Chapter 3: Kokoro

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Dear Alfred,

It's been a long time I imagine and I hope all is well with you. You've always been one to check up on me and I bet all these years have been worrying to say the least, so this letter will be two things. First, my progress...

Yamiyo scaled tall mountain in the middle of a blizzard, finding a seemingly abandoned temple waiting for her at the top. She shivered as she approached the temple and pushed through the doors into a dark room.

"Hello?" Yamiyo called out, only to receive no response.

She didn't know why but she could sense a strong presence within the temple, one that made sure she knew that it was there but would not reveal itself. She shrugged off her backpack and took out a lighter, taking a nearby candle and lighting it.

With that action, Yamiyo placed the lit candle in the center of the room and took off some of her clothing. Now in nothing but a vest and the tights she wore underneath her pants, Yamiyo sat down with her legs crossed with the candle in front of her and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Three weeks had past and Yamiyo had not moved from her spot, still waiting. She ignored the hunger and the searing headache she had from the lack of sleep as she continued to wait.

But then an old man in a purple robe walked out from the dark halls and stood in front of her.

"You may sweep the floor." He stated.

His name was Kirigi, my first master. The first month, I swept. For the next, I swept and washed dishes. For two more, I swept, washed dishes and boiled rice. In the fifth month though, was finally the time I had received the instruction I sought. Unfortunately, the eleventh month had been my time to move on...

"Nature has been kind to you. You are of exceptional intelligence and your physique is extraordinary. Reflexes, vision, strength—All are almost perfect." Kirigi praised as he walked around the temple gardens with Yamiyo "How terrible for you."

"Why?" Yamiyo asked.

"You cannot value what comes so easily. The only thing I can teach you now is how to ignore all I have taught you thus far." Kirigi states.

"I do not understand." Yamiyo says turning to him.

"Some great violence has marked you. It gives you your genius for combat technique. Unless you are very lucky, it will destroy you. But I can take you past it to what lies on the other side." Kirigi states as he looks out at the garden "I will require twenty years."

Yamiyo bowed her head and respectfully shook it "I don't have twenty years and I don't want to forget what I've learned from you."

He taught me patience, peace and clearance of the mind as well as honing one's strength, speed and reflexes to perfection.

"A terrorist kills because he's powerless, he may be striking back at an oppressor...or he may just want to publicize his cause." A large suited man stated as he smoked a cigar in a dark room and in front of a table littered with files and notes "Let's re-examine the list of victims."

"Yes sir." Yamiyo says with a nod, standing at the other side of the table.

Henri Ducard, a French detective with a means of committing immoral actions to solve his cases. He taught me that in order to find the truth, you will have to be brutal, deceptive and very cunning. When you hunter monsters, you'll have to become a monster yourself...

"You're as bad as those we've hunted!" Yamiyo shouted.

"No." Henri replied with a puff of his cigar and a sense of smugness as he looked down at the body of their most recent target, holstering the gun he had used "I have not become, I always was. I am, as are you."

Dan Mallory was a private eye that had taken me under his wing, I had to hide my true identity from him because of his disdain for the wealthy, especially the Wayne family.

Yamiyo and Mallory watched as two men sat on a bench and kept talking. Yamiyo was about to move but Mallory stopped her.

"Hang on a sec, kid. We can't just bull out of the open. Stick to the shadows, assess the situation and then head out discretely." Mallory advised.

Not only did he teach me to keep my mind sharp, he taught me greater detective skills and to become a ghost, when needed.

"And you're sure about this Mallory?" The police chief asked as he looked over a large file.

"Positive." Mallory replied.

"Dan, with this we can take down the Mahoney family." The chief said with a smile "Good job."

"All in a day's work." Mallory replied, leaving the office.

Mallory left the station and walked into an alley behind it where Yamiyo was waiting.

"Well?" Yamiyo asked.

"Mission accomplished," Mallory states and Yamiyo smirked "Thanks for the help Yamiyo."

"No probl—" Yamiyo stopped talking and widened her eyes while looking at Mallory.

"Yamiyo Wayne." Mallory stated "I figured it out the day I met you."

"Then why did you keep working with me?" Yamiyo asked.

"I wanted to see if you can prove me wrong on my opinion of your type of people." Mallory says.

"And?" Yamiyo asks.

"I still hate their guts." Mallory stated with a smirk "But you're an exception."

Yamiyo gave him a small smile and he chuckled "Get outta here kid, you don't need to waste your life with an old codger like me."

Ted Grant AKA The Wildcat, a hero but a special case since he's professionally known as a Heavyweight boxer and the hero business could be considered vigilantism. He taught me how to box and his best combat moves but one thing about Wildcat is that he never held back with anyone and if I wanted to achieve my goal then I'd have to learn to take a hit.

Yamiyo bobbed and weaved but that was all for naught as Wildcat punched her face multiple times the hit her in the stomach and as she doubled over, he finished her with an uppercut. Yamiyo groaned as she laid on the mat then turned her head to see a tooth lying next to her.

"You gonna be okay, kid?" Wildcat asked as he held his hand out for her.

"Y-yeah..." Yamiyo replied as she took the hand and got up "I just have to learn to take a hit."

Wildcat smirked "Good, because we're far from finished."

Tsunmento was assassin for the Yakuza, he was a man that did not waste time and taught me how precious such a thing was. If I was to learn self-control, then I would have to know every single way to kill a man and to never use any of these skills.

