Chapter 5: The Dark Knight Rises

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The next morning was just like any other in Musutafu, many people living their lives in whatever way they pleased. At Wayne Manor though would be the start of a change, one that would hold a huge significance in the long run.

A car had driven up to the front gates of the manor and as if it was expected, the gates remotely opened. The car drove inside and parked at the front of the manor, a man coming out of the car and smiling up at Alfred who stood by the front door.

He was an older gentleman with dark brown skin, brown eyes, graying hair along with a graying moustache and freckles on his cheeks. He wore a grey suit and black shoes along with black rimmed glasses. This was the current CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Lucius Fox.

Meanwhile at the spanning backyard of the manor stood Yamiyo who stared down at a stack of bricks placed on top of a stump. She took a deep breath and breathed out, swiftly striking the stack of bricks with a karate chop. The stack shattered and most of the bricks split in half while the others were reduced to chunks of stone as Yamiyo pulled her hand back.

As she expected, there was no bruising or cuts or any sort of injury done upon the hand, just dust from the shattered bricks.

"Impressive display, Master Wayne." Alfred said from the stairs of the manor's back door.

"What is it you always say Alfred? The sharpest knives bring the finest cuisines?" Yamiyo asked, turning to look at him with a small smile.

"Indeed, Master Wayne." Alfred replied with a smile of his own "Mr. Fox has arrived by the way; he awaits your presence in the lounge."

"Well let's not keep him waiting." Yamiyo said, walking back to the manor.

Alfred handed her a handkerchief and she took it as she passed by him. He shut the backdoor as she made her way to the lounge, wiping the dust from her hand in the process.

"Lucius Fox." Yamiyo stated as Lucius finished sipping the tea Alfred had made for him and he was shocked to see her.

"As I live and breathe, Yamiyo Wayne." Lucius stated as he stood up and smiled "You've grown so much! When Alfred called me yesterday, I thought he was pulling my chain."

"I'm not the type for that sort of thing." Alfred said, walking up to them.

"It's good to see you again." Yamiyo said, holding out her hand for him to shake.

He shook it in stride as he replied "It's great to see you again. I was so worried when you disappeared 10 years ago, I honestly thought you'd never be back."

"Well I am and I'm here to stay." Yamiyo replied and gestured for him to sit "Please sit, I have some news to discuss with you."

"Of course." Lucius replied, sitting back down as Yamiyo sat across from him.

"So it's clear that I've been gone for some time." Yamiyo started and Lucius nodded "Alfred has informed me on the thriving state of Wayne Enterprises, I'm happy to know that I entrusted it on the right person."

Lucius chuckled "I learned all I could from your fath...sorry."

"No, it's fine." Yamiyo told him "I've taken time to make peace with it."

"Will you be taking over since you're back?" Lucius asked, trying to move away from the sensitive topic.

"No, not yet." Yamiyo replied as Alfred took a sheet on a nearby table and handed it to Lucius "I plan on learning how to run a business first and I plan on doing so in a the most dreadful place I could think of."

"School." Alfred quantified.

"Not just any school, U.A. High school." Lucius said as he read through the sheet "Good choice, but won't the heroic side of the school be a distraction?"

"I'll need to be able to work with heroes as well but it won't be too much of a bother since I really don't have an interest on doing anything involving heroes." Yamiyo explained nonchalantly as Alfred dawned a tiny smirk.

"Well okay then, guess I'll be sitting at the top for a little while longer." Lucius said with a chuckle as he handed the sheet back to Alfred.

"As for sitting at the top, you should know what's been happening around the company, right?" Yamiyo asked.

"I do." Lucius said with a nod.

"Can you summarize the important parts for me?" Yamiyo asked.

"Well, our stocks have been steadily rising due to the lucky investments that have been made, foundations and events are already planned and funded for the year, newer advancements are being developed by the day, the Yaoyorozu family have been our strongest partners, old military equipment will be redesigned and held for auction, the medical-" Lucius listed but Yamiyo cut him off.

"Wait, did you say old military equipment?" Yamiyo asked.

Lucius nodded "Yeah, a program your father started in an effort to strengthen the military but it was shut down because of the developments of Quirks and heroes. They're collecting dust in a warehouse not too far from the city."

Yamiyo adopted a serious look as she put down the cup of tea "Show me."


Warehouse doors slammed shut and the lights within the warehouse were switched on. Inside the warehouse were crates, racks of weapons and tools, armor stands and various vehicles covered up in sheets.

