choosing ceremony

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I am now at home.

"What were your results?" Asked my mom.

" ummm.... i don't know they sent me home early the serum made me sick", I replied.

"Ok you go to bed now you have a big day tomorrow", my mom says.

I go to bed. My mom enters the room. She just stands there and stares. She says,

"DIVERGENT", she says.

" did you know," I say

She pulls out a knife and stabs me I see blood every where.

I wake up screaming my mom comes in as fast as possible. I look down and there is no knife and no blood. It must have a bad dream.

"What's wrong," my mom demands.

"Just a bad dream", I say calmly still breathing heavy.

"Well it's time to go to the choosing ceremony," mom says.

We get on the bus and I tuck in my shirt. I look out the window to see the broken down buildings everywhere. I look closer to see a like in her twentys climbing one of the building. She was short blue hair and a black suit indicating she was dauntless.

We are now at the choosing ceremony it's a big building with 5 doors one for candor,abnagation,amity, erudite and dauntless. Well as always abnagion there first erudite second candor third amity fourth and dauntless always last.

    We walk in where I see a boy at the front he  had red hair green eyes and a blue blazer. He must have been erudite. I sit in between my mom and my best friend coal. Coal and me were best friends for as long as can remember. Coal was tall thin he had green eyes and black hair he wore a white shirt black pants and white shoes ( like every candor boy ).

      "Welcome every one to the choosing ceremony," said the boy in the front.

         "My name is taylor," he said .

    "Let's get started shall we," he said.

  "We will start with the abnagations", he said.

           "Anne", said taylor.

      Anne was thin short and had blonde hair she wore a gray shirt gray skinny jeans and gray worn out shoes.

      "Dauntless", yelled Taylor.

       "Jasmin", said Taylor .

      "Abnagation," he said.
        "Randy", he said.

         "Amity," he said.

          "Now for the erudites", he said.
           "Elizabeth", he said.

             "Erudite", he said.
              "Isabelle", he said.

               "Dauntless ", he said.
                 "Lana," he said.
         Lana was a average sized girl with long dark brown hair and blue green eyes.

          "Dauntless", he said.

           "Dawn", he said.
             "Amity", he said.
              "Fawn", he said.
                 "Abnagation", he said.

                   "Drake", he said.
                      "Erudite", he said.

         "Now the candors", he said.

         My heart skipped a beat I didn't know what to do.

              "Emma", he said.

    Coal looked at me with a smile as if he knew I would choose right whatever I pick.

     I walk calmly over to the bowls.The announcer hands me the knife and I start to feel sick. I cut my hand and my blood comes out. Seeing the blood reminds me of the dream I had. I put my hand over the candor bowl and I stop the blood almost drips. But quickly i move it over to dauntless.

          "Dauntless", he says

   I sit next to the girl lana she looks at me with excitement and she says,

      "Good choice".

    I smile back and I look back up at the stage.

                 "Lily", he says.
                 "Amity", he says
                   "Coal", he says
     I smile at coal as he starts to walk down. But he does not even notice me he was staring longingly into lana's eyes. I laugh a little. That was the moment I knew me lana and coal where going to great friends.

         "Dauntless",  he said.
    After that a boy named Tom choose to stay and a girl named Rachel choose erudite.

            "Now it is time for the amity", he said.

    I looked at a cloak on a wall it read 12:34 PM the choosing ceremony was supposed to end at 1:00 pm. For the amitys a girl named kylie went to candor another girl named tayla choose abnagtion a girl named courtney choose erudite Jennifer choose dauntless.
        "Ry", he said.

    Ry stood out from the other amitys.  She was a tall skinny girl she had short red hair and circle glasses and wore a yellow uniform and a flower crown.

        "Dauntless," called the announcer.

           "Now for the dauntless", said the announcer.

       4 more people went and all choose to stay in dauntless. Except one boy he choose to go to candor. When the announcer called candor I realized that my life would have been miserable if I had stayed that is when I realized I had made the right choice.

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