Jump or Die

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     Every one starts running out after all the other factions leave. Me and ry at the front of the pack are the fastest.

    Everyone starts climbing the pillars to catch the train me and ry wait in a line behind the dauntless born ry first me second coal third and the lana last.

   We stand there for a while holding are hands out ready to catch the train.   I start to hear a rumbling it was the train I see the dauntless born start to run so I run to. The train does not stop so I grab on to the railing and push my self in.

   I see a dauntless born boy. He was very cute I thought so I sat next to him and said.

       "Hi", I said.

        "I'm emma", I said slowly.
      "I'm Peter",he said.

    He looked at me with a smile. I smile back I felt his hand on top of mine. I move it to were we were holding hands.

     I start to see people jump off the train on to a building me and Peter get up together still holding hands we jump. I land in his arms on top of him he helps me up. I look down at the ground with fear.

   One of the dauntless leaders calls us over.

    "So who wants to go first", says the leader.

     Lana steps up to the front. Then he pushes her off the side. Next coal walks up I tap him on the shoulder and I said,

   "Later....oh and tell lana I said hi", I said in a teasing voice.

  His face went bright red and he jumped. Next I let go of peter hand and kiss him on the cheek. I walk up to the edge and jump.

    I scream but not with fear but with joy and excitement.

    A guy helps me down and asks for my name.

      "Emma!" I say saying it louder then I mean too.

       I hear screaming it was a girl suddenly I see it was ry. She fling her arms left and right.

    After her came isabelle who changed her name to Izz then Peter. I waited till he got of the net. He walked over and I kissed him on the cheek again and we held hands.

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