"Impressive." Yamiyo let out as she looked around and Lucius let out a laugh.

"That's one of the many things that came to mind when I first saw it. Right this way, ma'am." Lucius said as he walked ahead and Yamiyo followed "Tomasu Wayne wasn't a man of violence by any means but the world was, still is in fact, so he developed everything here to aid in protecting the weak."

"He always was that type of man, helping others was just in his blood." Yamiyo said.

"And that blood still runs through you." Lucius said with a smile "I know you'll be doing great things Yamiyo, things that many would think you're incapable of doing."

"I aim to do so." Yamiyo replied with a small smile and Lucius chuckled.

Lucius turned to a nearby rack and pulled the shelf out to reveal a dark green suit. It was armored and sleek with many components ordered in pieces.

"This is what Tomasu called The Knight." Lucius dubbed as Yamiyo stepped forward and ran her hand over the armor plating "Composed of Kevlar and a small percentage of titanium."

"Bulletproof?" Yamiyo asked.

"Yes and resistant to most forms of attack, falls, explosions, blunt trauma, slashes, etc." Lucius listed as Yamiyo nodded along and he moved on to the gloves "Flame-retardant and insulated, both the gloves and boots are reinforced to nullify deep impacts."

"A near indestructible armor." Yamiyo summarized.

"Hence why it was called The Knight." Lucius said in agreement.

"I'll be taking it." Yamiyo stated and Lucius gave her a perplexed look "No need for it to sit here and collect dust, why not use it for extracurricular activities?"

"May I know what these extracurricular activities are?" Lucius asked.

Yamiyo patted him on the shoulder as she looked over the suit "Nope."


Two men held a woman at knife point within an alleyway, she let out a scream as they laughed and sneered. Yamiyo moved out of the shadows, in the same costume she wore on her first night on the job, and grabbed one of the men by the head then slammed him into the wall.

His partner watched his friend slump into unconsciousness and glared at Yamiyo, brandishing the knife and lunging at her. She grabbed his hand effortlessly, twisting it until an audible crack rang out and the man screamed, dropping the knife.

She kneed him in the gut and gave him an uppercut as he doubled over which sent him flying into nearby trash can, groaning in pain.

She turned to the woman shaking in fear and walked away "Call the police, for your own safety and theirs."


Lucius flipped a switch on a rack to reveal different kinds of guns, from pistols to automatic rifles.

"Not interested." Yamiyo simply stated.

"Are you sure?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, let's move on." Yamiyo said, walking past him and Lucius relented and switched off the light.


A jewelry store owner was held at gunpoint by a masked man that smirked and threw his duffel bag at him. The owner got the hint and frantically put the jewels in the bag until the bell above the door rang, signaling the entrance of someone.

They both turned to see Yamiyo running towards the man holding the gun, he fired but she easily dodged each shot and landed a powerful right hook. The man crashed into the wall but Yamiyo wasn't done, she punched him again his head hit the wall again.

The recoil brought his head forward and she punched it again and he slumped to the ground. The owner watched in horror as Yamiyo stomped on his head, stopping once a pool of blood surrounded the man who was barely hanging onto his life.

She walked away as the owner ducked in fear but he was shocked to see that she just left the store.


Lucius opened a large trunk and inside were gadgets of varying degrees.

"Grenades, Flash-Bang Grenades, Tear-Gas Grenades and Grappling hooks." Lucius listed as he pointed at each one.

"Dad sure liked his explosions." Yamiyo commented.

Lucius chuckled as he shut the trunk "They were your mother's idea."

Yamiyo quirked a surprised eyebrow as Lucius moved on.


Four men were meeting up at a park at night, looking around as they initiated in a drug deal. One of them heard a sound and separated from the group to check it out. The others soon heard a scream and they called out to their friend who was flung at them and crashed into another.

Yamiyo came in running and jumped, she kicked one in the face and landed in front of the remaining one. He looked at her in fear as she glared at him and he ran away screaming, spotting a patrol car not too far away with two cops leaning by the car and chatting with each other.

"Officers! Officers! Please help!" The young man shouted.

"Easy son, what's the issue?" One of the officers asked.

"My friends and I were dealing but then we got jumped by this masked woman and I think she-" The young man explained but the other officer cut him off.

"Wait, you and your friends were doing what?" The officer asked and the young man widened his eyes as the other officer took out some cuffs.


