Happy Forever After Pt. 2

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Monday morning was a late start. Neither of us woke up to our alarms so around eleven we were woken by Eri who had woken and realized what time it was.

"Daddy Mommy, wake up!" I slowly turned to see Eri standing above us.

"What's the matter sweetie?" Ochako asked as she sat up.

I did as well and Eri gave us both a stern look. "It's almost twelve! You didn't wake up to your alarm!"

My hand stretched over to grab my phone and confirmed it was half past eleven, and the icon on the top indicating that the alarm had been missed. "Oh wow, I guess we were pretty tired huh?"

"Alright sweetie let's get up and get moving and get some food before we head out." Ochako sat up and grabbed Eri into her arms as she spoke.

I got up and started gathering all the beach stuff we had gotten. Each of us had our own chairs and a big umbrella for us to share, Eri got some floaties and a pair of goggles to cover her nose, and we also got some beach towels and a cooler for the snacks and drinks eri picked out. I got everything packed into the canvas wagon Ochako found and fell in love with so we had to get and brought it to the kitchen. I saw Eri sitting on the counter as her and Ochako smudged peanut butter on the others nose.

As we all worked to get ready to go I ran through a checklist in my head to make sure we had everything. Only to realize the last thing left was to clean the peanut butter of the girls so we could leave. Of course that didn't take long.

The three of us made our way out to the backyard and I took a moment to take everything in. The girls were wearing matching tan sun hats with a white ribbon on them. Eri had on a massive T-Shirt, which was mine, over her unicorn one piece only showing the flip flops that held to her feet.

Ochako on the other hand would be a problem. We had only gone swimming once in our relationship and it's because I lost so much blood the last time. She wore a white wrap around her waist that covered her bottom half that matched the white bathing suit top. To put it in non-Mineta terms she was beautiful.

Reaching towards the gate I opened the latch and let the girls through to the beach. Eri stepped into the sand and slid slightly, instinctively reaching for my shorts to balance herself. "You ok Eri?"

She steadied herself before speaking. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be so loose."

While she stood and let go of me, I watched as her feet sank ever so lightly into the sand and it fell over them. "It's warm. Like, the exact opposite of snow."

Ochako giggled some at the little girl's realization. "Yeah I guess you could say that."

The three of us began a slow stroll closer to the water, Eri taking her time dragging her feet in the sand. Once we got close enough to really hear the water Eri looked up with sparkly eyes at the waves crashing against the sand. "It's so pretty."

"Yep. Welcome to the beach Eri. Sun, Sea, and..." I interrupted Ochako in order to make sure a very important detail wasn't missed.

"Sunscreen. You're not at all used to this and I'm not letting you get burnt too badly."

Ochako chuckled as I pulled out the sunscreen and she began setting up our stuff. Once Eri was thoroughly coated in sunblock we began to teach her some of the basics of beach going.

While her sunscreen dried I showed her how to tell where the hightide line was and pointed out the sand bar a few yards out. As we got back to Ochako she had finished setting up our area. A chair for each of us, of which Ochako reclined so she could sunbathe. There was a canopy over our spot to give some shade and the cooler sat there as well.

I opened the cooler and grabbed some water. The summer heat was very heavy today so I was already sweating. As I looked out over the water I could feel a sense of peace, relaxation, and calm flow over me.

The rest of the day was spectacular, fun in the sun in every sense of the phrase. We swam, only having a couple times where Ochako panicked thinking something touched her leg.

Eri took a while to get used to the water, the salty aroma making her nose itch more than usual. Though she did manage to keep her head above water for the most of it. Which wouldn't be a problem for her wound as it had sealed and the stitches had dissolved over the last week. Her not fully back but enough that it just looked like someone put gum in her hair and it had to be cut out.

Even when I threw her. Ok that sounds irresponsible, but hear me out. I would very gently toss her into the air and catch her as she hit the water so she would make a big splash. Just trust me she loved it.

