Chapter 6: Return of the Wayne

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U.A. High School was an academy that boasted the best heroics education in Japan. Sitting atop a forested hill that overlooked Musutafu, U.A. was a shining beacon of hope.

The school itself was surrounded by dense forestry with multiple buildings covering different parts of the land. The main buildings were right in front of the entrance, both being towering skyscrapers shaped like the letter H and they were both built into being back to back. The gates were shaped in a blue archway with a golden symbol atop it, long walls going to the left and right along with multiple white archways upon entrance of the school.

Middle school students from all around have been invited to U.A. on this day. To test their abilities, skills and drive for the opportunity to attend U.A. so they could learn how to become the future heroes they aspire to be.

The front of the school and front lobby had many students either in conversation or waiting for the instructions to be given to them in order for the proceedings to begin. It had been relatively calm for the moment but then the front of the school started bustling with either shocked or surprised faces and whispers, as if a celebrity had just arrived.

She wouldn't consider herself a celebrity, even if others did, but she found their shocked and surprised expressions understandable since she had disappeared from Japan for an abundance of years. Yes, Yamiyo Wayne had returned and yes, she was aiming to attend U.A. High, was it really that shocking?

"Is that who I think it is?" A person whispered.

"What is she doing here?" Another whispered.

"Isn't she supposed to be Quirkless? Why would she be here and now?" Another whispered.

"I dunno, I honestly thought she died." Another whispered.

Yamiyo wanted to roll her eyes at all the gossip as she kept walking but Yamiyo had an image to keep and rolling her eyes would seem snobbish and reveal how antisocial she had become. So instead, she flashed everyone a kind smile and greeted those that she passed cheerfully.

She heard footsteps quickly approaching her and turned just in time to catch a boy that had been distracted by a notebook he dropped upon bumping into her.

"Whoa there, the building's not going anywhere." Yamiyo said, letting go of the boy and he looked up at her, blushing and quickly looking down once she smiled at him. She bent down and picked up the notebook, take a quick glance at the two open pages and handing it back to him "I see you're prepared, that's good."

"Y-yeah..." The boy muttered nervously as he shut the notebook 'Oh man! A pretty girl's talking to me! Me! What do I do!? What do I do!?'

The young man was somewhat short but she could tell he had a toned physique. His round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark-green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair, and are usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent, energized appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. He wore a black school uniform, red sneakers and carried a yellow backpack.

"Well, good luck on the exam." Yamiyo said as she continued her walk to the building.

"U-Uh...y-yeah...bye..." The young man stuttered out with an awkward wave and Yamiyo replied by smiling at him over her shoulder and waving back, which caused the young man's face to turn embarrassingly red.

Yamiyo entered the building and greeted each person she passed by kindly, until she reached the secretary's desk. There was another young man in front of her and he seemed to be signing a few things. He put down the pen and shoved the paper back into the secretary's hands, turning around and glaring right at her.

"What the hell are you staring at, extra!?" The young man shouted.

The young man was of average height, with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He had short, spiky, sandy blonde hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. His eyes were sharp and bright red in color. He wore the same uniform the previous young man she bumped into wore but this one wore his more loosely and uncaring with a red backpack slinked over his right shoulder.

Yamiyo smiled "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

"Tch, you extras are all the same. A bunch of weirdos that got nothing better to do." The young man stated, receiving a few glares from the other people in the room.

"Again, I apologize." Yamiyo said with a quick bow, her smile not faltering one bit "It was my fault for doing something so disingenuous, I'll do better to stay out of your way next time."

The young man smirked "Now that's what I like to see! A person that knows their place!"

The young man laughed to himself, ignoring the glares from others as he walked away. Yamiyo quickly moved to the secretary's desk and flashed her a smile.

"Hectic day?" Yamiyo asked.

The secretary chuckled with a nod "You have no idea. We get lots of kids like him that think they're all that because of their Quirks."

"Nothing wrong with a bit of confidence, but an ego like that is going to need to be kept in check." Yamiyo said.

"Oh don't worry, U.A. is one of the best at humbling spoiled brats like him." The secretary said as Yamiyo chuckled "Hey, you seem so familiar. Do I know you from somewhere by any chance?"

"Well, I haven't been out in public for a while but you'd probably recognize me from the pictures taken of me when I was a child." Yamiyo explained as the secretary blinked but then widened her eyes once she recognized who she was talking to.

"Y-You're Yamiyo Wayne!!!" The secretary exclaimed.