Yamiyo held onto a wall, held up by a harness as she hammered in one last piece onto the cave walls.

She wiped the sweat from her brow and turned to Alfred "Clear, give it a try."

Alfred turned on a generator and a few lights lit up an illuminated a bit of the cave to reveal thousands of bats hanging from the ceiling.

"Charming." Alfred said as he looked up at all the bats "At least you'll have company."

Yamiyo made her way down to the ground and unhooked the harness "This is their home Alfred; I'm not going to kick them out. I'm just moving in."


Policemen stood outside a bank and within were men, women and children held hostage by five bank robbers that were fully equipped with different types of elemental Quirks.

"Hurry it up, ya lugs! The heroes could be here at any second!" One of the robbers shouted to the ones taking the money.

A flash-bang was tossed in from above and it exploded, blinding everyone as Yamiyo fell from the ceiling with some new gear equipped on her person.

Heroes such as Kamui Woods and Death Arms arrived on the scene and rushed into the bank but they were shocked to see all the robbers laid out on the ground, some with their limbs contorted in unimaginable ways and Yamiyo nowhere to be seen.


Yamiyo had the suit on a stand and she wore a mask as she spray painted it into a deep black color within the cave as Alfred walked in with a newspaper in hand.

"As a veteran, I know instinctively what to do when a flash-bang is thrown and I did just that. I saw what happened, a woman came in and I thought she was part of them but no, she came in and made sure these punks would never make a withdrawal ever again." Alfred read with a tiny smirk "How exciting."

Yamiyo simply shrugged as she continued to paint the suit, adding in bits of gold this time.


A woman smirked as she looked into a crate that had a group of girls crying and shaking in fear within it.

"Don't worry girls, I promise your bodies will be used extensively where you're going." The woman cackled as she shut the shipping crate and a group of armed guards stood before her "Good job boys, this may be our highest pay yet."

Explosions around them suddenly went off and all the smoke created a shroud, perfect for Yamiyo to strike in more gear.

The girls inside the shipping crate heard screams, gunfire and more explosions for a good while until they abruptly stopped. They grew fearful as the crate doors opened to reveal the woman who fell to the ground in front of them and Yamiyo stood in her place.

"The police are on their way, you're safe now." Yamiyo stated, walking away.


Yamiyo and Alfred stood in front of a table with different catalogues and texts laid out in front of them.

"We purchase all these items from different regions of the world to avoid any suspicion." Alfred explained.

"Make sure they're in different parts as well, we want to completely avoid any trace of what we're doing." Yamiyo stated and Alfred nodded.


"Another night, another save for our mysterious newcomer." A reporter stated in front of a crime scene where multiple thugs were being wheeled out and the reporter moved to a group of teenagers "So, any hint to what happened tonight?"

"It was so crazy!" One of them exclaimed.

"We were going home from some skating, yo, and these dudes run up and pull out their pieces, ya heard? And now we finna box with our Quirks, ya feel me? But them fools had Quirks too and they folded us bad!" Another teen stated.

"Like a mattress yo!" Another exclaimed.

"Uh...what?" The reporter asked.

"We were skating and decided to go home but a group of guys tried to mug us but we fought back with our Quirks but they had Quirks too and started beating us up," Another teenager explained, annoyed by her friends.

"That is until she showed up!" the loud one exclaimed.

"She cleaned their clocks in five seconds flat!" The same who explained first stated.

"Not an exaggeration, she took them down faster than we could see and left without a word." Another teenager said with a smile.

"A true hero." Another swooned.

"She's no hero! Only a vigilante!" Death Arms shouted, walking up to them "A real hero does things by the book, not what this menace to society is doing."

"I don't care what everyone says about her, she's a hero in our eyes." One of the teens stated.

"Yeah!" The teens exclaimed in agreement.

"Well, there you have it. A mysterious woman stalks the city, saving lives in the shadows." The reporter said "The question remains though, is she a hero or a vigilante?"


Yamiyo watched as Alfred slammed a sledgehammer onto a helmet and the hammer shattered upon contact with the helmet left perfectly fine.

"It seems you've gotten your money's worth, ma'am." Alfred said, looking at the sledgehammer pole.

"At least I won't have to worry about headshots as much." Yamiyo said with a sigh as she moved over to a cloth and put on a pair of gloves, the gloves activated and as she touched the cloth, it became rigid "Lucius said these were called memory cloth. Regularly flexible but with a current, the molecules realign and become rigid."