We played for a few hours until the sun started getting visibly low. By that point Eri was showing signs of having been burnt out from the day. So as the sun sat across the sea we packed up our things and began making our way back for a night of good exhaustion fueled rest.

Waking up the next morning was a bit of a treat, a nice long night of uninterrupted rest making for a morning full of energy and ready to have some fun. I was the first one awake this morning so I got up and showered before getting the other two up. The younger of which was very well rested and ready for the day. Though she was a little upset to not be going back to the beach today she was still excited about exploring the pier.

The pier we were going to was a decent walk from the house but it was better than the closer option which was just wood and lights. This was called Onizuka pier. I had only been once with my mother when i was little but it was quite a popular place. Lots of shops and vendors as well as a nice little amusement park at the end. Ochako was almost as excited as Eri since she had never been either and had wanted to go for a long time.

Today Ochako decided to take a backpack with us to carry the essentials we would be taking with us like a small first aid kit and some water. We began our walk to the pier, each of Eri's hands occupying the space of one of mine and Ochako.

The morning was warm, not quite to the peak heat that we would inevitably see later, but a nice comforting warmth. The sun breaching the buildings to our left and the sea settled in its rhythmic motion to our right. Wooden boards under foot creaking as sand slips between the planks. The beach was mostly empty still, aside from a few people showing up to start their day of beach time as early as possible.

Since we were going to be in the heat we decided on some cool clothes. T-shirts, and for Ochako, a flattering pair of shorts. Eri however insisted on her favorite little green overall dress. Though in case she gets hot Ochako brought her a change of clothes.

Pretty soon we had a clear view of our destination, mostly empty still, a few people walking about and most likely some workers showing up for their jobs.

"You know I'm always one to appreciate punctuality, but wouldn't this count as being way too early? I mean an early morning walk is always fun but the pier doesn't even fully open for another hour or so." I spoke with a bit of a chuckle as I turned to face Ochako, especially since I could see her excitement, it made her look like a grown up version of Eri with how similarly they were excited.

She turned to me slightly with a pout threatening her bottom lip, "Of Course not. This way we can have some time to enjoy what is open before the crowds start forming." Eri looked up at her mother and giggled some at the pouting she was doing.

"It's ok Daddy, I wanna spend as much time as we can today. This is gonna be fun!" The little girl was practically swinging on mine and Ochako's arms as she spoke.

We made it to the steps up onto the pier from our path on the beachside and climbed the steps, Eri mostly jumping them while holding my arm so she could put in minimal effort on the climb.

Once we made it to the top I could see a booth advertising tickets for the amusement park, so the three of us made our way over to it. "Hello everyone and welcome to Onizuka pier and Amusement park! Admission to the pier is free, however we have individual ride tickets and all access passes for the amusement park if you want to ride the rides!"

The man behind the counter was very enthusiastic as he gestured to the price board next to his head. "Three all access passes please. Also, are the rides open now or do they open in an hour like the rest of the park?" I pulled my wallet out as I spoke in order to pay for the tickets.

"Some of our medium rides, such as the merry go round are open now, however the others dont open for another hour." He took three wrist bands out of his drawer after I paid and put one on each of our arms.

Ochako made sure Eri's was on right before she spoke, "Thank you so much. Now, let's have some fun!"

The three of us turned and looked down at the pier in front of us. It stretched out pretty far over the water. A straight path of shops on either side with tables and benches littered around the walk to the end were the pier turned into a large circle, centered by a ferris wheel with other smaller rides around it and some carnival games along the edge of the circle.

"Alright Let's get some breakfast first and then we will start from the left and make our way all the way around the pier by the end of the day." Ochako had done some looking and found a really nice breakfast place for us to eat.

We ventured over to the stall we were looking for and saw an older lady standing behind the counter kneading some dough. As she saw us approach she smiled and wiped her hands before coming over to us. "Good Morning sweethearts. Welcome to my humble little shop. Can I get you all some of my home made breakfast steam buns?"

Eri looked up at the lady with a confused expression before speaking. "What are breakfast steamed buns?"

