Chapter 4: Year One

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In a chilling morning within the mountains, a private jet stands ready for takeoff at an empty runway with the doors opening and the stairs being let down. Footsteps could be heard as a person walked towards the jet and a man comes out jet, standing on the stairs and looking towards the approaching person with a proud and happy smile.

The person in question was beautiful and mature looking young woman with a curvaceous yet fit physique. She had long red hair that went down all the way to her waist and most of it covered up one side of her face, red eyes and pale Caucasian skin. What she wore though may not have been the most appealing since it was a black sweater with a dirty brown coat, black pants with black muddy boots and an old worn and torn backpack in hand. After ten years, our protagonist has grown into the most dangerous woman in the world, this was Yamiyo Wayne.

The man on the stairs was her family's faithful butler who had aged during the years. His hair had receded and greyed but it was still kept neat as well as his short moustache that remained black in color but other than that, he was still a lean and somewhat muscular man in a very well designed suit. This was Alfred Pennyworth.

"Master Wayne, you've been gone a long time." Alfred stated.

Yamiyo smirked "Yes, I have."

"You look very fashionable." Alfred sarcastically informed as Yamiyo looked over herself "Apart from the mud."

"It's good to see you Alfred." Yamiyo genuinely said with a hug.

"Likewise." Alfred replied, happy to know that she is alive and well. He pulled back and stepped aside, gesturing to the doors of the jet "Shall we?"

"We shall." Yamiyo replied.

The jet had taken off and Yamiyo made herself comfortable by a window seat as Alfred poured her some tea. She thanked him and he smiled with a nod, pouring some tea for himself and sitting across from her.

"Are you coming back to Musutafu for long, ma'am?" Alfred asked.

"As long as it takes." Yamiyo replied "I want to show the people of Musutafu their city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt."

"There was a time when your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises combatting poverty. He believed his example could inspire the wealthy, the one's with power and not superpowers, to save their city." Alfred said.

"Did it?" Yamiyo asked.

Alfred sighed "In a way, their murder shocked the wealthy and the powerful into action."

"And what about the heroic side of things?" Yamiyo asked.

"Well there has been an influx of heroes over the years but this is all an effort to combat the influx of villains that have started popping up." Alfred explained "I don't hold these new heroes in any high regard though."

"Most do it for fame and fortune?" Yamiyo asked.

"Right on the ball, Master Wayne. Many have forgotten the true meaning of justice these days." Alfred stated.

"Hopefully I won't do the same." Yamiyo said.

"Not to worry Master Wayne, I'll be here to knock some sense into you if the opportunity does arise." Alfred said.

Yamiyo smirked "Thank you Alfred."

"Just doing my job, ma'am." Alfred replied.

"So what has been happening with the Yaoyorozu family these past years?" Yamiyo asked.

"The family or Momo Yaoyorozu specifically, Ma'am?" Alfred asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"You know what I meant." Yamiyo replied with an eye roll.

"Well from what I've heard, she's planning on attending U.A. High School as a part of the hero course." Alfred said.

"Really? Well that's going to be interesting." Yamiyo replied.

"Interesting indeed." Alfred replied "Speaking of heroes, when will your smiting upon the underworld begin, Master Wayne?"

"Tonight." Yamiyo replied.

"Tonight?" Alfred asked in surprise.

Yamiyo smirked "I'm eager to test what I'm capable of."

" be careful, Master Wayne." Alfred advised.

Yamiyo nodded "I'll keep that in mind."


Musutafu was a lively city in both day and night due to how populated it was and parts of it may have been the safest around because of all the heroes patrolling the streets but that was only happening in the richer parts of the city, there were still parts of Musutafu that were homes to poorer civilians and those were the most crime filled parts.

Crime was rampant in these parts and it was so rampant because of how well hidden it was kept. The criminals who committed these crimes knew that if they didn't draw any attention from the heroes then there would be nothing stopping them, it was the norm. was the norm but now things were about to start changing.