"Whatever in the world will you be doing with that?" Alfred asked.

"What can I say," Yamiyo said as she deactivated the gloves and the cloth became loose "I'm a fan of capes."


"Another gang shut down by the vigilante woman of Musutafu."

"She's a menace and she has to be stopped!"

"I've started to feel safer in my own neighborhood again."

"Crime rates start to drop; could this be a sign?"

"Being a hero isn't a game, many heroes have forgotten that, she hasn't."

"Down with the vigilante!"

"She's cool and all but she ain't All Might."

"Eraser Head has competition? Drama~"

"She's so hot! Even though I've never seen her in person...but I bet she is!"

"What kind of coward hides after saving people!?"

"She saved my mommy and daddy from a bad man, I like her."

"Whoever you are, thank you."


Yamiyo sat on a bench within the cave, grinding a shuriken in the shape of a bat until it was as sharp as can be. A pile of other Batarangs sat on the table as Alfred approached her and looked at the batarang in her hand.

"Why bats, Master Wayne?" Alfred asked.

"Bats frighten me." Yamiyo stated, looking at him "It's time my enemies shared my dread."

Alfred smiled as Yamiyo threw the batarang and it lodged into a nearby steel beam.


A getaway car is being chased down by a police squadron with the robbers firing at the cops who struggled to fire back. Suddenly a batarang is thrown and it lands on one of the car tires, causing it to skid on the road and crash into a wall as officers surrounded it.

The robbers gave up after seeing all the guns aimed at them and were immediately arrested. As the officers investigated the car, one of them found the batarang and looked at in in curiosity.

"A bat?" The officer asked.

"You think this was her?" Another officer asked.

"Most likely." The officer holding the batarang said.

"Huh, I knew she was batshit crazy but this is just pushing it." Another officer said.


Yamiyo stood in front of the suit within the newly dubbed batcave. It had taken 8 months but those were a productive 8 months. She had made her preparations, both physically and mentally, and she had started making a change and even though it may have been small, it was a start.

There were still things she needed to do still, ideas running through her head on advancing this pursuit and in due time, they would be accomplished but she wasn't ready yet.

Alfred pushed a large crate into the cave and he let out a tired sigh, cracking his back in exhaustion.

"The items have arrived, Master Wayne." Alfred said.

Yamiyo turned to him with a smirk "Now I'm ready."


A large group of suited dog men sat around a table having dinner with a large man with a Dalmatian head at the end and armed guards around them.

"So, what is this I hear about a vigilante cleaning up my streets?" The large Dalmatian man asked.

"Ah, don't worry about it boss." One of the dog men said "Just another hero thinking they're all that when they really don't know what goes on in this stinkin' town."

"Yeah, all the hype will go down and she'll just be another flashy hero that ignores us little guys." Another said but then he widened his eyes in fear "Not saying that you're little boss, no disrespect."

"She's causing more trouble than she's worth, I say we take her out before she becomes a constant pain in the ass." Another said grumpily.

"Don't tell me you're scared?" Another dog man asked with a smirk and the others laughed.

"No! I'm not!" The grumpy dog man shouted which made them laugh louder.

The boss chuckled "Anybody scared of a woman is just plain pathetic, we thrive in this society because we know how to run it! And a woman over her head is just another dame that'll be sleeping with the fishes."

"Hell yeah! To Boss Dalmatian!" Another dog man shouted, raising his cup.

"Boss Dalmatian!" the dog men shouted and cheered.

Suddenly the lights cut out and smoke bombs exploded within the room. Shouts of confusion ran out as guards were taken down left and right.

"What the hell is going on!?" One of the dog men shouted, looking around until he was suddenly kicked onto the table and struck multiple times, blood leaking from every part of his face.

The dog men looked on at the figure in shock and fear as the smoke shaped it to seem like a giant bat was standing on the table.

"What the hell is that!?" One of the dog men shouted.

The bat snapped her head towards him and in an instant dashed to him and grabbed him by the jaw, lifting him up and slamming through the wall and into another room.

"D-don't just stand there you idiots! Kill it!" Boss Dalmatian shouted and all the other dog men took out knives and guns while growling and baring their teeth.

"It took down one of us but there's still 99 left." One of them stated.

"Nobody messes with the 101 Dalmatian gang and lives, especially not some bat freak." Another stated.

"Take it down boys, I'll be waiting outside." Boss Dalmatian chuckled 'Whatever the hell that thing is, it ain't surviving tonight.'