The lady turned to her with a soft smile and spoke. "It's a special little recipe I created. They like normal meat filled steamed buns but instead they have poached eggs and grilled fish."

I could see the little girl start to drool slightly at the thought of the meal. "Daddy, can I have one of those breakfast buns?"

"Sure thing, let's do three of them and we can all have one." I spoke and the woman smiled at the little girl.

"Certainly, I have my first batch of the morning coming up shortly." She went to the side of the stall where some steam baskets were sitting and opened it up to remove three and slip them into paper bags for us. "Here you go sweetheart. Enjoy."

The three of us thanked the women and went over to a bench to sit and eat our meals. I was surprised by how good it was. I'd only ever had beef filled steam buns before but this was a pretty good meal.

Once we finished our meals we started going around the pier exploring. There were a ton of things to see and do so we had only made it halfway around by lunch.

Most of what we saw were little shops of souvenirs and things. A few carnival games we tried. Eri was having a great time trying each of the games, even when she lost she still smiled as if she was having the best time ever. Though she did win a few times which led to some stuffed animals being loaded into the backpack.

We stopped about noon and had some lunch before continuing to the other side of the pier, saving a couple of the rides for night time, including the ferris wheel.

As the sun started getting close to the horizon We finished up with the other half of the pier and began our way to the bigger rides at the end. "Alright, which one do you wanna ride first, Eri? There are teacups, a Merry-go-round, and then the ferris wheel."

Eri looked up at Ochako as she asked her question and took a moment to think. "Let's do the Merry-go-round first. I wanna save the Ferris wheel for night time."

With that decided we got in line for the Merry-go-round and after a few minutes we were next. It was a small ride so only Eri would be riding it. I helped her up onto the seahorse one and stood back a bit.

I watched as the ride started and how the smile on her face only got bigger as it started moving. There was a smile on my own face as I watched, this was the first time that there had been no hesitance at not seeing me. The first time she looked completely free. And it brought a tear to my eye.

The ride only lasted a minute before she came to a stop right in front of me, a giddy smile on her face as she reached down for me to lift her off the plastic sea creature. "That was so fun!" She said as she hugged me and we made our way over to Ochako who was waiting for us with a smile on her face.

"Did you have fun sweety?" Ochako asked as I sat Eri down and she bounced around slightly.

"So much, I just wished it was a bit faster." I chuckled a little as I looked at the teacups.

Ochako looked at me with an equally mischievous grin. "Then you're gonna love the teacups." The chuckle in my voice seemed to make Eri even more excited.

"Lets go lets go!" Eri said as she practically pulled the two of us over to the teacups line.

"She's gonna love rollercoasters I bet." Ochako spoke as she leaned over to me.

The three of us waited patiently in line for the teacups until it was our turn. Ochako climbed into the teacup and I helped Eri in behind her before joining them.

Eri looked very excited to start but did not seem to realize how it worked. "You ready Eri?" I asked as she settled into her seat.

"Yes, I'm ready Daddy." I put my hands on the wheel in the middle and as the ride started I began to spin it.

The little girl loved it. Eri gripped her mothers arm as we spun and had the biggest grin on her face.

Once the ride came to its end Eri was on what seemed to be an adrenaline rush high as she bounced around in an excited manner.

The three of us made our way over to the ferris as the sun disappeared behind the sea. The ferris wheel was a decent height and the seats were little pods for you to sit in.

As we approached the line for the ferris wheel I noticed two people walking our way. "Young Midoriya! I see you three are having fun!"

All Might waved to us with my mother at his side. "Gramma Inko! Grandpa Might!" Eri said as she rushed over to the two of them and All Might buffed up to pick her up and gently tossed the little girl into the air.

"Eri my dear! How are you on this wonderful day!" He caught the little girl before shrinking again and holding her.

"We've had so much fun, the teacups spin so fast and the seahorse was so fun to ride! And look at all these stuffed animals we won!" Eri pointed to Ochakos backpack and Ochako walked over so she could show off her trophies.