A window was shattered and three men started loading up TV's from a furniture shop into a black pickup truck while another man sat in the driver's seat. One of the men almost tripped and dropped a TV but another managed to catch it and load it into the truck.

"Watch it idiot! These things are worth more than you'll ever be so if you think about doing something like that again, I'll happily sick Bolt here on you." The main man stated as he pointed over to a thin young man in a punk outfit with a blue Mohawk who showed of the electricity sparking from his hands "Got it?"

"Y-yes boss." The clumsy man stuttered.

The boss smirked "Good, now get back to work."

From the rooftop of a nearby building stood Yamiyo, now in a black jacket and black jeans with black shoes as well as a beanie on her head. She glared down at the thieving men and rolled down the beanie to reveal that it was a ski mask, she scaled down the side of the building and landed in the alleyway and not too far from the thieves.

She picked up an empty can and threw it, hitting the man named Bolt on the head. He let out a shout and turned towards the dark alleyway with an angry glare.

"What is it Bolt?" the boss asked.

"Someone's here." Bolt replied with electricity surging around his arms.

"Easy Bolt, no need to get riled up." The boss said as he looked over to the clumsy man he had berated "Go check it out."

The clumsy man stuttered "M-me?"

"Did I stutter? Yes, you! Now go!" the boss shouted as he pointed to the dark alleyway.

He gulped and made his way over to the alley, nervously looking around until her reached a wall. He sighed in relief once he confirmed that no one was around and smiled back at the other two.

"It's all clear-" He was suddenly silenced by a hand covering his mouth and the back of his ankle getting kicked and broken, making him fall to the ground as Yamiyo used the momentum to slam him down on the ground and knock him out.

Bolt charged up his hands and aimed at Yamiyo while the boss took out a gun "Who's there?"

Yamiyo walked out from the shadows with the same glare "I'll only say this once, give yourselves up and nobody else has to get hurt tonight."

The boss and Bolt looked at each other with confused looks that soon turned into amused ones and they both burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Seriously? I thought we were dealing with the likes of Eraser Head or something!" the boss exclaimed as he continued to laugh.

"Piss off you nobody!" Bolt shouted.

"I don't think you seem to understand the situation," Yamiyo stated, walking towards them "This little operation is over, all of you are under arrest."

"Sweetie if that's your best efforts of intimidation then I gotta say, you suck!" The boss laughed.

"Ski mask wearing loser!" Bolt laughed.

"Won't be so funny when I send you to prison." Yamiyo stated.

"Your funeral." The boss said as he stopped laughing with an eye roll "Bolt!"

Bolt charged up his hands and fired a surge of electricity that Yamiyo dodged by ducking behind a bin. The electrical surge stopped and the boss started firing bullets at the bin, she swiftly moved from the bin and dashed towards them, bobbing and weaving the bullets that flew past her.

She reached them and hit Bolt with a strong right hook as the boss turned to aim the gun at her but she roundhouse kicked his arm, knocking the gun to the ground then gave Bolt and uppercut kick which sent him flying over to his boss and they were knocked back.

"You bitch!" The boss shouted as he pulled out another gun and started firing shots at her.

Yamiyo backed off and hid at the right side of the pickup truck as Bolt rubbed his sore chin and growled, getting up and charging up his electricity.

"I'm about to turn this nobody into ash!" Bolt shouted as he was about to discharge his electricity but then it suddenly stopped much to his confusion "What the-?"

"What?" The boss asked and Yamiyo was wondering the same.

"My Quirk, it ain't working!" Bolt exclaimed as he kept trying to charge up electricity but nothing was happening.

"Wait, if that's true then..." the boss said as he looked around and spotted him on the rooftop "Eraser Head!"

Eraser Head was a short man with long black hair that was floating straight up and he wore yellow goggles over his eyes, an all-black jumpsuit with black boots as well as a sandy grey scarf around his neck.