The bat turned around to face all of the dog men as Boss Dalmatian left the room. She took out a pair of bat shaped knuckle dusters and glared at them all. All of them let out barks as they lunged at her and started attacking.

After 10 minutes, Boss Dalmatian finished his smoke and went back inside. He went back to the dining room with a confident smirk on his face.

"So who's the idiot that dared attack us, boy-" Boss Dalmatian stopped talking as he looked at the sight before him in shock.

All 99 dog men were spread out all over the room with blood painting the walls, floors and even ceiling. Each dog man was suffering some severe injury and others could not feel their body parts all together.

"They're alive if that's what you're wondering." A mature voice of a woman spoke as the mystery assailant stepped out from the shadows and in front of the window which caused the moonlight to illuminate her and for the Boss to finally see her.

Yamiyo had become something else completely. She had become the fear that once instilled her for so long.

In a black armored suit that surprisingly defined her attractive physique with a red cape, red gauntlets, red boots, a red utility belt and a red bat symbol on her chest. She wore a bat shaped helmet that let her wavy red hair flow from the back. In this state, she was no longer Yamiyo Wayne, she was now The Batwoman.

"W-what the hell are you!?" Boss Dalmatian shouted.

"What was it you said about me? Another dame sleeping with the fishes?" She asked and Boss Dalmatian widened his eyes.

"Y-You're her!? Oh god! Oh no! no! no!" Boss Dalmatian whimpered as he backed up and started to run away.

Batwoman ran out of the lounge and grappled onto the roof, throwing batarangs at all of the lights and shrouding the house in darkness. Boss Dalmatian let out a scream as he pulled out his gun and started shooting randomly around, each shot briefly shining light on where Batwoman was but she seemed to be getting closer with each shot.

He shot his last shot and she was nowhere to be seen. He tried to fire more shots but he had run out of bullets and by now he was shaking in fear as he desperately tried to find her.

"Argh! No! I will not be afraid of some h-hero! Come out and face me! Where are you, dammit?" Boss Dalmatian asked as he looked around "Where are you!?"

"Here." Batwoman replied as Boss Dalmatian stopped to see her face to face with him but she was upside down.

Boss Dalmatian let out a spine chilling scream as police cars, ambulances and news vans arrived at the house.

"Good evening Musutafu, we apologize for the interruption but this is breaking news! The renowned gang, 101 Dalmatians, has been captured. Not one, not two but all of them. Keep in mind that these are men with Quirks akin to beastly dogs so taking them lightly would be a bad move and so the team that have taken down this renowned group must've included a wide – oh wait, what!?" The news anchor exclaimed into her ear piece "Ladies and gentlemen, I issue you a parental advisory warning from here on out, if you have children watching this then please switch off the T.V. for the time being because we have live footage from the scene and it is not an easy sight."

The camera switched to show the battered, beaten and mangled bodies of the 101 Dalmatians with Boss Dalmatian hanging upside down from the ceiling with his blood still dripping down to the floor.

"Reports say that all of them are miraculously alive but more than half may face different forms of disability from here on out and officers claim to have found another bat symbol on the scene." The reporter on the scene stated.

"Look out!" An officer shouted from outside.

"Oh my god!" Another shouted.

"What the hell is that!?" Another shouted.

The reporter and the cameraman made their way outside of the house and looked around, seeing everyone looking up. Spotlights pointed up at the roof as the camera also pointed up, all to reveal Batwoman looking down at them.


"Who is that?" A grinning hero asked within an office as Eraser Head narrowed his eyes at the screen.

"Ara, Ara~" A woman within the office muttered as she licked her lips.


"Is that the vigilante?" A boy with remnants of black and dark green hair asked.


"That's so badass!" A blonde haired boy exclaimed with a smirk.


A certain young woman from the Yaoyorozu household watched on with worried and curious eyes.


A young man scratched his neck frantically upon seeing what was on screen.


A killer watched from an alleyway and smirked.


Alfred sipped his tea with a proud smirk.


The broadcast shook the entire world. Questions upon questions were being asked and connections were being made on who this newcomer was. People were quick to come to the conclusion that she was in fact the woman vigilante that had been causing a stir within Musutafu and now everyone was interested in her.

The moment she had been seen, many had come up with names for her and only one stuck, rising above the rest until it was set. One name and one question, that is what was turning the world upside down.

Who was The Batwoman?

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