I walked over with them and gave my mother a quick hug. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were coming Friday when the class come's?"

My mother chuckled a bit, "Well that was the plan but we decided to come early and have some alone time, of course we thought you two could use some alone time as well. So we came to keep an eye on Eri so you two could enjoy the romantic night time of the pier."

I smiled a bit at the thought of some time to just spend with Ochako. Not that i didn't love Eri with all my heart. But i also love Ochako. "THank you mom."

After a moment All Might told Eri he wanted her to ride with them on the ferris wheel and Eri was happy to oblige her grandfather's request. So the five of us got in line, Ochako and myself in front.

Once we got to the front the two of us stepped into a pod and sat next to each other. "It was very nice of your parents to offer to watch Eri for a while. It's been too long since we got to spend some alone time together."

Ochako leaned into me as I wrapped my arm around her. "Yeah this is nice."

The ferris wheel began to turn and we watched as the beautiful lights of the city glowed like stars in the night. As we sat I looked next to me at Ochako and reveled in just how beautiful she looked. "Hey Ochako."

She looked up at me with a smile from her spot leaned against me. "Mhm?"

I leaned down and kissed her for a moment before pulling back. "You look beautiful today." A blush came across her face as she smiled and leaned into my shoulder.

"You look pretty good yourself." We sat there holding each other as the ferris wheel spun and we looked out over the sea.

As it came to a stop I received a message from my mother. "Apparently mom and Eri have been talking and they wanted to let us have some more alone time. So they're gonna take her to dinner and back to their place and bring her home later."

"It's weird to think, but that used to not be an option. And it's kinda weird not having her around." Ochako said as she looked up to me. "But it will be nice to have a little dinner date won't it?"

I smiled and met her for a quick kiss. "It absolutely will be."

When the Ferris wheel came to a stop I stepped out and then extended my hand to help Ochako out. She wrapped her arms around mine and the two of us started walking down the pier. "So." She asked, with a soft smile on her face. "What do you wanna do tonight?"

I thought for a moment before an idea clicked. "There's a restaurant near here that I think you would like. So how about dinner?"

"I'd like that. It's been a while since we went on a date together." The two of us walked to the end of the pier together and I pulled out my phone to figure out where the restaurant was.

"It looks like it's only a five minute walk. Wanna see the city a bit?" I smiled down at Ochako and she nodded as she spoke.

"That sounds nice."

The two of us walked in a comfortable silence, just taking in the cool night walking through the city. It was so nice, just the two of us walking together. It did feel weird not having Eri with us though.

After the short walk we turned a corner and I could feel Ochako jump in her spot. The restaurant I had chosen was not a fancy one, however it was a Thirteen themed restaurant. The official Thirteen themed restaurant.

"Izuku I had no idea this was here, this is so cool!" I watched as Ochako was giddy about the restaurant and it reminded me of the first time we kissed.


My nerves shook as I walked, this wasn't our first date but it was still terrifying picking her up from her apartment. We had been dating for the last month and I still couldn't believe it. For the occasion I was in some slick khakis and a button down. Which was significantly less than our first date since I was way over dressed for that.

As i approached the apartment building and tensed a bit since her dads car was in front of the building. I had only seen her parents once since we started dating and he didn't seem to like the idea of his daughter having a boyfriend.

While climbing the stairs I adjust the small bouquet of flowers to make them seem better. That's when her door came into view. Since the Urarakas lived so far away from the highschool she was staying in a student apartment.

I came to a stop in front of her door and took a deep breath as I raised my hand to knock. "Just relax Izuku, this isn't your first date so just relax."

My hand relaxed and made contact with the door three times. "Coming!" I heard that angelic voice come from inside the apartment followed by something being knocked over and the door swinging open for Mr. Uraraka to be standing in front of me.

"Izuku." Was all he said as he stared at me. He didn't seem angry, more stoic and solid than anything.