Yamiyo smiled and nodded "Yes I am, and you are?"

"M-Me? Oh, I'm nobody important." The secretary said with an awkward chuckle.

"No, don't say that about yourself. Everyone's important and I'm sure your friends and family would tell you no different." Yamiyo said as the secretary blushed and nervously laughed.

"O-oh t-thank you..." The secretary said as she started typing into her computer "U-Um, what are you doing here, Ms. Wayne? Are you also here for the exam?"

Yamiyo shook her head "I've lost interest in becoming a hero a long time ago, seeing as I'm Quirkless and all."

"O-oh, I'm sorry to hear that." The secretary said solemnly.

"No, it's quite alright." Yamiyo said, waving the topic away "I'm actually here on a special request to write the business exam."

"Ok, uh..." The secretary drawled out as she typed on the computer and found the document "Yes, there you are. You're early as well."

"Early bird gets the worm, or something like that." Yamiyo said with a shrug as the secretary giggled.

"Your exam is in the classroom to the right down the hall. Room 52, to be more precise." The secretary explained and Yamiyo nodded "Your supervisor should be waiting for you in the classroom."

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this." Yamiyo said as the secretary blushed with a grin.

"N-No problem, Ms. Wayne." The secretary replied as Yamiyo headed towards the class "Good luck on the exam."

Yamiyo gave the secretary a thumbs up as she made her way over to the class. It didn't take long for her to find room 52 and she heard someone tell her to enter after she knocked on the door.

She entered the class to see a woman sitting at a desk with her phone in hand. She put down the phone and looked at Yamiyo, smirking and standing up.

She was a tall, curvaceous woman with sky blue eyes, which tilted downwards in the center; framed by a set of rather long eyelashes. She had abundant spiky dark purple hair which was made up of layers of varying lengths, the longest ones reaching down below her waist. Her chin-length bangs were split into three sections; two swept to the sides and one over her face, going diagonally down to the left between her eyes. She also had a small beauty mark below her left eye, as well as red-painted nails. Her costume was very similar to one of a traditional dominatrix. She wore a breastless, black leather leotard—similar in style to a corset—over a thin, skin-tight white bodysuit, which accentuated her voluptuous figure. The center strip of her leotard was embellished with red gemstone-like accessories in a vertical pattern, extending from her collar to her midriff. She also wore translucent, black, thigh-high garter stockings, which were attached to a burgundy utility belt decorated with gold studs around her hips, a matching pentagonal buckle in its center, and black knee-boots. She had a small red mask outlining her eyes, and a handcuff on each wrist.

'Nemuri Kayama, aka, Pro-Hero Midnight. Her Quirk, Somnambulist, a power that allows her to put nearby people to sleep by exuding a sleep-inducing aroma from her body, it's to be noted that her Quirk works better on males than females. She's quite known for her flirtatious nature, along with her Quirk ability, I'll have to keep my guard up around her.' Yamiyo summarized as she smiled at the woman "Good morning, I'm here for my business exam. Are you my instructor?"

'Ooh~ All these new and interesting people popping up all of a sudden. First the Batwoman, now this sexy young woman~' Midnight thought to herself as she licked her lips "Yes, I am. Nemuri Kayama, but you can call me by my hero name, Midnight."

"Nice to meet you, Midnight. I'm Yamiyo Wayne." Yamiyo greeted with a short bow.

"I know who you are darling~ it's not everyday a celebrity shows up around here." Midnight said.

"Well, I wouldn't consider myself a celebrity." Yamiyo said with a chuckle "I'd much prefer being a normal person rather than being in the spotlight everyday."

"My, my, no need to be so humble. A beautiful girl like yourself deserves to be in the spotlight~" Midnight said with a flirtatious smirk.

"We already have gorgeous women like yourself in the spotlight, I think that's already enough." Yamiyo replied with a smirk of her own.

"Ara~ Ara~ aren't you a charming one." Midnight says, stepping closer to Yamiyo and rubbing her cheek "That confidence of yours is so desirable~"

"That's not the only desirable thing here~" Yamiyo says as Midnight bites her lip.

"You're lucky I'm on the clock, Ms. Wayne." Midnight says as she moved away and turned around to take the test from her desk, purposefully bending and rubbing against Yamiyo's crotch as she picked up the test.

'Flirtatious was an understatement.' Yamiyo thought, letting out a silent sigh to keep herself under control as Midnight stood up straight.