"Before I depart Wayne-san, let me offer my advice." Tsunmento states with Yamiyo sitting in front of him "Feel your heartbeat. Feel the blood as it courses through your veins. Know your body and master it utterly. When you have mastered your body, you have mastered time. Time is a subjective thing. A year can be lived in a single second. Make time your ally. An instant is all you will have in that time; you must become your foe. You must enter his mind, anticipate his attack. Make his skill your own. Seek your own death, become it and you will thwart it."

Chu Chun Li taught me many forms of martial arts, all of which I've mastered with great difficulty. The most important lesson of all would be one of my most difficult trials, I had to...endure suffering.

Yamiyo sat naked in a courtyard with a thousand pins littering her body, each nerve disabled along with the scorching heat.

"Endure my child, for the greatest will must endure the greatest trials in order to achieve their true strength." Chu Chun Li stated.

H'sein Tsan the most mysterious man I have ever come to know; he was a man who would appear as an illusion. I never truly knew where he was.

Yamiyo walked through a temple with a torch in hand and spotted a man painting on a scroll.

"You have come to study Shao-La's way." H'sein Tsan stated.

"Yes, I-"

"It is the way of the weakling, the willow that bends." H'sein Tsan stated "Did she teach you this?"

Yamiyo widened her eyes once she saw that H'sein Tsan had disappeared, she looked behind her but he wasn't there nor anywhere she'd think to look.

"Not?" H'sein Tsan asked as he was suddenly standing next to her.

"A-A quirk?" Yamiyo muttered.

"No. You have seen what I let you, simple as that." H'sein Tsan replied.

He taught me the secrets arts and the aspects of Taoism but the sooner I learned, the sooner he disappeared.

Yamiyo shot up from her slumber to see that the temple she had fallen asleep in had disappeared and she was just sleeping in a grassy field.

Zatanna and Zatara, masters of the mystic arts. Magic is not such a well-known thing in this world and it is kept that way for important reasons, I still question the differences between magic and quirks though.

Yamiyo swamp up to the top of a tank while coughing up the water as a man and woman in magician outfits stood above her.

"How long?" Yamiyo breathed.

"4 minutes, 25 seconds." Zatanna said with an amused smirk "You broke your record."

"But you will have to be able to do so in a matter of seconds, we go again." Zatara stated sternly.

I learned a lot from them, the arcane arts, sleight of hand, escape artistry, thogal rituals and the dark arts. I won't lie and say that this hasn't caused me to see horrific things but my past training had prepared me for what I had witnessed, anyone else would've gone mad.

Yamiyo put on her coat and turned to say goodbye to her masters but as she turned, she was surprised by Zatanna who gave her a sultry kiss. It was a surprise but Yamiyo started moving her lips with as much vigor as Zatanna and their little make out session was interrupted by Zatara clearing his throat.

Zatanna rolled her eyes as she pulled away and whispered into Yamiyo's ear "Just had to teach you something my father never could~"

I have mastered an abundance of martial arts but none have taught me to master every single one, except one man. His name was Richard Dragon.

Yamiyo tried to counter and defend herself but Richard's onslaught of techniques were too overwhelming and each one was not some random hit but a calculated one to perform easier takedowns.

"C'mon! Don't be such an amateur! Show me your moves!" Richard shouted and Yamiyo got up, only to be taken down again.

Richard not only taught me martial arts, but he showed me the value of patience. I really don't know what I would've done if I hadn't learnt how to be patient with people.

"You suck so much ass! No wonder mommy and daddy died in front of ya, you can't do jack!" Richard shouted as Yamiyo got up.

Richard smirked and went for a kick which Yamiyo blocked and retaliated with a palm strike to his chest then she grabbed him by the neck and brought him face to face with her.

"Uh...I was joking?" Richard said nervously from Yamiyo's glare.

Sergei, this man was a genius. He not only worked alongside the likes of Einstein, Darwin and Oppenheimer but he also found a way to outlive them all and continue hiding his whereabouts from the world.

"Wrong!" Sergei shouted as he looked over Yamiyo's gadget and tossed it aside.

"How is it wrong? I manufactured it the way you've done perfectly." Yamiyo stated.

"I'm not teaching you to manufacture my ways, I'm teaching you to manufacture your ways." Sergei states, twirling his moustache "Do it again, do it all again!"

He was a mad genius that one, but he taught me in ways of machinery that current engineers dream of. Engineering, gadgetry and manufacturing. These are the main things Sergei has taught me and he has helped me study science and technology in brilliant and unorthodox ways.

"Good! Good! Fantisimo!" Sergei exclaimed once he saw the iron gauntlets Yamiyo was wearing "Fire!"

Yamiyo pointed the gauntlets at a nearby truck and electrical wires fire onto the truck and overcharged it with electricity, causing the truck to explode.

"FANTISIMO!!!" Sergei exclaimed with a dance.

There are many masters I've yet to mention but I do not want to waste time. In the beginning, I said this letter will consist of two things. The first was my progress and the my goodbye. I only have a year left before I'm due to return and in this year I will face trials greater than all those I've ever faced. Today is the day I infiltrate the League of Assassins and my goal will be to completely destroy it, if I have not returned in a year then know I am dead.

I'm grateful for all you've done for me Alfred and all this time without you have been hell. I can't promise I'll survive but at least I can know that I was able to say goodbye beforehand.

I love you Alfred Pennyworth.

Yours truly,

Yamiyo Wayne

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