"Mr. Uraraka. How are you doing this morning?" He smiled a little as he continued to stare.

"It's almost night Izuku. Relax. I have accepted the fact that you are dating my daughter. Just remember." He leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "If I find out you got her pregnant before you're married, I will end you."

With my body frozen in horror and embarrassment, he was pushed to the side as Ochako came to the door. "Dad, you have to stop it! You and I both know you're not gonna kill him."

"Fine fine fine. Just make sure you two don't stay out too late. I am going to my hotel and I wanna know as soon as you're back you hear me?"

"Yes yes yes. Now just go, we're gonna be late if we dont leave soon." With that said Mr. Uraraka made his way down stairs leaving me still frozen and Ochako standing in the doorway.

"Sorry about that, Izuku, he's just a bit overprotective." She stepped outside and closed her door behind her which was when I got a good look at her for the first time. She was wearing a black skirt and leggings with a pink shirt tucked into it and her black jacket over it. In other words she was beautiful.

I tried to speak but again stuttered. "I-it's o-ok. I get it." She giggled lightly as she turned away from locking her door.

"Izuku, you need to relax some. We've known each other our whole lives. It shouldn't be all that different with us dating should it?" She turned and stood right in front of me.

My body started to calm down as I looked just slightly down to her. "I would have hoped, but honestly." She looked at me a bit confused as I continued. "I am terrified. And it's specifically because we've known each other for so long. I... I really like you. Both as my best friend and my girlfriend. And I am so afraid of messing this up and losing you. You've been there for me through thick and thin, and I can't imagine messing that up."

Her smile brightened and a small blush spread across her cheek as I finished. "I know you were trying to be honest and express your worries but that was really really sweet." She pulled me into a hug, which is something that had happened a billion times since we were little but now... it seemed so much better. "But I do understand what you're saying. Though between you and me." She looked up at me as she hugged me, "I don't think we're gonna have that issue."

She stepped back slightly and took the flowers from me before setting them inside and we began our journey. We were going to a small festival that was happening nearby, it wasn't so extravagant but after taking her to a very very fancy restaurant as our first date this was well done.

Ochako wasn't a huge fan of fancy things, especially since she knew it wasn't really something I could afford regularly. So the day after our first date she pulled me aside after school and talked to me about it. She seemed to be much calmer about it and I was a nervous mess. But I could tell we were settling comfortably into our new relationship.

As we made it to the street the festival was being held on we could see the lights and decorations hung all over the place. The low hanging sun is just a few hours from setting in the early autumn sky.

"It's really pretty isn't it?" Ochako asked as she looked at the decorations.

"Yeah it is. Seems like it's not as small as I thought." The crowd was a great deal bigger than I had anticipated originally.

I felt Ochakos soft hand slide into mine and looked over to her, a blush dusted on my cheeks at her touch. "So we dont get separated." She had this goofy little smile as if she was getting away with being sneaky.

The two of us walked into the festival and began looking around. It was a nice setup. Games littered here and there. Some food vendors nestled into the nooks and crannies. Stalls with homemade souvenirs every so often.

One of which being a stall with a mother and daughter, maybe five, who had made little keychains with various items like beads and various little plastic animals that had holes in them.

I decided to get myself an Ochako one. Mine being a lime green and pink pattern of beads and Ochako chose a little green turtle.

We ate a few different treats as we went. Some takoyaki, a few candies that someone made, and some sliced up caramel apples.

As we ate the apples Ochako spoke with a mouthful of apple. "These are so sweet!"

As the sun started setting we made our way to the end of the festival where a large grassy hill sat. I had purchased a homemade blanket from one of the stalls before we began our climb of the hill.

The festival was having a fireworks show a few minutes after sunset and Ochako and it decided to climb to the very top of the hill to watch.

We made it to the top and I laid out the blanket for the two of us to sit on. As we settled down next to each other we were able to catch a glimpse of the sunset before it went dark. We sat there for a few minutes chatting about school and what not as we waited for the fireworks.