"Time for the test." Midnight said with a smirk as Yamiyo nodded and sat at one of the desks.

The test had started and Yamiyo was breezing through the answers quite easily as Midnight watched her from her desk.

'You keep on bringing more surprises, don't you, Ms. Wayne? You were able to resist me but I felt the beautiful monster you have down there~ Knowing you're one of those just turns me on even more~' Midnight said to herself as she licked her lips once more.

Yamiyo put the pen down and stood up with the test, surprising Midnight since it hasn't even been 5 minutes yet. Yamiyo put the test down on the desk in front of Midnight and smiled at her.

"That's the whole test, right?" Yamiyo asked.

"W-well, yes it is, but are you sure you're done? The test is 3 hours long." Midnight asked and Yamiyo nodded.

"I'm confident enough in my answers." Yamiyo said as Midnight looked through the test and was surprised to see each question fully answered, even the essays were fully answered on the pages provided.

"Amazing. Are you some kind of super genius?" Midnight asked.

Yamiyo shook her head "I just studied a lot over the years."

Midnight smirked "Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the results. It'd be nice to have a studious student such as yourself attending U.A."

"I'll be sure to make the school proud." Yamiyo said.

"It's a shame you were born without a Quirk, I'm sure you'd ace today's Hero exam like you've done with this one." Midnight said.

"It's fine. I've grown to realize that Quirks aren't needed to succeed." Yamiyo said with a shrug "A lot can still be done without the use of superpowers."

Midnight smiled "You're quite mature for your age, Ms. Wayne. I'm enjoying this little chat of ours."

"Maybe we can talk more, over some coffee perhaps?" Yamiyo suggested.

Midnight gasped with a smirk "Ara~ Ara~, Ms. Wayne. Are you asking out your teacher?"

"I haven't been accepted yet, so you're technically not my teacher." Yamiyo retorted.

Midnight stood up and placed her hands on Yamiyo's shoulders, leaning in to whisper in her ears.

"But that's what makes it fun~" Midnight whispered which made Yamiyo smirk as Midnight placed a kiss on her cheek and pulled away "I'll think about your offer, Ms. Wayne. But, for now, I have a job to do."

"The Hero's exam?" Yamiyo asked and Midnight nodded.

"So many young and bright faces ready to show us what they can do today." Midnight said "Are you going to be staying for the exam? We have monitors that will be viewing the whole thing."

Yamiyo shook her head "Unfortunately, I have somewhere to be."

"What a shame," Midnight said, feeling disappointed "Well, I hope you have good day, Ms. Wayne. You've certainly become my favorite student."

Yamiyo shook her head as she walked away "Again, not a student."

"Not yet." Midnight retorted with a smirk which caused Yamiyo to let out a laugh as she left the classroom.


Her driver parked in front of the graveyard and Yamiyo got out with flowers in hand. She made her way past the graves towards the large black tombstone her parents were buried under. But once she reached the tombstone, she stopped to look on in shock at the person who was putting down flowers on her parent's grave.

It was a tall teenage girl with a rather mature physique. She had long black hair that was tied into a spiky ponytail with a large strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes were thin and sharp, dark in color and paired with short eyebrows set in a determined expression. She wore a coat similar to Yamiyo's but hers was white in color along with a red scarf. This was the childhood friend of Yamiyo Wayne and aspiring hero, Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Momo?" Yamiyo asked and the young girl jumped a bit at the sound of her voice.

She stood up straight and turned face Yamiyo with a shocked expression "Y-Yamiyo?"

Yamiyo nodded with a smile as Momo adopted a solemn expression and looked down to the ground.

"You're back?" Momo asked and Yamiyo nodded "For good?"

Yamiyo nodded once more "How've you been?"

"Good." Momo replied and both of them fell into a moment of silence "I should be going now; I've got a lot of work to do."

She said this as she started walking away but once she was about to pass Yamiyo, the red haired girl softly grabbed her hand.

"Momo, wait..." Yamiyo said.

"No, I don't think I will..." Momo said, pulling her hand back and looking at Yamiyo with teary eyes "Not anymore."

Yamiyo watched as she walked away, her hands falling to her sides as she felt defeated. She clenched her fists in determination, she was going to make this right, she had to make it right. She could understand why Momo would want nothing to do with her, disappearing from her life without any warning and just suddenly reappearing as if nothing's changed was just wishful thinking.

At least she had time to fix things and especially with attending the same school. All she had to do was remain hopeful in what lies ahead.

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