The boss fearfully jumped onto the back of the truck "Get in you idiot!"

"But the nobody!" Bolt shouted.

"Forget her! Forget Richie! Forget the god damn TV's! Eraser Head is bad news and if we don't get out of here then we'll be ending this night in a cell!" the boss shouted.

Bolt looked up at Eraser Head then glared at the spot Yamiyo took cover in but relented and jumped onto the back, the boss slammed his fist down on the top of the truck which caused the driver to take off his headsets.

"Huh? What?" the driver asked.

"Drive idiot! Drive now!" The boss shouted.

The driver didn't know what was going on but he listened and started the truck, driving off down the street as Eraser Head followed from the roof. The passenger door suddenly opened and all of them were shocked to see Yamiyo holding onto the side of the truck and enter the passenger's side.

"This bitch is crazy!" the boss shouted in shock.

Eraser Head jumped and landed on the roof of the car and Bolt tried to activate his Quirk but it was still disabled.

"Shit!" Bolt shouted as he ran at Eraser Head who blocked his punches.

The boss tried to shoot Eraser Head but Bolt was getting in the way and he couldn't get a clear shot "Move you idiot!"

The driver looked at Yamiyo in shock while she kept the same glare, he reached to the side to pull out his gun but Yamiyo punched him and grabbed his head then slammed him down onto the wheel. The driver slumped into unconsciousness and Yamiyo grabbed the wheel, navigating from the passenger's side which wasn't an easy feat.

Bolt landed a hit on Eraser Head's gut and which made him roll back onto the car's hood, Yamiyo couldn't see where she was steering as Eraser Head got himself up. She widened her eyes when they were about to hit a garbage truck and she made a hard right, turning the car hard enough to make it double over and skid on its side.

The truck skid to a halt with all the TV's scattered around the street and all of them clearly broken. Bolt fell over and passed out as the boss tried to crawl away from the scene but stopped when two boots were in front of him, he looked up and groaned when he saw Eraser Head as police cars surrounded them.

"Eraser Head!" a man shouted.

Eraser Head turned to see a man with well-cut blonde hair and black eyes wearing a blue, zipped up jean jacket with blue jeans and brown shoes. This was another hero of Musutafu, Best Jeanist.

"Best Jeanist." Eraser Head stated as EMT's loaded Bolt and his boss onto a stretcher with police escorts.

"I was in the area so I came as soon as I heard." Best Jeanist explained and cringed when he saw the driver's broken nose "You really did a number on these guys."

"It wasn't me." Eraser Head replied.

"It wasn't?" Best Jeanist asked and Eraser Head shook his head "Then who?"

Unknown to everyone, a sewer cap not far off from the commotion was being closed. Yamiyo jumped down from the metal ladder and took off her mask and leaned against the sewer wall, thinking back to earlier.

"Seriously? I thought we were dealing with the likes of Eraser Head or something!" the boss exclaimed as he continued to laugh.

"Piss off you nobody!" Bolt shouted.

She grits her teeth in anger and clenched her fists as their laughter continued to resonate in her mind.

"Sweetie if that's your best efforts of intimidation then I gotta say, you suck!" The boss laughed.

"Ski mask wearing loser!" Bolt laughed.

Yamiyo turned and punched the wall but after a few moments she calmed herself down and pulled her fist back but a dent was still left on the wall with cracks surrounding it. She walked on the concrete sides of the sewer, making her way back home.

After an hour or so, Yamiyo walked out of a large pipe that led her to a forest and off in the distance she could see Wayne Manor up a mountain. She walked through the forest towards the mountain until she reached a cave that seemed oddly familiar to her.

She entered the cave and used her phone as a torch to see where she was going, eventually ending up at the center of the cave which was illuminated by the moonlight and a rope was hanging in front of her. She shined her phone around gasped when she spotted them, thousands of bats all hanging from the walls and the light from her phone scared them and sent them into a frenzy.