Once they began everyone went quiet and watched the lights in the sky. The mix of colors had Ochako mesmerized as she looked at them. However I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her. The colors reflected in her chocolate brown eyes. The smile of awe as she watched the fireworks. The way her hair laid back slightly as she looked up. She was my fireworks.

"They're so pretty aren't they?"

"Yeah. They are."

Once the fireworks were over we got up and dusted off the blanket before heading down the hill. As we got back to the sidewalk, I shifted the blanket to my right arm since Ochako was on my left and nervously slid my hand into hers.

She looked over to me with a shy smile and gripped my hand softly. I could tell she was happy. The two of us carried light conversation as we walked, again chatting about whatever came to mind.

I think this was actually the first time I wasn't super nervous about our date. It felt so natural now. Like it was meant to be. And I knew then and there I would do whatever I could to keep her.

Once we made it back to her building and climbed the stairs we stood in front of her door.

"I had a lot of fun tonight izuku. The festival was a good idea." She smiled up at me as she spoke.

"It was a lot of fun. I-I enjoy spending my time with you." We both had a light blush as we stood there. Still holding hands.

"Well I guess it's late now. Should probably let dad know I'm home." She gently removed her hand from mine to dig out the key to her apartment. "Are you still coming to the shelter with me tomorrow?"

With her door now open she turned to me after asking her question. I had been thinking about what I was about to do. Hell i had always dreamed of doing it, I just never thought i would be able to.

As she fully faced me I took her hand again and used it to pull her closer as I closed the distance and kissed her. She was shocked for a split second by my actions, before she closed her eyes and leaned into it lightly. The two of us stood there for a moment. Neither of us was exactly sure how to do this, which made it an awkward kiss but even then, even through the awkwardness I didn't want to move. I didn't want us to separate.

But after a moment we did. She stood very close to me, looking slightly up as her face flushed a deep red. Of Course my face was just as red as hers as I looked into her chocolate brown eyes. "As long as you're there, then I'll go anywhere."

The sentence left my mouth before I could even think. A cheesy line that slightly broke the tension but seemed to only make her blush worsen. "I-i... T-thats..." I could tell she was flustered as she stuttered. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

She turned away from me and started fanning her face with her hand as she walked through her door, of which I took the moment to leave the blanket on the rack next to her door. "I'll see you tomorrow Ochako. Have a good night."

As I spoke she turned back to me with a goofy flustered smile. "Yeah, I'll see you then. Bye Izuku."

Once the door was closed I turned to walk away but stopped as I heard an ear shattering screech come from her apartment followed by her laughter. "HE KISSED ME! HE ACTUALLY KISSED ME!" I could even hear the sound of her jumping around in the room as she laughed and squealed. Just repeating yeses and squeals and celebrations.

"I-i guess she liked it." Happy to know she had enjoyed my kiss I started my walk home, a blush still burning on my face. "Her lips were so soft."

Flashback End

We walked through the front door of the restaurant and waited next to the host stand. It didn't take long for a host dressed in a form fitting version of the thirteen suit with the visor pulled back walked up. "Welcome to Quantum Eats! Just the two of you for today?"

"Yes a table for two, preferably a booth if you can." Ochako addressed the hostess as she adjusted her hands position in mine.

"Alrighty, if you will follow me this way I will show you to the table." We followed the hostess through the restaurant and Ochako was staring at all the 13 memorabilia that was strewn everywhere.

That's when I noticed it, that look on her face. "My fireworks." I whispered to myself as I watched her.

"Here's your table. Your waiter will be with you shortly." The hostess gestured to a table toward the back of the restaurant nestled in the corner. The booths were shaped a bit like cartoon rocketships. They were in the shape of circles, open on one side for us to get in and a round table in the middle.

"I've always wanted to sit in one of these!" Ochako said as she sat down, a childlike giggle in her voice as she looked at her frantically trying to take in everything.

I couldn't help but smile as she looked around us. Though as she did I picked up the menu and began looking over it. All of the items had some sort of space themed name to them. Though they were pretty standard dishes.

