*Funny and pricelessFEELINGS*

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Ahhh the beautiful moments between siblings and sometimes friends

Moment 1
When your elder sibling is begging your mom to take you with her while she is going out..
Honestly I don't know how to feel at that time..to feel special ;).. or feel smug that how I have beautiful powers to control elder ones...

Moment 2
When your brother eats your favorite chocolate..and you glare at him while asking him about the already eaten chocolate and in return he smugly replies that He is just teaching how to share...as the new generation lacks it... Oh that feeling that you feel for your dead chocolate is indescribable..

Moment 3
When you broke something and do all the best you can to clean it and to remove all the signs that something special was broken by you...and your really clever brother finds out and blackmails you all time for doing his stuff..and you get tired and finally confess to mom and she says no problem things can break...and than you realize you went through soon much just for nothing..and start running after your brother.Oh that feeling is priceless.

Moment 4
The time when you go at family dinner and many of your relatives and cousins are present..the elder brother is no where to be seen but as soon as a male cousin comes to you for greeting..puffff the lost brother return s and replies instead of you..Ahhh I get confused as what to feel.. to be loved or to be stalked..haha..

The time when your elder sibling is not talking to you as you have innocently ruined her special thing and your mother teams up with her..and you ask your brother to team up with you and your situation gets more worse.. you are at the brik of crying than the brother takes you to ice cream parlour to brighten your mood and magically manages all your affairs with the house...that feeling is really special ..to be loved.and taken care of..and in the end you emotionally take a promise with your brother that He will bring you to this parlour... often..haha

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