*Feeling of a student*

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How does it feel to be a student?
If any one will ask me my answer would be..
That when institute is on I want a break and when its off I miss it...
It's quite difficult to describe the feeling of being a student sometimes I love it and sometimes I just want to run far away .to far far beautiful place with amazing waterfalls and a cozy house and peace..no hectic routine just comfort..and when there are soo many holidays I miss it badly..
But somewhere in these thoughts is a beautiful realization that being a student is a great blessing and learning things now can make the future better for many children..who will need our assistance in future ..if we Learn today we can guide them tomorrow..The feeling of being helpless is the worst feeling..when I see kids who can't attend school and how there eyes shine by seeing books I feel helpless that I can't do anything for them.I do pray for them..my heart cries for them whenever I see them seeing the students..and how sometimes for granted we take being a student..It's a huge blessing to learn ..once I was thinking of them with teary eyes and breezy night with a cup of tea in hand in the dark that .why can't I help them how I want ..why can't they attend school..why they have too see children with bags every day..what do they feel..

" Youth is a beautiful dream, on whose brightness
books shed a blinding dust.
Will ever the day come when the wise link the joy
of knowledge to youth's dream ?
Will ever the day come when nature becomes the
teacher of man, .....
Humanity his book and life his school?
Youth's joyous purpose cannot be fulfilled until
that day comes.
Too slow is our march toward spiritual elevation,
Because we make so little use of youth's ardor. "

- Khalil Gibran <3

THAN I realized how blessed we are being a student we can change that..we do everything mostly for us..but let's study for them..lets set our goals for them..lets study hard become a successful person and make free schools for them ..make free books for them..give them all the quality education they desrve..It's there right to study..lets help them get there rights..after all they are our brothers and sisters why see them suffer when we can change there future..lets not make more kids suffer.lets not make more kids cry by seeing the students..lets help them. Together we can ..in the whole world..as todays learners are tomorrow s leaders..lets together with Allah 's help design a better future for them..from today start studying to be able to help them tomorrow..if one can not make any difference together we all can save the children from all over the world from the helpless felling of not being able to study...lets wipe there tears..they have cried enough..can't we just work hard for them..why not..lets make our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).proud of us..that on the day of judgement we can smile and say we tried..and we did it..lets together with Allah's help make our generation best..
IN shaa Allah we can do it....

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