us just laying there catching our breath for a bit.

Once we had calmed down Ochako stood and decided it was time for us to go get the groceries we were going to get for the week.

That trip took a while, since we were basically getting enough stuff to fill up the house. And the stuff for Friday when the class was coming for a beach party.

As we left I decided we would grab something to eat on the way back so we didn't have to cook tonight. So once we got home we ate quickly and put everything away before it was time for us to begin our nightly routine before going to sleep. Eri nestled between Ochako and I as usual.

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