As Ochako finished talking she picked up her menu and pointed out every single name to me in an excited manner. I had figured out early on what I was going to get but Ochako was having a hard time deciding. "Why don't you get a bunch of different things and try them, we can always take the leftovers back. Then Eri can try some too."

"That sounds great, but I can only imagine the bill we'd have if we did that." I chuckled lightly at her and she just rolled her eyes. "Yeah I guess you're right."

"I still remember when you couldn't stand me spending a ton of money on you." She rolled her eyes again as she smiled at me.

"Yeah well you and your family do it anyway, so I just got to a point where there's no point fighting it. Figured better to enjoy the pampering then be upset by it."

After a few minutes the waiter came over and took our rather large order. He came back pretty quickly with our drinks, mine being a green tea and Ochako having ordered an Orbital Float. The two of us sat waiting on our food and talked about all sorts of things.

Our night was great. The two of us laughed and talked for three hours in that restaurant. Both of us tried all the different foods we had ordered and just enjoyed being together.

Once we were finished at the restaurant I helped her pack up the leftovers into four different boxes before we started our walk back to the beach house. I carried the food in my right hand and my left was occupied by Ochakos hand.

The night had left us in a content mood, silence as we walked but a feeling of comfort as our hands stayed linked. We were getting close to the beach house as Ochako laid her head on my shoulder. "Izuku?"

I rubbed my thumb across the back of her hand before speaking. "What is it, Ochako?"

"When Eri came into our lives. It was pretty out of the blue. One day I'm worried about you at that raid, the next we have a daughter." She took a moment before speaking again, "I must admit the first few weeks were spent focusing on making her comfortable and getting used to it. But as things started settling down and we had a routine that we were in. I started to think about us. We had been together for two years by the time Eri came into our life, and we'd always done the standard couple stuff. We were always lovey dovey with each other, and I loved all of that. But I realized that all of that stuff had just kinda stopped all of a sudden. Yes we were still together and spending our time together. But we didn't have those days where we just cuddled and did nothing. We didn't have those moments where we got lost in a kiss and made out. And I'm not saying I'm upset about that. I love Eri, and I wouldn't trade what we have now for any of what we had. I just realized it stopped so suddenly. And I guess what I'm saying is, tonight has been all of those things. And I want us to promise each other that we will still try and do these kinds of things now, now that Eri is so much better and we can. Because like I said I love the life we have now, I just don't want us to miss all the young couple things we can still do in life."

I stopped our walk and turned to face Ochako with a smile. "So what you're telling me is you wanna make out with me."

Her face turned a deep shade of red as she became embarrassed. "T-that's not what I meant! I just mean we're still young, we're both still just nineteen. And I still wanna have those adventures with you. Being young and having fun."

As she finished I leaned forward and kissed her forehead, "I know what you mean. And I thought about that stuff too. Especially when I called you and told you about Eri. I was worried you'd be upset because, at least in my head, we were jumping a few years ahead of where we are. But yes, I promise you, Ochako Uraraka, soon to be Midoriya, that no matter what happens we will make time to be young and in love."

Her blush deepened a bit before she closed the gap and hugged me. "I love you so much Izuku. And I appreciate everything you've done for me and with me." We stood there under the stars embracing each other for a few more moments before separating.

"I love you too Ochako, I have for so long and I will love you till the end of time."

The two of us finished our walk to the beach house, which was still empty and went inside to begin putting the leftovers away.

As we finished I walked over to Ochako and took her hand in mine before pulling her toward the living room. "What are you doing Izuku?" She asked with a little giggle in her voice as she followed behind me.

I picked up the remote and hit play, allowing a song to play through the T.V. "Being young and in love." Once the remote was back on the table the song started playing and Ochako smiled as she heard the words.

"You just had to pick this song didn't you?" Her smile reminded me of fireworks again as she stepped closer to me.

"Of course. This is our song after all. The first time I ever danced with you in my arms."