They flew around Yamiyo as memories of this place were coming back to her.


"Dad! Mom! Alfred! Help!" A young Yamiyo shouted within the cave, looking up the hole she fell through.

She gasped in fear when she heard shuffling and shifting then screamed when she saw some bats flying around.

"Yamiyo!" Tomasu shouted.

"Dad!? Dad! Help me dad!" Yamiyo shouted.

"It's okay Yamiyo, I'll be right there. You're safe." Tomasu said as a rope was thrown down and landed in front of her, Tomasu soon followed by sliding down the rope and landing in front of her.

"Dad!" Yamiyo shouted, hugging her father tightly "I was so scared."

"Scared? Scared of what?" Tomasu asked.

"That you would never find me! T-that I'd die here!" Yamiyo cried and pointed at the bats "And scared of them!"

"It's okay Yamiyo, it's okay." Tomasu said but Yamiyo shook her head.

"No it's not okay! I hate feeling scared! I don't want to be calling you for help all the time! I just want to be brave like you!" Yamiyo shouted.

"Yamiyo, can I tell you a secret?" Tomasu asked.

"What?" Yamiyo asked.

"I'm scared." Tomasu confessed and Yamiyo looked at him in shock "I'm always scared when I hear that something happened to my family but I know I have to be brave, for your mother and for you. Being brave isn't the absence of fear, being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it."

"Finding a way through it?" Yamiyo asked.

"That's right." Tomasu replied with a nod "How did you get here, Yamiyo?"

"I-I fell..." Yamiyo replied.

"And why do we fall Yamiyo?" Tomasu asked as she looked at him "So we can learn to pick ourselves up."


The bats swarmed around her in a spiral and flew out of the hole until all of them were gone, leaving only her in the large cave.

"Time to pick myself up." Yamiyo stated as she grabbed onto the rope and started climbing.

She climbed up to the top and pulled herself out of the hole which was actually turned into a well, she stood up and was relieved to find that the well was in her property and Wayne Manor was right in front of her.

And so, the doors to the manor opened and in walked Yamiyo as Alfred stood by the stairs.

"Back so soon?" Alfred asked.

"There are things we have to discuss." Yamiyo replied as she walked past him.

"After a shower, ma'am?" Alfred asked.

"After a shower." Yamiyo replied.


Yamiyo, now in cleaner clothes, sat in the living room with Alfred with the room getting heated up by the fireplace.

"I'm guessing your outing was not as grand as you expected?" Alfred asked.

"I've come to a realization Alfred." Yamiyo said.

"Oh?" Alfred aske with a quirked eyebrow.

"People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and tonight made me realize that I can't do that as Yamiyo Wayne. As a woman...I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed but as a a symbol, I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting." Yamiyo stated.

"What symbol?" Alfred asked.

"Something elemental, something terrifying." Yamiyo replied with a determined look.

"And I assume this symbol will need a few improvements?" Alfred asked.

"A lot of improvements." Yamiyo stated.

"I'll call Lucius then and arrange a meeting for tomorrow." Alfred said as he stood up.

"Alfred." Yamiyo called.

"Yes, Master Wayne?" Alfred asked.

"When are the U.A. exams being held?" Yamiyo asked.

"In approximately ten months, ma'am." Alfred replied "May I ask why you want to know?"

"I need a way to do what I'm doing while not arousing suspicion with the public, I figured Yamiyo Wayne the high school student was my best bet." Yamiyo explained.

"And there is no other reason at all?" Alfred asked with a small smirk.

Yamiyo gave him a bored look "No."

"Alright, ma'am. I presume we are signing up for the Hero course?" Alfred asked.

"No, that would cause even more suspicion." Yamiyo said as she leaned back in her seat "Sign me up for the business course."

Alfred smiled "Yes, Master Wayne."

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