As the music played Ochako wrapped her arms around my neck and I let my arms around to the small of her back, her head leaned against my chest and mine resting on hers. The two of us swayed together as we listened to the song.

A-one, two, three, four

Everything you do, it sends me

Higher than the moon with every

Twinkle in your eye

You strike a match that lights my heart on fire

When you're near, I hide my blushing face

And trip on my shoelaces

Grace just isn't my forté

But it brings me to my knees when you say

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?

I fall into a pile on the floor

Puppy love is hard to ignore

When every little thing you do, I do adore

We're as different as can be

I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed

And I'm overly uptight

We balance out each other nicely

You wear sandals in the snow

In mid-July, I still feel cold

We're opposites in every way

But I can't resist it when you say

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?

I fall into a pile on the floor

Puppy love is hard to ignore

When every little thing you do, I do adore

Finding words, I mutter

Tongue-tied, twisted

Foot in mouth, I start to stutter

Ha, ha, Heaven help me

Hello, how are you, my darling, today?

I fall into a pile on the floor

Puppy love is hard to ignore

When every little thing you do, I do adore

Every little thing, ba-ba-ba-ba

Every little thing, ba-ba-ba-ba

Every little thing you do, I do adore

As the song came to an end we continued to hold each other. Not saying a word for a while. Just holding each other and swaying gently.

After a while Ochako looked up at me with a soft smile with her chin resting on my chest. "I've been thinking lately."

She stopped her sentence there and stared at me. "You've been thinking about what?" I asked as I smiled down at her and gently moved some hair from her face.

Her smile grew a bit before she spoke. "Ochako Midoriya sounds really nice."

I couldn't stop my grin from forming as she spoke. "Yeah I like the sound of that. Mr. And Mrs. Midoriya."

Ochako buried her face in my chest as she let out a little chuckle. "I love how sweet and cheesy you are."

"I know." I kissed the top of her head and hugged her a bit tighter.

As I finished I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly eleven. "I wonder where mom and All Might are staying. It's getting late so we should check and see about picking up eri."

"You're right. Besides, we'll have plenty of time to make out on our honeymoon." Ochako wore a mischievous smile as she pulled away and left me with a little blush.

As she walked away I pulled out my phone and sent a text to mom. "Hey where are you guys so we can come and get eri before it gets any later."

It took a few minutes but I finally got a reply. "We're just a few houses down the street from you. I had wanted to let you two have the night to yourselves but I can tell someone wants her mommy and daddy."

I turned to Ochako and spoke, "She says they're just down the road from us. We could walk and pick her up if you want?"

"Sounds like a good idea. Let's get going." I sent another message to mom letting her know we were on our way and she specified which house.

Ochako and I stepped back into the cool night and turned to walk down the road. The street was full of beach houses, each a comfortable distance from one another to give some room on the beach for each house. Most of which had a similar modern design as ours, this area only having been built in the last few years meant the trees and greenery neatly placed around the sidewalks were still small and young.

It was only a few minutes of walking before we stood in front of one of the houses with a mostly white look to it. I could look inside and see through the opening in the curtains slightly, mom and All Might sat on the couch with eri sitting between them dozing off slightly, trying to fight sleep as long as she could.

A moment later and Ochako rang the doorbell, it didn't take but a second for us to hear Eri jump up from the couch. Then the door opened, and as I saw All Might opening it I felt Eri collide with my legs. "Mommy Daddy!"

"Hey sweetie, were you good for Grandpa Might and Grandma Inko?" ochako asked as I picked up the little girl and her mother closed in for a hug.

Inko chuckled as she joined All Might at the door. "She was wonderful as always, but I can tell she's ready for bed. I hope you two enjoyed your evening?"

I turned to meet Ochako's gaze as we were asked. "It was pretty wonderful."

As Eri dozed off into my shoulder we all said our goodbyes and Ochako and I made our way back to the house with Eri safely in my arms asleep.

Enjoying the start of her Happily Forever After.

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